Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story Page 12

by Nicola Jane

She takes the paper and holds it tight in her hands. “You found him for me?”

  I shrug like it was nothing, “I have contacts,” I joke and she smiles.

  “And you know him?”

  “I know of him. He’s a decent guy and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been him that left you out of choice, he’s big on family.”

  She stands and this time I let her. As she passes me to leave, I link my fingers into hers, halting her. “Goodbye Lucy,” I whisper and she looks up, her eyes full of sadness. She stands on her tiptoes and places a gentle kiss against the side of my mouth. I savor it, closing my eyes. They remain closed long after she pulls away, I don’t open them until I hear the sound of the door open and then close.


  It’s been a whole week since I last saw Tag after the Pharmacy incident. It’s not been easy and as I sit waiting for Lucille, I think back to the address that Tag gave me for my real father. I haven’t done anything with it yet. If I contact him, I’m opening all kinds of old wounds, especially for my mom and I don’t know how my step-father would react.

  Lucille enters the restaurant gracefully; she reminds me of my mother in some ways which makes her the perfect wife for Wyatt.

  I stand as she approaches the table and we air kiss. “It’s been so long since I last heard from you,” she says coolly, shrugging out of her jacket and placing it carefully on the back of her chair.

  “I’ve had a lot going on,” I lie. Since she stomped out of my shop and accused Noah of having an affair, I’ve given her a bit of space.

  “So I hear. Sleeping with rough boys behind your boyfriends back,” she says, taking her seat and finally looking me in the eye. I shift uncomfortably, if she’s heard, then my mother must have, which would explain why she’s been calling my cell a lot this last week.

  “That’s not what I meant. Besides, you thought he was cheating on me anyway so…”

  The waiter comes over to take our order and as usual, Lucille orders Salmon and new potatoes. I opt for a steak and ask for a bottle of house red. “I saw Noah, he’s in bits,” she says casually.

  “You know how he treated me, I’m sure you weren’t surprised when you heard we’d split up.”

  “I wasn’t, I expected it, but I’d of liked to have heard it straight from you rather than him.”

  “I was going to tell you but things got in the way. I’m sorry Lucille,” I sigh.

  “Tell me about this other man,” she says, the beginnings of a smile showing.

  “There’s nothing to tell, we were never a thing. I got carried away but he wasn’t that into me. A good thing came from it all though because I realized that Noah wasn’t everything.”

  “He told me that you were just on a break and that you’d get back together and marry like you’ve always planned.” I shudder at the thought. “But actually, I found out something about Noah and I think I should tell you.”

  The waiter returns with my bottle of wine and he pours us both a glass. “Go on,” I say to Lucille.

  “I was right about him cheating,” she begins, a cautious tone to her voice. I wasn’t expecting that and I pick up my wine and gulp a mouthful. “I thought long and hard about whether I should tell you this Lucy, it’s really hard for me because it puts me right in the middle but today, I discovered something huge and I really don’t feel I should keep it a secret.”

  “You’re scaring me Lucille,” I mutter.

  “It was Francesca,” she almost whispers. I stare at her for some time, my mouth opening and closing. “When Noah said he intended on getting back together with you, I couldn’t not tell you. You deserve so much better than him.”

  “Fran,” I repeat, “It was Fran?” I think back to her reaction when Lucille accused Noah of having an affair, she was just as outraged as me.

  “I’m so sorry sweetie, I wanted to tell you as soon as I heard but then you didn’t return my calls…” I glare at her and she trails off.

  “Oh my god, does Gabs know?”

  “She does now,” she admits. “Fran told her because she found out something bigger.”

  “Bigger than her shagging my boyfriend?” I almost yell and Lucille hisses at me to lower my voice.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  I put my head in my hands and groan. “Jesus,” I mumble. My heart hurts, I feel so betrayed. How can one of my closest friends sleep with my boyfriend and then the rest of the group keep it from me.

  “She doesn’t know what to do, she’s in turmoil.”

  “Seriously, should I call her and give her advice?” I say sarcastically.

  “Luce, you split up.”

  “That’s not the point and you damn well know it,” I hiss, grabbing my handbag from the floor. “You’re all supposed to be my friends,” I add. “I can’t believe you all kept it from me and then you act like I should be sympathetic towards her.”

  “Please don’t leave, not like this,” she begs and I role my eyes. As if I’d stay and carry on like normal after hearing that. I chuck a twenty on the table to cover my meal, leaving Lucille to pay for the wine. It’s the least she can do.

  Outside, I flag a cab and jump in. I pull out the crumpled piece of paper and read the address to the driver. He turns to face me, “You sure sweetheart?” he asks and I nod. It’s now or never.



  The cab slows outside a set of tall metal gates. The building behind is set right back and it’s hard to make out if anyone is about. I pay the driver and step out. It’s on an industrial estate and because its past eight in the evening, everywhere else on the estate is closed up. I approach the gates, pushing on them to find them locked. I shake them again and they rattle. “What do you want?” asks a gruff voice. I jump back in fright as a shadow of a man appears on the other side of the gates.

  “Sorry, I was looking for someone. Ace?”

  “And whose asking?”

  “Lucy, Lucy Clifford.”

  He disappears into a small gate house and then returns a few minutes later. “He says he don’t know you.”

  “No, he doesn’t, not really.” I pause before adding, “I’m his daughter. Tell him I’m Sylvia’s daughter.”

  “Okay, but I ain’t making promises,” he sighs and heads back into his gate house. A minute later the gates clank and then begins to open. I let out a sigh of relief and then step through. The man from the gatehouse is huge and as I get closer, I notice that his face is disfigured. I look away before he notices, keeping my eyes downwards.

  “I’m Scar,” he grunts, holding out his huge hand for me to shake. I do so, offering a smile. “I know it ain’t pretty but you can look.”

  I glance up, “Sorry, I was trying not to be rude.”

  “It’s not rude, of course people are curious.” I follow him towards the building. As we get closer, I hear laughter and loud voices. “It’s busy in there, we’re having a party. Ignore the fucking and shit, it gets crazy when the guys are drunk.”

  As we go inside my eyes widen, he wasn’t kidding when he said it’d be busy. There are men all around in leather jackets just like the one Scar is wearing. There’s a huge Skull on the back and the words The Rebellion MC in large letters.

  Hanging off most of the men, are sexy women, I can’t spot one ugly girl in this place. “Follow me,” says Scar, pushing his way through the crowd.

  The room is huge, a warehouse type space which has been turned into a living space. We come to a standstill outside a black door with the letters, President, painted onto it. Scar knocks loudly and a second later we are told to enter. Butterflies have taken to spinning around my stomach and I suddenly feel sick with nerves. I’m about to meet my real father, a man I thought left us because he didn’t care.

  I follow Scar inside. A large handsome looking man maybe a few years older than me is scowling at me. He also wears a leather jacket with a skull on and the words Vice President are sewn onto his badge. He steps to one side as another man approa
ches. This guy is a lot older with greying hair and piercing blue eyes, very similar to my own. “Lucy,” he utters, his brows drawn together like he can’t quite believe it’s me. I nod and smile, feeling the other guys eyes burning into me.

  “Thanks Scar, make sure we aren’t disturbed,” growls the younger of the two. Scar leaves and even though I don’t know him, I feel like I want him to stay, he was the barrier between us all. “Sit,” adds the guy, glaring at me.

  “Chill out Hulk, you’re gonna scare the poor girl,” snaps the older guy. He smiles at me and then gestures for me to sit on the worn looking leather couch. I move slowly and then take a seat. “I’m Ace,” he introduces, holding out his hand. I shake it, my small hand looking lost in his huge one. “How did you find me?”

  “A friend,” I say.

  “What friend?” snaps Hulk.

  “Not a friend really,” I sigh, “His names Tag, he’s an MMA fighter.”

  “You mean Matteo Corallo?” grins Ace, sitting down on his office chair behind his desk. I nod, relieved that he seems to like Tag and not hate him. “I like that guy, only met a handful of times but he’s straight talking, I like that.”

  “And a mobster,” snaps Hulk, huffing in disgust.

  “I was hoping you’d come and find me one day,” says Ace, ignoring Hulks comment. “I spent a long time praying for you to come, especially once you’d turned eighteen and I knew your mother couldn’t stop you. Does she know you’re here?”

  I shake my head, “She isn’t keen on me finding you. I didn’t even know I was coming here tonight, I just kind of hopped in a cab and decided.”

  “I’m so glad you did.” He looks genuinely pleased to see me and I feel a little more relaxed. “Your mother was never keen on me staying in contact. It eventually became too hard,” he pauses and then shrugs, “But she was trying to do right by her baby and I get that.”

  “Were you together?” I ask. I’d only ever heard my mother’s version and she was one to stretch the truth to make herself look better.

  Ace laughs, his head falling back and the sound vibrating off the walls, “God no, she hated me. Actually, that’s not strictly true, she liked me, a lot, but she came from a different background. She wanted to keep her parents happy and being with a biker was not on her agenda or theirs for that matter. She didn’t tell me she was pregnant, I found out. I tried to get her to see sense, prove I’d make her happy but she’d made her mind up, she wanted nothing to do with me. She let me see you a handful of times in secret, whenever she could get away but the last time I saw you, you were a toddler, she told me the contact had to stop.”

  “She’s stubborn,” I say, smiling to show I didn’t mean it in a cruel way.

  He smirks, like he’s picturing her memory. “That she was.” He falls silent for a moment, and then looks towards where Hulk is stood awkwardly, “Shit, sorry man,” he stands and then smiles at me, “I didn’t introduce you.”

  “Preoccupied with memories,” mutters Hulk.

  Ace scowls at him, it’s a silent warning that makes me shiver. I have no doubt that these huge men have a nasty side. “This, Lucy, is Hulk. He’s my eldest son and my Vice President. I guess that makes him your half-brother.”

  I raise my eyebrows, I wasn’t expecting that but now that Ace has said it, I see the similarities in their stance and their build. “Oh,” I mumble.

  “Yeah oh,” huffs Hulk.

  “You called your kid Hulk?” I say, almost smiling in amusement.

  Ace laughs, “Road names, all of us have them. You can call him by his Christian name, James, but I doubt he’ll answer.” It’s my turn to laugh, his proper name doesn’t suit him at all. For a start he’s practically a giant, standing at least six foot two. His muscles have muscles of their own and I expect he works out constantly. Tattoos crawl up his exposed arms and I decide that Hulk suits him much better because in actual fact, he’s built just like a Hulk. “I’m Max,” adds Ace.

  “If I had a road name, what would it be?” I ask.

  The men before me exchange a look, they weren’t expecting the question but then Hulk smirks, “Lucky,” he says, “Because damn are you lucky to have found this guy.” He pats Ace on the shoulder affectionately and it’s the first time I’ve seen Hulk visibly relax.


  Loud cheers erupt around me as I enter the hotel room. The fight tonight was a tough one and even though I won, it was a hard slog. My mind is elsewhere, mainly on Lucy. It’s been a week since I last saw her and my heart aches.

  Anton approaches, slapping me hard on the back, “Well done, it was a close one tonight.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “My father wants a word,” he says and I inwardly groan. The last thing I need is a pep talk from Conner about how I could have lost him a stupid amount of money tonight. He’s sitting on a circular couch towards the back of the large room. Ella is at his side and I scowl at the short dress she’s rocking tonight. She might look amazing but I don’t want other eyes to see all that skin. Conner indicates for me to sit.

  “Well done Matteo,” he drawls. “I almost broke out a sweat tonight, it was a close one.”

  “It was never close Conner, I had it in the bag. I felt like toying with my opponent.” I give a cocky grin but he doesn’t fall for it. He knows I won by the skin of my teeth.

  “I had a chat with Anton this evening. It appears you have a lot on your mind.”

  “I do?”

  “My daughter?”

  I pause, I’m not sure if he’s happy about this new information or not, his expression gives nothing away. I glance at Ella who is pressing her lips together to stop a smile escaping.

  “About that…” I begin but he cuts me off, holding his hand up to me.

  “I’m not stupid Matteo, I know you like Ella, you’ve been like a puppy dog around her since you got your first damn erection,” he mutters. “I was waiting for the right time to raise it with you.”

  “Okay,” I say slowly.

  “The heads of each family have been invited to my home at eight this Saturday evening. I’ll announce the news of your father’s death followed by your engagement to Ella. It’s a good match, they’ll be very happy.”

  Ella screams excitedly and then launches herself into my arms. “Of course, you’ll need to arrange the details quickly, I don’t want a long engagement,” adds Conner firmly. I nod my head, keeping Ella in my arms. My mind isn’t on Ella or the wedding but the fact that I only have a few days to kill my father and I haven’t put a plan in place yet.

  Ella’s eyes are full of excitement. Her little mind already picturing her dream wedding. She rubs her ass against my crotch and I dig my fingers into her hip to still her. Conner stands as his right-hand man approaches. “Michael, is it sorted?” he asks, shaking his hand. Michael nods and then they walk away together in a deep discussion. This time next week, I’ll be included in those kinds of discussions.

  Ella wraps her arms around my neck, “Oh baby, it’s really happening,” she whispers. I nod, still shocked. She places a soft kiss against my mouth, “I’m so excited to be Mrs. Ella Corallo.” I repeat the name over in my head, it doesn’t sound as great since meeting Lucy. Ella pulls me to stand, leading me away from the party and into the bedroom. “I know it’s a shock,” she says, closing the door and clicking the lock.

  “I wasn’t expecting him to agree so easily,” I admit.

  “How could he not, me, married to the head of the Corallo’s, we’re an ideal match.”

  “I guess,” I shrug. She runs her hands up my chest, rising onto her tiptoes to place a kiss on my lips. “We’d better get back out there,” I say. I don’t want her father to think I’m seducing her in this room.

  “We don’t have to sneak around now, we have his permission,” says Ella, her mouth placing gentle kisses along my jaw line. “You’ve been wanting this for so long,” she adds. Her hand reaches between us and she rubs my cock through the denim jeans. I close my eyes,
she’s right, I’ve dreamed about her touching me for so long.

  “You’re waiting for marriage, remember,” I say, gripping her wrist to halt her wandering hand.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, hurt lacing her words.

  “Nothing,” I kiss her, hard and deep, stealing her breath, “I want it to be perfect. I want to take my time and savor you.” She nods her head, a sulky pout on her face. “Don’t sulk baby, it’ll be worth the wait.”

  “Now we’re getting married,” she says, pulling away slightly, “I don’t expect to see you with any other woman.”

  “Of course not, my eyes are strictly on you,” I promise, “And now we’re getting married,” I add, using her words, “I don’t expect to see you in anything like this,” I point to her short skirt.

  Ella looks down at it and places her hands on her hips. “It’s just a skirt,” she shrugs.

  “I don’t want other men looking at you. If you’re gonna be mine I expect you to keep yourself covered up. I’d have to kill every man that disrespects me by looking at you, think about it,” I say firmly. I leave the room, letting those words sink in.

  I pull out my cell, I need to find my father and fast.



  I’ve spent the last hour being dragged around what I now know to be called the club house. It’s basically a warehouse turned living place, where all of the Rebellion’s hang out. Most of them have a room here but a lot of the guys that have families tend to have their own place and just come here to hang out and attend meetings, or church, as Ace called it. I’m enthralled by all of this, it’s like a new world I knew nothing about. I love how Ace talks about the club members, they’re like one big family and he cares about all of them.

  Happy, one of the club members, hands me a drink. I’m too polite to ask what’s in it so I drink it back, wincing as the bourbon hits my throat and burns all the way down to my stomach. Happy lets out a loud cheer, “Yep, that confirms it Pres, she’s your girl,” he laughs.

  So far all of the guys have been lovely, they seem to accept me just on Ace’s word and I feel special, like I’ve always belonged here. The only person that appears offish is Hulk. “I’ll introduce you to some of the old ladies,” says Ace, leading me towards a group of women. They turn as I approach and I suddenly feel judged. “Ladies, this is Lucy. She’s my daughter, Sylvia’s girl.”


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