Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)

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Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) Page 78

by Chrissy Peebles

  Sirens filled the air, colored flashing lights filled the room.

  "It's okay Sam. The ambulance and police are here."


  Silence filled the room.

  Brandt spun around to look, his gun still trained on the killer. "Sam?" Fear spiked his voice to a scream. Crumpled in a bloody pile on the floor, Sam lay between the two dogs. All three looked dead.

  Chapter 26

  Sam walked slowly down to the dock, Brandt at her side. Soldier hobbled behind them. Moses, moving much slower, brought up the rear. Sam wouldn't want it any other way.

  She tried not to dwell on the events of that night. She didn't remember much and that's the way she wanted to keep it. She'd been rushed to the hospital where the doctors had frantically tried to stop the spread of the poison from the cocktail of drugs guaranteed to kill her. If it hadn't been for Brandt she would have died. Chills ran down her spine at the reminder.

  It had been late the next day before she'd surfaced – screaming. Brandt had been at her side, a place he'd stayed during the first week of her recovery. Once out of hospital, they'd enjoyed the time alone at the lake. A healing time. But then he'd had to go back to work.

  Sam had returned to the clinic soon after.

  At the clinic, she'd refused to talk about the events, hoping the chatter would die down and with time – it had. Still, David, a good family man and an off-duty cop pulling extra time, lost his life when he'd stepped outside for a cigarette. He'd wandered out to the deck and never had a chance to draw his first smoke-filled breath.

  The dogs had been rushed to the clinic where they'd both undergone surgery. Thank God, the vets had done it for free. Sam didn't have that kind of money, and although Brandt had joked that his department should pay the dogs' medical costs, she hadn't wanted to ask for it.

  She didn't know what the future held, although more people than she'd ever thought possible stopped her on the street to ask what she saw in their futures. Her fame as a psychic had spread after the details of the attack had leaked to the press.

  Speaking of leaks, Dillon had been reprimanded and transferred to another station.

  As for Deputy Brooker, Brandt had matched shells picked up from the woods around her place to his gun, finally. He'd followed Brandt to her place when Soldier had caught his scent in the woods. His truck was the same as the one who'd tried to run her off the road. He wasn't admitting anything more at this point. She didn't know what he was going to be charged with at the end of the ongoing investigation, yet she could count on Brandt to make sure he'd be out of commission for a long time. Sam had agreed to testify and help their case in any way. She wasn't looking forward to seeing Brooker face to face, only knew she could do it and survive. She was stronger now – in many ways.

  Captain Johansen had apologized profusely. Every time he saw her, in fact. He'd even thanked her. Who knew how long William Durant would have continued killing women if not for her visions. She could grin at the captain now. It had taken awhile, but she was slowly getting used to being around people.

  Brandt had helped with that. So, too had Maisy, Brandt's mother. The colonel had recovered. He'd recognized the ring as being on the hand of the dog handler that brought the animals in to visit the patients at the center. A very subdued Maisy confessed that the dog handler had been there when she'd established the pool on when the colonel would remember what he'd forgotten about the ring. She'd actually asked him if he wanted in on the bets. That had sealed the colonel's fate…or nearly.

  Even Soldier's story might have been connected. Although, chances are they'd never know for sure. The dog had certainly known what to do when the time had come. William Durant hadn't survived surgery. Sam found it hard to care. The world was better off without him and this way she didn't have to go through two trials.

  Brandt was backtracking the guy's life, searching for links to other murders in his files. He was hoping for evidence to close dozens of cases – not to mention bring closure to dozens of families.

  It would take some time. As a dog trainer, Bill had exposure to people, care homes, and even the hospital where he took animals in to visit with the patients. This allowed him to travel to various locations without raising suspicion. Teaching obedience training gave him access to hundreds of women. An opportunity he'd taken full advantage of.

  Louise Enderby's long-time partner had come forward after seeing the news. He'd been on the board for the city's animal shelters – he'd fired William from a part time job at the pound where he was to rehabilitate last-ditch cases. He'd been caught abusing the animals instead. An organization that relied heavily on donations, the pound hadn't wanted any negative publicity and agreed not to press charges if Bill disappeared – for good.

  They could only speculate, yet it appeared that Louise had become an innocent victim of a war she hadn't even known about.

  The best that Sam could understand, Bill picked his victims out of numerous loving couples where the man had been supposedly considered to be 'the best' man – theoretically underlining that, Bill himself, wasn't good enough.

  Sam didn't understand the psychology of it all. Who could understand a twisted mind like his? Who would want to?

  Stefan had even shown up at her cabin during the first week of convalescence, threatening to do her serious harm if she ever got herself into that situation again. Said it had cost him ten years off his life. He'd also pulled her training forward to avoid a repeat of this mess.

  Sam smiled. Stefan was a special man and she loved knowing he was in her life. They had a closeness that she had never known was possible. She could only imagine it was similar to the relationship between twins.

  As for her and Brandt, well they were slowly adjusting to life as a couple. They both had things to learn and Sam wasn't sure she was ready to live together, although the topic was under discussion. At the same time, she didn't sleep nearly as well alone. Not that she had the chance to.

  It was Brandt who refused to sleep alone. According to him, he was planning on always waking up with her beside him. She hoped he meant it. She wanted to believe in a 'happily ever after.'

  Her visions weren't ever going to stop, but she'd become accustomed to them. It wasn't about accepting them any longer, it was about understanding and utilizing them. Progress.

  Her visions didn't make her an easy partner, then Brandt's job wouldn't be easy on her. They'd work it out. For the first time ever, she could see a future. It was bright and rosy. She'd like to have had a vision that told her Brandt was her future and she'd be spending the next forty years happily at his side, but as she'd found out, visions didn't work that way.


  Brandt glanced at Sam, standing at his side, staring out over the water. He couldn't help but feel protective of this woman, so slight, so strong, and so damaged. She'd been a tormented soul who walked with one foot on the dark side of the universe. Now there was a lightness to her.

  She was everything to him. He stepped closer, wrapping his arms protectively around her shoulders. He'd do anything to keep her safe. In this world and the next. They were a matched set. Their future wouldn't be the standard two-storey house and white picket fence life. No. But it would have its own rewards.

  And he was going to make sure they received each and every one of them.

  Other books by Dale Mayer

  Hide'n Go Seek

  A twisted game of Hide'n Go Seek forces an unlikely alliance between a no-nonsense FBI agent and a search-and-rescue worker.

  Celebrated search-and-rescue worker Kali Jordon has hidden her psychic abilities by crediting her canine partner Shiloh with the recoveries. But Kali knows the grim truth. The Sight that she inherited from her grandmother allows her to trace violent energy unerringly to victims of murder. No one knows her secret until a twisted killer challenges her to a deadly game of Hide'n Go Seek that threatens those closest to her.

  Now she must rely on FBI Special Agent Grant Summers, a man who has sworn to pr
otect her, even as he suspects there's more to Kali and Shiloh than meets the eye. As the killer draws a tighter and tighter circle around Kali, she and Grant find there's no place to hide from themselves.

  Are her visions the key to finding the latest victim alive or will this twisted game of Hide'n Go Seek cost her...everything?

  Touched by Death – adult RS/thriller

  Death had touched anthropologist Jade Hansen in Haiti once before, costing her an unborn child and perhaps her very sanity.

  A year later, determined to face her own issues, she returns to Haiti with a mortuary team to recover the bodies of an American family from a mass grave. Visiting his brother after the quake, independent contractor Dane Carter puts his life on hold to help the sleepy town of Jacmel rebuild. But he finds it hard to like his brother's pregnant wife or her family. He wants to go home, until he meets Jade – and realizes what's missing in his own life. When the mortuary team begins work, it's as if malevolence has been released from the earth. Instead of laying her ghosts to rest, Jade finds herself confronting death and terror again.

  And the man who unexpectedly awakens her heart – is right in the middle of it all.

  About the author:

  Dale Mayer is a prolific multi-published writer. She's best known for her Psychic Visions series. Besides her romantic suspense/thrillers, Dale also writes paranormal romance and crossover young adult books in several different genres. To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. All her books are available in digital and print formats.

  Published Young Adult books include:

  Family Blood Ties Series

  Vampire in Denial

  Vampire in Distress

  Vampire in Design

  Vampire in Deceit

  Design Trilogy

  Dangerous Designs

  Deadly Designs

  Darkest Designs

  In Cassie's Corner

  Gem Stone

  Published Adult Books:

  Psychic Vision Series:

  Tuesday's Child

  Hide'n Go Seek

  Maddy's Floor

  Garden of Sorrow

  Knock, Knock…

  Second Chances…at Love Series

  Second Chances

  By Death Series

  Touched by Death

  Haunted by Death

  Novellas/Short Stories

  It's a Dog's Life – romantic comedy novella

  Sian's Solution – a Family Blood Ties short story (Sian and Taz's story)

  Riana's Revenge – a fantasy short story

  Connect with Dale Mayer Online:

  Dale's Website – www.dalemayer.com

  Sign up for her newsletter - www.dalemayer.com/blog

  Twitter – http://twitter.com/#!/DaleMayer

  Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/DaleMayer.author

  Book 7 – Ally Thomas


  (A Werewolf/Vampire Serial Romance, Episode #1)

  By Ally Thomas

  Copyright 2013 Ally Thomas

  All Rights Reserved.

  Chapter 1 - Vincent’s New Pet

  Chapter 1 is told by Vincent, the hero. Each chapter goes back and forth, sharing the hero and heroine’s point of view.

  “Who is that woman chained to my bed?”

  Father didn’t miss a beat when I stormed through the door of his study, unannounced. I thought he’d be shocked by my absurd question or at least annoyed by the intrusion of my 6’ 2” frame. He wasn’t, and that worried me. He was up to something. Placing his journal on the massive mahogany desk, he took his time to stuff the book and some papers in a drawer and lock it. As he tucked the key in the front pocket of his red silk vest, he buttoned his black velvet smoking jacket, retrieved his pipe, tapped it a few times on the desk, and met my gaze, acting, not the least bit surprised by the interruption.

  “That woman is your new pet.” He shook a long, bony red index finger at me and made his way around the desk to settle on one corner. For a few moments, he stared at the wall of bronze werewolf skulls he had collected, waiting to see if I’d inquire about a few new additions. I didn’t take the bait. However, I did notice one was female and one male. He made no distinction between genders. A kill was a kill. If asked by a stranger how he gathered his collection of trophies, he’d boast he had received them all as tokens of appreciation for being such an honorable leader which was a lie. Father had killed each and every one of them in his sick games, games I refused to participate in. I may be a warrior protecting this place, but Father was a sadistic hunter, one who needed to be destroyed.

  Finally, he returned his attention to me. His human eyes rolled over and changed to a blood red as his pupils dilated, disappeared, and formed menacing glowing orbs. He thought his monster face would scare me.

  I didn’t flinch. “I don’t need a pet, Father.”

  “I handpicked her for you, my boy. I thought you’d be grateful. When was the last time you got any golden pussy like that? I ask you.” Snapping his fingers, a fire spark ignited at the tip end of his index finger. He used it to light his pipe. He inhaled deeply, taking a second or two to size me up until he finally released a puff of smoke in my direction.

  “I won’t play your games.”

  “Oh yes, you will,” he snapped. “You’re going to be on the field this year. That bitch is the cream of the crop. She’ll perform well. I hear tell she’s a Livonian werewolf, a virgin! Think of it. The powers she may hold. And guess whose daughter she is?”

  I remained silent.

  “You give up?” He asked. His eyes returned to their more humanistic qualities as he situated his vest.

  Immediately not wanting to hear anymore, I crossed my arms and leaned slightly against the door frame, refusing to answer or enter the room entirely. I also cocked my right foot in front of the left, letting the steel toe of my black leather boot smack firmly on the freshly polished wood floors. Surely, that would leave a nice scratch for one of his staff members to buff out later.

  He didn’t seem to mind. His excitement took precedence over the condition of his precious treasures in his finely decorated office, or the floors for that matter. Father and his schemes. He and his brothers – my uncles whom I refused to claim any relation to other than we were all a part of the same underworld known as the Dark Place - acted like six-year-olds when it came to the Season of the Games or they figured out some cunning ploy to irritate the Golden Kingdom, the latter plan, which usually ended up being remarkably stupid, or one some person, mainly me, had to clean up. My patience thinning, I sighed and observed him.

  My father was one of the seven lords of the Dark Place, and he was a demon like all his brothers. He was called Alichino, a Latin word meaning ‘king of demons’ that he preferred to be called because 1) he thought it meant he actually was King of the Dark Place which he wasn’t and 2) his brothers had put him in charge of recording all their adventures whether they were true or not. It was a task he prided himself on even though he had yet to print the first story. Scribbling down notes in between smoke breaks seemed to be his approach.

  I was looking forward to the day when the real King of the Dark Place, Sarif would ask my father where the book was. That would be fun.

  Until then, playing the part instead of doing the work was my father’s past time. He delighted in dressing up like a scholarly gentleman on his way to a speaking engagement in a dark three-piece suit with matching vest, top hat, tails and pointy leather shoes, despite his thick purplish red skin, two inch frontal horns he hid with his hat, and an assortment of facial piercings given to him every one hundred years marking his birthday. With all his pomp and circumstance, my friend, Michel and I had given him another name we used quite often when discussing his latest idiotic idea. It fit my father better and was much easier to say. Asshole.

  “Vinnie, my boy, I snagged a virgin werewolf. It
was so simple. In my disguise I dreamed up – not this of course – I was a … Well, never mind. Anyways she came right up to me. It was so easy. I fear she’s not terribly bright, but that won’t matter. I’m sure she’ll do well in the games.” In between puffs on his pipe, Father produced a series of wide grins that showed off a mouth full of yellowed fangs.

  “My name is not Vinnie,” I uttered through clenched teeth.

  “You know what I meant, Vincent.” He pronounced my name with a grand amount of sarcasm and disgust.

  “You kidnapped a member of the royal family of the Golden Kingdom? And you want her in the games? Tell me you cleared this with one of your brothers?” I rarely indulged in listening to my father’s ridiculous schemes, but this one was beyond insane if I had my facts straight about who the woman was. Immediately I cursed the fact that my father was not as well read as I was or he’d know his Lunar mythology. He wouldn’t be getting a kill this round, not if I could help it.

  “Nope. Don’t need them on this one. Our city is hosting the games this year. I have news for my brothers. We’re going to win. And you, my boy will lead that werewolf into the games.”

  “I fight alone, Father. I don’t need a werewolf.”

  “Always the loner. You’re too good to fight with your demon brothers? Besides a werewolf will give you an edge, a sexy edge. I’ll give her a warm welcome if you decline to. I bet she tastes delicious.” He roared with laughter as a ring of smoke rose above his head.

  “I realize Sarif is busy, but you at least notified Mammon about this. Didn’t you?” I attempted to bring him back to reality with my subtle threat. His comments were revolting.


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