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Indestructible Page 9

by Angela Graham

  “Come on. Mine’s not back yet, and I wanted to make some flyers to post around town.”

  “Flyers for what?”

  My eyes widened. “For what? For Scout!”

  “Oh, right, yeah.” He at least attempted a sympathetic shrug, but I wasn’t convinced. He’d forgotten all about my dog.

  “I take it you grew bored of looking for him.”

  “Not at all. I got everyone I know out there searching. So, did you make the posters?”

  “Not yet. I need a computer.”

  “Here, use mine.” He grabbed his laptop from the desk and unplugged it. “It will print in Logan’s office. I’d give you my car, but nobody drives it except me, so how about a compromise? I’ll give you a ride downtown, drop you off, and when you’re done with your…business, I’ll pick you up and bring you back.”

  “So that would make you my…personal driver?” My lip quirked up.

  “Yeah, yeah, go make the flyers. I need a shower.” His hands raked through his hair.

  “I’m sure you do!”

  He grabbed a towel hanging over his desk chair and snapped it at me. “Out! I’ll be ready in ten.”

  Carrying his laptop, I laughed at his persistence as he guided me back to the door and ushered me out into the hall. I turned back to throw a clever retort for his briskness, but was faced with a slamming door and the telltale sound of a lock clicking. He was definitely hiding something, and if need be, I’d find out. But for now, I was pleased I had a computer and a ride.

  “Call me when you’re ready, but not before three,” Jax said, pulling into a fire lane in front of The Harmony Tribune.

  I unbuckled my seat belt. “Why three?” It wasn’t even noon yet.

  “’Cause I have things to do, too. So if you want a ride, hit me up after then.”

  “Fine.” I climbed out, my hands full of a massive stack of flyers. “Thanks,” I said, my smile genuine.

  “No problem. Oh, and uh, no need to tell Logan I helped with those.” He glanced at my hands.

  My brow scrunched. “Okay,” I replied.

  With that, I closed the door and watched as he merged back into traffic, heading toward the college. When I turned back, I couldn’t help but want to pay a little surprise visit to Logan.

  The newspaper was housed in one of the oldest buildings in town. It was also one of the largest, which wasn’t saying much; if you plucked it up and situated it in the middle of a real city, it’d probably be one of the smallest there. But to us in Harmony, it was grand. The architecture alone had caught my attention even as a young child, and although I’d been curious, I’d never entered; for some reason, the mystery held more appeal. But now I’d finally get a glimpse inside.

  I wondered if Logan would give me a tour. The thought had me way too giddy.

  Inside, the design was as breathtaking to behold as the exterior’s. Massive columns and domed ceilings highlighted the mural on the front wall: an image of the building during its construction over a hundred years prior.


  I turned to find Mrs. Welsh, my high-school librarian and the widow of the previous owner, walking out from behind the front desk. I’d only seen her in occasional passing over the last few years.

  “Mrs. Welsh, hi! How are you?” I asked, surprised to see her there. I figured she’d retired for good after her husband’s death and selling the paper.

  “I’m doing great, as always,” she said, though the concern etched over her brow told me she wasn’t immune to the town gossip. “How are you, dear?”

  “Good, as always.” I smiled brightly. She didn’t need to worry about me.

  She sighed thoughtfully. “Still the spitting image of your mother at your age. A hellion, she was.”

  I laughed. Every time I saw her, she told me the same thing. And she wasn’t the only one—I’d heard it from others, but never once could I picture it. The mother I knew was the epiphany of moral standards.

  “I didn’t know you were working here.”

  “I know. Everyone thinks I need to retire, but to do what—sit in my house till death comes a-calling? No thank you.” She looked around as if remembering another time. “This was his home, his life. It’s the one place I still feel connected to him. I’m not leaving.”

  That was the ultimate dream for me: a powerful love that consumed you, even when you were separated by death.

  “I’d do the same thing.”

  “Yes, well, maybe one day you will. I’ve heard through the town cesspool that you’ve nabbed the affections of our mysterious new owner.”

  “Mysterious?” My amusement couldn’t be contained.

  “Yes, all the young ladies here are stepping over themselves for a chance at his attention, but he’s all business the entire day.”

  I doubted that. My joy vanished. There were probably a few employees he’d dabbled with before me.

  “I’m glad he kept you on board,” I said, swallowing down the acidic burn of jealousy.

  “He had no choice. I gave this paper to him because he had a dream for it—a passion for what needed to be done to get it rolling again—and he agreed to keep me on until my death, no matter how old or senile I became.”

  I grinned, laughing softly. “Sounds like you.” And him.

  “He said he’d never let me go, even if I changed my mind, and I said, ‘Sold!’”

  “He’s persistent, so you better watch out.”

  “I’m counting on it.” She looked pleased.

  “It was good to see you again.” I gave her a quick hug.

  “You too. Don’t be a stranger around here.”

  I waved goodbye and made my way further through the building. At desk after desk sat employees hard at work. I gave a few head-nod greetings, and a wave to an old friend from high school who was typing away, her baby bump pressed to her desk. She’d married her high-school boyfriend, and every time I saw them together they still seemed just as into each other as they were back then.

  Smiling to myself, I continued until I reached the door at the end bearing a gold name plate inscribed with ‘Logan West’.

  “Can I help you?” the woman who sat at a desk directly across from his door asked. She was in her late thirties, with a PTA-mom vibe—exactly what I wanted to see in his secretary.

  “Yes, I’m here to see Lo—uh, Mr. West.” I smoothed my hand down over my coat and shuffled the stack of papers in my hands.

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  Did I need one? “No, but…”

  “One minute.” She lifted the receiver to her ear, then quickly set it back down. “His line’s busy. Have a seat.”

  I nodded, suddenly uncomfortable. What if I was interrupting his day?

  I’d placed the stack of flyers on my lap and was wondering if I should come back later when the door to his office opened. Mackenzie, the bitch who’d screwed Mark and flirted with Logan on more than one occasion, moseyed out.

  What the hell is she doing here? And in his office!?

  The poor flyers were rolled tightly in my grasp as rage simmered just below my surface. I fought the urge to jump up, grab her cheap extensions, and pound her face against the wall.

  I blinked, holding my composure, and bit the inside of my cheek—hard. I hissed from the pain it triggered.

  Mackenzie’s gaze shot my way, and an instant fake grin appeared across her mouth.

  “Cassie, hi! I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you?” Her face screwed up and her voice lowered. “I heard about your streak of bad luck lately. Sucks.”

  I would’ve bitten my cheek again if it wasn’t still throbbing, so instead, I stood up.

  “I’m doing just fine. And how about you? Oh, wait, I don’t care,” I sneered.

  She brushed off my rudeness, her smile unwavering. “Well, I’m perfect.” She glanced back at Logan’s door. “And so is he…now.” She adjusted her shirt, as though anything she did would hide the obvious fact that she was trying to use
her body in whatever she was scheming.

  Keep my hands to myself. Hands to myself, hands to myself.

  The mantra bounced around my head, along with so many other things I’d rather say or do. But not there—not at Logan’s office. I wouldn’t embarrass him. So, ever the classy one between us, I straightened my posture gracefully and stepped close to her.

  “Always a pleasure,” I hissed, shoving my shoulder into hers as I strolled to Logan’s door and pushed it open.

  “Miss!” the secretary called out, but I was in no mood. She should’ve been happy I was only barging into his office and not cat fighting in front of her desk. I shut the door slowly the instant I was inside, not giving Mackenzie the satisfaction of seeing me flustered.

  Logan looked up from behind his desk, phone to his ear and confusion obvious.

  “Fine, yes…listen, I have to call you back. Something important just walked in.” He hung up a second later, his eyes never leaving mine. “Cassandra, sweetheart, how did you get here?”

  “Jax.” I strode toward his desk, where he regarded me carefully. He was right to do so—he had some questions to answer.

  I set the flyers upside down on one of the chairs in front of his desk, then stepped around to him. He stood.

  “How is your day going?” I asked, running my fingers over his tie.

  “Much better now.” His lips curled up.

  “Yeah?” I balanced on the balls of my feet and kissed his neck. He smelled like my Logan—not a hint of Mackenzie on him.

  What is wrong with me? He wouldn’t. I knew deep in my soul that he would never hurt me, but still, I needed to show him that I was every bit a woman as any other that threw herself at him. I’d keep him overly satisfied to prevent him from even thinking about another.

  “How are you feeling? Jax didn’t give you a hard time, did he?” He cupped my cheeks, and I leaned into the gesture.

  “I can handle him. The question is…can you handle me?” My brows rose suggestively.

  His thumb traced my bottom lip. “I’m not always so sure of that,” he confessed, his voice low.

  I pushed against his chest and my eyes lit, demanding he sit. He obliged quickly. His tongue darted out, running over his lips, moistening them for my kiss that fell instead to his chin. The stubble there awakened my need for him.

  “So, what were you up to before I came in?” I asked, bent down. My mouth ran down his jaw and began kissing his neck.

  “Nothing important,” he replied. His hands reached out to pull me onto his lap. I stepped back, out of reach.

  “You sure about that?” I asked, swaying my hips as I sauntered back to his door and turned the lock. When I peered back at him, his eyes were blazing.


  I bit my lip and undid the top button of my coat, then the next.

  “What about the girl in here?” I prompted.

  “Who?” he asked, his eyes drinking me in. With another open button, he was lost to my actions. “You’re gorgeous. Come here,” he demanded.

  I shook my head, smiling coyly. “Not yet. First tell me what she was doing in here.”

  He blinked away his lust and stared at me, bemused. “What girl? Nobody’s been in here all day besides a couple couriers.”

  “Couriers?” Mackenzie wasn’t his employee. I felt the urge to break out in a happy dance, but instead undid the last button and let my coat fall to the floor. My hands moved to the hem of my sweater.

  “Yeah, some papers were delivered. I was on the phone putting together a meeting. Didn’t have time to pay attention, just signed off on them. Why?”

  “Call me curious,” I said in my best seductive voice.

  “I’ll call you whatever you like, just bring that gorgeous ass over here.”

  “Patience,” I cooed.

  “I have none where you’re concerned.”

  I strolled back to him, stopping between his parted legs. When he reached for me, I stepped back again.

  “No touching.”

  He frowned. “I don’t think that’s possible. You’re too luscious.”

  “Then I’ll have to do something about that.”

  His smile grew, and I knew he was intrigued. I pulled at his tie to loosen it, then slid it free. “Hands at your sides, or I’ll restrain them.”

  His lip twitched. “Restrain me? Hm, that might not be so bad.” He leaned back, getting comfortable. “Do your worst.”

  I placed the tie around my own neck, then dropped to my knees. “So, that last courier…did she do this to you?” His confusion at my question faded when I untucked his shirt and placed a wet kiss over his tight abs.

  “No, nothing like that.” His voice was thick and husky.

  “Mmm. What about this?” I took his belt in my hands and opened it slowly, popping his fly with ease while my tongue ran down his happy trail.

  “Ah, Christ…no, no, only you.”

  I smiled. “Good. Then that means she never had her hands in here?” I slid his zipper down, reached inside, and gripped my hand tightly around his cock.

  “Never…ohhh…” He was panting, his head dipped back in pleasure as the pad of my finger caressed the tip of his head.

  He raised his hips when I tugged at his pants and pulled them down just enough to free him. Shooting him a playful, crooked grin, I leaned down and pressed a kiss at the base.

  “Only me?” My tongue ran down his shaft, and I noticed his hands clutching the arms of his chair. He was losing the battle of keeping his hands to himself, and it was obvious it was one hell of a fight.

  “Yes, only you. I swear it.”

  “Good.” I took him in my mouth fully, bobbing my head up and down, swirling my tongue. His groans filled the room, encouraging me to let go of any last inhibitions and show him just how crazy I was for him.

  “I can’t… Cassandra…yes…I’m going to…”

  His hands flew out and fingers threaded through my hair; the battle was lost from his end. I continued harder and faster, and with another grunt, he let go.

  Chapter Nine


  Logan dragged me up onto his lap and covered my lips with his. “I adore that hot mouth of yours.”

  “Mmm, ditto.” My voice was silky and smooth. Every bit of woman I had hidden within me was raw on the surface.

  “Now before you seduce me any further, my little vixen, tell me…” He tilted my chin up so my eyes met his inquisitive stare. “Why the questions about the couriers?”

  “Nothing. Like I said, just curious.” I was too relaxed to think about the she-devil run in.

  “Try again.”

  Uh oh. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was insecure in our relationship. I wasn’t—not after all we’d been through.

  I gazed past him, my eyes trained on the brick wall covered in paintings behind him. I wondered how many were his. “You look good in this office,” I said. “It suits you.”

  His fingers stroked my knee delicately. “You look good in here with me, but don’t try to change the subject.” He cupped my cheeks gently, forcing me to acknowledge any fear I might have left over from Mark. “You were jealous? Worried?”

  “No!” I pulled back, my hands bracing my body on the arms of the chair. Logan was not Mark, and that little reminder ignited my spirit. “You’re lucky to have me. Doubt you’d find anyone better in this town.”

  My feet hit the ground, but Logan swooped me back into his arms.

  “Aren’t you a confident one?”

  “What can I say? My boyfriend brings it out in me. He just goes on and on about how perfect I am. It was bound to go to my head eventually.”

  “He sounds like a smart man.” His eyes brightened.

  “He has his moments…and what he lacks he makes up for with his deliciously perfect kiss.”

  “You don’t say.” Our noses brushed.

  “Mm-hmm. Every single night I spend dreaming of his smooth lips running all…” I bent forward and
kissed the side of his temple. “…over…” I placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, then slid to his ear and purred, “…me.”

  His eyes sizzled. “Perhaps I could try, just this once.”

  “I should also mention he’s pretty possessive and strong. I’d hate to see you get your ass kicked.”

  Logan released a full, hearty laugh, then curved his hands behind my neck. “It’d be worth it. I’d take a thousand beatings to spend the next hour with you.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I wiggled on his lap.

  There was a short beep, followed instantly by his secretary’s voice.

  “Mr. West? Sorry to interrupt, but it’s a quarter till noon and you asked that I remind you of your meeting.”

  He released a breath of annoyance. It filled me with joy to see how much he wanted me.

  “Seems that hour with you will have to wait until tonight,” he said with a frown, leaning forward and pressing the intercom. “Thank you, Laura.”

  I rested back in his arms, nuzzling his neck. “Shame. I guess that means you can’t join me for lunch?”

  “I would love nothing else, but I have a meeting with an investor for a project my brother Lawrence and I have been trying to get off the ground for the past couple months. I can’t miss it.” His fingers stroked the area behind my knee.

  “Okay,” I replied easily.

  He smiled. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Giggling, I kissed him again. “I was wondering the same thing.”

  After I climbed off his lap, I grabbed my purse and began searching for my compact. “By the way, I like Laura,” I admitted. She was the perfect secretary: attractive but not flashing it, and appeared extremely professional.

  Logan stood, tucking himself back in. “Is that so?” he asked, zipping his fly and closing his belt.

  “It is.” I swiped on a streak of ChapStick while glancing at his reflection in the background of the tiny mirror. “But she should try harder to keep out the riffraff.”

  Humor filled his expression as he spun me around and grabbed both ends of his tie that was still around my neck, gently drawing me closer. “Anyone in particular?”

  My shoulders rose innocently. “No one you need to worry about. I’ll be sure to take care of it myself.”


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