Daughter of the Red Dawn (The Lost Kingdom of Fallada)

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Daughter of the Red Dawn (The Lost Kingdom of Fallada) Page 9

by Alicia Michaels

  “Unless one of these Fae boys decides to grow wings and catch me … Hmmm, on second thought … ”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “What? That Rothatin dude is hot!”

  “He’s a jackass.”

  “He’s a jackass, but he saved your ass.”

  Zoe giggled over her little quip, but Selena tuned her out. Rothatin was handsome; very Chris Hemsworth. However, he could prove to be a thorn in her side when it came to the matter of gaining some sort of immunity for Titus. She needed the Fae warrior to be with her, not against her.

  Selena soon forgot all of that as the landscape of Fallada whizzed by beneath them. From their present height, she felt as if she could see all four corners of the land she was born in. It was breathtaking with its incredible scenery and vibrant colors. Ahead of them was the northern city of Goldun. It floated miles above the ground in one, gigantic solid mass of earth, almost as if it had broken away from the rest of the world. On top of the floating island was a city that gleamed gold in the moonlight and was surrounded by trees and plants, the likes of which Selena had never seen before in her life.

  To the east sprawled an endless ocean. It rolled with waves, but boasted no towering buildings or signs of life. Selena supposed that Zenun was literally underneath that massive body of water. To the west was Mollac, with its jagged mountains and cliffs and endless stretches of pristine, white snow. Selena felt sadness stabbing her heart as she glanced over at Titus. Even from where she sat she could see the anguish that homesickness brought to his eyes. Selena glanced back toward the icy kingdom and located the towering fortress of ice encased in what appeared to be an iron cage. She supposed that this was what kept the Fae from invading Mollac. She trembled as she remembered that Jake and Wil wanted her to be the one to lead the first siege.

  Definitely not happening.

  Finally, to the south was Damu. It’s sienna sand rolled and dipped toward buildings that reminded her of the castle from Aladdin. With their domed ceilings all boasting different shades of purple, red, and gold, the city appeared to be one of great wealth.

  “Just think,” said Wil from his perch on the front seat, “that is where your parents are.”

  Selena blushed at having been caught staring. She whipped around in her seat, focusing on the floating city of Goldun.

  “Why would I care about that?”

  Selena didn’t want to acknowledge the twinge of something low in her gut, that thing within her that desperately wanted to see the faces of her real parents. The child inside of her wanted answers, but she had already decided that if Adrah would lend her aid then Selena would help Titus find his parents and leave Fallada. End of story.

  Wil smiled knowingly at her and shook his head. “You are a stubborn one, Princess, much like King Eldalwen.”

  Selena pressed her lips together, refusing to take the bait. Zoe continued staring at the landscape, trying to pretend like she wasn’t listening. Wil sighed and turned to face forward again.


  As they ascended toward Goldun, a gate made of twisted and gnarled branches intertwined about each other barred them from entering. Flowers in every color conceivable dotted the green foliage growing from the curling branches. The gate wrapped around the entire floating island was so tall that even if she and Zoe both climbed onto the shoulders of one of the tall Fae, they still wouldn’t be able to see inside. A phrase spoken in the language of the Fae caused a shifting along the gate branches. They uncurled and slipped out of their intricate pattern, parting to create a gap large enough for their party to enter. Bright, blinding light met their eyes, gleaming from the surfaces of buildings that stretched up toward the sky and sparkled with iridescent light. As Rothatin led their flying party through the gates, Selena knew that Zoe was experiencing the same awe that she was feeling.

  The vibrant colors of Fallada seemed more ethereal here, kissed with a shimmering glow that appeared to be as alive as the flora and fauna that surrounded them. Trees seemed to sway to a soundless rhythm as one, and flowers danced and curled in the waving grass, seeming to turn toward them as they passed, lifting their petals and twirling in a hypnotic waltz. Nature surrounded them, interspersed with massive pillared buildings with domed roofs. Every building was etched with carvings that depicted the surrounding nature, and some buildings even had the tops of trees growing straight up out of their roofs. It seemed that, unlike people who bulldozed every tree in sight to build their cities, the Fae had respected Mother Nature enough to build around it. The effect was stunning.

  “We go first to the royal Fae court,” Rothatin said as he guided his owl alongside their floating chariot. “My queen will be expecting you.”

  Rothatin pulled the reigns of his bird and banked left, guiding the rest of their entourage toward the largest building nestled at the center of Goldun. It was made of smooth white marble and its domed roof was of solid gold. Stretching up from the rooftop was the shimmering statue of a Fae woman draped in a Grecian goddess style gown. Her face was calm and serene, her jaw set and determined. Her hands clutched a bow and held a notched arrow to it. The weapon was pointed toward Goldun’s entrance, as was the statue’s gaze.

  They came in for a graceful landing in a courtyard filled with plants and trees, surrounded by an ivory gate. Everyone dismounted from their carriage or bird and Jake took Rose into his arms once again. Zoe gripped Selena’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as they followed their escorts through one of several open, pillared archways leading into the building. Titus was guided along by two of the warrior Fae, his hands still bound behind his back.

  Through the archway was a long corridor with pink-veined marble floors and walls depicting life-like scenes of nature. Music, voices and laughter could be heard coming from behind the gilded double doors at the end of the hall where Rothatin paused and turned to them

  “Be advised; Queen Adrah is a very powerful being. She sees all and knows much, and you must remember to always be honest with her. Chances are, she already knows the truth before she asks a question.”

  “Then why even ask?” Zoe mumbled under her breath.

  The sharp-eared Faerie turned his narrowed gaze on Zoe. “To measure the character of the person being asked for answers.”

  “Well excuse me,” Zoe whispered.

  Rothatin tensed as if he’d heard her, but didn’t respond. He merely turned to the heavy-looking doors and pushed them inward. The room they entered was more stunning than Selena could have ever imagined.

  The sound of babbling water reached her ears, and as they moved further into the room, she spotted a circular pool with a fountain at its center. A statue of four female Faeries standing back to back rose up out of the water. Each Fae wore a gown in a style similar to the statue on the roof and each one held a large urn, which she was tipping over to pour water into the rippling pool. Inside of the pool, members of the royal Fae court frolicked and swam, their gossamer garments hanging from their bodies, moving and shifting around them of their own accord. Some even lounged on the pool’s edge with their legs dangling in the water, jeweled goblets clutched between slender fingers. On couches and chaise lounges, placed haphazardly around the room, more royal Fae lounged; some with books in hand, others with plates of food. Near the corner of the room, a group of Fae sat gathered in a circle, making music with wooden instruments. Drums, rattles, flutes, and guitars created a haunting and peaceful melody that all the other Fae seemed to enjoy. The music held an energy all its own and wafted about the room in the same hypnotic motion as the garments of the Fae. Selena felt all of her cares melting away at the very sound of the music. It seemed to have the same effect on everyone in the room, including the Grimm brothers and the Fae. Even Rose’s complexion brightened and her moaning and writhing ceased. The lines across her forehead seemed to smooth as her facial muscles relaxed.

  On the other side of the pool sat the most beautiful woman Selena had ever seen. This must be Queen Adrah, she deci
ded, as she is a match for the statue on the roof. Her statuesque body stretched up tall and proud, and her figure was that of warrior blended with a curvy woman. Her arms and shoulders rippled with sinewy muscle, her breasts and hips rounded her out, enhanced by long, powerful legs. A white garment draped and dipped across her body, flowing around her ankles in a wave-like motion, giving her the appearance of floating as she moved about the room. Her skin shimmered like bronze beneath the stark white dress and her feet were bare. Her body was adorned with silver jewelry, from the series of chains draped over her sparkling blond hair, to shining silver cuffs on her wrists and sparkling anklets and toe rings. A series of silver chains hung from her neck, each sporting a pendant representative of nature: flowers, trees, butterflies, birds. Her features were strong yet delicate, fierce yet calm, haunting yet beautiful. Beneath her light blond eyebrows were eyes that could only be described by comparing them to spring. The green of her irises swirled with iridescent light so that the shade of green varied depending on the lighting or her position. Selena was mesmerized by them as she locked eyes with the queen from across the room.

  Selena felt frozen in place as Adrah seemed to float across the room toward them. Even without Rothatin’s warning, Selena would have known better than to lie to this woman about anything. The wisdom and knowledge in her gaze were too obvious to miss.

  “Selena, Zoe, welcome!” she said warmly, looking both girls in the eye as she greeted them. “It is an honor to meet you both.”

  Her voice echoed from the tall walls and high ceilings, putting the music to shame with its lyrical sound. All noise in the hall ceased and every Fae stopped what they were doing to turn and gaze upon the newcomers. Adrah took Selena’s hand, her piercing green stare seeming to strip her down to her soul.

  “You are your mother’s daughter in appearance,” Adrah continued with a slight upturning of her lips. “Yet I feel your father’s warrior spirit within you, child. He will be so pleased.”

  Selena cleared her throat. “About that … ”

  “There will be time enough for that later, Selena,” Adrah said with a pat on her hand. “We must see to other matters first, such as your grandmother’s health. I am sure you are all hungry and tired as well after your long journey. You have my hospitality for as long as you need it.”

  “Thank you,” Selena mumbled as she lowered her head. The fact that Queen Adrah was being so nice to her was only making this harder. The Fae queen was counting on her to play her part in the fulfilling the prophecy and Selena was only going to let her down.

  We shall see. All has not yet been decided, Princess.

  Selena’s eyes widened as she looked back up at Adrah, who had turned and began talking with the Grimm Brothers. She was certain she’d heard the queen’s voice in her head. As Selena stood gawking Adrah glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. They twinkled knowingly, filled with mischief. Selena shivered and turned away, watching instead as the Fae royals who had been swimming left the pool and began converging around them.

  “How long since Rose was bitten by the Werewolf?” Adrah asked as she reached a hand out toward the limp figure in Jake Grimm’s arms.

  “Three days,” Wil answered. “The fever has been raging for two and she’s delirious. The venom is spreading.”

  Adrah ushered one of the burly swimmers forward. Selena watched as the dark-haired Fae plucked Rose from Jake’s arms as if she weighed no more than a baby and turned toward the pool with her.

  “What is he doing?” Selena asked as the Fae waded into the pool with Rose.

  Adrah gave her another little half-smile. “Do not fear, Selena. Fae royalty are blessed with healing powers through nature. Daxos’ gift is healing by water and he is one of the most powerful among his kind.”

  They looked on as three other Fae—two females and one male—joined the one named Daxos in the pool. They helped him spread Rose’s body out in the water, each of them keeping one hand beneath her to keep her afloat. Each Fae closed their eyes and tilted their heads back while moving their free hands in the air above Rose’s body. They chanted in unison, Fae words that sounded more like a song. Its melody caused ripples in the still pool, which swirled around them gently, gurgling in answer to the Fae’s power.

  The other Fae watched silently, reverently, as the four Fae chanted and sang. Slowly, Rose began to come back to life as a black, smoke-like substance exited her nostrils and dispersed on the air. Within minutes her eyes were open and she was staring in wonder at her surroundings. Selena felt tears of joy stinging her eyes and didn’t even try to stop them as she rushed forward. Rose was placed on her feet and waded through the water toward Selena with her arms spread wide. Selena didn’t hesitate as she dropped into the pool and launched herself against Rose. They hugged, jumping up and down in their excitement. Selena pulled back and looked down into Rose’s smiling face with wonder. Her grandmother was a healthy woman, but she’d never looked so beautiful. The healing hands of the Fae had obviously done wonders for her.

  “Sweet pea,” Rose whispered, stroking Selena’s bangs back from her face affectionately. “Did we make it? Is this the land of the Faeries?”

  Selena nodded. “Yes, Gram, we’re here. Come meet the queen, she’s beautiful!”

  They left the water hand in hand, flanked by Daxos and his three helpers. Selena pulled Rose toward Adrah, who stood waiting by the edge of the pool with her arms clasped in front of her.

  “Welcome, Rose, to Goldun.”

  “Thank you,” Rose said as she wiped her wet face with a towel provided by a nearby Fae. “It is such an honor to meet you.”

  “No, dear Rose, the honor is all mine, for you are the one who has safeguarded our dear princess all this time. I am eternally grateful to you for what you have done.”

  Rose beamed with pride and grasped Selena’s shoulder tightly. “She’s my girl, Your Majesty. No matter what.”

  Adrah gave another little smile. “Yes, she is. Now come, I wish to see you all settled and well rested. There will be time enough for politics in the morning.”

  “With all due respect, Queen,” Selena objected, “we would like to return to our world as soon as possible.”

  Adrah nodded, her eyes narrowed and thoughtful. “Yes, I am aware of this. We will talk later, I promise. But first, rest and a warm bed for you and your family, as well as the Brothers Grimm.”

  “My Queen, what of the traitor?” Rothatin spoke for the first time since entering the hall.

  Adrah swiveled her cool gaze to Titus. “He will be brought to my chambers for questioning,” she commanded. “First, I want him released from his bonds.”

  Rothantin’s eyes widened, and darkened to almost black, and his jaw hardened. “Your Majesty, he is very dangerous!”

  Suddenly, the air around them grew icy cold and Adrah’s eyes swirled with iridescent color before going silver. If at all possible, she drew herself up to an even greater height as she stabbed Rothatin with a piercing glare.

  “You dare to question me, General?”

  Rothatin lowered his head, properly chastised. “No, my Queen. Please forgive me.”

  As quickly as it had come, Adrah’s anger melted away and her serenity had returned.

  “You are forgiven. Now, please do as I have asked. Titus of Mollac and I have much to discuss.”


  Chapter Eight

  Her chambers were reflective of everything Queen Adrah represented. Light and air were ever present in the room with open archways leading out to circular balconies overlooking Goldun at the height of Osbel tower, the castle inhabited by the Fae ruler. Furniture in shades of white and pale yellow adorned the chambers and billowing, sheer curtains shielded the bed and other sections of the quarters from view. Queen Adrah sat in a high-backed chair across from Titus, who sat stiffly on a matching couch. Everything about the room screamed serenity and calm, yet Titus felt turbulent and fearful.

  Adrah was even more powerful than Eranna and her
wrath was great when she chose to exercise it. Titus hung his head, refusing the meet the Fae queen’s knowing gaze. He had a feeling that if he did, the dam incasing his emotions would break and he would fall at her feet in a sobbing mass. He studied the intricate pattern of the yellow sunflower printed tiles beneath his feet instead.

  “You must be thirsty,” she said once they were alone in the room. Her lyrical voice wrapped around him and echoed with resounding authority. She gestured toward the gleaming silver tea set laid out on the table between them. Titus shook his head in refusal.

  “No, Your Majesty. I’m fine.”

  “Not one for pleasantries?” Adrah smirked and shrugged, pouring her own tea with refined movements. “Very well, young man, we shall come straight to the point. I am told that you are possessed by the Queen of Mollac.”

  Titus unconsciously reached for the back of his neck, running his fingers along the black, cursive letter E tattooed across his skin. The brand had seared itself there the day that he pledged his service to Eranna in exchange for his family’s freedom.

  “Yes,” he admitted, knowing that the Fae queen was already aware of the truth.

  She lifted a small teacup to her lips, her face fixed into an expression of thoughtfulness.

  “The wolf packs of Mollac are now set against each other, with many of them taking refuge here in Goldun. While the rest, like you, have chosen to serve on the side of evil.”

  Titus did not miss the coolness that seeped into Adrah’s eyes, turning them into a very cool, wintry shade of green that bordered on shimmering white.

  “I did what I thought was necessary for my family to survive,” he said, fighting down the growl that emerged in his throat. His canines throbbed and he felt the anger that welled up in him, as if he were suddenly filled with molten lava.

  In an instant, Adrah had crossed to sit on the couch beside him. She rested a hand on his knee, her eyes wide and piercing as she captured his gaze. Coldness rushed through him like an arctic blast and his anger abated as quickly as it had welled up. Adrah brought her warm palms up to his face. She held him, gazing deeply into his eyes as a rush of power flowed through him from her fingertips.


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