Blackstone Ranger Charmer

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Blackstone Ranger Charmer Page 13

by Alicia Montgomery

  “That’s it, baby,” he encouraged. “Do it. Make yourself come on my cock.”

  “Gah!” Throwing her head back, she increased her pace. It was incredible, this feeling, looking down and watching his face twist in pleasure, knowing she was the cause of it. It made her move faster, gyrating her hips until he was biting his lip.

  “Temperance, I—” He groaned as he grabbed at her hips, ramming her down as his pelvis piston up into her. “Fuck, I’m coming!” His eyes closed, head slamming back on the pillow as she felt his cock pulse with his orgasm. She raked her fingers down his chest as her own pleasure washed over her like a wave, making her body shudder over and over again until she felt drained.

  “Oh, Gabriel,” she said in a breathless voice as she collapsed against him. “That was …”

  “Phenomenal,” he finished. “Mind-blowing. Let’s do it again.”

  She giggled when he rolled her over. “Again?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He licked at her neck, making her moan against him. “Do you need to get up early?” he asked. “To get to work?”

  “I stayed and … oh, Gabriel … did some prep work,” she panted. “I can be an hour or two late.”

  “Good. I don’t need much sleep, but I can let you crash for a couple of hours.”

  She could feel his cock getting hard again. “Then you’ll be done with me?” she teased, running her nails down his back.

  “Oh no, baby,” he murmured against her skin. “I’ll never be done.”

  For the first time ever in her life, Temperance was late to work, much later than she’d anticipated, actually. It was nearly eight o’clock by the time she arrived at Rosie’s, but much to her surprise, the kitchen was already humming with activity, and the smell of fresh pastry filled the air.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said to Rosie, who was taking a pie out of the oven. “I was, uh, delayed.”

  “I had a feeling you might be late,” Rosie’s lips curled into a smile.

  “You did?”

  She cocked her head behind her, where Ginny was sitting on top of the counter, digging into a slice of apple pie with a fork. “Hey, Temperance,” she greeted after swallowing a mouthful. “Glad to see you’re okay.”

  Gabriel had explained why he came back from Vegas and how he had heard about Tony harassing her. “Oh, hey, Ginny.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you did all that prep work,” Rosie said. “All I had to do was put everything in the oven. Did you have a good evening?”

  Temperance felt her blush from head to toe. “It was nice.”

  “Just nice?”


  The door crashed open behind her as Gabriel rushed in. “Jesus, babe, I’m so sorry I made you late. Don’t worry, I’ll charm—Rosie,” he greeted the fox shifter with a sheepish grin. “Good morning.”

  She returned it with a knowing smile of her own. “Gabriel. Do you want some breakfast?”

  “Uh, yeah. We didn’t have time to eat before coming here.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t,” she said with a chuckle. “Go ahead and help yourself.” She nodded her chin at the half-eaten pie next to Ginny. “You too, Temperance. You have some time. Sit and eat up. I’m sure you’ll need the energy.”

  She glared at Gabriel and whispered, “I told you we didn’t have time for that quickie.”

  “Hey, I never said it would be a quickie.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “C’mon, I’m starving.”

  As they grabbed some plates, Temperance couldn’t help but wonder if Rosie and Ginny knew about her and Gabriel being mates. They probably did. Part of her was self-conscious about it, but at the same time, she found herself not minding.

  Gabriel’s confession to her had been a shock, but somehow, she’d always known. She may not be a shifter, but something inside her told her that it was true. It was hard to describe that feeling, but it was something akin to her gut instinct about baking and which ingredients would go well together. Somehow, despite not making sense, she and Gabriel just worked.

  After she finished eating, she shooed Rosie off into the dining room because it was starting to fill up. Weekends were their busiest time, so she knew she had to get to work as they would soon run out of pies. As she worked, the Russel siblings stayed but mostly kept out of her way. When she took short breaks, she found herself chatting with Ginny.

  Gabriel’s sister was no-nonsense and blunt, and while her personality type would normally have repelled Temperance, she couldn’t help but like her. Plus, she loved hearing about Ginny’s travel stories, whether it was hiking to Petra in Jordan or scuba diving in the Maldives. She also grilled Ginny about her favorite foods, and hearing her describe things like the sweet and savory knafeh from Turkey or sticky mango rice from Thailand were already getting her creative juices flowing with ideas for her next recipes.

  When she was done for the day, Gabriel coaxed her into going back to his place, though she did make him drive her to the Full Moon Diner to get her car and go back to her place to get a change of clothes. They went back to his condo where Gabriel made them dinner again and then spent the rest of the night making love in his bed.

  Temperance had never been the type to crave sex, but with Gabriel, it was like she couldn’t get enough. Plus, he was an amazing lover. Attentive, playful, and considerate, but also dominant in a way that made her want to submit to him. It was almost disappointing to have to leave again for work the next day, but they both had responsibilities.

  “Did you get a chance to talk to Damon?” she asked as he walked her to the kitchen door at Rosie’s.

  “Yeah, yesterday while you were working,” he said. “Don’t worry, he’s cool with me disappearing. He says he understands, plus, he was too busy with Anna Victoria anyway,” he added with a chuckle.

  “Good.” She felt terrible that Gabriel had had to leave the party so abruptly. “I’ll see you after work?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He pushed her up against the door. “I’ll miss you until then.” Before she could protest, he kissed her thoroughly, leaving her breathless. “I’ll see you later at the French place at six?”

  She stared after him, waiting for him to drive off before she went inside. Time to get to work. As she prepped for her day, she wondered if she had ever been this happy before. Maybe, but she couldn’t remember. Or all those other times were eclipsed by what she was feeling right now.

  By the time Rosie came in, she was humming to herself, thinking of tonight when she would see Gabriel again. Rosie flashed her a knowing smile but said nothing and mostly left her alone. Even though she was done at one o’clock, she stayed and worked on her new recipes for the rest of the afternoon, not really wanting to wait in her empty trailer until it was time to meet Gabriel. When she was finished at five, she said goodbye to Rosie and Bridgette and walked out to the parking lot feeling like she was floating on air as she made her way to her car.

  “Well now, don’t you look so full of yourself?”

  She froze midway as she was reaching for her car door. Slowly, she turned around.

  Vicky Woolworth stood behind her; arms crossed over her ample chest displayed in a beautiful low-cut designer dress. However, her perfect outfit, hair, and makeup couldn’t hide the ugly sneer on her face.

  “Can I help you?” Temperance asked in a calm voice.

  “Sure, you can.” Vicky smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “By leaving me and Gabe alone.”

  “Excuse me?” Her arms stiffened at her sides. God, she hated this woman for what she did to Gabriel.

  “You poor, pathetic little human,” she cooed. “You really don’t know who you’re dealing with, do you? The Russel’s lineage has been untainted for generations, and they certainly won’t be allowing someone like you to muddy their bloodline. Not when they have prime Woolworth stock available.”

  What was she talking about?

  “Oh.” Vicky covered her mouth as she laughed. “I guess you really have no idea.”

  “No idea
about what?” God, she wished her voice didn’t tremble.

  “What’s been in the works for a while now.” Her stiletto heels clicked on the asphalt as she took a step forward. “Gabriel and I are engaged to be married.”

  Her blood froze in her veins, and her heart stopped for a second. “Engaged?”

  “Yes,” Vicky said. “Sure, we broke up for a while, but it was only because we were both so young. I understand that he needed to get that energy out of his system—sow his wild oats and whatnot—but now it’s time, and our families have come to an agreement.” She bared her teeth, glossy red lips parting. “So, I suggest you get out of the way, or else.”

  Temperance stared at the other woman, the seconds ticking by. Then that voice in her head came back.

  Of course he’s engaged.

  Vicky is who he deserves to be with. Perfect and beautiful.

  Gabriel will never want you.

  A pit began to form in her stomach. No! she screamed at her inner voice. You can’t control me anymore! Gabriel is my mate!

  A lightness, a kind of clarity washed over her. Then, she began to chuckle. Soon it became a full, lengthy, cackling laugh that had her clutching her sides. “M-m-married?” She managed to choke out between giggles. “Oh my God, you’re so pathetic.”

  “What—what are you doing? Are you making fun of me?” Vicky screeched, her eyes flashing. “No one makes fun of Vicky Woolworth! Stop it, stop it right now!” She emphasized her orders by stamping her feet.

  “Oh God …” She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. “Listen, you delusional cow,” she began as she managed to get ahold of herself. “Gabriel hates you. You had your chance, but you blew it because you’re vain and insecure, wanting him to prove his love to you all the time. And now he’ll never want you again, and that’s all your fault.”

  Vicky’s face turned an alarming shade of purple. “You bitch! You should have left and gone back to Chicago when you had the—”

  “Vicky,” came a deadly voice from behind. “I suggest you choose your words carefully. Or not say anything at all.”

  The lioness’s face crumpled, and she slowly spun on her heel. “Gabe! Thank God you’re here!” She sauntered over to him, arms reaching out, but stopped when he sent her a warning glare. “Your … your human was threatening me!”

  Gabriel’s eyes blazed as he folded his arms over his chest. “That’s not what I heard. Sounds like she was giving you a pill that’s hard to swallow.”

  Her shoulders stiffened. “You can’t mean to choose this … this insignificant little human over me? Our families have been friends for years. What would Genevieve say?”

  “First of all, Gen has nothing to do with this,” he said. “And second, I’d love to hear her thoughts when she finds out you’ve been spreading rumors about our supposed engagement.”

  “It was just a matter of time—”

  “Well, it’s the first I heard of it. You know that’s not how it works,” Gabriel said in a warning tone. “And if you think spreading your lies will get you what you want, then perhaps you don’t know Gen at all. She doesn’t like being told what to do.”

  Vicky swallowed audibly. “You’ll pay for this, Gabriel Russel.” Her nostrils flared as she fisted her hands at her sides. “You and your stupid little human slut!”

  “Vicky,” Gabriel roared.

  “You had your chance,” she told Temperance. “Now you’ll regret not taking it.”

  “Leave,” Gabriel ordered. “Now, or I swear to God—”

  “Fine,” she harrumphed, then turned around, marching all the way back to the bright red BMW a few feet away.

  As Vicky’s car roared out of the lot, Gabriel rushed to her side. “Temperance, are you okay? What else did she say to you?” He raked his hands through his hair. “Oh God, I’m sorry. I should have told you … I just didn’t know how. Please, baby,” he begged. “Forgive me.”

  “Forgive you?” she asked. “For what? She was the one who was lying.”

  “Uh …” Gabriel took a deep breath. “It’s not a one hundred percent lie. I mean … this is going to sound strange, but I hope you’ll hear me out.” Taking her hands, he gathered them into his. “The Russels … we’re not like any other family. First of all, we’re, uh, wealthy. Very wealthy.”

  “Wealthy?” she echoed. “I mean, I kinda guessed that.” He did have a nice place, and he could afford to fly his friends off to Vegas for the weekend on a private jet.

  “Yeah, that’s not all. In my pride, as with most lion prides, it’s the women who have the power. They control the family assets and the business. The alpha—in this case, my sister—also gets to decide on alliances and has a big say on marriages.”

  “Wait a minute,” she gasped. “Lions … arrange marriages?”

  “Er, kind of. It’s not as bad as it sounds. No one gets married without either party’s consent. But, couples are … encouraged to get together. My father, for example, was from an Arizona pride a couple of hours away. His mother and my mother’s mother got in touch when they were cubs and decided to introduce them. They spent summers together, and Dad was sent to the same university as Mom. Both of them knew the deal. It was how they were brought up. So, they let things just kind of develop from there.

  “I swear, my father always told us he loved and adored my mother, and she loved him back. He was devoted and faithful to her up to the day they died. But they probably wouldn’t have married if their parents hadn’t approved the match in the first place.”

  “And you and Vicky?” she asked.

  “I told you, our families were close. My sister’s been our Alpha since I was a teenager, and so she was just … following the way things have been done for generations. But I swear to you”—his hands tightened around her—“Vicky and I have never been engaged. Not before, and certainly not now.”

  “I know that,” she said. “I couldn’t believe all those lies she was spewing.”

  His face changed to that of relief. “You didn’t?”

  “Of course not,” she said confidently. “Why should I believe the word of a mentally deranged heifer over the word of the man I love?” The words were out of her mouth so fast, she couldn’t stop them. Oh. Shit.

  Gabriel’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “W-what did you say?”

  “Eeep!” Her hand slapped over her mouth. “I—” She spun around, trying to hide her flaming face from him. OhGodohGodohGod. “I didn’t …” It was too early to say that, wasn’t it? “It just came out. I’m sor—”

  “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry!” He spun her around so fast, she was dizzy. “Never ever say sorry, not about that. Look at me. Please, Temperance?”

  Slowly, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. They seemed even bluer now, shiny with what looked like tears.

  “I love you, Temperance,” he confessed. “My chest hurts so much from my heart wanting to burst out and say it to you. Scream it to the heavens so everyone can hear. You don’t know how happy I am right now.”

  “Me too.” She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, though he was already embracing her. His mouth found hers, their lips meeting in a soul-searing kiss. And that’s what it felt like—a heat that surprisingly wasn’t painful, unlike the fire that had scarred her. It was a strange sensation, slicing down her middle and pulling her apart before fusing her back together again. Whole, but not quite the same as she was moments before. When Gabriel pulled away, he looked at her, complete shock on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, reaching up to touch his cheek.

  “I think … I think that was the mating bond.”

  “Bond?” she exclaimed. “There’s a mating bond?”

  He nodded. “I didn’t think … I mean, I’ve heard about it but …” Placing her hand on his chest, he covered it with his. “Feel my heartbeat, Temperance?” She did—strong and steady, following a steady rhythm. “This heart, it beats only for you. You’re in here, wi
th me. I can feel it. Can you?”

  “I—” She felt dizzy again, and she had to lower her head for a moment and breathe deeply. Then she lifted her gaze to look at him—really look at him. The sun seemed to spark the highlights in his golden-blond hair, and his eyes were clearer than any winter morning sky she’d ever seen. It was like she had been smothered with a blanket her whole life, and now it was lifted off so she could see the world in a whole new way. Was this how he felt, too, when he looked at her? Yes, a new voice whispered inside her, banishing all the self-doubt from her mind and warming every dark and dreary part of her. “I can feel it.”

  The smile that spread on his face was more dazzling than any sunrise she’d seen. “Good. I love you, baby. Now, let’s go home.”

  There was nothing she wanted more.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gabriel watched Temperance in wonder as she slept in his arms. They were truly bonded and mated now, and he couldn’t be more content. His lion roared with pride, too, then swished its tail back and forth smugly as if telling him, I told you so.

  You did, buddy, he replied, happy for his animal to have this one. His arm tightened around her as he nuzzled her temple. She stirred, but didn’t wake.

  Yet despite it all, there was something bothering him, an inkling that things weren’t as settled as they should be. Call it a gut instinct, but he had a feeling getting rid of Vicky had been almost too effortless. The lioness was never one to give up so easily, at least not without destroying as much as she could before she did eventually go down. The last apartment he rented had suffered so much damage, it had been cheaper to buy it from the landlord. He knew he would have to stay on his guard until he could find out if Vicky was going to retaliate so he could protect Temperance with everything he had.

  Of course, it wasn’t just Vicky he had to watch out for. There was the issue of his family, Gen in particular. It had been a relief that Temperance didn’t believe in Vicky’s lies, and that she didn’t break up with him for keeping his family “tradition” a secret. He didn’t mean to keep it from her, really, it was just he’d been too concentrated on winning her first. But the truth was, though Gen would find out one way or another, he couldn’t dig up any fucks to give. Temperance was his mate, they were fully bonded, and no one could get in between them.


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