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Elite Ops Complete Series

Page 195

by Lora Leigh

  The walls of her pussy rippled around his fingers as he fucked them inside her. The muscles of her anus gripped him, milking his dick and pulling him deeper inside her as he fought to catch his breath. He knew it was too late to worry about holding onto his control. Much too late to worry about what he might be losing.

  Something as important as losing his heart. A heart he had never suspected he possessed.

  He gave his head a hard shake. Either from rejection of the thought or in desperation as he fought his loss of control.

  Unfortunately, it was too damned late to hold anything back.

  His cock, his fingers.

  His fucking heart.

  Before Jordan knew it, he was thrusting inside her like a man possessed by a demon of carnal need. As she cried for more, he gave her all he had.

  He wasn’t taking her easy, he wasn’t taking her with the tenderness he’d wanted to show her.

  Hell no.

  There was no time for finesse, no time for tenderness or grace. His balls were so tight they felt tortured, his cock so fucking hard it was steel.

  His fingers screwed into the ultratight depths of her pussy fucking her hard, just as he felt her tightening in nearing release.

  Sweet heaven have mercy on him, he was fucking her ass with heavy thrusts, feeling her milk him, her ass sucking at his hard flesh like the hottest, tightest little mouth.

  The pad of his palm pressed into her clit, feeling the swollen bud heating and throbbing as his fingers moved inside her.

  Her pussy tightened.

  Her ass tightened with a bite of pure rapture around his dick flexing and stroking every thrusting inch as he drove to the hilt inside her.

  Hell, she was going to come. He could feel her orgasm building. Her body tightened, and in that moment, nothing mattered but Tehya’s pleasure. Nothing mattered but her satisfaction, and ultimately holding her to him as she began to explode around his flesh.

  Pleasure was agony. Pain was ecstasy.

  Liquid rapture, white-hot and searing, flowed through Tehya’s veins as she heard the cries tearing from her throat. She was lost to reason and lost to reality as it exploded through her.

  “God yes!” Behind her, Jordan thrust hard and heavy inside her, his cock burning the depths of her ass, the stretching, heavy ache building to a rapture she couldn’t resist.

  She wanted the edge. She wanted to leap into the pure, blinding ecstasy she could feel just out of reach, hovering, awaiting her. She was there, tiny eruptions rocking through her as she kept climbing, kept fighting for that ultimate release.

  “Better than my dreams,” Jordan snarled behind her as his fingers fucked her harder reaching inside the depths of her pussy. His fingertips caressed high and up, stroking that small bundle of nerves just behind her clit, a hit-and-miss caress that kept her teetering, kept her flying.

  Liquid flames licked over her flesh now, reached into her veins.

  “Jordan.” She clawed at the comforter, her hips thrusting back to him, driving him harder inside the sensitive entrance as she felt the rush of adrenaline and exhilaration surging through her.

  She needed. Oh God, she needed so bad.

  “Please,” she cried hoarsely.

  “Not yet.” His voice was thick, heavy. “Hold on Tey. Just hold on, baby. Let it build. Let it burn for me.”

  Burn more?

  She was dying. She couldn’t bear it if it burned more. If the flames licked hotter inside her.

  “Now,” she cried out, begging, ready to plead.

  Oh God, she was begging.

  “Not yet. Tehya, baby, you’re so tight. So exquisite.”

  Her womb clenched, her pussy rippled with impending orgasm.

  She needed it. She had to come. If she didn’t come then didn’t know if she could survive it.

  She needed release so desperately that the agony of waiting had perspiration slicking her skin, had her juices spilling from her vagina. They eased past the fingers thrusting inside her with ever-increasing strokes.

  She couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t survive another minute.

  Suddenly, burningly, as his fingers pressed more firmly, rubbed, caressed, she exploded.

  Every muscle tightened, her bones locked, her head tilting back as a wail tore past her lips, and she began to shudder violently with the orgasm that tore violently through her.

  Pleasure was the center of an internal sun imploding. Heat, flames, a burning crescendo that overwhelmed her and sent pure, intense sensation ripping through her body.

  Behind her, Jordan thrust into her, elevating her orgasm, prolonging it, and finally sending another sharp burst radiating in the middle of the first as she felt his release suddenly begin spurting inside her.

  The final, hard thrust inside her was followed by the deep fiery spurts of semen filling her rear. Each pulse was followed a hard jerk of his body against her. The fingers at her hip tightening, the ones buried in her pussy caressing that sensitive little spot deep inside her.

  It seemed to go on forever.

  She wanted it to never end. She couldn’t survive it much longer, but she wanted to hold it inside her forever.

  “God! Tehya!” Growling, savage, the sharp exclamation came as the final burst of his release filled her and the last hard explosion of pleasure tore through her body. Ripples of heat, her nerve endings pulsing, her pussy clenched and milked him as the final shudders shook through her.

  Tehya collapsed against the bed.

  There wasn’t an ounce of energy in her body. All but the most necessary brain impulses shuddered to a stop. She could breathe, that was it. She hoped she wasn’t required to do much more.

  Her eyes closed and she simply drifted.

  Behind her, Jordan lay over her, his weight braced on one arm as she felt his fingers ease from her gripping pussy.

  She shivered at the additional pleasure, shocked that there was enough energy in her body to do that much.

  His lips brushed against her shoulder.

  His chest heaved at her back at he fought for breath with the same desperation she felt.

  She could feel him.

  Inside her.

  Not just inside her body, not just buried in her rear, his cock still throbbing and hard. But inside her. As though he had found a way to penetrate her very spirit, to steal it, to possess it in ways she knew it could never be possessed again.

  “Sweet Tehya,” he whispered, moving slowly away from her and pulling a cry from her as she felt him withdraw until his body was no longer locked to hers.

  She was glad her face was buried in the blanket, glad he couldn’t see her expression, or he would have seen the tears she had to blink back.

  Oh God, she loved him.

  No, she had always loved him. From the moment her eyes had met his in Aruba, years before she was inducted into the Elite Ops, she had loved him.

  No other man had touched her since that night. No other man had possessed so much as a dream or a fantasy in all those years.

  She belonged to Jordan Malone, a man she knew didn’t want or need the heart she had given to him. A man who believed love was no more than an illusion.

  “Sweet Tehya.” He brushed her hair aside as his lips pressed to the back of her neck in a lingering kiss before shifting from her.

  She lost his possession of her. She lost the warmth of his body even though he moved no further than to lie beside her.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he whispered, his voice so low she almost missed what he had said.

  She certainly had a few ideas there.

  Her head turned slowly as she forced her eyes to open.

  “What did you say?” She had heard him, she just wanted to be certain he had said what she thought he had.

  He stared back at her, his eyes such a brilliant sapphire blue she was instantly lost in them.

  If she could just live here forever. Just like this.

  His lips quirked slowly. “I hope I didn’t hurt yo
u,” he said then.

  Tehya frowned. She could have sworn she had heard something more, something akin to regret in his voice. And she was damned certain that was not what he had said.

  He brushed her hair from her face, the heavy curls trailing around her as she laid her head on her arms and stared up at him. He reclined beside her, using the palm of his hand to hold his head up, a grin almost quirking his lips.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him, though she knew better.

  She would only be fine until the day he walked away from her once again. After that, God only knew if she could survive intact. Walking away, or watching him walk away, would be the second hardest thing she had ever done in her life. The first was walking away the first time.

  His fingertip eased over the curve of her face.

  “You burn me alive, Tehya,” he said, his voice low, as he stared back at her.

  She remained silent, her heart leaping in her throat, hope digging sharp claws into her tender heart.

  He breathed out slowly, heavily.

  “You do the same to me, Jordan,” she whispered back, her need to hear more almost a physical hunger.

  His gaze flickered and darkened.

  “It starts tomorrow,” he said his expression growing, not exactly distant, but no longer as soft as it had been. “The senator’s first party to introduce his son-in-law to his backers will be held at the Stanton estate.”

  Her throat tightened. She didn’t want to discuss this right now.

  “I’d prefer to glow just a little longer,” she told him with false amusement. “Let’s talk about this later, okay?”

  When her heart wasn’t breaking because the sweet nothings hadn’t lasted long enough after the most incredible orgasm of her life.

  “Tehya, we don’t have time to wait.” His fingers tightened on her face as she moved to turn away from him. “I have to know now, can you handle facing the Taites? Can you endure an introduction and pretend you don’t know them? Can you bear to walk away from your family without…”

  “They’re not my family.” She had no idea if they were even likeable. She couldn’t miss what she had never had.

  It was that simple. She wasn’t going to argue the point.

  “Tey, look at me.” The gentleness in his tone nearly broke the fragile shell of her defenses. “Why? What’s holding you back from taking what belongs to you? Your family, and your inheritance?”

  Did he sincerely want to know? Why did he want to know? God, he wasn’t supposed to switch gears like this. He was supposed to maintain some kind of consistency, wasn’t he? There was nothing worse than someone who switched gears that easily.

  “Look.” She breathed out wearily. “Right now, they’re none the wiser and neither am I. Any heirs my mother had are assumed dead. I’m assumed dead. If I return, they’ll always fear I’m there to claim my inheritance. They’ll never believe otherwise. They’ll never trust me. It’s a no-win situation, Jordan, and I’m tired of fighting. I just want to rest for a while, nothing more. And returning to, or should I say, trying to enter, the bosom of my family, isn’t something I’ve put on my agenda this year.”

  She was tired of fighting, she was tired of being alone, and she was tired of the shadows that refused to allow her any peace.

  She was simply exhausted, and once this was over, she wanted to hide and heal the wounds gathering in her heart.

  Staring back at him, she realized she wanted only to rest in his arms.

  “Come here, baby.” His arms tightened around her, drawing her to him. “I’ll be there with you,” he promised. “Lean on me if you have to. But when this is over, it’s a discussion we’ll have again. This decision isn’t set in stone.”

  Unfortunately, it was. She had set it in stone long ago, and she intended to keep it there.


  It was set in stone. In cement. In steel.

  It was a promise she reaffirmed the next evening.

  Tehya reminded herself that she had made a promise to her mother and to herself. After her grandparents’ murder, she had sworn to her mother that she would protect the rest of the family by staying away from them. That she would also protect the single secret her grandfather had given her mother unless she had no other recourse, until the threat of all danger had passed.

  That secret, a set of numbers, was more than her own legacy, more than the legacy that had been stolen from Francine Taite, when Sorrel had kidnapped her. It was an inheritance set aside by Bernard Taite for his missing daughter. Cash, gold, bonds, family jewels, and a portion of Taite Industries profit per year, after Bernard Taite’s death. It was a legacy set aside by her grandfather, and Tehya couldn’t claim it until she either married, reached forty years old, or decided to return it to the overall estate for a very small portion of the whole. That inheritance was all she wanted from the Taites. As far as she was concerned, she deserved every tiny bit of it.

  “Your gown will be here in about an hour.” Jordan stepped into the bedroom where she stood in front of the large, well-lit mirror, that hung on the wall behind the dresser completing her makeup. She hated vanity lighting, preferring the more natural light in the bedroom instead.

  Dressed in thin shorts and a camisole top, barefoot, freshly showered and still trying to come to grips with the night before, Tehya avoided his gaze as she brushed a finishing powder over the completed accents to her face, before returning her makeup to the bag lying on the dresser.

  “Fine,” she answered shortly as she checked the feature-defining job she had completed on her face. Smoky eyes, defined cheeks, the darker eye shadow highlighting and darkening the emerald green of her eyes.

  Hell, she didn’t look like Teylor Johnson any more than she looked like the missing Tehya Talamosi Fitzhugh. Which was the effect she had been working for. Makeup was indeed a girl’s best friend.

  Jordan paced across the room to her as she watched him carefully from the corner of her eye.

  He wore black silk slacks, custom-made leather shoes, and an Egyptian cotton white shirt so expensive she was almost amused by the price. She knew the Malone’s were incredibly rich, each son provided a healthy inheritance when Erin Malone died. They rarely showed it though, which only made it more shocking when she saw proof of it.

  The matching evening jacket was lying across a chair in the other room. She knew his habits, and she was certain he had taken just as much notice of her own.

  “You don’t seem particularly concerned about the party tonight,” he commented as he stood behind her, his gaze going over her face, taking in the expert application of makeup.

  “Should I be?” she asked, her brow arching.

  “This is the first time you’ve been face-to-face with the Taites, other than Journey. I know it’s a complication you weren’t looking forward to,” Jordan said.

  Her lips twisted bitterly. “True, but life is nothing if not a complication, wouldn’t you say, Jordan? Why should one more matter? Besides, they have no idea who I am, and no one at the party who matters has any idea who I am. Why should I be nervous?

  Jordan leaned against the edge of the dresser, crossed his arms over his chest, and stared back at her.

  “The whole Taite family will be there, Tey. Stephen and his wife, Lauren. Craig and his wife, Melisande, as well as the children. Craig’s son and heir, Royce, his daughters Alexa and Journey.”

  She turned with a frown. “Isn’t that unusual? Stephen Taite had one child, Craig, but Craig has three.”

  “Unusual.” His lips pursed thoughtfully though his gaze was amused. “Perhaps Craig didn’t enjoy being an only child.”

  “Mother said Craig was quite determined that there be no other children to share his parents’ time with him.” She remembered this as bits and pieces of conversations with her mother emerged. “She always appeared very fondly amused by the memory. Evidently, Craig was quite possessive of not just his parents, but also any inheritance he would receive when they died.”

nbsp; “What’s your point?” he asked curiously.

  Did she have a point? Other than the fact that she truly wasn’t nervous and was only now realizing how very little she knew about her family. Even though their youngest daughter worked for her, Tehya refused to listen to Journey discuss them.

  “No point,” she finally shrugged as Jordan continued to watch her. “I’ve just always found that rather strange, I guess.”

  “Why would it seem odd or strange to you if you have no intentions of revealing yourself to them?”

  Tehya propped her hands on the dresser and stared back at herself in the mirror for a long, intense moment, before dropping her eyes and turning to stare back at Jordan.

  She couldn’t bear to see the emotions in her own eyes, or the haunted dreams she had never been able to give up on.

  “Mother adored her family,” she said softly, frowning as her chest tightened with the pain of everything that had been lost over the years. “That was her only dream, to find a way home. The last call she made, before Sorrel caught up with her, after her parents’ deaths, she sounded broken.”

  She had been broken, Tehya amended silently. She had heard it in Francine’s voice, the agony that couldn’t be healed, the knowledge there was no home left to return to.

  “Trust no one, Tehya,” she had whispered without inflection, her voice hoarse, ragged, yet lacking emotion. “Swear to me you’ll never risk the rest of the family. But when you’re old enough, Tehya. When you reach your inheritance age, swear to me. Swear you’ll claim all that is left of what should be yours. Swear it. And when you do, you’ll find him. You’ll find the son of a bitch that helped Sorrel. You’ll make him pay. Swear it, damn you!”

  Tehya had sworn. She had wanted to beg her mother to do it. Francine had been thirty-three years old. She’d had only seven years to go. At forty she could have claimed the inheritance and found her own vengeance.

  Her mother had lived long enough to claim enough. Within a week of her parents’ death, Sorrel’s men had found her. They had found her, they had tortured her to death, for her.

  Her mother had died protecting her.

  “You were her family, too.” Jordan’s voice pulled her back from her memories. “You were her daughter.”


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