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Artifacts Page 9

by Bailey Bradford

  When Darrell got a grip of his own dick, replicating the strokes they were both making on Aldric’s, Aldric lost it. “Shit!” he hissed. “I can’t—”

  “Let yourself go,” Darrell commanded. “Keep your eyes on me.” He stopped working himself, as if to pay extra attention to Aldric, jacking him from root to tip, the pressure harder than Aldric usually liked on his own, but one he loved under Darrell’s hand.

  He cried out, thrusting up one final time into the constriction they both made around his dick, and most of his muscles, as undefined as they were, clenched as he came, gushing over his chest. His release was longer than usual, the world whiting out all around him and Darrell still stroking him, prolonging matters.

  “Stop,” Aldric whispered, hyper-sensitive, and Darrell stilled his hand, but left it around Aldric’s deflated shaft.

  “Look at you.” Darrell swiped a finger through the cum cooling on Aldric’s flesh. “Your cum all over your chest and belly. And you are so fucking sexy when you come. Can’t wait to see what you look like taking my dick in that cute ass of yours.” He pumped himself, two long, easy strokes. “One thing’s for sure—I’m gonna get you even messier.” He paused, his forehead creasing. “What?”

  “I didn’t say anything.” Aldric was amazed he got his voice working. His heart was thundering and his nerves zinging. This is it.

  “Aldric, is there anything you want to tell me?” Darrell asked slowly.

  “Like…” Aldric couldn’t pretend. “Like that I haven’t done this before? This is my first time?” He dropped his gaze to the mess on his torso. He wasn’t looking at Darrell but could tell from the movement of the bed that Darrell had moved away. Well, what did he expect? Aldric the freak, who had never been with another guy in all his twenty—

  “Yeah. Exactly like that.” Darrell was there again with a handful of Kleenex, dabbing at Aldric’s chest. He sat back. “Well, fuck me. How did I get so lucky?”

  When Aldric lifted his gaze to Darrell’s face, the grin on it was blinding.

  “I love going slow and taking my time, and that’s not something many—” Darrell shook his head. “To get to savor you, to spend as long as I want, as long as you need, getting you ready…that’s a gift I’ve not been given before.” The kiss Darrell took Aldric’s lips in was almost reverent. “You’re really something.”

  Aldric agreed. Something as in scared. Nervous. Wondering how much pain there’ll be.

  “You’re gonna love this. Be begging for more. Wondering how you got through life without a cock up your ass.” Darrell’s grin was promising now. “But you play with yourself, right? Toys, dildos?”

  “Just my fingers.”

  “Shit, that image is hot.” Darrell gave a long stroke to his cock as if in illustration. “Turn over so I can prep you. Gonna eat you out, hon.”

  Aldric rolled onto his stomach, his heart speeding with each thing Darrell informed him he was going to do for Aldric. To me. So when Darrell ran his nails down Aldric’s back then smoothed his hands over his ass, Aldric almost squealed.

  “Shhh,” Darrell murmured. “I’ll be gentle.”

  The nuzzle at his neck was, the nip that followed less so, but it made Aldric’s entire body pulse. Pressure on his butt cheeks had them parting, exposing his hole, and the soft trail of wet warmth along it could only have been Darrell’s tongue. Oh. My. God. Rimming. He’d read about it, of course, and seen videos, but now Aldric’s whole world narrowed to that one spot made super-sensitive because Darrell’s tongue was bringing every nerve ending in it to red-hot life.

  “You’re tighter because you just came,” Darrell said behind him, the words puffing air across his now damp pucker. “So gonna lick you loose.”

  The wriggle Aldric gave was him trying to rut into the bed and press back against Darrell’s tongue. He grabbed at the sheet, his hands curling into fists on either side of him. The noise that came from his throat was pure impatience.

  “Hey.” Darrell sounded amused. “Takes as long as it takes.”

  It took long, slow minutes of sweet torture before Darrell gave a final swipe and paused, and Aldric wondered where he’d moved to. Noises a second later explained it—to reach across to the nightstand for lube. This time the foreign object at Aldric’s hole was harder, rounded and slippery, and Aldric clamped shut against it. Against Darrell’s cock wanting in.

  “Sorry,” he gasped.

  “Not a problem. We’ll take all the time you need,” Darrell assured him, and ran the tip of his finger in a tight circle around Aldric’s pucker, keeping the nerve endings there firing and also kindling tiny fires in Aldric’s bloodstream.

  Aldric didn’t know whether it was Darrell’s touch or his murmurs of praise that had him relaxing, but within a minute, the tip of Darrell’s finger was in him. There was a squirt of viscous gel, not warmed, and Darrell pushed farther, until Aldric was clenching around it. “Is that it? Is it in?” he asked.

  Darrell’s chuckle was dirty. “To the first knuckle, yeah. Push back for me, babe.”

  The endearment registered more than the instructions, but when they did, Aldric got his knees working, to give him leverage to press back as directed, and bore down on the intrusion in his ass, chasing it when Darrell pulled out. This time when Darrell penetrated him again, it was with something thicker, larger, and Aldric moaned. “Two?” He tightened around them.

  “Yeah, and you took them like a champ. Let’s see…”

  Darrell seeing didn’t seem to involve him moving, so, impatient for more sensation, Aldric took the initiative. He began rocking forward and back, the stretch to his hole and his ass making him press his face into the sheet. It also had him craving more.

  “You’re a natural,” Darrell assured him. “Wish you could see how goddamn sexy you look, fucking yourself on my hand.” He shifted position, and the thick, wet-tipped press of his cock on Aldric’s thigh was no longer threatening, but a next step. “Think you can take another?”

  Most of Aldric’s nod ended up in the mattress cushioning him, but Darrell must have caught enough to ease free and return with an even thicker penetration that stretched Aldric’s rim and his walls as Darrell pushed inside slowly. Aldric realized he was holding his breath and forced it out.

  “Jesus, your ass is amazing!”

  A swat across one cheek had him opening his mouth to scream, but what emerged was a moan of pleasure.

  Darrell’s, “Oh,” held a world of pleased discovery in it. “I think that’s enough warm-up. If you’ve never felt this before, it’s gonna blow your mind.”

  “This—sshiiittt!” Aldric’s hiss turned into a scream as Darrell massaged his prostate. His instinct was to pull away, but Darrell moved his fingers like they were a part of him, rubbing with purpose. Sparks snapped into being behind his eyelids, and he half-curled onto his side while curse words he rarely used fell from his lips in a stream—Jesus and God and fuck and shit loud among them.

  Seconds later, his fetal scrunch became a writhe, Aldric pierced by bolts of scorching-hot ecstasy. First localized, they soon radiated through him, making him shake under their onslaught, and he was amazed that Darrell stayed with him, never ceasing to stroke his gland and engulf him in obscene pleasure.

  “Holy fuck. I’ve never had anyone take to it like this. And if you’re like that with a little press of the finger on the prostate, what the hell are you gonna do when I get my dick in you?” The little press that had become a right-there rub was now a slow drag, and Aldric saw stars.

  What will I do? Scream. Faint. Die, probably. In the meantime, he pushed and strained, fucking himself on Darrell’s merciless fingers that twisted and caressed and stretched, with the knowledge that Darrell was waiting to slide his erect cock in to plow his ass only adding to the thrill.

  When Darrell pulled free, leaving him empty, it was like the world paused. Rather than sob out a question about the sudden emptiness he felt, Aldric looked back in blurry confusion and caught Darrell’s mutt
er of, “Condom.” Oh. Of course. Mesmerized, Aldric watched the glide of Darrell’s hand down his length, saw how the spread of lubrication left his cock glistening.

  “Got to make sure there’s enough.” Darrell added more. “Don’t wanna hurt you.”

  Aldric faced front again a second before something thicker pressed at his hole. He didn’t have time to make an answer to Darrell’s quick, “Ready?” before his massive cock breached Aldric’s ring, and all the breath slammed from his lungs.

  Darrell had enough breath, though, if the low groan he released was an indication. “Je-sus, Aldric! I wish you knew how good you feel. Warm and tight and incredible. That’s one…”

  One…stretch? Burn? Ache? Penetration? All of the above? Aldric didn’t know what Darrell meant and couldn’t stop the half-hiccup, half-wheeze that forced its way up his throat at the fear that it was too much already.

  “Breathe,” Darrell instructed. “I need to go deeper. You got a second set of muscles in there, you know. Push down.”

  The noise that Aldric made sounded inhuman to his own ears as he thrust his hips back to accept all of Darrell. He was scared, yes, but craved the fat head of Darrell’s dick on that place inside him that had drowned him in a wave of pleasure. Except…too much.

  “Thisthe…” Second stage, you said? he wanted to ask but couldn’t get his voice or thoughts in a row to do so. Then he didn’t have to, not when he felt that hard slide within him, as if through a place where he were tighter, where he gripped harder. No, no need to ask—the soul-wrenched groan Darrell made at forging deeper told him.

  “You okay?” Darrell had paused and his voice seemed to come from a distance—it took a while to register, at least.

  When Aldric understood Darrell was checking in on him, he nodded, which was when Darrell pushed farther still. “Shit,” Darrell breathed. “All the fucking way. I’m fully inside you, babe.”

  Taking Darrell that deep hurt and Aldric bucked, nearly dislodging him. He panted like an animal, with his hands curled almost painfully against the mattress.

  “Wait—I’ll pull out.”

  And the drag of Darrell’s cock along Aldric’s nerve-rich inner walls made supernovas burst into life. Sounds of wonder issued from him, comprehensible enough for Darrell to reply to by plunging back inside, to bottom out, again. The scrape over Aldric’s prostate as he did so had Aldric unraveling at the seams. He sank down on his chest a little and turned his head to the side to watch Darrell’s face.

  “You’re beautiful.” Darrell said what Aldric was thinking. “Your ass was made for my cock.” Okay, he hadn’t been thinking quite that. “Can’t fucking believe I can get so deep in you your first time.” He rocked his hips into Aldric’s ass, slow-fast, fast-slow, time and again, sweat dripping from him.

  His slap to Aldric’s ass had Aldric’s dick trying to stir, much to Aldric’s disbelief. He’d just come, and he’d never climaxed twice in one session. He shoved until he could get a hand to his shaft when rubbing it against the sheet wasn’t enough. He had no cum left in him, and his erection wasn’t a full one. He was glad about that—he preferred to focus on what Darrell was doing to his ass. Darrell twisted down to drop a kiss on Aldric’s lips, and Aldric rose a little to meet him.

  That weird position must have contorted his channel—Darrell made a strangled, bitten-off sound and jerked his hips in short, rough prods. He gave a final long thrust and stayed there, buried deep with his body tight. Sudden hotness burst in Aldric’s ass that he could feel even through the condom.

  A smaller, spikier ecstasy slapped Aldric, brought on by Darrell stroking over his gland and his own hand rubbing just under the head of his cock. It whited out the world for thick, ringing seconds then faded, leaving him drained, but probably not as much as Darrell, who collapsed on top of him with a grunt. If I can’t move, for sure he can’t.

  “Fuck!” Darrell breathed, easing out and rolling to the side. Exhilaration shone from his gleaming-red face. “That was fucking perfect. You’re okay?”

  Aldric managed a nod, trying to make sense of what Darrell was saying about a condom, figuring it out when Darrell left the bed and the room. He jumped at the warm softness touching him—Darrell back with a washcloth. Aldric obediently moved and stretched, following Darrell’s directions, until he was clean.

  “You know you’ll be sore.” Darrell got in beside him, moving him over and arranging him.

  Aldric nodded. “You’ll be here.” Of course Darrell would. This was his place.

  As if his thought had poked something in Darrell, he looked startled, glancing down at where his arm was stealing over Aldric’s chest. “I never…” He swallowed.

  “No. I never.” Aldric tried to stay awake, reliving the sensations. He still felt the throb of Darrell in his ass. But he couldn’t and, nestling into Darrell, he fell asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  The half-snore that got trapped in his throat and found its way out in a hard, painful exhalation woke Darrell. He was immediately aware that something was different…that someone else was in his apartment. On autopilot, he went for his gun in the drawer of his nightstand before he remembered.

  Aldric stayed the night.

  Aldric. Aldric Beamer. Darrell risked a look at him, where he lay sleeping by his side. The daylight streaming in allowed Darrell to see that his fluff of brown hair was even more tousled and his face was softer and younger as he slept. Or maybe that was because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Darrell didn’t know what to do about the situation. About the guy who he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since he’d seen him in that alley, injured, his glasses askew and his sweet face twisted in pain and bewilderment and tugging at Darrell’s heartstrings. The caring Darrell had felt had left him as confused as Aldric had looked, and Aldric had suffered a knock to his head, for fuck’s sake.


  Darrell almost jumped. “You okay? I can get you something. What do you need? How do you feel?”

  The hand Aldric reached out to him landed heavily on his arm. “Good morning. I feel fine. I slept well.”

  Darrell had too. “Okay. That’s good.”

  “And in case you got me confused with one of the artifacts in the store, I’m not made of glass. I didn’t and I won’t shatter.”

  The feeble joke made Darrell smile. A little.

  “I’m starving, though. Need some breakfast.” Aldric took his glasses from the nightstand then swung his legs to the floor and stood a little carefully. He walked around the bed slowly, as if testing himself. “Your shift starts later, you said?”

  The subtext hit Darrell over the head. “You’re a pushy bottom.”

  “Oh.” Aldric considered. He looked away for only a second before his brown-eyed gaze was drilling into Darrell. “What about if I let you choose the place? Or didn’t you say this apartment complex has restaurants or whatever, but food, on the bottom level?”

  One hell of a pushy bottom, Darrell thought later, still not quite understanding how it had happened, but finding himself walking with Aldric down the stairs to the food court. “Here’s fine.” At least Darrell supposed the kiosk, with its drinks and snacks that the customers ate standing around the high tables, was good. He usually grabbed what he wanted from the cart on his side of the complex, nearer his exit.

  “No donuts?” Aldric asked, when Darrell put a protein bar down with their drinks and Aldric’s pastry.

  “I don’t always eat crap.” Darrell went on the defensive before Aldric’s face clued him in. “Oh. Cop equals donuts. Got it. Woah, you are hungry.”

  He waited for Aldric to blush, but if he did, it was hidden by the Danish he was stuffing into his mouth.

  “I didn’t eat dinner,” Aldric reminded him, a little indistinctly.

  “Shouldn’t be so tempting then,” Darrell told him, his grin making it hard to drink whatever the fruit and yogurt blend of the day in his to-go cup was.

  “But I liked the date.” The twinkle in A
ldric’s eyes encouraged Darrell to loosen up a bit more.

  “The movie?” Darrell could play too. He kept his expression one of mild confusion.

  Aldric snorted softly, and his smile dimmed. “We can’t leave it there, you know.”

  He should have expected the squeeze to his chest those words gave. He breathed in, hoping his sly glances all around for listening ears were unobtrusive. Jesus, he owed Aldric after last night, owed him more than loaning him the olive-green Henley and sweatpants he was wearing after showering in Darrell’s bathroom. Alone. Darrell had wanted to go check on Aldric, see how his head wound was looking, for instance, but hadn’t trusted himself to go in.

  Another element was that Darrell didn’t exactly want to leave it there either, and Aldric had made it clear he wasn’t just someone Darrell could call up for a fuck. But what came next? Lunch? Dinner? Taking Aldric to watch the football game? He settled on a grunt that could have conveyed I know.

  “Yes. There are three more decades of buddy-cop movies to go, if I remember the program correctly.”

  “You little…” Darrell nearly spluttered out his green juice. “Got any plans for the morning?”

  “Oh. I’ve been thinking.” Aldric wiped his hands on a napkin, having finished his Danish.

  Darrell looked at his protein bar. It wasn’t nearly as appetizing as what Aldric had eaten. “I get the feeling you do that a lot. Go on?”

  “About what sort of person this Buck Buckman guy was.”

  This was so far removed from anything Darrell had expected Aldric to say that he blinked in surprise. “Buck? He was one of the richest guys in SA. His retail estate consortium had a hand in developing this Broadway Corridor and the Riverwalk, among other projects. That I do know.” He swirled the thick, globby dregs of his juice in the clear cup.


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