Redeeming the CEO Cowboy

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Redeeming the CEO Cowboy Page 18

by Charlene Sands

  “Do you want to come inside?”

  She nodded without hesitation. “I do.”

  He stepped aside and scratched his ear as she walked into the living room. Eleanor Hart wasn’t here on a friendly visit. She had a determined look in her eyes that made Casey shudder.

  “Don’t mind Charger. He’s friendly, but if he bothers you, I’ll put him outside.” The dog had been sniffing her shoes since the moment he’d opened the front door. “Please have a seat.”

  Eleanor looked around the room with keen eyes and sat down on the edge of the sofa facing the window. When he took a seat opposite her, she smiled sweetly. “Casey, you look terrible.”

  She was the only person who could deliver that line without fear of recourse. “I know.”

  “Susie has that same hollow, ridiculously empty look in her eyes.”

  Casey ran a hand down his face.

  “I heard her voice on the phone the other day, and knew something was terribly wrong. I booked a flight and flew out here as soon as I could. I hope I’m not too late.”

  What could he say to that? “Too late?”

  “Susie is heartbroken. When I arrived here, she told me only enough for me to figure out that she’s in love with you. Terribly, terribly in love with you, Casey. And she’s hurting. But she’s not saying much. No, my Susanna has too much pride and moxie for that. For three years, I’ve been asking her if she’d like to move to Georgia. And for three years, she’s been telling me no. Her home is here. She has friends. She has a business she loves. All of a sudden, yesterday, my Susie tells me she’s thinking about moving. But I didn’t hear that. I only heard the shallowness in her voice. I heard the spark and drive and joy gone from my sweet girl. Mind you, I’d love to have Susie and Ally living closer to me, if that’s what Susie really wants. I know in my heart, it isn’t.”

  “Maybe it would be best for Susie if she did move closer to you. She misses you.”

  Eleanor Hart lowered her head and gazed at him through upturned eyes. It was the same look a teacher gave a student after making a bogus excuse for not doing his homework. “Casey, answer one question for me. Do you love my daughter?”

  Casey never could lie to Mrs. Hart. He wasn’t about to start now. But his confession didn’t come easily. He sighed and finally admitted, “Yes. I love Susie.”

  “I take it she doesn’t know that.”

  “No, I haven’t told her.”

  “Why not, Casey?”

  Seconds ticked by. Mrs. Hart’s gaze stayed vigilant on his face. “It’s complicated.”

  “Is there another woman in the picture?”

  He shook his head hard. “No.”

  “If she loves you and you love her, what’s keeping you two apart?”

  “You mean besides the fact that she won’t even look at me right now?”

  Eleanor leaned over to pat his hand. “You both could work that out. I know you tried to help her and it all went wrong. She thinks you led her on and betrayed her, but there are three little words out there that can mend a lot of broken hearts, Casey.”

  He shook his head. “Sometimes, that’s not enough. Sometimes...there’s something bigger that can’t be fixed.”

  She gave him a thoughtful stare. “There’s some sort of obstacle keeping you apart?”

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “And Susie doesn’t know?”

  “No, Susie doesn’t know. I’m afraid if I told her, she’d make a huge sacrifice for me. I can’t let her do that. She deserves more.”

  “She deserves the truth from you, Casey. Believe me, I’ve learned that keeping secrets to protect someone isn’t always the answer. When Susie’s father was ill and we hid it from her, she was angry with us for a long time. Yes, she was young and we thought we had the right to spare our daughter the heartache. But in the long run, it wound up hurting her more. Casey, don’t make the same mistake we made. Tell Susie the truth. She’s a bright intelligent girl. Whatever it is, she’ll handle it. You can’t leave her in the dark. She deserves more than that, don’t you agree?”

  He blew out a breath. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “Were you going to put the house up for sale and then take off without saying goodbye?”

  “No, I...” His brows rose. How did she know? He turned his head to gaze out the window behind him as a worker climbed into his truck and pulled away from the curb, leaving a prominent For Sale sign planted in the middle of his front lawn.

  Eleanor went on. “I can watch Ally tonight, if you decide you’d like some time with Susie to talk it out.”

  “It’s doubtful she’ll talk to me.”

  “She’ll talk to you. I’ll make sure of that.”


  Eleanor’s reassuring smile touched him deep inside and filled the emptiness with hope. “I’m her mother. I have my ways.”

  * * *

  The For Sale sign in front of Casey’s house was the last nail in the coffin as far as Susie was concerned. She was determined to hold back her tears as she walked away from the kitchen window. That house had been a symbol of love and friendship between two families for years. How could Casey do this? She saw the selling of his house as a rebuke, a stinging slap in the face to all the memories their families shared. He truly was washing his hands of her. The more she fought tears and protected her injured heart, the deeper her despair. Her wounds were fresh and raw, still bleeding, and putting that sign up plunged a second knife into her.

  She didn’t want to speak to Casey at all, but her mother had convinced her she needed closure. She needed to get things off her chest and finally be free of him. He’d never cared about her. She’d been his duty, his obligation, a way to ease his conscience and unburden the guilt he’d lived with taking her virginity. All of that garbage made her sick inside. Instead of withering into a mass of pitiful emotions, Susie’s strength would carry her through.

  It had to.

  She fixed her makeup and put on fresh clothes, a comfy pair of jeans and a simple butter-yellow blouse.

  “Almost ready, Susie?” her mother asked, coming into her bedroom. “Oh, dear. You’re not wearing that, are you, sweetheart?”

  “I’m not dressing up for Casey.” Been there, done that. “It’s not a date.”

  Her mother opened the closet door and picked out a scoop neck sundress with feminine flowing lines in pastel tints of cotton candy pink, pistachio and iris. She hadn’t worn the chiffon dress in a while. It reminded her of a French impressionist painting. “No, it’s not a date.” Her mother laid the dress on the bed. “But why not leave him with a memory he won’t forget?”


  Her mother chuckled sweetly. “That’s what your father would always tell me. Leave me with a memory, Eleanor.”

  Susie squeezed one eye shut and twisted her face. “TMI, Mom.”

  She chuckled again. “Your choice. Think about it. Casey will be here in a few minutes.”

  Her mother had set the whole thing up.

  Ten minutes later, Susie faced Casey at the front door. Her mother and Ally had conveniently disappeared and it was just the two of them, standing on opposite sides of the threshold. Tonight he wore a black polo shirt tucked into beige trousers. No matter how he dressed, whether in cowboy duds or business tycoon casual, the sculpted planes on his face, his cerulean eyes and bronzed skin took her breath away. His hair was trimmed at the collar now and no stubble darkened his cheeks.

  Dusk had settled over the trees, their branches casting shadows on the lawns. There was a pleasant warmth in the air. It was quiet on Meadow Drive this evening. Nothing stirred, except her crazy heart.

  Casey stared at her, his eyes dropping a little to take in her dress. “You look beautiful, Susanna.”

  “Thank you.” She was glad
she’d taken her mother’s advice.

  “I thought we’d go for a drive to the river.”

  “Oh...” She’d thought they’d talk in his house. But what difference did it make really? “All right.”

  He walked beside her as they made their way toward his SUV parked in the driveway. He opened the passenger door and she slid in, immediately putting on her seat belt and facing forward. She caught the light scent of his cologne and unruly memories of hot nights under the sheets making uninhibited, erotic love flashed through her mind. Of his muscled body pressed to hers, the feel of him swelling inside her and making her dreams come true. Then the images of their sizzling limousine sex popped into her head, so dangerously exciting that nothing would ever compare. His scent reminded her of all those things.

  Don’t go there, Susie. Don’t get sentimental now. Not when the man you’ve loved for ten years was packing up and leaving town for good.

  He climbed into his seat, adjusted his seat belt and fired up the engine. He turned his head to her, his eyes two beacons of blue light. “I want you to know, nothing’s going on between Lana and me.”

  He’d hit a nerve.

  “It was business. She’s a Realtor and—”

  “It’s none of my business, is it? You don’t owe me an explanation, Casey.”

  Casey opened his mouth, his tongue working against his cheek, but then clamped his lips shut and gave a quick nod.

  They continued the ride in silence all the way to the river.

  Casey parked the car under a tree in a moonlit area on the banks of the Truckee.

  “It’s a nice night. Want to get out?”

  “Yes.” She needed to breathe fresh air and put space between them. She opened her door and stepped outside. He joined her by her side of the car. The gentle moonlight and quiet rush of the river soothed Susie’s rattled nerves.

  “I guess you saw the sign at the house,” he began.

  “I couldn’t miss it.”

  He took a sharp breath. “I should have told you ahead of time. I’m sorry about that. It was a decision that was tough to make, but I figured it was best this way.”

  Grief thickened her throat. “Yes, it’s for the best.” She stared at the river.

  Casey braced his hands on the car, leaning forward, his head hung low. It caught her attention. His brows drew together and he seemed to be struggling with something. “Your mother came to visit me today.”

  “I didn’t send her over there, if that’s what you’re thinking.” That would be the ultimate humiliation if he thought she’d sent her mom to plead her case.

  He shook his head. “No. I know that. Eleanor...well, she’s a pretty perceptive lady.”

  “How so?”

  Casey sidled up close to take her hand in his. She let out a silent sigh of longing. God, how good he felt. His touch seeped through her body, warm, inviting and delicious. Instead of the ridiculous confidence she normally saw in his eyes, she witnessed pain and heartache. “Because she figured out that I was in love with you, Susanna.”

  Susie gulped oxygen. Had she heard correctly? It was the last thing she’d expected to hear. But if he loved her, why weren’t they together? Why had he put his house up for sale? Why was he leaving?

  He squeezed her hand and the pressure traveled straight to her heart. “I know I made a mess of things, but the truth is I think you’re an amazing woman, an amazing mother. You’re resourceful and hardworking and I’ve never admired a woman more. I surely didn’t expect to fall in love with you. I didn’t come here, looking for love or a relationship, but there you were, my next-door neighbor, giving me a hard time, making me earn your friendship again. Making me figure out unique ways to help you, because your pride and independent nature didn’t make it easy for me.”

  “So I was a challenge?”

  He smiled. “Hell, yeah, you were. In the beginning. But then you became so much more to me. Yes, I came here to help you get through some tough times, that’s true. But you’ve also helped me in so many ways. You’ve shown me a sweeter side of life, Suse. I know now, what being a family really means. I’m deeply and wholly in love with you, Susanna. And Ally? God, I love that little girl.”

  “Oh, Casey.” Everything inside her melted like rich, smooth icing flowing down a hot chocolate cake. “I never thought I’d hear those words from you.”

  “I was trying to protect you. I’m still trying to protect you.”

  She searched his eyes for the truth. “How are you protecting me? From what I overheard you saying to Audrey, you pretty much dismissed me as nothing more than an obligation.”

  He touched her face, his palm caressing her cheek tenderly. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking clearly. When I left you that night, I was determined to tell you how I felt about you when I returned, but then...”

  “Then what? What happened? Why did you back off?”

  He sighed deeply. “I realized I couldn’t give you the life you deserve. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices in the past. I didn’t want you to have to make the biggest one of all for me.”

  “How would I be sacrificing for you, Casey?”

  Sadness touched his eyes as his hand on her cheek fell away. “I know you want children of your own. Lots of them. The day I broke my back, I also lost the ability to have children. I’m sterile, honey.”

  She blinked. That was the reason he was leaving?

  “I haven’t told anyone about this, Susie.”

  Suddenly relieved, she kept her smile on the inside. “Except Audrey. You told her, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but what does that—”

  “She let it slip to me one day. It was shortly after your accident and Audrey felt so badly about it, that I promised her we’d never speak of it again. And we haven’t.”

  “Are you saying that you’ve known all along?”

  Susie began bobbing her head up and down. “Yes, I’ve known that all along, Casey. You’re not telling me something new. I went into this with my eyes wide open.”

  “But, sweetheart. You want lots of children.”

  “Those were childhood fantasies of silly young girls. That’s not my reality anymore. When we made love the first time, I wasn’t some foolhardy girl giving up her virginity to a fantasy man, Casey. I’ve been in love with you since I was a teenager. I’ve always known what I wanted. Trust me, on this. Loving you, raising my sweet Ally and working at a business I enjoy is more than enough for me. Isn’t it enough for you?”

  “Hell, yes,” he said immediately. The tortured look on his face transformed into a wide grin. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Her feet left the ground and she found herself being twirled around in Casey’s strong arms. The cool river air lifted her dress as she spun. When her feet finally found earth again, he rained dozens of kisses on her face. “I love you, Susie. I love you so much,” he kept whispering in her ear, over her cheeks, on her forehead. Everywhere his mouth touched, he expressed his devotion.

  Susie giggled and kissed him back until they were spent and out of breath.

  Then Casey took a step back and landed on one knee on the hard packed ground. He reverently took her hand, his eyes glistening with emotion. “I love you more than a man has ever loved a woman. Susanna Hart, will you marry me? Will you allow me to be a part of your family?”

  Tears dripped down her cheeks. She’d never been happier. “Yes, Casey Thomas, I will marry you.”

  Relief washed over his face. As if Susanna would ever refuse Casey’s love. He rose then and drew her into his arms. “We’ll have a great life, sweetheart. I’ll build you a house in Tahoe with a newfangled kitchen or we can stay here in Reno and you can open your shop. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. My home is with you and Ally.”

  Susanna reached u
p on tiptoes and kissed him soundly on the lips. He tasted...happy. She smiled. “We’ll figure it out, my love. We have forever.”

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife.” Casey grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

  “So soon?” she asked. She wanted more time alone with him.

  “Your mom didn’t give you a curfew, did she?”

  She shook her head.

  Sizzling hunger entered his eyes. “I need to be alone with you. We can check into a hotel for a few hours. We’ll get a penthouse suite. You deserve the very best.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip. “But I already have the very best. And we are alone.” She leaned heavily against the back door of his SUV and smiled. “It’s pretty remote out here, wouldn’t you say?”

  His brows gathered as he looked around the solitude of the riverbank. When he caught on, a dangerous grin lit his face. “Sweet Susie wants SUV sex?”

  She nodded, her heart bursting with joy. “I want you anywhere, anytime. And the sooner the better.”

  Casey growled his approval and gallantly swept open the door to his backseat. “There’s no way I’m going to let my fiancée down. Get in, sweetheart.”

  Susie climbed in and reached for Casey.

  He would take her on a ride to last a lifetime.

  * * * * *

  If you loved REDEEMING THE CEO COWBOY, pick up the other stories in


  from USA TODAY bestselling author Charlene Sands




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  Ten years ago one devastating night changed everything for Austin, Hunter and Alex. Now they must each play their part in the revenge against the one man who ruined it all.

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