Border Lair: Dragon Knights, Book 2

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Border Lair: Dragon Knights, Book 2 Page 13

by Bianca D’Arc

  “She really likes sucking cock,” Darian observed from beside him, leaning negligently against the headboard as he fingered his long, stiff rod. “She’s got a talent for it, I think.”

  Jared couldn’t answer around the rumble of pleasure rising from his throat as she swallowed around the tip of him. With a groan, he brought her off his dick and urged her face up to his.

  “Ride me, little love. Ride me hard and fast.”

  She did just that as Darian moved to the side, watching her ass jiggle up and down on Jared’s thick cock. When she slowed, Darian slapped her butt cheeks, making her yelp and clench around Jared. When Darian inserted his wet finger into the tight spot between her cheeks, she nearly shot off the bed.

  “Do you want him in you too?” Jared asked as she writhed on him. “Do you want him up your ass while I’m in your pussy?”

  “Yes!” The scream was torn from her throat as she came hard over him.

  Jared nodded and jerked his chin over at Darian. The other man wasted no time positioning his quickly lubed cock at her rear entrance. He eased in, not wanting to hurt her, but they both knew by now she liked the little edge of pain this position put her in. They wanted to bring her as high as they could, to show her how much they both loved her. They were of one mind in that moment, with their willing mate writhing between them. No words needed to be spoken, they simply were connected, hearts and souls.

  When Adora came again, she brought both her mates with her in a glorious fireball of ecstasy that had all three of them gasping and collapsing into a dreamless sated sleep, side by side by side in the huge bed.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning the dragons woke them. Kelzy nudged the huge bed with her chin, her long tongue reaching out to playfully tease her humans awake while Sandor watched and laughed in his dragonish way, smoking up the vented dome above their sandpit.

  “Go away, Kelz, can’t you see I’m injured here?” Jared groused as a ticklish dragon tongue prodded their feet.

  “The children are coming to visit. They have news you will be happy to learn and can’t hide it any longer. Do you want them to find you lounging in bed, naked as the day you were born?”

  “What children?” Darian asked sleepily as Adora slid over him, pausing only to kiss him good morning on her way to the bathing chamber.

  “I think she means my daughter, Belora, and her mates.”

  “And our son, Kelvan, and his mate, Rohtina,” Sandor added with just a hint of fatherly pride.

  “They’re all coming here?” Jared finally sat up and scratched at his chest. “What for? Is there a problem?”

  “Not a problem, worrywart,” Kelzy laughed at her knight. “Get dressed and you’ll find out shortly.”

  Darian decided to stop trying to fight the inevitable. He stood and joined Adora in the bathing chamber, cleansing himself before dressing for the day, stopping a few times to tickle and fondle her because he just couldn’t help himself. She was so sweet, so womanly, so much of everything he had always wanted in his life. He only wished he had found her sooner, but Fate apparently had other ideas.

  He realized by joining with Adora, he had also inherited an extended family in her daughter, Belora’s mates, and their dragon partners. He’d gone from being all alone in the world to having a large, loving family almost overnight. The gods must be smiling down on him, indeed. Darian didn’t know what he’d done right, but it must have been something big for them to grant him such happiness.

  After they were all dressed and Adora had the morning tea going, the promised guests arrived with a spring in their steps and sparkles in all of their eyes. Belora rushed over to hug her mother, her face sporting a wide grin.

  “What is it, baby?” Adora asked her youngest child.

  “Make that babies, plural,” Gareth joked, reaching out to clasp hands with Jared, then Darian as Lars did the same.

  Adora’s eyes drew together in suspicious delight. “Are you?”

  “Mama, I’m pregnant!”

  Adora shrieked and hugged her baby girl close. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, the prince told me.”

  “Nico?” Jared asked quickly, a grin splitting his face as well. “Was he here again?”

  “No, he told me days ago, but things were too hectic, and then I didn’t want my news to overshadow your wedding. I had morning sickness and the prince calmed my stomach with his healing gift. Then he told me…” Her eyes grew wide with tears of joy as Lars pulled her back against his broad frame in comfort. “He told me I was going to have twin boys. One from each of my mates. And they were both going to be black dragons.”

  Jared sat heavily, his knees seeming to crumble at the startling news, but Darian and Adora were both puzzled.

  “Black dragons, praise the Mother!” Jared spoke softly from his chair.

  “What?” Adora pounced on him for answers, her eyes bright with suspicion, her mood happy but uncertain. Darian felt the same uncertainty reflected in her beautiful eyes. He sought Jared’s gaze for answers, reassured by the happy expression he found there.

  “Dar, since you’re part of the family now, I guess you’re allowed in on the secret.” Jared looked over at the dragons for confirmation and both Kelzy and Sandor’s heads went up and down in oversized nods of agreement. “The royal lines of Draconia are descended from Draneth the Wise.”

  “What’s ancient history got to do with my grandbabies?” Adora wanted to know. Jared took her hand and pulled her onto his lap with a smile.

  “Patience, my love.” He kissed her cheek before continuing. “Draneth the Wise was the last of the wizards. He made a deal with the dragons who allowed he and his heirs to live peacefully with the dragons forever after, by becoming one of them.”

  “One of what?” Darian cocked his head, trying to follow.

  “Draneth became part dragon. As are all his heirs. You, my dear,” he squeezed Adora, “and your lovely daughter, are descended of Draneth. Your sons will have his gifts and your daughters will most likely have the gift of healing dragons.”

  “What were Draneth’s gifts?” Darian was intrigued now.

  Jared smiled broadly. “Draneth was the first black dragon. Only the males of royal blood have the ability to change form from human to dragon and back again. Only they are black of all the dragons in our world.”

  “My grandbabies will be dragons?” Adora’s eyes shot to her daughter excitedly.

  Belora came over and grasped her mother’s hand. “Dragons and human, just like us, only they’ll be able to change back and forth, like Prince Nico. He said he showed you, Mama, like he showed me. Isn’t it great?”

  “It’s amazing.” Adora’s voice trembled, her expression stunned.

  “By the gods!” Learning the secret of the royals of Draconia suddenly made it all clear to him what Lucan was trying to do. He looked over at his new fighting partner. “Jared, this is what Lucan is driving at.”

  “You mean like what we saw in that tent with Venerai? You think that was the result of him trying to emulate Draneth the Wise?”

  Darian nodded grimly. “In his twisted mind he probably figures he can be just as great as Draneth, can conquer the entire world, if only he has the power of the skiths on his side.”

  “That’s insane!” Gareth stepped forward, taking Belora protectively in his arms. Lars stood beside them, a united front.

  Darian nodded at the younger warriors. “Lucan is insane. Last year he brought in a witch from the north and closeted himself with her for over a month. We all thought he was just screwing her brains out, but when she emerged, she was no worse for wear and he’s notoriously hard on his bed partners. Then he started canceling audiences and has since gone into semi-seclusion within the palace. Only his favorites are allowed in to see him and they ferry messages and orders back and forth. He appears in public only rarely, and only when he can wear ceremonial robes that hide most of his body, come to think of it.”

  “You think he’s lik
e Venerai?” Jared asked shrewdly.

  “Probably worse. Venerai was normal the last time I saw him at the palace, only two months ago. What we saw had to have been done to him in the last weeks. Lucan was with the witch over eight months ago. I hate to think what he might look like now.”

  “Who is Venerai?” Gareth wanted to know.

  Jared shook his head. “He was the leader of the enemy army. We killed him when we went behind their lines. His skin was…changed somehow. Like scales. And his eyes weren’t human. They were slitted like a skith’s.”

  “Lady Kelzy, did you destroy the head yet?” Darian turned to ask the dragon.

  “It is over there.” She pointed with one wing to the bloody sack in a far corner.

  “Keep the ladies here.” Darian nodded and went over to the corner, taking Lars with him. He handed the grisly burden to the other knight with grave eyes. “We need to show this to the king. I want you to keep it safe for now. Devise a case out of treated leather for it that will keep it from harming anyone. Don’t touch the blood. It’s probably as venomous as skith blood. When you’ve got it in a case, have your dragon partner burn this sack and anything else that could be contaminated. I don’t want a single trace of this left anywhere in this Lair, do you understand?”

  Lars nodded solemnly as he took the gruesome burden and walked briskly out of the suite, followed by his dragon partner, Rohtina. Darian shook off his fears for the future as he made his way back to the small gathering.

  “I’m sorry to ruin your announcement, Belora. Your news is amazing. I can’t say I ever thought I’d have littles in the family to spoil and play with.”

  Belora shocked him by hugging him tightly. “They’re your grandchildren, Darian. I expect you and Jared to spoil them rotten.”

  “Grandchildren?” Darian shook his head, pleasantly stunned. The women of his new family had a way of doing that to him, no matter what their age, he realized.

  Belora laughed up at him. “And Mama’s not too old to have more children of her own, you know. She had my sisters and me when she was just a child herself.”

  Now he was completely speechless as he looked over at his blushing bride. The thought of her growing round with his child completely floored him, but that was in the hands of the gods. He would never pressure her to have a baby if it weren’t what she wished also.

  “Belora, have some pity on the poor man!” Gareth chided his mate as he drew her back into his arms. Gareth looked over at him with a smile. “She’s a whirlwind at times, Darian. You just have to learn how to put up with it.”

  All of them laughed then as Belora squirmed happily in her mate’s arms, showing a bit of her feisty spirit.

  They left shortly after and Adora put Jared back in bed, despite his protests. She used her healing gift to treat his shoulder once more, tiring herself a bit more than she wanted, so she lay down on the sofa outside in the main chamber. Darian joined her, stroking her hair as they shared a quiet moment.

  “Did your daughter say you had other children besides her?”

  Adora yawned daintily and pillowed her head on his thigh. Her eyes stared straight ahead at the huge wallow where Sandor and Kelzy rested after returning from their hunting trip.

  “I had twin girls who were stolen from me when they were ten winters old. After that, Belora and I hid in the forest. I had three girls, Dar. Only one was mine to raise past her tenth birthday.”

  “I’m so sorry, my love.” He stroked her soft hair, lulling her to calmness as she recalled the sad memories. “I want you to know that I would never pressure you to have more children.”

  She sat up then on the wide couch and faced him. “What if I wanted more children?”

  He frowned. “Do you?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” She settled into his arms, snuggling close. “As a healer I know how to prevent pregnancy, of course, but since I had no bed partners until you and Jared, I haven’t been doing anything to prevent it. I could be pregnant, I suppose, but it’s harder to conceive for older women.” She craned her head up to look into his eyes. “Would you want a child, Darian?”

  He hugged her close. “What kind of question is that? I would welcome any child of yours into my heart, Adora. I would love it and teach it, be a good father to it, regardless of whether it was my seed or Jared’s that did the job.” He squeezed her once in reassurance. “I love you, Adora. I love everything about you. I would love your child as well. Simply because it’s a part of you.”

  Kelzy lifted her big head and stretched lazily over to them. “You’re wrong about one thing, child.”

  Adora lifted her head from Darian’s chest to regard the dragon. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “You are not too old to conceive easily. By bonding with our kind, your knights will reap the benefit of a long, extended life. You’re a descendant of Draneth the Wise, as well as having mother-bonded with me when you were just a toddler. You will live three or perhaps four normal human lifetimes, as will your mates. You could have many children in that time, if you choose to do so.”

  “Sweet Mother of All! Mama Kelzy, I had no idea.”

  The dragon quaked with smoky laughter. “I thought as much.”

  Sandor raised his head and moved over to face them in his gentle way. “Princess, this land once teemed with black dragons. It’s been many years since even one black dragon was born and my kind was beginning to despair. Now, with Belora’s news, we have new hope for your race as well as our own. Any child of yours would be a blessing to our world, Adora. I hope you’ll consider having at least one set of babies for your new mates. I think it would make them both happy as well.”

  “Sets of babies?” Darian’s voice rose in question.

  Kelzy swiveled her head to look at him. “Royal blood often inspires twin births, as does mating with two knights. The Mother has a hand in all, Darian. She often blesses knights with twin sets—one from each knight. Perhaps it’s Her way of equalizing things so that one mate or the other doesn’t feel left out.”

  “I had twins before Belora.” Again sadness nearly overwhelmed her. “Arikia and Alania, we named them.”

  “Princess,” Sandor intoned, “the search for them is already underway. Every knight and fighting dragon in the land has been told to watch for them. We’ll find them. I know we will. Have faith that the Mother will bring your children back to you.”

  “You’re a kind being, Sir Sandor. Thank you for trying to comfort me. I’ll keep your words close to my heart.”

  Jared walked out to the sofa, scratching around his healing wound, careful not to get too close to the sore skin around the arrow hole. He sensed the tension in the air as he drew closer to Darian and their mate. He still couldn’t believe Adora was his…well, theirs. All in all, he didn’t mind sharing her love with Darian. He felt good knowing Darian would be there for her if the Mother of All should decide it was time for him to leave this world.

  He had come awfully close when that arrow hit him. A few inches to the side and it would have pierced his heart. Regardless, if Darian and Sandor hadn’t caught him, the fall would have killed him with certainty. He had been spared that day, and he could only guess as to the reason. Apparently the Mother still had work for him to do here.

  The first order of business was to cheer up his partner and their mate.

  “Why so solemn?” He sat down on the couch, pulling Adora’s lithe, muscular legs across his lap.

  “I was just telling Darian about my twin daughters.” She wiped at the wetness that leaked from her eye with a flustered smile.

  “And learning that we’ll have three or four lifetimes to enjoy each other.”

  Jared laughed. “I guess that came as a bit of a shock to you, Dar. I forgot you wouldn’t necessarily know about that aspect of partnering with a dragon.” He nodded over at Sandor. “Hundreds of years to drive each other crazy. Can’t wait.” He chuckled dryly as his shoulder itched.

  “And time to have more children,”
Adora said quietly, shocking his eyes back to her. “If you want them.”

  “Sweet Mother!”

  “Now who’s caught off guard?” Darian teased him. “Or didn’t you think about the fact that Adora could bear our children. She could already be pregnant.”

  Jared felt the blood drain from his face. He’d lost his son and it had nearly killed him. He didn’t think he could face such devastation again.

  Darian clapped a hand on his shoulder. “There are two of us now to protect her, Jared. Two fierce dragons and two warriors, not to mention her daughter’s mates and dragon partners. Nothing will happen to Adora or any children we might be blessed to have.”

  Jared took Darian’s words to heart. Relief worked its way through his system, a huge weight lifting off his shoulders that he had not even been aware was there. Adora crawled across the couch into his arms and held him as tightly as his wound would allow.

  “Nothing will happen to me, Jared. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” She chuckled and he leaned down to kiss her luscious lips.

  Jared sensed Darian moving around them, making a place for them all on the wide couch. They were out in the open, in the middle of the public area of their suite, but he figured it was relatively private as long as uninvited guests didn’t come barging in unannounced.

  He pulled back from her mouth, helping Darian undress her. Adora’s leggings were already gone as Jared pulled off her top. She had her hands in his leggings and before he knew it, his cock was hard in her mouth.

  “Suck me, baby.” Jared’s eyes closed as his head tilted back to rest on the padded back of the couch. “Oh, yes.”

  Adora went down on him with relish as Darian feasted on her dripping pussy. Jared opened his eyes wide enough to watch Darian’s tongue delve between her legs and Jared reached out with one hand to squeeze her swinging breast. She whimpered around his cock as he pinched her nipple. Her eyes shot up to his with a devilish sparkle as she sucked harder, using her tongue in a way that threatened to unman him right then and there.


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