Nordic Heat

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Nordic Heat Page 9

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  “Yeah, come to think of it I do.” Isabella’s eyes narrowed and she studied her brother. “You rat. You mean to tell me you took them.”

  “Guilty. At least until I got too big for the clothes and didn’t really care for your taste in eye shadow.”

  “Tom, how do you feel about Gino’s cross dressing?” She met Tom’s gaze square on.

  “Hey, if he enjoys it, then more power unto him. I’ll have plenty of ideas for special occasion gifts won’t I?” Tom fingered the chiffon of the negligee Gino wore.

  “Good point.” What the hell. They were happy. A lot happier than she’d be for a long time to come, especially since she let Galvin Haldor get under her skin. “I’d better be going and let you two enjoy what’s left of your day.”

  “You haven’t said why you came over in the first place, Bella.”

  Now that Gino’s secrets were out in the open, he must have realized how unusual it was for her to show up at his door unannounced on a Sunday morning.

  “It’s nothing.” All the humiliation and frustration of the last thirty odd hours came rushing back. She’d been able to forget them in the surprise of finding her brother dressed like a woman and the discovery of the situation between Gino and Tom.

  “Don’t think so. ‘Nothing’ wouldn’t have brought you over here today.” Gino’s stare challenged her to deny he was right. “Our Sunday connections are usually at our parents doing one of Ma’s command performances.”

  “Maybe I should excuse myself so you two can talk.” Tom started to get up.

  “No. Wait. After all, whatever I share with Gino, you’re going to find out about anyway. We may as well save him the trouble of repeating why his sister is a basket case.” Isabella chewed on her bottom lip and fought back the tears that burned her eyes.

  Tom relaxed in his chair as he and Gino waited for her to share. “Okay, but you guys asked for the dirt. Granted, this is not smartest thing I’ve ever done.” Where to begin? She took a deep breath and plunged in.

  “I got it on with a member of my weather team.”

  Gino grinned and leaned forward. “Not the end of the world. Just tell the guy you made a mistake and that sort of thing can’t happen again.”

  “If only telling him that solved the situation.” Isabella squirmed in her chair, hating to divulge the full extent of her stupidity. “We were in an elevator, stuck between floors.”

  Her brother shook his head and laughed. “So, did you just make out?”

  “No, we went beyond making out. We did the deed.” Isabella bit her bottom lip to stop the tremble. “There in the elevator while waiting to be rescued.” She buried her head in her folded arms and hoped the floor would open up allowing her to slide out of sight. When she got up the courage to glance over her elbow, Isabella saw Gino’s frown.

  “Boy, Sis. You know how to fuck up worse than me. What the hell were you thinking?” Gino shook his head, the furrow between his brows deepening. “You know they have security cameras everywhere now.”

  Lifting her head, she met her brother’s gaze. “That’s the problem. I didn’t think…I reacted. I have the hots so bad for this guy my brain shut down and my hormones kicked into overdrive.” Her lips pressed into a thin line and she blinked hard to keep back the tears. “I told you, this was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Okay, calm down.” Tom hadn’t said anything while Isabella told her story. “Did you try to get the tape?”

  Isabella sighed. The man obviously didn’t have an idea of what he was asking. “How in hell am I supposed to get the tape from security? Walk in and ask, by the way, could I have the security recording from the elevator that got stuck the other night?”

  “That’s probably the best way.” Tom wiggled his eyebrows at her. “After all, you’re the big television news person. Asking to see the video of people trapped in the elevator would make sense.”

  “Except for one little thing. The privacy of the people trapped, plus I’m weather, not news. Since I’m one of the people involved and the situation isn’t exactly one I want to draw attention to, if by some miracle our little orgy got missed, I’m probably better off waiting to see if there’s any fall out.”

  “I could steal it.” Gino broke off a piece from a blueberry muffin and popped the bread into his mouth.

  “Steal it? That’s brilliant little brother. Just what I need. To give more fuel to all the scandal sheets so they can have an even bigger field day if you got caught. I can see the headlines splashed across every rag in the country, ‘Top New York weather forecaster caught in sexual compromise and gay cross-dressing mafia brother fingered stealing video.’ No. Thanks, but no thanks.” She gasped, wanting to bite her tongue on the mafia remark “By the way, does Tom know about your current employer?”

  Gino shrugged. “Yep. Can’t keep something like that a secret.” He smiled across at his lover. “He’s not too happy with the situation and we’re looking into other avenues of employment for me. Maybe I’ll go back to school.”

  “Well, praise the Lord. Mama won’t stop dancing for weeks when you accomplish that. Thank you, Tom.” She blew him a kiss. Could the poor guy’s ears get any redder?

  “Anyway, no theft. That’s worse than Tom’s brilliant idea.”

  “Hey, just trying to help.” Tom made a face and stuck out his tongue at her.

  “Whatever you do, don’t take lessons from Gino on how to help. You just heard his genius mind at work”

  “It was only a suggestion.” Gino looked hurt.

  “I know.” Isabella punched him on the shoulder. “And I love you even if that’s about the dumbest idea from you, since we were kids.”

  “Really, guys, I have to go.” She stood. “I’ll head home and see if my answering machine has a whispery message from some guy wanting me to make a money drop. Maybe he won’t demand an arm and leg in exchange for the video footage he has of me making like a bitch in heat, while trapped in an elevator with a hot stud.”

  Picking up her bag, Isabella walked to the door and turned to receive her brother’s hug.

  “Nice purse.” Gino caressed the supple leather.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Isabella sheltered the purse protectively under her arm and kissed her brother on the cheek and waved goodbye to Tom.

  Outside in the summer heat she squared her shoulders and made her way to the subway stop determined to face head-on whatever fate awaited her. The worst-case scenario, the tape got released and she became unemployed when the station exercised their morals clause.


  “Well, what do you think?” Gino leaned against the closed door and sighed.

  Tom reached over and tracked his fingers along Gino’s jawline. “I think the better question is what do you think? She’s your sister, and you’ve known her a lot longer than I have.”

  “I don’t think she’ll go running to Ma with the news, but the time to tell our families is getting close. It’s not fair to Bella for her to harbor our secret. She’d be placed in a difficult situation when my mother tries another of her fix-ups that includes me. And I think you know Ma well enough to see that coming too.”

  Gino kissed Tom’s fingertips and gave a weak smile before he wandered toward the kitchen where he started clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. Tom followed and watched the man he adored struggle with his inner demons. Gino had been honest about his sexual preferences for years, but his mother and the most of the family resisted, telling the tortured man he was going through a phase. As for his own family, they were in for a surprise; no make that shock when he broke the news.

  How would his parents react when he shared the information he’d fallen in love, but not with the daughter-in-law of their dreams. Sorry Mom and Dad, nice as she is the daughter didn’t appeal. Now the son, that’s a completely different story.

  Tom scrubbed a hand down his face and watched Gino continue to putter around the kitchen. He’d worry about his family later. Right
now, he needed to get his lover to talk. One of the first things Tom had discovered about the big man, being a Wise Guy resulted in lots of stifled emotions.

  “Talk to me.” He reached out and stopped Gino’s hand from the mindless cleaning of imaginary dirt off the counter.

  “What can I say? The only thing I’m sure about right now is I love you and have from almost the first moment I met you. When to confront my parents and force the reality of our relationship on them, I’m not sure.” Gino’s lips twisted in an ironic grim. “And when do we share our love with your family? Are you going to take that step alone, or do we go with together to each set of parents as moral support?”

  “Even though I’ve never shared an interest in the same sex with my parents, I think they may have an easier time accepting us as a couple once they get over the surprise than your mother will. Look at her resistance at your declarations on being gay.”

  Gino nodded. “Yeah, your parents aren’t Catholic. You know the whole abomination against nature thing preached by the church doctrine.”

  “Hey man, I can do you one better.” Tom sat on a bar stool and propped an elbow on the counter. “Remember, I’m Jewish. The Torah views two guys getting it on as an abhorrent thing. Though there’s no discussion on the loving each other. If Orthodox Judaism were in control no one would come out of the closet unless they had a death wish. Thank goodness my family took the Reform path. That will make fessing up to them a lot easier.”

  “Religions,” Gino muttered and stared down at his feet. “They all have their list of rules. I think what it boils down to for our families is which is more liberal in their thinking.” He grinned at Tom. “And I think yours win hands down.”

  Tom stood and stretched. “Yeah, you have a point. My parents think more along the lines of live and let live.” He walked around the kitchen island and into Gino’s arms. “Let’s go back to bed. The parents can wait to learn of our sinful ways.”

  “Yeah, we’ll give my mother a few more days of ignorant bliss before I spring our relationship on her.” Gino wrapped an arm around Tom’s waist and started down the hallway. “Now, Nonna…you get to break the news to her. If you survive the wrath of that old woman, I’ll know you’re a keeper.”

  The trip to Asgard was the right thing to do. Mother may appear soft, but has a will of iron when there is need. And she does know how to bend my father to her wants most of the time. Sif had obviously talked with Thor since there’d been no more strange weather events. A vision of Isabella’s face flashed before him and he sighed. I wish things could be fixed as easily with Isabella. That situation would take a lot more effort.

  Watching the video Loki had given him, relived each exciting moment of what happened in the elevator. They went at each other like a couple of rutting deer in the small confines of the walled space. The sparks shooting between them caused him to realize this was the first time he’d created lightning bolts with anyone, other than the moments of temper he experienced with his father.

  Yet, she ignored him since their arrival back in the office, cool and aloof. Did she find their encounter exciting? Her actions gave no indication they’d indulged in the best sex he, for one, had ever had.

  Okay, enough of this game of silence. I’m going to ask if the encounter was as good for her as it was for me. Isabella jumped when Sam came up behind her and said, “Isabella, I need to see you in my office.”

  She looked pale when she came to work earlier, but now her face almost matched the white blouse she wore. Galvin saw the deep breath she took before she followed Sam to his office. His stomach twisted into knots and he wondered if Isabella experienced the same sensation.

  Did someone expose them and if so why didn’t Sam call both of them into his office? Who, other than them, knew what really happened in the elevator? Loki. Did Loki make a copy of the video before he turned it over to Galvin? If the Lord of Pranks pulled one of his tricks, he would have to answer to him.

  Calm down. Galvin inhaled deeply and slowly let out the breath. Don’t make the human mistake of jumping to conclusions. Wait and see what happens. He tried to read Isabella’s body language through the glass that comprised Sam’s office wall next to the newsroom. Not closing the blinds was a good omen.

  Isabella nodded and walk to the door where she paused. Her hand reached for the knob as she continued to talk with her boss. Color returned to her face and she appeared calm. Gavin exhaled the breath he hadn’t realized he held, in a loud swish.

  “What’s with you today?” The ever nosey Sandy bounced over to his desk and propped against a corner. How does she manage to be a great weather intern and keep track of everyone’s business too?

  “Nothing. Why do you think there is?” Galvin quickly learned to be careful around the ever vigilant young woman. She observed too much and at times, if he didn’t know better, he’d swear she could read minds. She was a mortal with what they called “intuition”. An investigation of her background would be interesting. The details would probably reveal that somewhere in her bloodline, a liaison between an immortal and one of her ancestors had resulted in a contribution to her family tree.

  “Hmmm.” She pinned him with her hazel eyes before continuing. “Yeah, you’re feeding me the same line of bullshit that I’ve gotten from Isabella all day. For two people who have no problems you both are acting really strange.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, you’ve been lost in thought since you came in, and boss lady,” Sandy indicated with a nod of her head toward Sam’s office, “has been jumpier than a cat thrown on a bed of hot coals. She acts like her paws have been burned.” She laughed at her little joke.

  “Guys, we have a request from Mr. Moultar which came through our fearless station manager.”

  Thank the gods she didn’t hear us. Galvin did a mental sigh of relief when Isabella’s sudden appearance caught both he and Sandy by surprise. “And what might that be?”

  “It seems Leif Moultar has taken more interest in his ownership of the station, especially the weather area.” Isabella frowned at the idea of Moultar’s attention to her domain. “He thinks some of the unusual occurrences we’ve experienced recently are only an indication of things to come. I don’t know what advanced radar system he’s using, but he told Sam we’re probably going to see storm situations this area seldom experiences and we better be prepared.”

  Galvin groaned to himself. His father, the Thunder God, must have paid a visit to Leif and told the lesser immortal what fun he was having playing games with his son. Moultar was always a strong admirer of Thor and before concluding he would have more power in the earth realm than in Asgard, followed the mighty god around much like an adoring puppy. He probably saw this as a way to become involved with his hero’s antics. Hopefully, their conversation happened before Sif talked with Thor and there would be no weather anomalies to worry about.

  “Did he give any indication on how we’re to prepare for the unknown?” Sandy looked as disgusted as Isabella’s tone indicated she felt by the station owner’s intrusion.

  “His main focus is if we should have storms that offer tornado potential, we need to be ready to do a storm chase.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Sandy fell into her chair. “He expects us to become friggin’ storm chasers? Doesn’t the idiot know how dangerous that is?”

  “He thinks it would be good for ratings to have us gallivanting around the country side and doing live remotes in the storm areas.” Isabella’s eyes narrowed. “Station owners always come up with brilliant ideas to improve ratings, but don’t consider the difficultly involved for the people who have to enact them.”

  “If he wants to get his ass hammered by hailstones or sucked up in a tornado, then send him out there if conditions develop.” Sandy’s suggestion on what Leif should do lost some of its initial heat compared to her first reaction. Galvin detected a touch of interest at the idea in her voice.

  “What about you Galvin?” Isabella turned to him. “You
haven’t said anything since I dropped the bombshell from our fearless leader.”

  “More like brainless leader,” the intern mumbled loud enough for Galvin to hear.

  Yawning to hide the laugh that threatened to escape, he threw in a stretch for good measure. “I think what happened the other day was a freak incident and we have nothing to worry about. No need to get our adrenalin pumping before something happens.”

  “Just like a man to be proactive.” Sandy grinned and threw a wadded-up ball of paper at him.

  “Weather patterns are back to normal for this time of year. Maybe Galvin’s right. We’ll keep an eye on conditions and if a cycle develops out of the continuous storms like last week, then the possibility of at least going out of the city on a storm chase exists.” Isabella appeared to have settled the way to handle the directive in her own mind.

  “A storm chase in Central Park would be easier on our bottoms than a long car ride out of the city.” Sandy laughed once again finding humor in her statement.

  “We’ll do what we need to do.” Isabella’s determined expression left no doubt about her feelings. “Got it?”

  “Got it,” Sandy and Galvin responded, though neither jumped for joy at the decision.

  That’s not all I’ve got, Izzy. Galvin knew he needed to make a decision on what to do with the video Loki had given him. Should he destroy the tape or give it to Isabella?

  Isabella shut her apartment door and leaned against the smooth wood in an effort to keep the world at bay. Thank goodness, Hell day had ended. Her nerves were raw from waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. From the moment she arrived at the office, she’d jumped anytime someone approached her desk.

  Visions of word getting back to Sam about Friday night’s elevator quickie danced through her head. Her boss inviting her to pack up her desk and not let the door hit her in the ass on the way out would be certain if he found out.


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