My Torin

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My Torin Page 4

by K. Webster

  “Is this Dr. Cohen’s assessment or yours?” he questions.

  “Dr. Cohen says he could be a little less stubborn.”

  “Ahh, stubborn like your mother was.”

  We both chuckle as we remember my parents.

  “What are you going to do, Tyler?” His somber words are a cold splash of reality.

  “Ignore what I can’t control and focus on what I can.”

  He lets out a sigh. “The company? Do you think you should be traveling and leaving Torin? Ethel and Ronnie can’t handle him.”

  “I’m not leaving. There are other things I can control right here from my desk chair.” I lean back with a creak that echoes in my office.

  “You can’t spend the rest of your life behind a desk. You need to get out of that windowless prison and enjoy life a little.”

  “I’ll try.” I mean it. Truly, I do.

  “Everything is okay right now, Tyler, and I’m happy…”

  “But,” I grumble.

  “But, you know I don’t bullshit. I state the facts.”

  “One of your most endearing qualities,” I deadpan.

  “Soon, everything will not be okay.”

  Emotion clogs my throat and I nod, despite him being unable to see the movement.

  “And when it’s not okay, you call me. I’ll do my best. You know I will.”

  “Of course.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I.”

  “Ah, shit. I’m being paged,” he grumbles. “I’ll give you a call later in the week to see how things are going. Talk soon, bud.”

  We hang up and I fold my arms on the surface of my desk before resting my forehead on them. I have so much on my plate and it’s all about to crash down around me at any moment.

  It can’t.

  It simply can’t.

  I’m the only person Torin has, so I’ll be damned if I drop the ball when he needs me most.

  After letting out a heavy sigh, I sit back up and straighten my shoulders. No rest for the weary. I have work to do. Lots and lots and lots of work to do. When it comes to making sure Torin is properly taken care of, I’ll stop at nothing.

  Ignoring the blinding pain in my head, I flip my laptop open and email my attorney. Now that Casey’s here, where she rightfully belongs, things may get a little complicated.

  “Miss,” an elderly woman chirps. “Breakfast will be served soon. The name’s Ethel if you need anything.”

  I groan and roll toward the voice. Light streams in from where she peeks in through the open bedroom door. Last night, when I’d turned off all the lights, I’d gotten spooked at how dark everything was.

  No windows.

  I stayed in a house with no windows and lived.

  “Oh,” I rasp out. “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  She nods before disappearing. Quickly, I climb out of bed and turn on the lights. My backpack has been unpacked, which leaves me with a slight unease. But once I open the first drawer of the dresser in the room, I’m thankful to discover all of my things tucked neatly inside.

  Who unpacked this and when?

  A shiver ripples through me. Despite having a fireplace going, this house itself gives me the chills. I snag some of my usual clothes but opt for a new hoodie Tyler bought me. My heart rate speeds up in anticipation of seeing him this morning. Last night, he sort of creeped me out a bit but then nothing happened. I keep waiting for something bad, but it never comes.


  I shake away that thought as I take a quick shower. My hair gets twisted into a messy, wet bun and I pull on the hood to keep me warm until I can dry it. I forgo makeup although a part of me wonders if I should stop and make myself up for Tyler.

  At that thought, I roll my eyes. He’s much older and way out of my league. I’m simply a guest. I don’t know all the reasons why yet, but sex seems so far down on the list, I’m not sure if it’s on the list at all.

  I exit the room and try to remember the way back to the living room. The house is massive and spooky. Shadows loom everywhere. I pull the phone Tyler gave me from my pocket and check the time. Eight-sixteen in the morning. A house should not be this dark at eight-sixteen in the morning.

  I’m still staring down at my new phone when a panel of the wall swings open. I shriek in surprise when a person flies from the wall—a flash of black and deep, roughly mumbled words and wide shoulders. A masculine scent permeates in his wake long after he disappears in the shadows.

  It’s then I hear Tyler’s voice, chipper and happy.

  I follow the sound until I locate a dining room. On the far end, Tyler sits with a spread of breakfast plates out before him. He clutches a mug of steaming coffee tightly in his hand as he stares across the table. I follow his attention to the same man who blew past me moments ago. Where Tyler is relaxed and grinning, the other man’s shoulders are rigid. He wears a sleeveless hoodie, and he too has a hood on his head like me. It immediately makes me smile.

  “Hi, Tyler,” I greet with a wave.

  His attention snaps to mine and he beams. Brown eyes—like melted chocolate—gleam with adoration. I can’t help but feel taller and stronger under his gaze. “Good morning, Casey.”

  “Casey-Casey,” a deep voice grits out, almost robotically.

  I try to catch the man’s stare, but he’s hidden behind his hoodie and his head is bowed as he cuts his waffle in precise squares.

  “Torin,” Tyler says slowly, his voice slightly strained. “This is Casey. She’s going to be staying with us for a bit.”

  “Casey-Casey,” Torin repeats, irritation in his tone.

  I hold my hand out to him. “It’s just Casey.”

  “Casey-Casey.” His arms aren’t overly bulky, but he’s muscular as if he works out. The muscles in his forearms tighten and flex as he continues cutting his waffle.

  I shoot Tyler a questioning stare. His nod is slight and his eyes plead with me to understand. I suppose I do understand. There’s something wrong with Torin. What? I’m not sure.

  “Nice to meet you,” I say to Torin as I lower my hand.


  Okay then.

  “Ethel is bringing your breakfast out,” Tyler tells me, the warmth in his voice genuine.

  It’s not every day you have someone who seems happy to see you. I don’t understand Tyler at all, but I do realize he’s thankful for my presence.

  I pull out my chair between them and sit. Tyler starts telling me about Torin’s horses, but I tune him out as I steal a glance at his brother. His head is still bowed and his lips move as he says things under his breath. If I’m not mistaken, he’s saying my name over and over again. It makes me nervous.

  And, well, when I get nervous, I fidget.

  I pick up the fork and absently tap on the table’s surface. My eyes are glued to Torin as I try and sneak a peek at him.



  “His horse Thunder is a bit of an asshole,” Tyler says, laughing. “Lightning is the sweetheart.”



  “Black and white. As different as night and day.”



  “But they look out for each other. Although in the beginning, they did not get along.”



  My gaze is fixated on Torin’s mouth. His full lips are a healthy shade of pink and his face is slightly scruffy as though he hasn’t shaved in a few days. Despite the dusting of hair there, I can tell his jaw is sharp and angular. I wish I could see his eyes.

  “Lightning took a fall. We thought she broke her leg, but it was just a small tear in her ligament. It took some therapy, but she healed miraculously. Thunder was always her nemesis until she got hurt. It was during those times that he comforted her and protected her. Nobody could get near Lightning without him going nuts.”


  Ethel sets down a heaping plate of food in front of me. I stop my tapping long enough to inhale the delicious scent. A happy groan escapes me. My attention is stolen from Torin as my mouth waters over the food before me.


  Torin’s sudden roar—loud and ferocious—causes me to cry out in surprise. I jerk my head his way and my eyes lock with his intense brown ones. I remember him. Two weeks ago, at the clinic, I saw him outside the door. He stole my penny.

  “Torin,” Tyler says, his voice calm. “Sit down and finish your waffle.”

  “Nooooo,” Torin yells as he shoves his plate as hard as he can. The plate careens across the table and clangs against Tyler’s plate.

  I stare at Torin, frozen in place, as panic spikes through me.

  “Please,” Tyler begs, his voice choked with emotion.

  Torin charges around the table and slams his fist on one of the paneled walls. It pops open, an entrance to the passageway. He slips in and shuts it behind him. And then, silence.

  I swallow and flick my gaze over to Tyler. His dark brows are furled together and his shoulders are hunched.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  I glance over at the wall. “Is he hiding in there?”

  “He’s already halfway across the house by now.”

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  He jerks his head up, regarding me with a fierce stare. “Nothing, Casey. Nothing is wrong with him.”

  I purse my lips together and focus on cutting up my waffle. Thousands of thoughts run rampant through my head. I say none of them.

  “He has some labels the doctors gave him,” he admits with a sigh. “But with Torin, you can’t label him. He’s different, but he’s so damn smart. My brother may not know how to articulate his feelings, but I know he feels every bit as much as you or me.”

  I take a bite of my waffle. So much better than anything Guy ever cooked up. Once I swallow, I speak. “I don’t think he likes me.”

  Tyler meets my stare and gives me a crooked boyish grin. “He likes you.” He runs his palm over the back of his neck and regards me as if I’m some all-knowing oracle. “He looks at you, Casey. He fucking looks at you.”

  Breakfast was enjoyable. I learned I like the sound of Tyler’s voice. He has a calm way about him that comforts me. I laughed at his dorky jokes and teared up when he talked about his parents.

  But still…something’s off.

  “I thought we could get out of the house and I could walk you along the property. Show you the horses and the lake. Take you to the abandoned mine in the side of the mountain. Enjoy the fresh air. Ethel will pack us lunch. What do you say?”

  We’ve long since retired to the living room after breakfast. The fire is lit and despite the darkness of the room, it cocoons me in its warmth and safety. Most days, I’m on edge. Planning and plotting for my future. Wondering about who will try to fuck me over when I’m not looking. But today—today I’m at peace. It’s a strange sensation.

  “I’d love to,” I say with a smile.

  Tyler stands from the sofa and offers me his hand. I take it, loving the thrill of his touch as it zings through me, and let him pull me up. I’m greedy for his affection and nearly pout when he releases me.

  “Dress warm. I’ll get some things ready,” he instructs. “I’ll get Torin too.”

  My smile falls at the thought of Torin coming with us. He makes me nervous with his yelling and antisocial behavior. “Okay,” I say, stifling a sigh.

  His eyes light up. “Really?” The hope scratching just below the surface has guilt surging through me. I don’t know Torin and yet I’ve already decided I don’t like him. And Tyler seems to be waiting for my approval. Sometimes I’m such a bitch.

  Beaming at him, I nod. “Really.”

  I’m suddenly yanked into his arms and crushed in his embrace. He smells delicious—like syrup and masculine soap. I want to offer we stay and cuddle instead.

  “Thank you,” he murmurs against the top of my head before kissing my hair.

  My body smashed against his is so intimate. I hug him back and relax against his firm chest. Could my future be that lucky? Could someone like me end up with someone like Tyler Kline? Before I can ponder those questions, he releases me.

  “Ten minutes and we’ll head out.”

  He strides away, a bounce in his step, leaving me alone in the living room. I’m still staring after him when a shiver ripples down my spine.


  Someone is watching me.

  I jerk my gaze over to the paneled wall and squint at the flash of color between one of the cracks there. My heart rate spikes.

  “Torin,” I croak out. My nerve endings are alive and jolt with electricity.


  “Casey-Casey.” The words are whispered and then the creaking sound moves along the length of the living room until I’m left in silence again.

  I shiver and all but run back the way I know to my bedroom. Once inside, I take a deep breath and revel in the fact that the room smells just like Tyler. I dig around in the drawers, searching for clothing to layer up with, when something shiny catches my eye.

  “What the…” I murmur as I toss the clothes onto the end of the bed.

  I pick up a penny from my pillow. Someone placed it right in the center. It’s shiny—the shiniest penny I’ve ever seen. A smile tugs at my lips. Something tells me it was Torin. Maybe he’s not so bad after all. I shove the penny in my pocket and try to work out exactly who Torin is. I vow right then that I’ll do my best to get to know him. If anything, that’s what Tyler wants. And strangely enough, I want to make Tyler happy.

  Someone whistles the moment I step out the front door. The sun is bright today, but the air is brisk. I have a sweatshirt on under my hoodie and I’m still cold. I’m rethinking my decision to do this with Tyler when I catch him staring at me.

  Holy crap.

  He’s beautiful.

  His smile is brighter than the sun above him and he appears more youthful than normal with a black beanie pulled over his head to his eyebrows. The black hoodie he’s wearing shows off his sculpted body a lot better than his suits do. But what has me drooling is the way he’s straddling a four-wheeler in a pair of dark jeans and black boots. He looks yummy.

  “Come on, sweetheart, we have ground to cover. We’re burning daylight.”

  I laugh but make my way over to him, no longer caring about the temperature. The thought of sitting on the four-wheeler with him has my body warming several degrees. “Where’s Torin?” I ask once I sit on the ATV behind him. His hard back is warm and I press my chest to it.

  “He’s taking Thunder for a ride. I’m sure we’ll see him around.” He starts the engine and although it’s loud, I can still hear Tyler over it. “Hold on tight.”

  I squeeze my arms around his torso and when he chuckles, it sends shivers of delight running through me. I’ve never been with a man like this. Hell, I’ve never even kissed one. A few boys have tried, but I’m not into kissing frogs. Perhaps Tyler is the prince I always held out for.

  We fly across the yard at a speed that has my hair whipping all around me. I’m thankful I had the foresight to quickly dry my hair and put a beanie on so I wouldn’t freeze to death. It’s cold as hell but right now I don’t even care because Tyler is warm and happy—two sensations I never get enough of.

  “Those are the stables. Maybe Torin can teach you to ride one of the horses,” Tyler says as we fly past it. He looks inside the open barn door and then guns the four-wheeler. “Oh, no you don’t.”

  I jerk my head over my shoulder in time to see Torin burst from the stables on a midnight black horse. He’s changed into a hoodie with sleeves but the hood remains on his head. His features are pinched tight and his jaw clenched as he bears down, clearly dead set on beating his brother. I’m able to catch Torin’s stare for a brief moment before he sa
ils past us and disappears over a hill.

  “That fucker,” Tyler groans, but his voice betrays him. He’s happy. So damn happy.

  I’m happy too.

  I throw my head back and look up at the sky, enjoying the sting of the cold air as we ride across the property. If I weren’t here, I’d be at “home” with Guy as he bitched about daytime talk shows. I’d be bored and lonely. Right now, I’m anything but.

  Once we crest the hill, I’m in awe at the sight. A giant lake for as far as my eye can see stretches out before us. It’s beautiful and I wonder if they swim in it when it’s warm. We ride for quite some time. I soak in the sights and the smells. All along the way, Tyler gives me tidbits of information here and there, like my own personal tour guide. Torin is long gone, but it doesn’t matter. I have Tyler. Eventually when we come to a mountainside, he slows. Then he shuts off the four-wheeler when he comes to a stop. He climbs off and offers me his gloved hand. His smile is broad and his cheeks have turned rosy pink from the wind. God, he’s so cute.

  When I reach for him, his smile fades. “Your hands. Fuck.”

  I look down at them. They’re bright red and hurt, but it was either that or not hold on to him. Holding on to him was the highlight of the trip. I let out a gasp when he grabs both hands and brings them to his mouth. His hot breath tickles and sends currents of desire swimming through me.

  “I didn’t realize you didn’t have gloves on,” he grumbles. “I’m so sorry.”

  I gaze at him and wish he’d kiss my hands. Princes kiss the hands of their princesses, right? Instead of kissing them, he pulls his own gloves off and begins putting them on my hands. I try not to shake each time our fingers brush against one another. Once he’s put them on, he regards me with a sheepish smile.

  “I’m sorry. I’m new to all this.”

  I frown. “All what?”

  Guilt flashes in his eyes and he clenches his jaw. “Nothing. Come on, I want to show you the abandoned mine.”

  I climb off the vehicle and my legs wobble. He laughs at me when I stumble. I’m about to flip him off, but then he’s holding my hand again. It’s like he can’t help but touch me. And quite frankly, I like it when he does.


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