Daughter of the king

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Daughter of the king Page 17

by Ashley York

  Darragh searched her face with narrowed eyes, then shook his head and took another step back. “Tonight will be soon enough for us. Anticipation will only heighten yer pleasure.”

  Feeling swamped by her sudden desire for him, Brighit swallowed, hoping to clear the lust from her voice. “Ye are certain we should wait?”

  She was certain they should not. Never had she wanted something more.

  His beaming smile irritated her. “I should set about getting a place for us to sleep tonight.”

  He had decided to make her wait and he certainly seemed to enjoy seeing her in such need. Disappointment shifted in her gut, and she squeezed her legs together, only to have the strange material between her thighs scratch against her sensitive skin. She had made a small pair of braies to protect her when she wore her brother’s clothes but had nothing such as that with her.

  Her disappointment shifted to ire when he turned around to get to work.

  “And I’ll see to…something else.” The words sounded clipped and she felt sure she heard him chuckle. Well, much better to ignore him. Ignore him and everything about him while she turned her attention to straightening out her leine and putting it in a safe place.

  Her own bow in hand, Brighit stood beside Darragh on the ridge William had told them about. The much-used trail a short drop below them seemed promising and as the gloaming moved in, they were rewarded for their patience with a large herd of healthy deer lumbering like shadows across the glen.

  “Be my guest.” Darragh whispered into her ear and her chest expanded.

  She stilled, lined up her arrow and released the string of her bow. Her aim was true.

  “Very well done.”

  Brighit turned a bright smile on him.

  “And will ye see to the rest of the work as well?”

  Insulted at the mere suggestion that she would leave the lugging, cleaning, and caring for the carcass to another, she ground her teeth together, ready to spout out at him. His sincere expression while he waited for her answer tugged at her heart. He had no way of knowing what she was capable of. She needed to remember that.

  “I am able to see to it myself but am happy for any assistance ye may wish to give me.”

  Darragh kissed her gently. “Let us see to this together.”

  Their duties were carried about in companionable silence and the remaining soup filled their bellies quite nicely once they were done. When he took out the mead, he smiled at her.

  “And shall we enjoy this together now?”

  She nodded, slightly anxious about where this was leading even though her earlier excitement had stayed with her most of the day, accentuated by the unusual rubbing between her legs.

  “For my lovely wife.” Darragh raised his mug to her and they drank at the same time. “Mmm, very good.”

  He leaned his head back against the stump, his arm behind her where she sat leaning against his chest.

  “A lovely night.” Following the direction of his gaze, she couldn’t hold back her gasp at the sight of a million pricks of light filling the sky as if giving a performance for them alone.

  She tipped her head back and said, “So many stars. Very lovely.”

  Darragh bit her sensitive neck, and she gasped again.

  “And ye’ve a lovely neck.”

  His tongue stroked her skin like a cat cleaning its fur, with long, slow strokes. He nibbled her again and her arousal bloomed into full-blown need. Somehow he knew and shifted her to straddle his lap, continuing his nipping and licking, stopping only to whip the tunic off over her head and cup a breast in each palm.

  “Such lovely breasts my wife has.”

  She moaned when he sucked her deep into the warm, damp recess of his mouth. He answered her with his own groan.

  Putting a hand between her legs, he rubbed against the material that had been rubbing her all day. She immediately jerked away, and he drew back to search her face.

  “I have hurt ye?” His surprise matched her own.

  “No. ’Tis very…sensitive.”

  Watching her, he tentatively touched her, again getting the same reaction. “’Tis arousing ye?”

  Brighit shook her shoulders, shifting slightly where she sat, unsure of what she was feeling.

  He took her mouth then and she opened herself to him, pressing her breasts against his solid chest, needing him to touch her. Darragh pulled her slightly forward to work the trews down, stopping only to apply his hand to her sensitive skin. Immediately, she gave in to the serious quaking that rocked through her body.

  He yanked her close to impale her with his fingers, each thrust setting her on fire. Groaning, she threw her head back. When her flesh quivered against him, his shoulders tightened beneath her fingers. His breathing sounding labored.

  “Is something amiss with ye?”

  Darragh shook his head dismissively, as if unable to respond.

  “Am I hurting ye?”

  His eyes were wide when they met hers. “Only from my need to be inside ye.”

  Brighit pulled back to gawk at him. “Then why are ye not inside me?”

  With a firm hand around her waist, Darragh yanked the trews the rest of the way off before covering lowering himself over her. Something terrifying sparked in her mind, sitting just outside of her focus like a wild cat ready to pounce. But then he filled her, and his breathy moan and her body’s pleasant response called her attention back to him.

  “Ah, does that pleasure ye?” His words were spoken on a throaty exhale.

  The fear crouched low in the shadows of her mind.

  “Mmm,” she answered.

  With firm hands grasping her small shoulders, he sheathed himself completely into her depths. When he lowered his lips to her ear, blocking out everything else with his massive chest, the nagging sensation nipped at her thoughts.

  “D'ye feel me inside ye?” Darragh’s low voice called her back to him.

  “Aye.” And she could, a most pleasant sensation. But she panted slightly, no longer certain she could get enough air. He shifted, still covering her.

  “And this?” His hot breath against her neck, along with his solid thrusts, claimed her total awareness. Most pleasant.

  She could do no more than nod.

  “Ye are safe with me, Brighit.”

  Those words echoed in her head until all she knew was the delicious feeling of fullness.

  His words from earlier returned to her mind. “Ye’re extremely enjoyable. Mayhap I should always make ye wait.”

  Waiting had been awful. She couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure as his movements increased her need, that tension and pressure building inside her again. Her body instinctively reached for it.

  “Ah, I would know yer pleasure.” His scolding tone told her he knew exactly what he was doing to her and that realization released the flood gates. Taking her mouth, he accepted her groan into his own body as wave after wave overtook her, the fear fading out until it disappeared. When the waves settled down to gentle ripples, he murmured soothing words of endearment. Without warning, he flipped her on top of him so that he lay on his back, a wicked grin on his face.

  “Ride me again.”

  And she did so with abandon. Her deep moans couldn’t be silenced when he shifted her back and forth, sliding her against him. Their lovemaking was certainly not quiet, but there was no one near to hear them. He urged her on, using his hips to ensure each thrust touched that special place deep inside her. Her release was overpowering, taking her like an inescapable summer storm that leaves everything soaked and shivering. She collapsed against him. Exhausted. His hand to the back of her head, he kissed her deeply while he plunged into her depths until his seed filled her.

  Darragh turned them both to the side with him still inside her. They lay facing each other, waiting for their hearts to calm, both of them wet with sweat and breathing as if they’d run a great distance.

  “Ye give me great pleasure, wife.”

  “As d'ye, husband.�

  “I believe we can save the rest of the mead for another night.”

  Brighit laughed. “I believe ’twould be best.”

  She snuggled up to him, leaning on his chest. He settled his brait over them and they slept right where they were without waking until the cock crowed at dawn.

  Chapter 19

  The time together went by quickly. Darragh was amazed by how well Brighit could handle herself in different situations. Tracking, hunting, fishing, and even mock battles, which he couldn’t resist engaging her in. She was very fast on her feet. Her father had indeed trained her well and she took great pride in her abilities…most of the time. Other times a shadow would fall across her features. In those moments, it was as if she thought very little of what she could do. And when Darragh encouraged her, she insisted he was only being kind.

  Darragh hoped to gain her confidence and make her understand she was safe with him, but she had not yet shared her secret, the thing that continued to bring her sadness. The next night Brighit offered herself to him boldly, with no sign of the old panic returning. Afterward, they lay side by side and talked of life.

  Three of the kings he had been sent to deliver the message to were not well known to his clan, but the last king was a good friend of Darragh’s. He wanted to see how he fared, introduce Brighit to him.

  They had to leave soon after bringing the deer back to Gwen and William. The couple was very appreciative and he wasn’t surprised to see tears welling in Gwen’s eyes when it was time for them to go.

  “Oh please, do not cry.” Brighit hugged her tight. “Yer nephews are sure to visit in no time.”

  “One of them came while ye were gone.”

  “I am sorry I didn’t get to meet him.”

  William put a hand to Darragh’s shoulder to direct him toward the door. “Let us see to yer horse. How far is it ye must travel?”

  Darragh went with him toward the small ráth where his horse rested. “Two days if we go quickly. Our next stop will be at the Meachair.”

  “Ah, Francis. A good man.”

  “A good ri túath.”

  William tipped his head before answering. “I stay away from the clan rivalries. ’Tis what ripped my Gwen’s family apart.”

  “I am sorry to hear that. The true purpose for a clan is to live peaceably with support from others, joining together what ye have to live a better life.”

  “That may be the purpose, but I’ve rarely come upon that myself. No offense intended.”

  “None taken.”

  “The two sons who were part of the derb fine became rivals, so overtaken by the lure of power that they nearly killed each other. Gwen’s grandfather banished the fiercer one, Gwen’s father. He had a meanness about him that not even a tender wife could soften. She died in childbirth bringing Gwen and her sister into the world.”

  Darragh nodded thoughtfully. He’d witnessed similar situations, which was why he was convinced of the importance of the treaty helmed by his father and Brighit’s father. It made each ri accountable for himself and his own. “And is that why ye stay apart from the others?”

  “I wish for peace. Besides, we get enough news from her sister’s sons. Too much. The two believe they can set things right but instead stir up trouble. Usually upsetting to her, but she continues to ask.”

  “Is there a message ye’d like me to convey to the Meachair?”

  William smiled. “Tell him we fare very well here thanks to ye and Brighit.”

  Gwen rubbed at her nose, sniffling quietly. “But ye had a fine time hunting with yer husband?”

  “I did.”

  “And who felled the deer? Did he allow ye to do the honor?”

  Brighit was impressed by the women’s astuteness. “He did.”

  “And that way his pride remains intact and ye can have a great feeling of accomplishment.”

  “Hmm.” Mayhap she was little too astute. Brighit had taken it down on the first shot. It was not possible to prove he could have done the same.

  “A husband and wife can either have a hard time, keeping to themselves, or share with the other who they are. Ye two seem to be sharing just fine.”

  Brighit couldn’t agree more, which only made the knowledge that she was keeping something awful from Darragh that much harder to bear. But she must keep it to herself for his own safety. “Did yer nephew bring some food as well?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Oh.” Gwen got up and went to the small work bench, picking up the top of a heavy jar to reach inside. “I have something for ye.”

  “For me? Ye’ve given us so much, Gwen. Please nothing else.”

  The older woman came closer, something glittery flashing in her hand. “Ach, ’tis not from me and we’ve given ye nothing. Glad to have ye with us even if for only a short while.”

  The women’s patience with Brighit was something she could never repay.

  Opening her hand to Brighit, Gwen continued, oblivious to the heightened awareness coursing through Brighit’s body. “My nephew—a strange man—thought this would be a fine gift for ye.”

  The rare sapphire sat in the palm of the older woman’s hand like a viper ready to attack. Brighit swallowed down her fear. Gwen shoved it closer. “Take it. He wants ye to have it. He insisted.”

  I bet he did.

  “Ye never told me. What is yer nephew’s name?”

  “Seigine. He and his brother, Cathair, are my sister’s boys. They look after us as if they were our own sons.”

  Brighit could do no more than shake her head. The woman’s imploring eyes filled Brighit with guilt. Gwen had no idea her nephew, who had feigned kindness and appreciation for the visitors, was a cruel tormentor. Brighit didn’t doubt that Seigine had been following her and Darragh, not looking after his aunt and uncle at all. Forcing air back into her lungs, she reached to take the thing. “Did he say why he wanted us to have this?”

  Gwen smiled broadly. “He said he will soon have enough to buy many more, even fancier, gems, and wanted to thank ye for…” She frowned as if searching her thoughts. “Oh, thank ye for helping him with that.”

  “I do not understand.” The pounding in her ear increased and it was difficult to swallow.

  “Strange to me as well, but he said knowing ye were here helped him with what he needed to do.”

  The words filled Brighit with dread. What had he done? “I cannot really accept this.”

  “Oh, ye must.” Gwen’s eyes rounded and unless Brighit wanted to upset the woman further, she had to be gracious.

  “I thank ye. And be sure to thank yer nephew. When will ye see him again?”

  “Hmm, he said he would not be back until after the snows. He promised to return with great news. But we are more than prepared here for winter’s deadly cold, thanks to ye and Darragh.”

  Chapter 20

  The ruins of the stone castle overlooking the bay stood as a stark reminder of battles lost and won on these very shores between those who lived here and those who had invaded their lands so long ago. A shiver traipsed across Brighit’s skin at the sight of the long boat, barely peeking above the rocks leading down to the sea. The stories of the Norsemen and the terror they brought was not often spoken of. Many of those who now ruled as Eire’s kings had the blood of the invaders mixed within their royal blood. A past best left undisturbed.

  “Are ye cold? Ye’ve hardly said a word.” Darragh’s concern, evident in both his tone and his expression, sparked her defenses.

  “I am merely tired of the travel. It’s exhausting. Ye said so yerself just last night.”

  Last night there had been much talk of this and that, and what would happen when they finally returned home. Feeling the pressure of Seigine’s nearness, Brighit had subtly turned the conversation to him. But her husband was a wise man and he seemed to know almost instinctively that the man had no leadership qualities.

  “Then we will get ye some rest before ye meet the ri túath. He is a good friend of mine.”
/>   “I look forward to meeting him. Will ye relay yer father’s message as well?”

  “That is the reason we are here.” Darragh sighed. “And I will listen closely for his response since I have my own concerns.”

  Brighit parted her lips to allow her shaky breath to remain unnoticed. If she did not succeed in convincing her husband and father-in-law to support Seigine against the Dubhshláine, her part in the murder of Cathair would be revealed and her father and Darragh would bear the brunt of her punishment. All would be lost.

  He must have noticed the change in her expression because he took her hand, kissing it before leaning in to kiss her cheek. “A ghráidh, I pray ye are refreshed after ye rest. I miss my feisty wife.”

  “I will do my best.”

  They were met at the entrance by two well-armed warriors who recognized Darragh immediately. Setting aside their imposing demeanor, they each embraced him in turn, one even lifting him off the ground.

  “Ye have been missed.” The blond man ruffled Darragh’s hair like he was a boy, and Brighit could only look on in astonishment.

  “They have known me since I was a boy,” Darragh explained, his face reddening.

  Still dumbfounded, she nodded open-mouthed while the second man did the same.

  “Please, no more. Ye’ll have my wife wondering about her husband’s ferocity when he can allow himself to be pawed by other warriors.”

  “Yer wife?” The blond’s eyes widened in amazement, then he slapped his friend’s back with quite a bit of enthusiasm. “’Tis her. The she-warrior from Clan Cruadhlaoch?”

  Brighit’s jaw dropped at the title.

  “Devin.” Darragh’s irritated tone did little to discourage the man. “Please. My wife is named Brighit.”

  “She is indeed.” The man got his exuberance under control and, with great solemnity, swept into a low bow before taking Brighit’s hands to his lips. “I am honored to meet ye, fair lady.”

  Flabbergasted, she had no words, and when the second man offered the same greeting, she was beside herself. “Darragh?”


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