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Seer (The Seeker Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Amy Reece

  “Stop whining,” Rémy said, laughing. “Neither Mina nor I can explode anything or knock people down with our thoughts. Don’t be greedy. Do you think I enjoy being inside your head when you’re thinking about Jack? I assure you I don’t.” I made a move toward him, but Mina stepped between us with a warning look. “Can we get back to the reason I brought us out here?” he asked and Mina and I nodded. “I think it would be best if the council remains in the dark about our mental communication abilities. I have a feeling that it could be our ‘ace in the hole,’ if you will.”

  Mina and I looked at each other for a long moment before turning back to Rémy and nodding.

  “I’m not completely convinced that either group—this Irish council or the French conseil—has our best interests at heart,” Mina said. It shocked me to hear her express this distrust. “I’m not sure their agenda allows for the feelings or desires of three young adults.”

  I appreciated her referring to me as a young adult rather than a teenager. “I agree with Mina. There are several agendas going on around here and none of them are ours. I think we should consider what’s best for us. We’re the ones who have to live with the prophecy, after all. We’re the ones who have to figure out the stupid who’s who riddle. This is such bullshit!”

  Rémy and Mina stared at me with wide eyes for a moment before bursting into simultaneous laughter. I narrowed my eyes at them evilly, but couldn’t hold out and joined them, laughing until I snorted, which made the other two laugh harder. It was therapeutic for all of us, easing some of the strain we had been feeling. We returned from our walk ready to train, but prepared to keep some of our mental gifts to ourselves.

  The council wanted to see what would happen when the three of us touched, as we had in Rouen when the windows exploded. Because of said explosion, I insisted we conduct the experiment outside. We stood in a small circle under the shade of a grove of trees, joined hands, and…nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. I opened my eyes—which I had closed in expectation of flying splinters of wood—and stared at Rémy and Mina.

  —What is going on, Rémy?

  —We expected it. We all have our barriers in place.

  —So, should we let them down, or what?

  —Perhaps just a small amount, enough to give them a bit of a show. That should satisfy them.

  —Are you in, Mina?

  —I suppose.

  I wondered why she was so reluctant to let us in, even for the briefest time. What was she trying to hide?

  —All right, on three. Rémy thought. One…two…three.

  We all let down our mental barriers, a little bit at the same time. I felt a mild version of the energy that had glued my hands to the other two the last time, but was still aware of what was happening around us. I felt the energy radiate out from us and shear a large branch from the nearest tree. It fell a few feet away from the members of the Seer Council, causing an outburst of squeals. We released our hands, but I could have sworn Rémy held Mina’s hand a second longer than was absolutely necessary.

  “That was amazing!” Caoimhe exclaimed. “Is this what happened last time?” she asked Fionnuala.

  “Yes, but it was even more violent. I’m certainly glad you insisted on coming outside, Ally. I have no desire to have my windows replaced,” Fionnuala said.

  “But what does it mean?” Bridget asked. “What is the purpose?”

  Nobody had an answer for her.


  The rest of our visit was fairly uneventful; we trained, explored, ate, slept, and trained some more. We managed to keep our direct lines to each other’s minds a secret from the Seer Council and thus felt like we had accomplished something, no matter how small. I tried to get to know Mina and felt like our friendship had progressed to the slightly-better-than-acquaintances stage. We weren’t besties or anything yet, and I still wondered what secrets she kept from us. Or me. I got the distinct feeling Rémy knew what she kept from me, but when I asked him, all I got was “Leave it alone, chérie. Everyone deserves their privacy.”

  “But how can we trust her? She just appeared out of nowhere!”

  “So did I, if you remember. You trust me, don’t you?” he pointed out.

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Just give her time, Ally. I have a feeling she really needs a friend right now.”

  Aw, crap. Way to make me feel guilty. Thanks a lot, Rémy! “Fine, fine,” I muttered. “I’ll work on it. No need to pour on more recriminations.”

  He laughed and hugged me to his side. “Your vocabulary never ceases to amaze me. Do you read the dictionary for fun?”

  “No, but I do read a classic every now and then. You should try it, you know. Broaden your horizons beyond the Wall Street Journal, read something with an actual plot.”

  “No thank you. I have no need to read about make believe worlds. That’s what movies are for.”

  “God, Rémy!” I rolled my eyes. “You are such a Neanderthal! I thought the French were supposed to be cultured and into art and literature.”

  “I don’t know where you get your misinformation, chérie. You cannot simply categorize people by their country of origin. If so, I could say that all Americans like football and chicken wings. As far as I know, you like neither.”

  “All right, smart ass! Let’s go see if Mina wants to drive into Galway for the evening. I desperately need to get away from the senior citizen reunion for a while.”

  “I’m going to remind you of that comment in about sixty years. But I agree: it would be good to get away for a while,” he said.


  Although the council tried to get us to stay for a few more weeks, I put my foot down. Two weeks to the day after we had arrived, Fionnuala drove Rémy, Mina, and me to the airport in Dublin. I hugged her and promised to take good care of Mina and then we made our way through security and on to our gate. I was soon relaxing in my first-class seat—Rémy never flew coach—sipping orange juice and planning the epic nap I would take on the overseas flight. In a little over seven hours we would land in New York and it was my fondest dream to sleep through at least six of those. The dream died when Rémy plopped next to me and insisted on discussing our plans for getting Mina set up in Albuquerque and making sure she felt comfortable.

  “I have made a few inquiries about web design training programs and feel certain I can get her accepted into a good one. My apartment complex is sure to have an opening soon and she can stay in my guest room until then.”

  “Well, that does sound cozy, but I’ve already asked her to stay with me at Gram’s house. If she and Tara get along we might consider getting a three bedroom apartment to share.” Was I imagining the disappointment on his face?

  “Oh. Well, yes, that is probably a better idea,” he sputtered a bit, but then regrouped. “I’ll help you all find an apartment, perhaps in my complex.”

  “Right!” I said, laughing. “As if we could afford that! No, we will find a cheap place by the university. What?” I asked at his confused look.

  “It’s nothing. I just thought you and Jack might—”

  “You thought Jack and I were going to move in together? You don’t know him very well. He is not the type to shack up with a girl. Anyway, he’s moving in with Mat as soon as he gets back from boot camp.”

  “I didn’t know living with a girl required a type. So, you’ll have two roommates and Jack will have one. Won’t that make…things…awkward?”

  “Wow, Rémy. Are you really asking me about my sex life?” Or lack thereof, but that was nobody’s business but my own.

  “Just idle curiosity, chérie.”

  “I’m sure we’ll manage.” I sniffed and pointedly looked out the window. I swear I could feel him smirking behind my back.

  “Hey.” He pulled my shoulder back gently. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”

  I turned back around, but stared straight ahead. “You’re right. It’s not.”

  He put his hand over mine. “Ally, chér
ie. It’s okay. There’s no shame in it. It is actually very sweet. It’s not something you should rush into. Jack better not be pushing you,” he warned.

  “Ha!” I laughed. “Not at all. He’s the one holding back.” I couldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Ally.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t even think it! Of course he wants you. He’s a man. He will always want you. He apparently has a great amount of respect for you, not to mention restraint.” He chuckled a bit.

  “I know. It’s just that—”

  “What? Go ahead—ask,” he offered.

  I was silent for a long moment. “So, it’s okay? I mean, that we don’t—”

  “Of course it’s okay, chérie. You are very young. It will be all the more special for not rushing it. If you and Jack are meant to be together, it will happen when the time is right.”

  “But he’s already—” I couldn’t say it.

  “Of course he has. But he is in love with you and you’re special. You are worth waiting for. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.”

  I gave him a half-hearted smile. “Thanks, Rémy. So, have you—?”

  He rolled his eyes again and laughed. “I’m 22, chérie. Yes, of course I have. But there has never been anyone special, anyone worth waiting for.”

  “Okay. Let’s change the subject. Or better yet, let me get on with my nap.”

  He did, moving back to sit by Mina for the remainder of the flight, leaving me to catch up on some missed sleep. Both he and Mina slept on the connecting flight from New York to Albuquerque, which gave me a chance to read and write a letter to Jack. I started to get antsy about an hour from landing, eager to see Grams, Mom, and Brian, all of whom had said they would be at the airport to meet me.

  We finally landed, gathered our belongings, and made our way off the plane, through the deserted airport, past the secure area, and there was my family. I reached Grams first, throwing myself in her arms.

  “I missed you so much!” I pulled back. “How long am I grounded?” I knew I wouldn’t be completely off the hook for sneaking away to Paris without telling anyone.

  “At least a year. Or maybe a week,” she said through her tears. “I missed you too. The house was too quiet. Wicky has gotten fat.”

  “My turn, Mother.” My mom nearly yanked me out of my grandmother’s arms. It was difficult to hug her with her hugely pregnant tummy. “Oh, Ally!” I could feel her tears on my neck; mine were flowing freely, as well. “Don’t ever do that to us again! We were worried sick!”

  “I know. I’m really sorry. Rémy and I thought it was best. I’ll explain more later,” I said quietly. “Mom! You are huge!” I rubbed my hand on her swollen belly. “Hello, baby! It’s your big sister, Ally.”

  “Thanks a lot! I feel enormous and fat.”

  “You are gorgeous, Mom. You’re supposed to be huge. You’re about to have a baby. How are you feeling? Are you getting enough rest?” I held her at arm’s length and looked carefully at her face. She looked tired and her face was swollen with late-term pregnancy, but she glowed with happiness.

  “She’s not resting as much as she should. She’s nesting, apparently. It’s good to see you, Ally.” Brian, my new stepfather, gave me a quick hug.

  “I’m not nesting!” my mother exclaimed. “It’s too early for that since I’m not due until early September. I won’t start nesting until late August. I’m just trying to get Brian’s former bachelor pad in order.”

  “It’s good to see you too, Brian. How was the honeymoon?” I asked as I stepped away.

  “Great, very relaxing. You definitely need to go to Hawaii sometime. How was France and Ireland?”

  “What little I saw of each was fine. It wasn’t really a sightseeing tour. You all remember Rémy? And this is Mina. She’s from Galway and she’ll be staying with Grams and me for a while.” I pulled both of them forward to greet my family. I had already talked to Grams about Mina staying with us; I didn’t think it would be a good idea to spring a houseguest on her unexpectedly. She had converted my mom’s bedroom into a guest room over the last few weeks so Mina would have her own room for as long as she stayed with us. I wondered how long that would be.


  “in my false brother

  Awakened an evil nature, and my trust,

  Like a good parent, did beget of him

  A falsehood in its contrary as great

  As my trust was, which had indeed no limit,

  A confidence sans bound…”

  —Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1.2

  We all met at Grams’ house for what I thought was an impromptu welcome home dinner. I was disabused of the impromptu aspect of this notion when we walked in and I smelled ambrosia of the gods, i.e. enchiladas. I had been away from New Mexican food for over six weeks and seriously needed a chile fix. Since neither my mother nor grandmother had ever made enchiladas, it could only mean one thing: Trina was here, a fact substantiated when Megan ran out of the kitchen and threw herself in my arms, squealing, “Ally!”

  “Hey, squirt! Oh my gosh, I missed you!” I hugged her tightly as Trina came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. I let go of Megan to hug Jack’s aunt.

  “I’m glad you’re back, mija.” She enfolded me in her warm arms and I inhaled the scent of her perfume mixed with cooking smells; it comforted me, almost like I was hugging Jack. Yeah, weird, I know. I hadn’t seen him in so long I was getting loopy.

  “Trina, you didn’t have to cook for me. But I’m really glad you did. I haven’t had a decent meal in weeks! They do not know how to cook over there!”

  “I provided you with the finest French cuisine, chérie! I do, however, agree with you about the food in Ireland,” Rémy teased.

  “Hey!” Mina interjected.

  “I don’t mean to be ungrateful,” I said, “but I have missed New Mexican food. Mina, you will see why when you taste Trina’s enchiladas. Rémy, of course, doesn’t appreciate chile. I hope your tastes are more sophisticated.”

  We were just settling down to eat when Tara and Mat came in. I abandoned my plate of green chile cheese enchiladas for the moment as I hugged my best friend, rocking back and forth.

  “You are not allowed to leave for this long anymore!” she said, sniffing. “I nearly went crazy with only Mat for company!”

  I met Mat’s eyes over her shoulder and rolled my eyes. Tara could be a bit melodramatic.

  “Okay, babe. Let Ally get back to her food before it gets cold. Let’s get you a plate. I bet you haven’t eaten all day.” He pulled her away and steered her toward a seat. It was sweet to see him taking care of her. It had taken them a long time to start dating, but they were so good together.

  Later, we relaxed in the living room with coffee and Trina’s special natillas, a delicious custard made with flour, eggs, milk, and cinnamon. Mina seemed to enjoy the meal, gamely trying some of everything, while Rémy merely tasted enough to not be completely rude. He had never acclimated to New Mexican food.

  “Ally, I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the airport,” Tara said. “My boss wouldn’t let me off early, stingy bas—”

  “Tara!” I gestured toward Megan.

  “Oops! Sorry, Megan. Don’t copy my horrible language, okay?” Tara apologized.

  “That’s okay,” Megan said. “Jack says way worse words than that.” We all tried not to laugh.

  “How’s the new job going?” I asked Tara. She had begun waiting tables at a local Italian restaurant a few weeks ago and said she could get me a job, as well. I needed to get some cash if we had any prayer of renting an apartment.

  “It’s all right, but I now hate lasagna. And spaghetti. And pretty much every other Italian food on the planet.”

  “Yeah, but I love the leftovers she brings home. I hardly ever have to cook.” Mat laughed. He had moved out of Trina and Manny’s house several months ago; Jack would be moving in with him soon after he returned from boot camp.

  It surprised and pleased me to see Mina and
Tara hit it off; I could never be sure what my somewhat volatile best friend would decide from minute to minute, but she and Mina as friends would make everything so much easier. They sat on the couch, getting to know one another, while I helped Grams with the dishes. We absolutely refused to let Trina help since she had slaved all afternoon and it was painful to watch my mom waddle around the kitchen, so we sent her out after a few minutes and ordered her to put her feet up.

  Grams washed and I dried, and, as expected, the interrogation started along with the suds. “So, are you going to tell me why you and that French boy in there found it necessary to sneak off to France? I didn’t know we kept secrets from each other,” she said carefully.

  “Grams, I’m sorry, but we did think it was necessary. I needed to meet Rémy’s grandmother, and once the Seer Council got hold of me they were unlikely to let me go. The two councils don’t get along. Rémy, Mina, and I have some seriously hard work ahead of us to get them to cooperate.”

  “So, you think it is your job to do that?”

  “I do,” I said firmly. “Kate’s latest prophecy makes me think that’s the least of what the three of us have to do. I just have no idea how we’re supposed to actually do any of it.” I gave her a rundown of the rest of our stay while we finished the dishes.

  She dried her hands and pulled me close. “You’re growing up so fast, Ally. I’m not happy that you disappeared without a word, but I guess I do understand. But please, please don’t do that again. I’ll try to understand, but I need you to tell me where you’re going. Please, Ally? I was so scared when I didn’t know where you were.”

  “Yeah, Grams. I promise. I’m so sorry.”

  “All right. Enough of this sappy stuff. You’re not grounded. I guess you’re getting too old for that, anyway. So, you and Tara are really going to move into an apartment together?”

  “That’s what we’re planning,” I agreed, watching to see how she reacted. “And Mina too, maybe. She and Tara seem to be getting along, so it might be a possibility.”


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