Twice in a Blue Moon

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Twice in a Blue Moon Page 16

by Cate Masters

  She murmured other words that were incoherent to him. His head had filled with a swirl of thoughts, blocking out everything except the certainty that she was leaving. It was over. His body became a dead weight, stretched out on the bed. She rose, walked away, the door closed, and the bells receded to nothing. Huskies, still yapping, returned to their indoor enclosure from their outdoor pen.

  Hollowness filled him. It built to unbearable size, too massive to wrestle away. He expelled what he could in a long groan that grew into a mournful yell, emptying the anguish and leaving a shell. Raw, but no longer hollow, and ready, finally, to be filled again.

  Chapter 12

  After being in her townhouse less than two minutes, Melanie delivered the news via phone. She had nothing for him, and was done.

  “We’re dead in the water.” Evan Thomas, executive producer of No Boundaries, kept control of his anger, yet it seethed out in a palpable way.

  Nervousness ratcheted up her pulse, and she struggled to keep an even tone. Confidence was her only route to escape. “You could air another past episode.”

  Silence. Then, “Do you think this some sort of joke, Melanie?”

  “Not at all.” She’d never been more serious.

  “Where do we stand for next week?”

  “I have no idea.” Hey, it was the only time they’d come away with no salvageable footage after a trip, and she could honestly promise it would never happen again. Not with her.

  “Tell me you’re kidding.”

  “I’m not. Sorry.” That it had taken her so long to realize the joke had been on her.

  “All right.” His sharp pronunciation came down hard on the t. “We’ll dig out your list of demands from last year. The first one still unmet, we’ll go with.”

  This clown didn’t get it. Buck’s dogs listened better than Evan did. Slowly and crisply, she said, “No. I can’t do this anymore.”


  “I no longer feel capable.”

  “Must I remind you of your contract? Even though there’s less than a year remaining, it’s binding nevertheless.”

  “I’m not able to continue doing extreme stunts. Risk my life.” She’d get a doctor to corroborate, if it came to it. Mental distress, any excuse, whatever it took.

  His chuckle had a hard edge. “Sure, sweetheart. I get it. How much?”

  “How much what?”

  “Money. That’s what your game is, right? You want a higher salary? We were prepared to offer an increase when we renewed your contract, but we can discuss the percentage right now.”

  “I’m not renewing my contract. I want out.” How much plainer could she state it? “I’d appreciate it if you released me now.”

  “It’s not possible, Ms. Michaels.”

  He’d gone formal. Definitely not playing around. Neither would she. “I’m not a prisoner, Evan. Not your indentured servant.” Though she sure felt like one. And didn’t like it one bit.

  “Don’t forget, you owe us. We made you a star.”

  Bullshit. The show had been based on her idea, her sweat, and yeah, sometimes blood. “I launched No Boundaries. Made you a nice profit, don’t forget. I have no interest in being a star.”

  “Has another network made you an offer? We’ll double it.”

  “You’re not hearing me. I want my life.” A future. It mattered again. She wouldn’t blow her chance.

  “This is outrageous.”

  She braced against his outburst. No, this is reality. The real deal. “Give Gina the star contract.”


  “Yes, she’d be great. She’s performed many stunts by my side, equally well or better. She’s ready, Evan. Viewers love her, too. They’d have absolutely no problem with her stepping in, and it would make the transition seamless. They’d forget me in a week.” The selling point. “Check with the office. She receives as much fan mail as I do.”

  A grunt. He was considering it. “Let’s sleep on it. Talk again tomorrow.”

  “No. As of today, I’m out. I’m giving you a way to salvage the show. Take it or don’t, it’s up to you.” She no longer needed to frantically search for Pete, chasing after those few precious moments with him. He was gone, and she was ready to let him go. Now she needed to go back and find Buck.

  “You’ll pay a hefty penalty.”

  “The equivalent of two episodes’ pay. I know.” She’d already signed the check. Small price for her freedom.

  “Don’t do something you’ll regret.”

  “For once, I’m not. It’s been great, and I appreciate all you’ve done for me. Goodbye.” Before he could argue any further, she ended the call and dialed Buck’s cell.

  As it had for the last three dozen times, voice mail picked up almost immediately. She’d already left half a dozen messages, each more pleading. He’d provided the Arctic Adventures office number in his recorded message. She’d resisted calling before. If she didn’t find out whether he was all right, she’d go more crazy than she already was. With business wrapped up, nothing else held her back.

  She punched in the number and it rang.

  A man barked, “Towson.”

  “Mr. Towson. Hi, it’s Melanie Michaels.”

  “Ah. Ms. Michaels.”

  Not such a warm greeting. “Sorry to bother you. I haven’t been able to reach Buck. Is everything all right?”

  “Peachy.” He practically spat the word.

  She braced for the worst. “Is his phone broken?”

  “I repossessed it yesterday. Right after I shut down Arctic Adventures.”

  She stifled her gasp. “You went out of business? But I’d hoped our show would bring you more clients.”

  “What, from the episode that never aired? I may be in another country, but I’m not entirely out of the loop. I keep up with stories on the Internet. Rumors about a missing episode—our show, right?”

  So, her popularity had shot to hell in two countries, if not more. “I’m very sorry. If there’s anything I can do to help…”

  “Nah, I’m done. Getting out of this damn cold. Buck can have it.”

  She brightened. “Did he buy the tour company?”

  “No. He’s trying to scrape enough money together to launch his own wilderness lodge.”

  “Sounds like a great idea.” And full of possibilities.

  Kenny laughed. “Yeah, if he had the resources. With his poor credit, he’ll never get it off the ground.”

  “He will.” She’d make sure of it. “He hasn’t left Sweden, I hope.”

  “I don’t think he ever will. He’s a lost cause.”

  Her smile came easily. “I wouldn’t say that.” Not at all. After wishing Towson well, it didn’t take her long to decide what to do. Another call arranged her flight north. Nothing held her here, and everything pulled her there.

  For once, packing didn’t seem a chore, and she was done in record time. She’d already booked her return flight, and hurried back to the airport. While waiting to board, she texted her parents: Going back to Sweden. For good. For very good, she hoped. A flurry of messages flew in, and she promised to stay in closer touch with them, promised she’d visit or pay their passage for a stay. Ironic, since she’d live half a world away.

  On board the plane, she tried to sleep to make the flight seem faster, but as soon as she closed her eyes, Buck filled her head. With her focus solely on him, the trip had a dreamlike quality until she arrived in Stockholm. She waited in the small hangar for Anakarina to arrive, and braced for the woman’s usual acidic demeanor.

  Whistling echoed through the metal structure as a man strolled in. His “hello” had a heavy accent.

  Her pleasant professionalism kicked in. “Hi. I’m flying to Kiruna. Is Anakarina coming soon?”


  The word hit her like a hammer. “What?” Had the pilot learned of Melanie’s return, and plotted to ruin her plans?

  He soared h
is hand through the air. “She flew away. To Africa.”

  “Oh, my God.” This couldn’t be happening.

  He smirked. “I can fly squares around her any day.”

  “You mean circles?” Melanie offered.

  “Circles, too.” He opened the side compartment and stowed her bags.

  Then it hit her. “Oh, you’re my pilot.” Thank goodness.

  “Yes, sorry. I’m Taki.” One hand on his chest, he bowed his head.

  “Taki.” So close to tack, the Swedish word for please and thank you.

  “After my grandfather. It means ‘guarantor’ and ‘surety.’ Boring for a guy, but a good name for a pilot, yes?”

  “I’m Melanie, good to meet you. And don’t be sorry. It’s wonderful.” No awkward trip being stuck in a small space with a venomous bitch. A great sign, just like the ones Pete had sent earlier. It confirmed she was doing exactly the right thing, and she climbed into the passenger seat wanting to whistle along with Taki. The plane didn’t so much soar as bump and jerk, but she kept smiling.

  As darkness fell, the wheels touched down on the snowy ground, and reality hit her. I’m here. Her heart pulsed so fast, she couldn’t think straight, and kept fumbling her bags, out of the plane’s compartment, then onto the snowmobile that carried her to the hotel. As promised, Gjertrud waited in her sleigh, and Melanie no sooner dumped her luggage in her room than she was off again.

  Above her head, the northern lights streamed bright green bands. Another very good sign.

  Her heart had raced for so long, she grew lightheaded when, after imagining nothing else for days, she finally stood outside Buck’s cabin. She shook off her nerves and knocked.

  The door flew open. Buck’s scowl changed to shock. “Melanie. What…? Why…? Are you all right?”

  God, he looked like hell. Days’ worth of stubble lined his jaw and upper lip, bags under his groggy eyes, hair as rumpled as his clothes. He had that sleepy smell about him, too—like he’d been nestled under the covers a long time and hadn’t bothered with daily necessities like brushing his teeth. Another good sign? That he missed her? “Yes. Are you?”

  He pressed his lips tight, seeming to draw deeper into himself. “Never better. Did you leave something behind?”

  Yes. You. He wasn’t ready to hear that, apparently. “I have a proposition for you.”

  “You came to propose?” he deadpanned, or tried to. Hard to miss the undercurrent of urgency.

  Better to be sure she wasn’t mistaking his excitement for something else. “A business deal. I want to invest in your resort.”

  “No.” Shoulders slumped, he strode to the kitchen counter.

  Sure, I’ll come in. Not exactly the warm welcome he’d given her last time. Undeterred, she followed. “Why not?”

  Inspecting cups in the sink, his scowl returned. “I don’t take money from people I care about.” He rinsed a mug and wiped it.

  The words tugged at her heart harder than his huskies pulling a sled. “You won’t allow me to share your profits? I only want a share of it, not to take over.” To share more than the resort. His life. He could keep his freedom or whatever he worried about, though he could use some help with the housekeeping, for sure.

  “I see.” His fake pleasantness would fool no one. “You’ll fly in once a year to inspect it, maybe on your way to Bali or Bora Bora.” He slammed down the mug and poured coffee into it.

  Now we’re getting to the heart of it. She took off her coat and hung it on the peg beside his. “Why would I go there?”

  “With your show. Do you want some?” He lifted the cup.

  She strolled toward him, slowly so she wouldn’t startle him. “No thanks. And it’s not my show anymore. Gina’s the new star of No Boundaries.”

  He sputtered as he drank. “You quit your job?”

  Got his attention now. “One nice thing about hazard pay. I never had the time to spend it. Now I’m stuck with a fat savings account, and I need to find the best investment.” She’d crossed the room and stood in front of him, waiting for him to make the next move. Any move.

  “You have plenty of options.”

  Guess she’d have to make the next move. She slipped the mug from his grasp and set it on the counter. “None appeal to me. Except the one right here.” She looped her arms around his neck. He rested his hands on her back so lightly, only a little warmth penetrated.

  “Take a good look around,” he said softly, with a hint of sadness. “You’ll change your mind fast.”

  Did he worry she’d leave him? “I’m well aware that it takes time to build something strong.”

  Still pensive, he gave a slow nod, but closed his arms tighter around her. “There’s a lot of work involved. It could turn out to be a complete bust.”

  “And it might turn out to be the best thing ever. The preview was amazing, wasn’t it?” Standing on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his.

  “Amazing. Like everything about you.” He rubbed her back, his eyes full of questions.

  Please don’t ask if I’m sure. She wouldn’t be here if she weren’t. “Nothing worthwhile comes without risk. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m no stranger to risk.”

  Maybe he doubted himself? She eased away, a sick feeling creeping over her. Oh God, she’d burned all her bridges to come to this winter wonderland, but what if he hadn’t really wanted her for more than one night? No, she refused to believe it. “I don’t give up easily.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. “I’m counting on it.”

  The thickness of his voice, so raw with emotion, caught in her own throat. She could barely whisper, “You better.”

  The worry left his face. “Stubbornness can be a good quality sometimes.”

  “We can turn our dreams into an amazing life.” Please believe.

  He drew her close against him. “Guess we won’t know if we don’t try.”

  She’d never experienced a greater thrill in any extreme jump than when he gave her his trademark lopsided smile—the last sign she needed, given by the one man she most desired it from.

  “I’m the luckiest girl on the planet.” He was no ordinary Joe. For her, true love had come along twice in a blue moon.

  Cate Masters

  Cate Masters has made beautiful central Pennsylvania her home, but she’ll always be a Jersey girl at heart. When not spending time with her dear hubby, she can be found in her lair, concocting a magical brew of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/paranormal stories with her cat Chairman Maiow and dog Lily as company. Look for her at, and in strange nooks and far-flung corners of the web.

  Catch up to Cate:


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  Also by Cate Masters

  Rock Bottom

  The Goddess Connection

  Goddess, Awakened

  Lyrical Press books are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2015 CATE MASTERS

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Lyrical Press and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.

  First Electronic Edition: JANUARY 2015

  ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-646-9





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