Faigon's Mate Farseek Mercenary Series Extra

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Faigon's Mate Farseek Mercenary Series Extra Page 3

by T. J. Quinn

  “Your people can board. Approach the ramp one at a time to be scanned for weapons. If you have weapons leave them on the ground by the ramp and hold your hands up where I can see them as you come up to the entrance.”

  The weapons they left at the bottom of the ramp were crude rock slingers, crossbows, and the long knives issued to prisoners when they are dropped on Julconi. The tiny com in my ear tweeted, and Faigon told me they were on their way back to the ship. They were moving in stealth mode with lights off. While the last two people were approaching the ramp, one of the team came behind the hostage taker and plucked the weapon out of his hand then forced him to release her.

  It was Faigon, and he determined the weapon was a fake projectile pistol with no projectiles. The man started weeping after he was disarmed. His “hostage” was his lover, and he swore he would never hurt anyone. They weren’t Uatu, but a closely related human subspecies.

  “We will take you and your mate,” Faigon told him, “but if you cause any trouble, we will space you both. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir, thank you, sir,” the man said.

  The rest of the team was right behind Faigon, and the armed mob not far behind that. They were laying down fire into the dark as they retreated into the ship. Faigon kept me behind him as projectiles bounced off the hull and the armored team members.

  As soon as the last one was aboard, the ship AI closed the hatchway as the pilot lifted the mission transport off the ground. We were among the first carriers to land on the Kurellis with refugees from the Sargus Empire. I asked to speak to the women from Earth who were checking in the refugees.

  The first one I met was Harper Avery, solmatu to Commander General Maktu of Dreadnaught One. She introduced herself as I came up to her station at the long table set up outside the landing bay. She was about my height, with blue eyes and long blond-streaked hair, a popular look back on Earth. I liked her almost immediately as she offered a friendly smile as I stepped up to her table.

  “I was kidnapped from Earth and sold into slavery two years ago,” I explained to her. “I tried to escape so many times, they finally sent me to Julconi for life.”

  “You’re Narovian, like Nora’s mate Sahvin,” Harper stated. “How long were you on Julconi?”

  “Just about ten days. Meomee Lieutenant Commander Faigon Nesgatu and I found each other right after I was dropped off.” I told her. “I regret our recognition came right in the middle of Faigon’s mission. But it’s not something we can always control and was totally unexpected.”

  “Since you are speaking English, I’m guessing you must have had a problem with the Pican translator implant,” Harper said.

  “Yes, I thought I would go out of my mind before they removed it,” I said. “Did they remove his with no pain blocker? They did mine.”

  “They did. He was mistreated. We think they were angry because he was not human as they thought when they kidnapped him.”

  “I believe so. I was punished more times than I care to recall because I didn’t understand the language,” I said. “Some of the masters seemed to think I would understand better with a slap or a punch. I struggled to learn their complicated language.”

  “Well, you are in luck. We have a language chip synthesizer that will make you an implant tailored to your DNA,” Harper said brightly. “Your mate may not even know about it yet.”

  “Or he didn’t think about it because of dealing with a mating frenzy right in the middle of his mission,” I told her.

  “Hang on, and I will call one of our ship guides to take you to sickbay to get one. Sahvin has had no trouble at all since he was implanted a few weeks ago.”

  “That would be wonderful. Can I just go find Faigon to let him know where I am going?” I said. “I don’t know how long we will be here and if we are going back down to the planet to round up some more refugees.”

  “Sure. Come on back when you’re ready.” She smiled. “I’m here for the duration.”

  I found my mate in the landing bay, still in his combat armor, deep in conversation with another warrior that I didn’t recognize from his team. Not wanting to interrupt him, I approached quietly and stood waiting for him to finish speaking. I didn’t understand half of what he was saying because I had learned the primary Sargan language which is what we spoke to each other.

  Momentarily he noticed my presence.

  “Solmatu,” he greeted me with an affectionate smile. That beautiful mouth of his had me thinking carnal thoughts. His smile turned into a sexy smirk as though he read my mind.

  “Meomee,” I said softly. “Commander Maktu’s mate told me I can get a language implant here at sickbay tailored to my DNA. The Narovian male got one that gave him no adverse effects. Someone is going to take me to sickbay to get one. Do I have time to do this now?”

  “Of course, Tyema. We will wait. I am glad she thought to offer it. I had forgotten we had acquired that technology for the Kurellis,” he apologized.

  “Things have been a bit chaotic since I came into your route---crossed your path,” I laughed at my misspeak of the English idiom which didn’t quite translate into Sargan. “I will return as soon as it is finished.”

  Faigon looked like he didn’t really want me to enter the interior of the ship without him, but he was busy exchanging intel with another officer.

  “I will be fine, meomee. Harper has sent for a guide to take me to sickbay,” I said to reassure him. As I looked over at Harper, a female of an unfamiliar species arrived and spoke to her. Harper pointed in my direction, so I went back to meet her.

  “Tyema, this is Pilonni. She is a Sargan defector, she will take you to sickbay and wait while you get the implant to bring you back,” Harper assured me. “You speak Sargan, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but not Uatu,” I told her. That is the Farseek language. Uatu is their original planet of origin beyond the borders of the Consortium.

  “Then they will fix you right up,” Harper said.

  Pilonni smiled and inclined her head as a sign of respect. I followed her to sickbay and was attended by an AI Medic that spoke the Sargan language. It took a cheek swab to map my DNA and isolate one of my own cells to download the language program into it. It was then injected into my neck. The medic did a post-injection scan and deemed the implant successful and medically released me to return to my mate.

  Faigon looked relieved to see me as I returned, and I was glad to be back at his side. From the look in his eyes, he wanted me in his arms as much as I longed to be wrapped in them.

  “Soon,” he said. “We are returning to Dreadnaught Four. Sargan Battlecruisers have been discovered on long-range scans. I will be off duty for the next few days.”

  Then he gave me one of his sexy smirks and my core throbbed in anticipation. I smiled at him, and we walked back to the mission transport together.

  Chapter Six


  The trip back to my home ship seemed endless because I set off Tyema’s pheromones with just a look. It couldn’t have been anything else because we barely touched in hours. Public demonstrations of affection and sexual attraction are not our way. A chaste kiss on the lips or hand or the clasp of a hand is the extent of the demonstration of our affection in public especially warriors on duty.

  Although the Uatu are very sensual people, our sexuality is expressed in private. I was glad my combat armor was keeping my cock restrained as I didn’t want to display my desire for Tyema so everyone could see. Needless to say, it was an uncomfortable ride back to Dreadnaught Four even though she remained in our sleep chamber.

  Fortunately, separated from her, my arousal waned by the time we arrived at the landing bay on Dread Four. Still wearing my battle armor, I needed to stop at the ship’s armory to return my suit to storage and change back into my casual uniform. Since Tyema wasn’t familiar with the ship, I had her wait for me in the corridor while my all-male team changed. All we wore under the combat suits were thin form-fitting shorts that were next to nothing

  Still, in the waning days of our mating frenzy, it would be difficult for me to control myself with her seeing other nearly naked men. Uatu men knew not to admire another man’s solmatu in the early stages of mating. It was far more intense being mated to a Narovian feline because her pheromones were so potent.

  I finished as quickly as possible because Tyema was alone in an unfamiliar ship. I regretted that she had been relegated to standing in the corridor, but had I gone out of control against my own men, it would have been more embarrassing for her than standing in the corridor alone.

  I did not meet her gaze when I emerged from the armory. I didn’t want to become aroused again before we were alone in my quarters. A glance at her revealed a disconcerted look in her eyes. We walked together down the corridor to the lift and took it to the fourth level and three doors down to the left and into my quarters which would now be ours.

  “Here we are,” I said, and the door opened automatically. “Our home,” I told her, putting my arm around her shoulders and drawing her inside with me. I took her backpack from her and set it on a chair.

  “Fai, this is really nice,” she turned and smiled up at me. I had to admit that officer’s quarters exceptional for a battleship. I had one large compartment with a small sitting area and a table and bench eating area, a bedroom and a bathroom.

  “Tyema, I didn’t mean to ignore you back in the landing bay. It’s just that your pheromones were nearly making me lose control,” I told her, taking her into my arms. “I wanted to fuck you so bad, I would have started raging if anyone turned and admiring gaze in your direction.”

  “I don’t understand, Fai. You must know that meomee is sacred among my kind as solmatu is to you. Even if they looked I would only be looking back out of curiosity,” she said. “I am yours, only yours and you are mine.”

  “In my head, I know this,” I told her, “but your pheromones make me feel out of control when I want you and can’t have you. I’ve never heard of this intense a reaction to solmatu before. Even as I felt it, I knew it was wrong. Not one of my men would even think of coming between another man and his solmatu.”

  “Apparently our mating pheromones augment each other’s,” she said, pressing her body against mine. She turned her face up, parting her soft lips inviting my kiss.

  I pressed my lips to hers and taunted her tongue with mine. Tyema put her arms around my neck and shoulders, arching her back to deliberately press her breasts against my chest. While I was exploring her mouth, I slid my hands up her sides and rubbed her erect nipples with my thumbs. She moaned into my mouth and melted into me. Then I gripped her buttocks and pressed my hard cock against her center, and she moaned again. Pulling her legs up around my hips, still kissing her, I carried her into the bedroom.

  Urging her to put her feet on the floor, I started stripping off her clothes then my own. I paused to look at her perfect body for a moment before I cupped her breasts. Tyema closed her eyes and pressed them into my hands for me to rub those sensitive tips, then I put her on the bed which was recessed into an alcove. Commanding the lights down to a soft blue, I climbed in with her on my hands and knees, kneeling between her legs and placed my hands on each side of her head.

  My cock was so hard that part of me wanted to just slide it into her and pound into her until I came. I could scent her arousal, and I wanted to tease her into a frenzy before I fucked her. A kiss on her forehead started my journey down her body. I lingered at her mouth, and thoroughly caressed the inside with my tongue until we were both breathing fast. Then I moved down to her neck, nibbling, tasting and kissing, but withholding the pressure of my body against hers. She arched her back beneath me, trying to rub against me until I moved to suck her nipples each in turn while I pinched the other making her moan and squirm.

  I dragged my mouth down the center of her teasing and tasting until I reached her mound. Parting her nether lips, I exposed her clit to caress it with my tongue as she cried out and wriggled against me. The tensing of her muscles and her panting breaths told me she was getting close to release. She started to quiver as I sucked gently, alternating with tonguing her until her hips began bucking. She screamed, and her pussy clenched rhythmically.

  I continued my tender torment until she pulled away. So, I kissed and nibbled my way back up her body and paused to pleasure her breasts again until she was thrashing in orgasm again.

  “Faigon, please fuck me now! I need you inside me,” she murmured fervently.

  I couldn’t deny her any longer because I needed to be inside her just as much. She spread her legs wide for me, drawing her knees up with her feet flat on the bed, and I lowered myself until my cock sunk deep into her. She raised her hips to meet mine as I lowered myself against her and she hugged me tightly. I kissed her tenderly, caressing her face.

  “Solmatu, my beautiful solmatu,” I whispered, and stared into her eyes. I had wanted to torment her the way she could torment me with a look and those potent pheromones that she couldn’t control. It wasn’t her fault precisely that I couldn’t stop my arousal at inappropriate times. It was her physiology, and I was highly susceptible to her.

  Even after my taunting her, she still looked at me like I was the best thing that ever happened to her. “I love you, solmatu,” she whispered. “Now fuck me long and hard…”

  “I love you, too, meomee.” Then I fucked her long and hard. It was so good.

  Chapter Seven


  Faigon’s base ship called a Dreadnaught was comparable to the Alliance’s Raptor series though not as big. Our Raptors were designed to carry crews of about three hundred fifty. The Dreads were designed for about one hundred fifty, although I didn’t see much of it for several days. Faigon had completed his mission and was due time off for us to continue bond.

  The Uatu people of Farseek were unknown to me before I met Faigon on what started to be the worst day of my life. That was partly because I believed it would be the last day of my life. Then Faigon touched my arm.

  From that moment on my libido went from nil to max immediately, and so did his. It was very stressful for Fai because he was in the middle of a dangerous mission. Although we thought our mating frenzy was over, I think our stress levels were suppressing pheromones until we were out of danger. Once we were alone in Faigon’s cabin, I felt like we were starting the cycle all over again.

  We were back to making love for hours because we could hardly stand to be separated. Even when we did separate, we stayed naked. We learned each other’s bodies from head to toes. While we mated in many different positions and places throughout our quarters, it pleased me that he liked to make love face to face. We both relished the tender aftermath as we lay still joined kissing, caressing and talking.

  Our communication improved immensely as the Uatu language implant became integrated into my brain. We told each other everything about ourselves and the worlds where we were born and raised.

  Farseek was a backwater colony on the fringe of Consortium sectors settled by the Uatu as their world ecology and resources became strained by overpopulation. Farseek was a relatively young colony, less than a thousand years old. It was a wilderness planet teaming with sub-sentient life forms and fertile soil for growing things. A beautiful world with four small gleaming cities and millions of acres of farming complexes until the Sargans came and destroyed everything they build in five hundred years.

  They either stole or killed almost all the people while the Farseek Brigade warriors were off fighting the Sargus Empire on another front. The only way they could have reached Farseek to attack was a direct course through Consortium sectors. That meant treachery in the Consortium, but they didn’t know who or why. Rather than using their resources to find out, they chose to go after their people who were stolen and sold into slavery.

  They terminated their contract to provided defense for the Consortium and made a formal request to withdraw. They considered themselves withdrawn, but Consortium had never been accepted their
request. Instead, the Consortium financed their rebuilding Farseek and launched an investigation to find who had facilitated the attack.

  Dreadnaught One had received a message from Evzen Guryon during the prison break on Julconi. Faigon received notification while we were busy mating and stayed in queue on his tablet until he checked the messages days later.

  Apparently, the Consortium Council tabled the decision whether to accept Farseek’s withdrawal until they determined who was responsible for the destruction there.

  I, on the other hand, was born and raised on Narova with four brothers and three sisters. We didn’t know we were wealthy because we lived simply and learned to earn the things we wanted and needed. I had always looked for my future among the stars. I went to the Alliance Law Enforcement Academy when if finished my education and put my energies into building my career.

  After ten years, I decided it was time to get serious about finding a mate. I submitted my DNA to the matching services for a meomee. When that failed, I took a covert assignment on Earth hoping to find a mate my chance or by a genealogical search for anyone who might be a match. I never finished that search because I was taken from Earth and sold into slavery.

  “Then you came for me, just when I thought my life was over,” I said looking up into his eyes.

  We told each other all of this with Faigon laying on me with his cock inside me. He smiled at me and kissed my nose pumping slowly in and out of me a few times. I raised my hips to meet each inward thrust as my arousal renewed again. I moaned softly and whispered his name and clung to him as I took him in as deeply as possible.

  Together we climbed that summit toward exquisite ecstasy until we hovered on the brink then he stopped, teasing my mouth with his lips and tongue. In fact, he was teasing my whole body, holding me on the brink of release but not letting me take the plunge into the vortex.


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