The Body

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The Body Page 15

by Arabella Abbing

  “God, you’re so wet,” he groaned in appreciation before he switched the attention of his mouth to my other breast. “Can’t wait to sink my cock back into this tight pussy.”

  “So do it,” I said, clenching my teeth together to keep myself from moaning while I attempted to speak. “Stop teasing and fuck me.”

  “You asked me to wreck you,” he reminded with a quick shake of his head. “I need to get you properly warmed up first.”

  “I’m wet enough. I’m ready, Adam. Please,” I panted, writhing beneath him as he slid two fingers into me and began to rhythmically pump them in and out, curling up in search of my g-spot.

  “You might be ready, but I’m not. Not yet.”

  Adam continued his assault on my breasts while his fingers sank deep into me and stilled. He shifted his hand around until the pad of his thumb was pressed against my clit and started moving it as quick as he possibly could, alternating between a back and forth motion and small circles. Both sensations made stars form behind my eyes while my moans grew louder and uncontrollable.

  Adam might have claimed that I drove him crazy, but if you asked me, he had it backwards. Because every single time he got me naked, I was damn near ready to worship him like he was some sort of god. He made me feel like an addict.

  His lips moved to my neck where he kissed up and down the column, stopping to gently bite down on every spot that made my breath hitch in my throat. As I began to overload from the various sensations, my body started to shake.

  “That’s it, gorgeous,” he whispered, removing himself from my neck to look down at my face. “Come for me like a good girl. Let me feel how badly you want my cock in here.”

  In a series of rapid movements, he was sitting up on his knees and using his other hand to toy with my clit while he resumed pumping into me with his thick fingers. My moans choked off into a shaky groan that was barely audible over the wet squelching sound of his fingers moving in and out of me as I came.

  When my hips finally stopped grinding against his hands, he pulled away and sucked his soaked fingers into his mouth. I was breathlessly panting as I watched his eyes close for a moment in sheer bliss before they popped back open and focused on me.

  “Now I’m ready.”

  He reached back and gripped the collar of his t-shirt, peeling it off and giving me a view I knew I would never tire of. I ran my hands over his sculpted abdomen as he unfastened his pants and awkwardly shimmied them down until he had no other option than to move from between my legs to take them off.

  To my surprise, he didn’t do that.

  Instead, he gripped the base of his cock with one hand and slid the head up and down my slit, apparently content to fuck me while his pants were still hanging on his legs. He pressed his cock gently against my clit and my mouth fell open, ready to beg for it if that’s what he was waiting for.

  But that wasn’t the case. Adam had somehow managed to break through the haze of lust with a moment of rational thought.

  “I know you’re on the pill, so I assume you’ve been tested,” he idly commented, continuing his gentle motion of rocking against me. “I can go get the rubbers if you want, but I promise you I’m clean.”

  “What?” I asked, dazed at the realization that I hadn’t even thought about the fact that he hadn’t put a condom on. How responsible of me.

  Adam either understood my confusion or chose to ignore it, smiling softly as he said, “I haven’t had sex without a condom before, but I’ve been tested a few times. Just in case.”

  Surprised, I lifted my head and pressed a hand to his stomach, pushing him back just enough to get him to stop his ministrations. It was hard enough to summon coherent thought with him naked in my bed, let alone with his cock so close to sliding into me.

  “Wait, wait, wait. You’re seriously telling me you’ve never had unprotected sex?” I asked warily.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to believe him, but it seemed far-fetched to think that Adam had always practiced safe sex. But if he was telling the truth…

  I winced a little at the passing thought of how much money he must have dropped on condoms over the years.

  His smile turned wry before he said, “I might have been a bit of a man whore, but I wasn’t stupid. I didn’t want to catch something and I really didn’t want to knock anyone up.”

  “And now?”

  “Considering I don’t have any plans to sleep with anyone besides you, I’d like to try it,” he said, running his hands over my hips softly. “But I’m not trying to pressure you. I really don’t mind if you want me to—”

  “I’m clean,” I whispered, slightly awed by his confession that he was thinking about us in a long-term kind of way. “I haven’t been with anyone but you since my last test.”

  He eyed me warily for a long moment before he asked, “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  “A hundred percent sure. Do it, Adam.”

  The shift in him was instantaneous. His eyes were downright wild as he lined up the head of his cock at my entrance, looking up at my face again for confirmation that I was really okay with this. I reached for his shoulders and pulled him down to me, closing my eyes and humming happily as his large frame enveloped me in warmth.

  But when a few beats passed and he had made no move to go further, I opened my eyes only to find him staring down at me. When our gazes collided with an intensity that was unlike our previous encounters, he finally slid forward, sinking into me for the first time without a barrier between us.

  It didn’t feel particularly different to me in terms of physical sensation, but something between us had changed. I could tell by looking in his eyes that he felt it as well and when he finally bottomed out, we let out matching moans of pleasure and relief.

  My heart pounded as we stared into each other’s eyes. I was so caught up in this strange new intensity that I didn’t even realize that he had yet to move. Not until I felt his length slowly slide out and push back in just as gently.

  The slow pace he set lasted a while and I got the sneaking suspicion that he wanted to savor this for as long as possible. For the first time in my life, it felt like a man was making love to me.

  While it felt like hours, it was really only a matter of minutes before I began to get desperate for more. He’d driven me close to orgasm again, but he didn’t seem inclined to speed up. Even though I loved the slow pace, I needed more.

  So I dug my nails into his back and hoarsely whispered, “Faster. Please, Adam.”

  Our eyes met and he clenched his jaw, shaking his head in a jerky back and forth motion while his hips continued to roll tortuously slow. It felt fantastic by all accounts, it just wasn’t quite enough to send me over the edge.

  “Not yet,” he breathed out, leaning forward to rest his face in the crook of my neck. “Don’t come yet.”

  Right after the words left his mouth, his hips lost some of the rolling motion as he picked up the pace. With his mouth so close to my ear, the sound of him sliding in and out of me was drowned out by the delicious grunts and groans that were coming out of his mouth.

  His noises alone were nearly enough to finish me off, but I clenched my teeth together and held back, remembering his command. With every thrust, his pace became more erratic and I knew that it was only a matter of moments before he would allow me to finish.

  Before he did, he craned his neck and slotted his mouth over mine, moving his lips so slowly and softly in comparison to the frantic pumps of his hips that I felt like I was getting whiplash in the most incredible kind of way.

  I pulled back to attempt to tell him that I couldn’t hold on any longer, but he beat me to the punch with a choked, “Now. Come now.”

  I stopped fighting and let it happen, burying my scream against his neck as my entire body shuddered. I barely managed to hear the gasp he let out as he slammed hard into me and stilled.

  A long, deep groan rose from his chest and I felt the warmth of his release spill inside of me. His hips s
tuttered forward one last time, forcing himself as deep as he could possibly get for the final few spurts.

  When his climax finally ended and his body went slack, he held himself up on his forearms and ghosted his lips against the skin of my shoulder.

  “How do you feel?” he panted.

  My legs were still shaking as I clenched my internal muscles—my satisfied smile turning loopy at the sensation of his cock twitching back to life within me.


  A breathless chuckle escaped him before he declared, “Mission accomplished.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  My goal was to wreck her as requested, but in the end—I was pretty damn sure that I was the more wrecked one between us.

  It had been the first time I had sex without a condom and once I got inside her, I couldn’t bring myself to fuck her like I intended to. I made love to her instead—another first for me. Cheesy as it might have been, it really was the only way I could think of to describe what had gone down between us.

  What I told her beforehand was true. I didn’t intend to be sleeping with anyone but her for a long damn time. But now, I couldn’t even imagine being with anyone else.

  Even though my body was relaxed, I was mentally panicking over the thought of getting in too deep too fast. It couldn’t be a good thing.

  Whether it was good or not, when Brianna cuddled up beside me after I finally pulled out, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. I didn’t love her—not yet—but I could somehow feel it coming. There wasn’t any other explanation for the way I felt while holding her, kissing her, being inside her...

  “Jesus. You’re ready to go again?”

  “Hmm?” I hummed in question, looking to her face then following her gaze down to my dick, chuckling when I noticed it standing at attention. “Looks like it. You up for it?”

  “Give me like four minutes,” she whispered, her eyes drifting shut even as her curious fingers wrapped around the base and started to slowly stroke.

  “No rush, baby,” I said as I took her hand and pried her fingers off, smiling at her muffled sound of protest. “I’ll be good to go whenever you’re ready.”

  An eye cracked open and she whispered, “That works both ways, you know.”

  “I know. You want something to drink?”


  I smiled, knowing that she’d likely doze off while I went to get something out of the fridge, but I still rolled out of bed anyways. I’d happily let her rest for a little while since it’d give me a chance to sort through my frazzled emotions.

  At least in theory.

  In reality, I slipped my pants back on and just barely made it into her kitchen when my cell phone started ringing in my pocket. When I saw Dale’s name flashing on the screen, I frowned and rushed over to the window just in time to see his taillights speeding out of the lot.

  I swiped to accept the call, my question cut off by the sound of his voice as he barked, “Lock the doors and don’t fucking go anywhere, you got it?”

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Something’s going down at your momma’s house. Just stay put—I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Panic flooded through me, replacing the relaxed contentment that sex with Brianna had given me. My mind summoned up images of the worst possible scenarios before I could stop it and I found myself wishing that the rental hadn’t been trashed. Because even though Dale ordered me to do nothing, that wasn’t a plan I was particularly comfortable with. Not when my mom was involved.

  Then the passing thought that the whole thing might have been some sort of ruse to get Dale away from the building occurred.

  In that moment, the urge to protect Brianna was stronger than anything else I was feeling. So I rushed to the door and made sure it was firmly locked before I said, “Door’s locked and we’re not going anywhere.”

  “Good. I’ll call you if something happens.”

  My phone beeped to alert me the call had ended before I could say anything else. I told myself that it was for the best that Dale wouldn’t be talking on the phone while he was trying to speed over to the house, but I was still pretty pissed about him not giving me any kind of details.

  I spared a glance down the hall and noticed that Brianna had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. Before I allowed myself to think of reasons not to do it, I scrolled through my contacts list and pressed to call my mom’s cell.

  No answer.

  Brianna came out of the bathroom right as I hung up on the voicemail message, looking adorable in nothing but my t-shirt and sporting some very obvious sex hair. I tried to smile at her, but the panic I felt must have been written all over my face.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked with a deep frown, coming over to look down at my phone screen as I clutched it mid-air.

  With the reminder of what I’d been doing, I dialed the house phone and waited, growling in frustration when it went to the answering machine as well.

  “Damn it!” I swore, ending the call and sliding the phone back into my pocket before covering my face with my hands. I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly, frustrated with the desire to take action and being unable to do anything with it.

  “Adam,” Brianna said firmly as she tugged my hands away from my face. “What happened?”

  “Dale took off,” I told her, immediately regretting my phrasing when I saw the fear in her eyes. “All I know is that something’s going on at my mom’s house and I can’t get in touch with her.”

  “He didn’t tell you anything else?”

  “No. But he probably doesn’t know anything yet either. Or at least nothing he wanted to share,” I muttered as an afterthought.

  “So what now? We keep the door locked and just... keep a look out?” Brianna asked, creeping slowly toward the window and easing the curtain back once she got there. “Do you think your dad would be on foot or in a car?”

  The ‘protect Brianna’ instinct was screaming at me to pull her away from the window and lock her in her bedroom while I kept an eye on the door, but I didn’t think that’d go over very well. Not to mention the fact that it was slightly insane.

  Seemingly out of nowhere, my mind flashed back to the brief conversation I had with Dale at the diner days prior.

  “You remember what I said earlier? About my dad?”

  “Which part?”

  “That he’s a loose canon.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed together as she nodded, not quite following my line of thought.

  “Do you remember when I told you my mom is dating a jackass?”

  I didn’t need to say anything else, Brianna was quick enough to put it together on her own from there. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she asked, “I take it your dad won’t like it if he sees them together?”

  “Hell no. Kyle’s a few years younger than my dad but they still ran in the same circles back in the day. Dad hated Kyle.”

  “And your mom? Did she and your dad ever officially divorce?”

  “No, they didn’t have the money for that. And even though there really isn’t any love lost between the two, in my dad’s eyes—she’s still his property.”

  The more I spoke, the more certain I became that Brianna and I were safe.

  Unfortunately, I also believed that my mom was in real danger. If I was right—and I had a terrible feeling that I was—her life would be just as much at risk as Kyle’s.

  Because while I could never really say for sure if dad would legitimately hurt me... I knew for a fact that he would hurt mom without giving it so much as a second thought.

  When Brianna wrapped her arms around me and whispered that it’d be okay, I realized my entire body was shaking. I felt mostly numb inside as I instinctively began to prepare myself for the worst, but that wasn’t enough to control the physical reaction.

  I allowed Brianna to lead me to the couch and push me into a sitting position where the two of us sat in silence and stared helplessly at my
cell phone.

  “Hear that?” Brianna asked, cocking her head to the side as she listened to something I couldn’t hear. “It’s a car pulling in.”

  She rushed to the window and peeked outside, her shoulders sagging before she said, “It’s just Stacy. Sorry.”

  We’d done nothing but alternate between sitting and pacing for the better part of three hours, but Brianna did remember to text Stacy at some point and tell her to come straight home instead of picking her up from the coffee shop. I had tried both of my mom’s numbers multiple times and even tried Dale’s cell, but there hadn’t been any answer. As the time dragged on, the scenarios in my head got worse and worse and my panic grew exponentially.

  To her credit, Brianna had been doing her best to keep me calm and I was grateful to have her with me. I couldn’t even imagine how I would have fared if I had been sitting alone at Sammy’s place when it all went down.

  Strike that—I knew exactly how that would have played out. I wouldn’t have had the weird protective feeling for Brianna that kept me in check. I would have taken a cab to my mom’s house and made the situation that much worse for everyone involved.

  Even with as much as I wanted to help, I knew it was better this way.

  Brianna rushed over to undo all the locks and let in her roommate—Stacy, whom I had heard quite a bit about and now recognized as the girl I shared a few classes with back in college. I knew she looked familiar at the reunion, but it wasn’t until Brianna jogged my memory with photographs from graduation that I remembered.

  “Hey guys,” she greeted as she stepped inside, a confused smile on her face. “You two crazy kids make up already?”

  “You could say that,” Brianna confirmed as she twisted each lock back in place and tested them. Once she was sure they were solid, she turned to face her friend and let out a sigh. “I quit my job today.”


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