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Indestructible Page 29

by Angela Graham

  Have to go. No more worrying. Promise I got this handled.

  Always the protector, worrying about everyone else.

  :) Goodnight. Love you. XO

  Sleep well x

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  As I pulled up outside Julia’s potential new home, I was even more convinced she’d love it. The exterior was not only stunning and regal, but also held a cool modern edge. I was dying to see how the interior had changed, given all the design ideas Logan and I had gone over shortly after my car accident.

  It seemed like forever ago...another world.

  Logan appeared through the front door and descended the porch steps as soon as my car came to a stop in the driveway. My smile was broad, and my mood almost giddy.

  “There you are,” he said, opening my door.

  “You said four.”

  He glanced mockingly at his watch. “It’s two after.”

  I rolled my eyes with a soft giggle, placed my hand in his that was extended to me, and climbed out.

  “Is Julia here?” I asked, looking around for her vehicle. I only spotted his.

  “Not yet. She has an afternoon class and said she’d be here after.” He led me inside, his palm resting over the small of my back.

  “Oh.” My heart jolted happily as I realized we were alone.

  “I needed time to give you a tour before she arrived,” he explained, his eyes bright and features carefree.

  As desperate as I was to know what’d happened with his case, there was no way I’d erase that boyish grin by asking about it. I longed to reach out and trace its curves with the tip of my finger, memorizing that perfect shape.

  “So this wasn’t a scheme to get me alone in a big, beautiful house where you could seduce me?” I asked playfully, batting my eyelashes.

  He helped me out of my coat and hung it next to his on a coat rack.

  “That may or may not have crossed my mind.” We stood in the foyer, his hand sliding around my back to settle on the curve of my hip. His other hand swiped away a tendril of hair that had slid from my loose bun. “I’d do anything for time alone with you…and here you are.”

  I closed my eyes as his warm, minty breath washed over my lips. I waited for him to kiss me, anticipation set in my stiff shoulders. Instead, I was left disoriented and slightly disappointed when his hand slid down into mine.

  “Come. I’m curious to hear what you think of the place now.”

  The heady need he easily woke within me was hard to stow away, but I managed well enough. I followed him into the living room, shifting my focus to the brilliance of the furniture layout.

  Logan wanted me to win—there was no doubt about that. It was breathtaking, and I knew then I’d win the bet hands down. But each room we entered was even better than the last.

  The master bedroom with my dream closet had been transformed into a room fit for a queen. I stared at it in wonder. However, it was the kitchen that left me in true awe. It was set up more for a top chef than a college girl, and I couldn’t stop myself from running my fingers over the granite countertop that rested above sleek black cabinets—no doubt custom made.

  I twirled around on my heel, grinning. “You wanted me to win this.”

  He raised his shoulders slightly. “Perhaps.”

  “I’d have thought you’d enjoy having me as a slave at your will for a weekend.”

  “At one time, yes, but now I’d much rather be at your disposal.”

  “There’s nothing disposable about you, Mr. West.”

  His eyebrows shot up, a pleased smile playing at his lips. “Is that so?” He was leaning against the counter across from me with his arms crossed over his chest, watching me intently.

  “Mm-hmm.” I pranced toward him and tugged his arms apart so I could slip in closer, wedging myself between his legs. My head dipped back as I stared up into the blue pools looking down at me with such tenderness it sent a shiver up my spine.

  “I’m no longer a suspect in the case,” he said so calmly I thought I’d heard him wrong.

  “You’re not?” I needed to hear it again. Was it really over?

  He shook his head as his lips curled upward. “There’s a reason I hire the best. Turns out there was a lead the police chose not to follow. Not sure what, and I don’t care. It has nothing to do with me, and they know I’m not responsible for Kurt’s death. That’s all that matters.”

  I squealed, lifting myself up on my tiptoes and locking my hands behind his neck. I’d begun showering him with kisses over his neck and across his cheeks when he clasped my face with his hands and claimed my mouth with his own.

  “I’ve missed you like crazy,” I confessed, basking in the feeling of his wandering hands.

  “You have no idea.” He swung me around and pulled my back against his chest before his hand plunged down the front of my slacks. It barely fit, but that didn’t stop him. The button popped, flying across the counter I was nearly bent over now.

  Gyrating against his hand, I cried out when his finger brushed over my clit, lingered at my opening, then slammed up inside me. His other hand curled around my stomach, stopping over my tattoo. It was still covered with a bandage, though it had already healed. I just wasn’t ready for him to see it yet.

  “Jax do that to you?”

  Did he know Jax did tattoos? How? Since when?


  His finger sank deeper, thumb circling my clit.

  “I know what my brother does in that room of his.” His voice was grave.

  I stiffened as he continued.

  “I told you: I know everything that happens in my house.”

  “You want to see it?” I moaned, my head falling back onto his shoulder.

  “Later. Right now I want you—all of you.”

  Instantly, his fingers were gone and my pants were down around my ankles before being fully removed and thrown aside. Logan’s hand rested at the center of my back to hold me in place, the sound of his zipper sending me spiraling. Anticipation had never been sweeter.

  “You’re coming home with me tonight. Understand?” The head of his cock poked my entrance.

  “Yes. Please.”

  He thrust forward to bury himself deep. My resulting moans were lurid and wanton.

  Somehow we ended up on the counter, Logan on his back with me riding him through my third orgasm.

  The doorbell rang right as I finished, driving Logan harder toward his own release. He gripped my hips, rocking me faster.

  “Don’t you dare stop, Cassandra!” he barked.

  Logan began bucking up off the countertop. He pounded into me again and again until his head dropped and eyes slammed shut, an appreciative groan clawing its way up from his throat.

  The bell rang two, three, four times in a row.

  “Damn it!” Logan complained as I hopped down.

  “She’s going to kill us!” I pouted.

  “She’ll get over it.” Logan climbed down and handed me my clothes—all of which had been peeled off during our little sexcapade. “Go upstairs to the guestroom and get cleaned up.”

  The bell rang again, and was followed by Julia’s high-pitched screech. “I know you guys are in there! I see your cars!”

  I ran naked through the house, ignoring Logan’s chuckle.

  “Fucking beautiful,” I heard him say as I sprinted up the stairs.

  Utterly satisfied and deliriously out of sorts, I slipped into my clothes, minus my destroyed panties that I quickly realized were missing. It was one thing to have left my shoes in the kitchen—I could use the excuse of not wanting to ruin the new carpet—but my panties? I could only hope Logan found them first.

  My hair, which had been up in a high bun, was now down. The hair tie I’d come in with was also magically gone, so I did the best I could, smoothing my fingers through my unruly locks to tame their recently ravished look.

  As I stared in the mirror, it hit me: The drama was over. Logan was cleared, and N
atasha had gotten the not-so-subtle hint that I wouldn’t take her crap.

  I was nearly skipping out of the room to return to my man until I realized Julia was down there with him. She’d take one look at me and undoubtedly know why we’d made her stand on the stoop for so long.

  After a deep breath, I sneaked out of the guest bedroom and descended the stairs. I could hear Julia and Logan talking in the living room. I walked in to find her wearing a giant grin as she took in the room.

  I stood in the doorway, looking on without them noticing.

  “So what do you think?” Logan asked her. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets.

  “It’s wonderful! I mean, I knew you were working on a house as an investment property, but this…this is stunning. But why decorate it and fill it with all this if you’re just renting it out?”

  “Because it’s more than an investment. I bought it for you.”

  “What!?” she shrieked, bouncing up and down, her hands clasped.

  “That is, as long as you finish school—and for if you decide to stay in Harmony and come work for me at the newspaper when you’re ready. If you choose to move back to the city after graduation, you can sell it and use the money for your next place.”

  I smiled. Julia was lucky to have Logan as a brother. I was lucky to have him, too.

  “Logan!” She ran at him, embracing him in an enormous hug. “You’re the best! Oh, I can’t wait to show it off. And I can have roommates. And Luke…oh, he’s going to love it!”

  Logan’s body tightened; I could see it from across the room. His eyes darkened, lips pulling into a stern line. “I take it you two are no longer just friends?”

  The sneer she threw his way rivaled his own. “That’s right.” She placed her hands on her hips. “And nothing you do will change that. I like him and he likes me, so if you’re even thinking about running him off, you can take this place and shove it up your—”

  “He’s a good guy,” Logan interrupted, actually looking amused.

  Julia swayed, looking somewhat lost before recovering quickly. “Yes, he is.”

  “I don’t want him spending the night here.”

  “Fine, we can have sex at his place. Then I’ll drive home all alone on icy roads in the middle of the night. Sure gets dark out there.”

  My hand shot to my mouth to stifle my bubbling laughter. She was good.

  “Fine,” Logan blew out. “But he’s not moving in. Got it?”

  Her bouncing, shrieking self was back. “Thank you!” She was twirling around, doing a ridiculously silly happy dance that even Logan seemed to enjoy, when she spotted me lurking.

  “Cassandra! You helped with this?” She ran at me.

  I laughed, nodding.

  “Thank you! I love it!” She drew me in for an embrace, and I caught the smile on Logan’s face as he watched. She pulled back, swung her head from me to do a once-over of the room, then squealed again. “I have to make some calls and finish checking this place out. Oh my God!” she squeaked, then rushed out of the room, bounding up the stairs.

  But after one step, she stopped abruptly and craned her neck back toward us. Her gaze darted slowly between Logan and me.

  “Please tell me you were not in here christening my house!”

  I swallowed, dropping my ashamed gaze to the exquisite marble floor. I felt Logan walk up behind me and slip his arms around my waist.

  “I believe Jax has the number of a good cleaning company that specializes in sterilization.”

  I bit my lip to refrain from laughing, peeking up for her response.

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Ewww!” She threw her hands in the air. “I’m going to pretend I never heard that, because I am way too excited about this house and hearing that you’re not going to prison.” Her smile returned as she added, “It’s also nice to see you two happy.”

  He must’ve told her about his name being cleared. I sneaked my hand into his as Julia pointed her finger at us, her eyes narrowed into slits.

  “But the next time you come over, keep your damn clothes on!”

  It was Logan who broke first, his snicker sweet music to my ears.

  Once she was out of sight, Logan turned me around in his arms.

  “Do you have my panties?” I whispered, earning me a roguish laugh.


  “Logan…” I threatened.

  “Let’s go. You won the bet, and I’m ready to be at your beck and call for the weekend.” He leaned in and nipped my earlobe with his teeth, then murmured, “Anything you desire, I will make it possible.”

  “Anything?” I leaned back, grinning.


  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  When Logan showed up at my door Saturday morning, my cheeks ached from the broad grin I couldn’t avoid, my eyes taking in every inch of him. My tongue darted out, running across my lips. It was the finest sight I’d ever beheld—delicious in every sense of the word.

  “You gonna devour me on the spot or invite me in first?” Logan’s brow cocked in a challenge. “I’m good with either.”

  I stepped aside, sliding my hand across his granite ass as he entered, his body pressing against mine despite the extra room surrounding us. Logan slipped out of his coat to reveal the wardrobe I’d ordered for his weekend as my lapdog.

  “I have to admit, Cassandra…when I said ‘anything’, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.” His fingers threaded through his hair, head dipping as he chuckled.

  “You don’t say.” I fought to control my giggle, remaining as passive as I could and attempting to force my eyes to remain on his face.

  It wasn’t possible. He was bare-chested, and wearing faded jeans that hung low on his hips. I tugged on their belt loops to bring him closer, and his brow shot up.

  “On second thought, maybe this is what I had in mind.” His voice grew rough, breath nipping at my neck.

  My shoulder shot up, pushing him away. “Not exactly. Come here—let me show you what you’ll be doing for me the next two days, slave,” I said in a seductive purr.

  I took his hand and led him to the hallway, where the attic ladder was pulled down.

  Oliver was with Julia for the day and Natasha was mysteriously MIA, which gave us some much-needed time alone. I didn’t ask where she was; I was too happy to care. Jax’s week to devise a plan to battle her craziness was about up, and he’d been sure to steer clear of me.

  The week had also surprisingly passed with no drama, and although the sheriff had yet to release the names of any new suspects, Logan was officially cleared.

  “Climb, stud!” I ordered, biting my lip to hold back my giggle.

  He raised his brows, amusement painting his expression. “Stud, huh?”

  My entire body shook with laughter. “You gonna complain or move that ass?”

  A giggle broke through, short and awkward. Heat seared my cheeks. The mere thought of me as anything resembling a dominatrix was ludicrous. I’d never come close—and from the humor dancing across Logan’s face, I guessed he probably agreed.

  “Ladies first.”

  I knew what that meant: He’d be treated to a face full of my behind, and then we’d get no work done.

  I shook my head. “No, you first.”

  He caught the look on my face and chuckled to himself. “As you wish.”

  Once he was climbing into the hole of my attic, I followed.

  “And now?” he asked, looking around.

  I picked up a broom and smiled, holding it out to him. “And now you clean. I expect this place to be spotless, with a fresh coat of paint on the walls by Sunday evening. And then maybe I’ll treat you to a little reward.”

  “Hm, I like the sound of that.” He stepped closer.

  “Work first,” I said, fighting to keep my façade of control.

  “You sure I can’t do anything else before I start cleaning?” He stalked closer, and my back hit the wall. He caught my
face, brushing his lips over mine. I dropped the broom, snaking my arms up around his neck. “Hm?”

  “You do have all weekend,” I reasoned, giggling again. “Maybe I could go for a massage, or something a bit more…intimate.”

  “Now we’re talking.” His tone deepened with need as he lifted me in his arms, kissing me harder.

  By the time we finished making love—my body glued to the wall, him taking me from behind—I was exhausted and starving.

  “You get to work up here, and I’ll make lunch,” I said, running my fingers through my hair.

  He swatted my ass as I shimmied past him, my dress askew.

  “Take your time.”

  I climbed down, made my way to the kitchen, and started preparing us some food. Half an hour later, I called up the ladder for him to join me. I set two taco-laden plates at the kitchen table, with a bowl of chips and another of homemade salsa in the center.

  “Looks delicious.” Logan stood in the doorway, staring.

  “Wasn’t sure if you were a taco guy.”

  He walked over, sweat over his brow, and placed a soft kiss next to my ear before whispering, “I was talking about you, but yes, lunch looks good as well.”

  I flushed. “Go wash up and come eat.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He winked and disappeared out of sight for the restroom.

  Once he was back, he grabbed his chair and brought it closer to mine at the table—so close our legs were touching—and took a bite of one of his tacos.

  “Mmm, yeah. That’s good.” He closed his eyes as he chewed.

  I smiled, loving how it felt to please him.

  “So how’s it going up there? You think you’ll be able to paint today?”

  He swallowed and took a big drink of water from his glass. “First, tell me what you plan on using the room for.”

  “Does that matter?”

  “Yes, or else I wouldn’t have asked.” He popped a chip full of salsa into his mouth.

  I leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. The man even made eating look sexy.

  “I was thinking about turning it into an office or library, or maybe both. I don’t know yet, but it’s extra space that I would love to take advantage of having.”


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