Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story Page 10

by Nicola Jane

  “Lucy let’s think about this. We’re onto a good thing me and you, we have a big future together with a dream wedding and a fantastic lifestyle.”

  “It’s not my dream, it’s yours, your parents and my mothers. I want to be happy and at the minute I’m really not.”

  “Well I think you’re being dramatic. So we argued, couples do that all the time.”

  I laugh sarcastically, “But not everyone gets slapped for it. I just need a break Noah. Time to see if it’s you I want and for you to see if I’m what you want. Because honestly, I don’t think you want me, you want the idea of a perfect wife and you’re realizing that that’s not me!”

  Noah pulls on some jeans and then a sweater. “Well, you have a think about what you want Lucy but I’m warning you, don’t take too long, I may get fed up of waiting.” He storms from the room without packing any clothes, then I hear the front door open then slam closed. I was expecting him to react like that, his pride is important to him and me making the decision to have a break will dent his pride.

  I call Tyra. “Girl, I feel like we’re becoming strangers,” she answers after two rings.

  “Sorry T, I’ve had a lot going on. Are you free to come over?”

  “Of course, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, bring Bel if she’s free.”

  The girls arrive in less than an hour armed with Gin and chocolate. “You sounded weird on the phone so I thought maybe it was either a crisis or that time of the month,” explains Tyra, dumping the Gin on the counter top in the kitchen. The girls take a seat at the breakfast bar and I pull out three glasses.

  “I wouldn’t call it a crisis as such,” I say, opening the Gin and pouring it across the glasses. “I told Noah I wanted a break.” I add some lemonade to each glass and hand them out.

  The girls exchange a shocked look, “I wasn’t expecting that, I was thinking pregnancy scare,” says Tyra.

  “Now that would be a crisis,” I groan. “I cheated.” I watch as those words register in their brains and then both gasp in surprise. “With Tag,” I add for added shock factor.

  “Jesus!” screeches Bel, “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Calm down Bel, I’m only human and did you actually see Tag, I mean you said yourself he was gorgeous.”

  “How did all of this happen without us knowing anything. You must have been sneaking around with him for ages and you’ve not told us a thing,” says Tyra accusingly.

  “He was turning up a lot and I guess I fell for his charm,” I shrug guiltily.

  “You don’t fall for charm Lucy, I can count on you to not fall for the charm,” screeches Bel.

  “I don’t think it was his charm that got her Bels,” winks Tyra.

  “So are you with Tag now?” asks Bella.

  “No,” I gasp, “God we only slept together once, well, not once, well, it was one night lots of times,” I explain, blushing.

  “Oh man, I wanted him so bad. Was he good?” groans Tyra and Bel playfully slaps her arm. “What? A girls gotta know.”

  I smirk and Tyra screeches excitedly, “You lucky bitch.”

  “Are we just going to overlook the fact that she cheated?” asks Bel.

  “I’m sorry, but what are you, the cheat police?” I snap.

  “And we don’t even like Noah, Bel,” adds Tyra. “Oh my god, you need to call Tag and see what’s happening between the two of you.”

  “No way,” I protest. I gulp down my Gin and pour another glass. “If he’s interested, he’ll turn up somewhere, he’s been good at that just lately,” I say, dryly.


  I slam my fist against the punch bag, it rocks back and as it comes back towards me, I hit it again. I have another fight coming, there’s a lot of money riding on it and I need to get my head in the game. I can’t get Lucy off my mind. I keep picturing her soft pink lips all swollen from my kisses and the way she met me thrust for thrust.

  It’s been five days since that night and I’ve tried to keep away. My conscience is starting to get the better of me and I’m trying to think of a way to tell Anton that I’m pulling the plug on our little game, it seems wrong to make her fall for me knowing I have no intentions of pursuing her for real, I like her too much now.

  “For tonight’s fight, bring the cards. I’m up for a little fun.” By cards I mean invites for women to come back to our after party.

  I feel Anton’s eyes burn into the back of my head from where he sits at the edge of the ring playing on his cell. “Thought you didn’t want to play the game now that the stakes were set higher?”

  “Well I need some fun, besides, maybe I set the stakes too high.”

  “Piss off,” he laughs, jumping from the ring side and waltzing over to where I continue to hit the bag. “She sent you packing didn’t she, which means I won!”

  “She did not. I haven’t pursued her this week. She seems like a nice girl and I don’t want to break up her life just for some bet. I’ve grown a conscience,” I mutter, “Which is just as surprising to me as it is to you.”

  “We have a deal Tag, no backing out man.”

  “Come on Anton, you’re not that cruel.”

  “I am, the bet stays on until she’s fallen head over heels for your cheeky boy charm.” He slaps me on the shoulder and then leaves. I grit my teeth, fucking stupid ass. I take my aggression out on the bag. I knew deep down that he wouldn’t let me get out of it.


  I won the fight, of course; and as I enter the top floor of the hotel, which we often rent out for the evenings after party, I realize I’m not looking forward to it. I’m the first to throw a party, any excuse will do, but tonight I’m not feeling the right vibes. It’s the same faces, men from our organization, women on their arms that look far too young for them and are definitely not their wives. Anton passes me a shot glass that is overflowing with an amber liquid. The sticky fluid spills over the glass and drips down my hand. I knock it back, it’s what I’m expected to do but the usual buzz is gone. “What’s up with your face bro, you won, where’s the happiness?”

  “I’m not feeling it Ant,” I sigh.

  “Jesus, stop mooning over that chick. If I knew you were gonna turn into a pussy then I’d of agreed to play the game tonight. In fact,” he looks around the room and his eyes settle on a blond that is standing out on the balcony with her friend, “She’s a ten. Go play.”

  I look her over, “Not ten, eight maybe, but not ten.”

  “Tag stop, are we never gonna say the word ten again because you got your panties in a twist over some whore?”

  I react without thinking, shoving Anton up against the nearest wall and growling in his face, “She’s not a damn whore!”

  Anton smirks and as I remember my place I take a step back, feeling eyes on us. Anton signals that he’s okay as his minder steps forward. “You do remember why you started all this right?” He waits a beat and when I don’t reply he steps closer, lowering his voice, “You started the whole fucking thing Tag. You want my sister, then you show me how far you’re willing to go for her.”

  “I can’t fuck up her life man, she’s a nice girl.”

  “I didn’t ask you to fuck up her life. No one said ruin her, the deal was make her fall for you. When did all this shit become so serious?”

  “Fucking with someone’s life is serious, we need to grow the fuck up!” I growl.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were falling for ten?” Anton grins and cocks his eyebrow before adding, “And where does that leave my sister?”

  “I love your sister, you know I do. I guess ten is just…” I trail off, not knowing what ten is anymore.

  “Well, here’s your chance to prove yourself.” I turn to the direction that he’s nodding in. When my eyes fall upon ten, I suck in a breath, feeling my throat tighten and an unusual pain pull at my heart. She looks hot in tight denims and a black top. Her heels click on the marble floor and she’s heads towards me, flicking her long brown
hair over her shoulder. Her two friends are following behind and as she reaches me she looks me up and down and then continues on past me. Her friends smirk as they pass and I’m left open mouthed that she would dare to come here and then ignore me.

  “What the fuck is she doing here Anton?”

  He holds up my cell phone and grins wide, opening up the screen; he flicks over it with his finger. “So you think you can just fuck me and then disappear?” he reads from the cell, I snatch it from him. Sure enough, she text me an hour ago and Anton, responded, while pretending to be me, giving her the hotel details. “Why the fuck she’d come, after how you’ve treated her screams desperation Tag,” he mutters in my ear and it irritates me. For the second time this evening I want to punch his smug face. Instead I follow after her.

  “Ten,” I say to her retreating back. She stops, as do her friends and she turns to me, a scowl firmly in place.

  “My name,” she hisses, “Is Lucy.”

  “Lucy,” I correct, “Can we please talk?”

  “No,” she snaps, going to walk away again. This time I grab her arm and instead of yelling at me, which I fully expect, she flinches away from me, a terrified expression on her face. Even her friends notice her reaction and shift uncomfortably. I decide to avoid an embarrassing confrontation and I lift her easily, flinging her over my shoulder. She screams and then hits me in the back. I grin as her tiny fists bounce off me, it must hurt her more than it does me.

  The crowd parts as I march with a purpose towards the bedroom. Once inside, I lower her to the ground and she folds her arms over her chest, defiance on her face. “How dare you…” she begins but I cut her off, pressing my body against hers until she’s backed up against the wall.

  “I missed your mouth,” I growl.

  “Not enough to pick up the phone?” she retorts.

  I smirk and then press my lips against hers, hoping a toe-curling kiss will change her frosty mood. I feel her hands pushing at my shoulders and eventually she turns her head away. “No,” she hisses, “No, you can’t fuck your way out of this.”

  “Out of what? I haven’t done anything!”

  “It’s not okay to act like you did and then go radio silence on me.”

  “You didn’t text me either,” I point out and she scowls again.

  “I didn’t want to appear desperate,” she offers feebly.

  “And turning up here was you appearing cool and relaxed?” I laugh and she shoves past me heading for the door to leave. “Nah, ha,” I laugh, catching her by the hand and pulling her back to me. “You’re not leaving here until you stop being mad.”

  “Then we could be here a while!”

  I pull her to the bed and flop down, keeping a hold of her delicate hand, even though she remains standing by the bed. “All I have is time baby,” I say, wiggling my brows. I see a small smile appear on her lips but she shuts it down quick. “Anyway, I have some news for you.”

  “Oh?” she asks, curiosity taking over her mood.

  “Yeah, you mentioned you wanted to trace your father, well I know someone that can help with that.”

  She frowns, “How, who?”

  “All you have to do is give me the nod and I’ll have him look into it.” I leave out the part that I discovered who her father was last night when my guy contacted me. Luckily, I know of him and he’s not all that bad but I can see why her mother didn’t want to stick with him, being in an MC lifestyle takes a certain kind and rich bitches have no place there.

  “Well if you think you can, but I have nothing to go on.”

  “I don’t need anything but your name sweetheart, and that, I already have.”

  “So where have you been all week?”

  “Training, business, more training.”

  “Did you win tonight?”

  “Of course, did you doubt me?”

  I tug her again and she falls on top of me. I wrap my arms around her waist and go in for the kiss again. This time she allows it and before long, I have her flipped underneath me, my hands roaming her tight little body as she squirms.

  “You know how many times I’ve had to touch myself this week, thinking about you?” She shakes her head, biting on her lower lip, “A lot!”

  “Maybe I can give your hand a rest?” she smirks, tugging at the button on my jeans. I look down between us, watching as she takes my erection from my pants.

  “I think that sounds like a good plan.” I roll onto my back so that I’m beside her. She gets on to her knees beside me and tugs the jeans down my hips until I’m fully exposed to her. I prop my head up using a pillow, so that I can watch her. She fists my cock, pumping until a bead of cum drips down the head. Smiling, she flicks out her tongue, catching it in one quick sweep. She licks her lips and then runs her tongue up the shaft of my erection. It jerks in her hands and I let out a sharp hiss. I’ve been thinking about a moment just like this, all week. When she finally takes me into her hot mouth, I let my head fall back in ecstasy. This chick is blowing my mind.



  I roll over, hitting against a hot, hard body. Opening one eye, I remember exactly where I am and a smile forms on my lips. It feels good to be waking up next to Tag and knowing I’m not doing anything wrong. “What are you smiling about?” he grumbles sleepily.

  “How do you know I’m smiling?” I ask, laying on my side and propping my head up on my hand. He reaches out and gently tugs my nipple, sending a bolt of electricity straight to my pussy.

  “I heard it,” he smiles, opening his eyes.

  I laugh, “You can’t hear a smile!” I insist. He leans forwards, taking the erect nipple into his mouth and humming his approval. “Did I mention I’m free all day?” I grin, running my fingers through his hair.

  “Oh yeah? Is lover boy at work again?” he asks, turning his attention to my other nipple.

  “About that,” I say slowly, “Me and Noah kind of split up.” Tag freezes, I feel his whole body tense up and then he pulls back, my nipple making a popping sound as he releases it.

  “You what?” he asks, his face suddenly serious. I miss his playful expression from just moments ago.

  “I thought that would be a good thing,” I mumble.

  “Why did you split up?”

  “Erm, well, a few reasons but one of them being you,” I say, sitting up and wrapping the sheet around my naked form. Suddenly I feel exposed and vulnerable. I watch as Tag swings his legs over the edge of the bed and he leans his elbows on his knees, putting his head in his hands.

  “Fuck Ten, why’d yah have to ruin it?” he groans and this time my body tenses.

  “Ruin what?”

  “This,” he snaps, turning to glare at me and waving a hand between us both, “We had a good little thing going and then you go and do that!”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you’d be pleased?”

  “Well you thought wrong. Get dressed and get the fuck out of here!”

  I suck in a surprised breath; he says it with such venom in his voice that it causes a physical hurt in my chest. I rub the sore spot, looking around the room for my clothes. Without a word I get out of the bed and scoop my clothes from a pile on the floor. Thank god I didn’t throw them around in a fit of passion.

  I lock myself in the en-suit and dress quickly. I’m so confused by his sudden change in behavior that I don’t really think about anything but getting out of here with as much dignity as I can muster. I look myself over in the brightly lit up mirror. Wiping a finger under each eye, I rid myself of last nights makeup. Standing straight I jut out my chin and square my shoulders. Fuck Tag and his gorgeous body, fuck him and his come to bed eyes and fuck him and his great fucking. I can do better.

  I swoop through the bedroom, not bothering to look in his direction. “Ten wait!” he calls out. I’m already pulling the door open but I feel his force slam it shut, blocking my escape. “I said wait!” he snaps.

  “I want to leave,” I mutter, keeping my ba
ck to him.

  “The condom split,” he mumbles. I turn to face him and he holds up the used condom. “I thought I felt it but I’ve only just checked it, it’s split.”

  “I’ll take care of it!” I mutter, tugging at the door handle again while repeating ‘fuck’ over and over in my head. This is the last thing I need right now.

  “I’d prefer to come with you to the pharmacy, to make sure…” he trails off and I try to ignore the insult, after all, he doesn’t know me and he must meet people wanting to trap him all the time.

  “I’ll video it,” I snap.

  “Lucy please, this is important.”

  Tears swell in my eyes and I inwardly curse; I don’t want him to see me upset so I turn the heartbreak into anger. “Really, because a second ago you couldn’t wait to get rid of me, now you want me to wait so you can accompany me to the damn pharmacy. I don’t want to spend another second with you Tag!”

  “It’ll take half an hour and then you’ll be rid of me. You can stand there with a bad attitude and a sassy mouth, but I’m coming with you so accept it.”

  I weigh up my options, he’s the type to throw me in the boot and take me anyway. I huff, so he knows that I’m not happy. “Fine, I’ll wait out there for you,” I say coldly. He releases his hold on the door. I stomp past him, elbowing him in the stomach for good measure as I pass, a feeling of satisfaction washes over me when I hear him groan.

  I step into the large living area. It’s a huge room, taking the whole top floor of the hotel. There’s a group of men sitting around the kitchen table playing a game of cards. A pile of money sits in the middle and a cloud of cigar smoke lingers above their heads. I don’t think they’ve bothered to go to bed. I recognize one as Anton, Tags friend. Next to him is the girl that has a crush on Tag.

  She spots me and saunters towards me. She’s wearing a man’s white shirt that’s open to almost between her breasts. She folds her arms and the shirt rides up her slender tanned thighs. “Good night?” she asks, arching her perfect brow.


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