Something Sweet (Curvy Women Wanted #1)

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Something Sweet (Curvy Women Wanted #1) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “How are things getting on with Alyssa?” Sean asked, stopping by his home Friday evening.

  “Fine. Why?”

  “We’re all curious, you know? We can’t be worried about our friend?” Sean held his hands up, but the fucker had a big smile on his face. “It has been some week, huh?”

  “What do you know about my week?” Camden asked.

  “Only that you and Alyssa have hit it off, and it seems that every chance you get you’re near her. I take it things are going better than even you imagined?”

  Camden nodded. “Yeah, it has been amazing. I’m actually getting things ready to go to her place to tile tomorrow.” He was really looking forward to the job. An entire day, one that he hoped to make an entire day where it was just the two of him. He had a lot of plans that not only included working on her kitchen.

  “Do you think she’s the one?”

  “Yeah, I do.” There was no doubt in his mind that Alyssa was the woman for him. He had yet to kiss her, and he didn’t want to rush her. Shit, his cock was already getting hard at the thought of having Alyssa in his arms, naked, and beneath him. It would be pure heaven he was sure.

  “Wow, you didn’t even hesitate over that,” Sean said.

  “Why hesitate when I’m sure?”

  “It has been a week.”

  Camden stood, and rubbed at his beard. “You’re right. It is a short time, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. This is what I want, and I know I can make her happy. Shouldn’t that be all that matters?”

  “It is. I just don’t want either of you to get hurt, you know. Alyssa isn’t the most trusting. I do know her.” Sean pushed his hands into his pockets. “We’ve all known her, and we all know you. You’re both perfect for each other, and you’ve both been hurt in the past.”

  “I really don’t know what you’re trying to say. Are you warning me against Alyssa, or warning me because I want her?”

  “This is why it’s so confusing. I’m doing both. She’s delicate, and in a way, so are you. We all know what you want, and we all know what Alyssa wants. This is starting to confuse me.” Sean smiled. “I guess it’s both. I care about the pair of you.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her, Sean. I promise you. She won’t hurt me either.” Camden thought about the woman he’d gotten to know over the past few days, and she wouldn’t even hurt a fly. She wasn’t the kind to do anything that would risk hurting someone else. “You’re going to have to trust me.”

  “Okay, then I’m here to help you. Her favorite color is green, and she really hates peas. She will use them in cooking, but she hates the taste. She can’t stand fish that is still in its fish form either.”

  Camden laughed. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Edith tells me all the times that the key to success is in the details. I’m giving you the details.”

  So, for the next hour while Camden prepared everything for his job tomorrow, Sean told him as much as he knew about the woman that Camden was falling for. He was a guy but he didn’t give a shit if it made him a pussy to talk about what he wanted, and he wanted Alyssa.

  “Are you getting the warnings, too?” Alyssa asked later that night while he lay in bed. He’d called her as he loved to listen to her talk.

  “Yeah, I got Sean. Who did you get?”

  “Millie, and then Edith showed up. If our friends are so worried, why did they push us together?”

  “Sean’s worried that it has only been a week, and that we’ll in some way hurt each other. I’m not going to hurt you, Alyssa.”

  “Is it strange that I do believe you? I’m really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  “Me too. Sean told me that your favorite color is green, and that you hate peas.”

  “I do. I can eat them when they’re really fresh, and you pop them out of the pod, but I can’t exactly get my hands on fresh all the time.”

  “Anything else you hate?” he asked.

  “I’m not a big fan of eggplants. I really do struggle with them, and octopus. I can’t eat it.”

  “Nah, I’m not a big fan of that either.”

  She giggled. “Is this weird?”

  “Not that weird. We’re getting to know each other, and I can say I’m loving everything I hear.”

  “So tell me about yourself, Camden. What do you like?” she asked.

  Camden sighed. “I like hard work. I love coming home, having a bath, and then sitting down with a cool beer. Yeah, I like cold beer.”

  “I’m sure most men love that as well.”

  “At night I’d love a nice hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. I’ve never been able to get it just right. I always burn the chocolate.”

  “Oh no, burnt chocolate is the worst. One day I hope to write my own cookbook.”

  “I’d love to be a taste tester for you.”

  “You’re so sweet. How can any woman not adore you?” Alyssa asked.

  “I guess I’m a needy guy. I haven’t finished what I like. I like long walks, and long vacations. I also love to snuggle. Yeah, told ya I was a weird guy.”

  She laughed. “You’re not that weird. I will warn you. Not many men would be willing to admit that they enjoy snuggling.”

  “I’m guilty. Do you think you could handle a snuggler?”

  “I think I’d love to finally have a snuggler. I’ve got a lot of me to snuggle with.”

  “Baby, I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”


  Alyssa turned in the mirror checking out her ass, and then to see if her stomach looked on the fuller side. She turned this way and that. This was the longest she had ever taken in getting dressed. She wanted to look … nice. Nice for Camden.

  “It will have to do.”

  The jeans were a splurge that she’d bought yesterday after work. The shirt was a little older, but she had always liked how it seemed to show off her curves to the best advantage. Taking a deep breath, she moved into her kitchen to make sure everything was already in place.

  “Everything is perfect.” She had warned her friends to stay away. She didn’t need them to be watching them, and waiting. Edith constantly grilled her about what Camden said or did. Millie talked nonstop about their chemistry. Sammy was just a sweetie, and she didn’t seem to be overly concerned about the two of them, which Alyssa did prefer. “I can do this.”

  Her doorbell rang, and she walked toward it. Another deep breath, and she opened the door. “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, babe,” Camden said, stepping through the door. He had on a tool belt, which was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

  Her pussy went slick, and her nipples tightened. Camden stepped forward, touched her waist, and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  She was a little gutted that he went straight for her cheek. Don’t worry. Don’t stress.

  “You look sexy,” he said, stepping back.

  Her cheeks heated, and she felt the warmth inside them.

  “Thanks.” Now she felt silly. She had spent most of last night and this morning trying to find the perfect outfit. “Do you need me to go out and collect the replacement tiles?”

  “No, I’ve got it. No need to worry about that.”

  “Ah, okay.” She smiled. “Would you like a coffee?”

  “Would love one.”

  She walked ahead of him wondering if he was checking out her ass. “This isn’t too much trouble?” she asked, glancing behind her.

  His gaze moved right back up.

  He was staring at her ass!

  She loved that he was staring at her ass.

  Still not saying a word, she put the kettle on, and watched as he moved toward her sink. Biting her lip, she admired his ass as he leaned over, taking off several of the tiles. “I’m going to have to redo this entire sink.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Who did this last time?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve not had it redone since I moved her about four years ago. Everything
seemed perfect so I snapped it up.” She loved her freedom and her independence. The kitchen had been the main reason she’d bought this apartment. Within her budget she had gotten the best for her money. The apartment was a pretty good place, in a pretty good area, with moderate security. She never felt scared or worried. If there were bumps in the night, she didn’t stress out about it.

  Pouring them both a cup of coffee, she leaned against the counter, and watched his ass.

  She had never been the kind of woman to eye grope men, but she couldn’t look away. He was so sexy, and his ass was nice.

  Biting her lip once again, she jerked a little when he turned toward her.

  “You were checking my ass, weren’t you?” he asked.

  “Er, no, absolutely not.”

  He stepped close, and he took her cup from her, putting it back on the counter behind her.

  Her heart started to race, especially as he stepped so that their bodies were touching.

  “I checked your ass out. Those jeans should be illegal. I’m rock hard, baby.” He took hold of her hand, and placed it against the evidence of his arousal.


  “I’m going to kiss you.”

  She licked her lips and gasped as he cupped her face, and then his lips were on hers. His tongue traced across her lip, and she opened up. He plunged his tongue inside her mouth, and she closed her eyes, basking in his touch, and wanting more.

  Meeting his tongue with hers, she held onto his waist, and moaned. His kiss was as passionate as he was, and she wanted more.

  His cock pressed against her stomach, letting her know exactly what he wanted.

  Camden pulled away, and she stared into his brown eyes. “From the moment I first saw you I’ve wanted to do that.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked.

  She pressed her thighs together in the hope of stemming the arousal that was rushing through her.

  “It didn’t seem appropriate.” His fingers skimmed down the front of her body, going over her breast, and down to her waist. “Seeing the way you’re reacting, I’d say I’ve not been treating you right.”

  Before she could say anything, his hand was between her thighs, rubbing a little firmer. Pressing against him, she held onto his shoulders. “It has been a long time,” she said.

  “Me too.”

  “We shouldn’t do this.”


  “Because, I don’t know. I’m nervous.”

  “There’s no need to be nervous. I think we should do this.” He pressed a kiss against her neck, which didn’t help. There was no way she could fight him. Not that she wanted to fight him. Her body was coming awake under his touch after a long sleep, and it had been so long.

  Both of his hands moved around to grab her ass, and pull her close. He slammed his mouth down on hers, and all Alyssa could do was hold onto him as he consumed her, setting her body on fire, and driving a need so shocking that she didn’t know what to do.

  Give in.

  Let him have you.

  She wanted to.

  She wanted to give into him so much that it was a constant ache.

  “Give yourself to me, Alyssa,” he said. “We’re consenting adults. It’s what we want.”

  “It is.” She closed her eyes and tilted her head back.

  It was what she wanted, and for once, she was going to do what she wanted, not what she was supposed to do.

  Chapter Five

  Finally, Alyssa was in his arms, and Camden was in heaven. Her body was so curvy, soft, and perfect. Her ass was the thing of dreams. Running his hands up, he sank them into her hair, holding her in place as he pressed his leg between her thighs.

  “Oh my,” she said in between kisses.

  “Oh fuck, baby, tell me I can taste you today?”


  “I want to lick this sweet cunt.”

  She licked her lips again, and nodded. “Yes.”

  He growled, unable to hold in his appreciation of her beauty. She really was something amazing.

  Kneeling down before her, he unhooked her button and slid down her zipper. She sucked in her stomach, and he shook his head. “You don’t have to do that shit with me. Be yourself. I don’t need anything else, just you, Alyssa.”

  She stopped breathing in, and he helped pull her jeans down as she wriggled her hips. Her thighs were full, and her stomach nicely rounded. Pressing a kiss to her stomach, he saw the red lace of her panties, and groaned.

  “You’re full of surprises.”

  “I like nice things.”

  “And I like you in nice things. I’ll be sending you some of these,” he said, putting his finger beneath the band, and then lowering it down to her feet.

  There was a small dusting of pubic hair that covered her pussy. Taking hold of her thigh, he lifted it up, and he caught sight of her beautiful cunt. The lips of her pussy were open, showing off her swollen clit.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He slid his fingers up the inside of her thigh until he reached her slit. Pressing his finger against her clit, he moved down, running to her entrance. She was soaking wet, and he glanced up as she gasped. Sliding a finger knuckle deep inside her, he watched her take him. His cock was going to be inside her before the end of the day.

  Adding a second finger to her pussy, he took her clit into his mouth, and the taste of her exploded on his tongue, making him want more of her.

  One taste was not enough, and he needed some more.

  “Oh, Camden,” she said.

  This wasn’t enough, so he stood up, and kissed her. “Where is your bedroom?”

  She kicked off her jeans, and he caught her hips, following behind her as she led the way back to her bedroom.

  The moment she opened the door, he felt right at home. It was a peachy color, and he loved it. The scent of cinnamon surrounded him, and it instantly reminded him of her.

  Kissing her neck, he released her, and pulled her shirt from her body.

  Within seconds he had her completely naked.

  She tugged on his belt, and he moved her hands out of the way, and removed his own pants.

  The hunger in her eyes matched his own. He wanted her so badly.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he showed her what she did to him.

  “I want another taste of that pretty pussy,” he said.

  She sat back on the bed, lifted her legs up, and then spread them so that he could see her. “Is this what you want?”

  He saw her cheeks were bright red, and he guessed that this wasn’t something she was used to doing. He didn’t mind.

  Moving toward her, he placed a hand on the bed, and smiled. “I’m going to lick that pretty pussy, and then I’m going to fuck it.” He kissed her lips. “Do you have a problem with me saying that?”

  She shook her head. “No. I like it.”

  “You like me talking dirty?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Good because I’m a pretty vocal kind of guy.” Licking her lips, he moved to her tits, sucking each hard nipple into his mouth. “I like to give instruction, and to take what I like. Are you going to give it to me, Alyssa?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  They were moving so fast, but he didn’t care. He was desperate for her. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his cock, and he ran his fingers through it, and stared into her eyes. “Do you want a taste?”

  She caught his hand, and brought it to her lips. With her sweet blue gaze on his, she flicked her tongue across his fingers, licking up his pre-cum. She let out a little noise. “I like the taste of you as well.”

  Sexy … as … fuck.

  He didn’t care what other men thought of fuller women.

  Some may find them fat or ugly.

  He didn’t. Alyssa was a fantasy come true. Her tits were lovely, full and heavy, her ass nice and big.

  Camden loved her curves, and to him, she was the perfect woman.

  Kissing down h
er body, he flicked his tongue over her nipples, and tipped her back onto the bed, capturing her hips, loving the way she filled his hands.

  “I’m addicted, baby. Totally fucking addicted.”

  As he sucked her clit into his mouth, they both groaned. Alyssa thrust her pussy up against him, and he plunged two fingers inside her cunt, adding a third finger. She squeezed his digits, and started to thrust against him, taking as much of him as she could.

  He was knuckles deep, and still, it didn’t seem deep enough.

  His cock pulsed with another wave of arousal as more pre-cum coated the tip of his cock.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he gripped her ass, and lifted her up to his mouth. This time, he thrust his tongue inside her pussy, going as deep as he could.

  “Oh … Camden!” She screamed his name, shaking as he pulled his tongue out, and ran it up to her clit.

  Her pussy was so fucking tasty.

  She was it.

  The one.

  And he wasn’t letting her go.


  Alyssa gripped the sheet beneath her, trying to hold on to anything to bring some kind of focus back into her world. Nothing seemed to be working as Camden took over her entire body, and made it next to impossible for her to think.

  Don’t think.

  He flicked his cock over her pussy, and she cried out, thrusting against his tongue. He wasn’t letting up, and made her take everything he had to offer.

  Glancing down, she saw his head, and flashes of his tongue. She couldn’t believe that he was inside her, and then changing as he licked her clit.

  This was the first time that any man had ever taken the time to give her oral, and she couldn’t stand it. The pleasure was out of this world, and there was no way for her to control her orgasm. Camden didn’t seem to care that her pussy was sucking him inside, or that she was so slick. Her wetness was leaking down the crack of her ass.

  She didn’t have the time or the energy to be mortified at her body’s response to his touch.

  Camden was a master, and she couldn’t believe what she’d been missing out on.


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