Rock Hard Baby Daddy: A Billionaire Cowboy Romance

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Rock Hard Baby Daddy: A Billionaire Cowboy Romance Page 85

by Rye Hart

  “No, but I can lead you to him. I’m Ben Jones, his foreman. Follow me.”

  The men exited the carriage and followed Ben into the house and toward the back where Travis was in his study. He walked into the room followed by the two men.

  “Boss, these gentlemen are here to see you.”

  The taller one stepped up to the desk. “Mr. Boardman, I’m Nathan Michaels and this is my associate Duncan Ross. We have the information you requested.”

  Travis nodded and offered them a seat.

  “Please gentlemen sit down. Can I offer you some refreshments, a cigar?”

  “No thank you Mr. Boardman. Here is the file you requested.”

  Michaels handed a large envelope to Travis and he began to look through it. Everything the young girl had said appeared to be true. The photograph they have is a different one, but still the same woman. She had worked with her father in his private office assisting him in his medical practice. She was twenty-seven, unmarried, and her brother Jacobs’s guardian. Her father’s gambling put the family into debt and upon his passing, all of their assets were claimed by his creditors.

  “Pretty young lady,” Travis commented.

  He looked up at the gentlemen and smiled.

  “Gentlemen you have done a fine job. I am adding a bonus for your excellent work. Have you made accommodations? You are more than welcomed to stay here at the ranch and start for home tomorrow afternoon.”

  “We don’t want to impose on you Mr. Boardman,” Nathan said.

  “No imposition, Ben get the gentlemens’ bags and take them to the two rooms to the left.”

  He smiled again at the men.

  “Supper is at seven sharp gentlemen, I’ll see you then. Should you need anything, Ben will see to your needs.”

  As they left the study Travis called out to Ben. “Ben I’ll need you back here when you’re done.”

  Ben nodded and led the investigators to their rooms. Travis took another look at the photograph in the file and smiled.

  “Miss Montgomery, you’ll do just fine for my Lance.”

  A week later Silla, was making arrangements for the trip to Wyoming. Travis had sent word that she could bring Jake, and included the funds to help them get there. He had made no mention of Ellie but Silla was determined not to leave her behind. She would just have to find a way to make it work..

  “Miss Silla, you can’t take me to Wyoming with you. You know married folks like privacy and with Jake with you already-”

  Before she could finish Silla jumped in,

  “That’s why I need you; to take care of Jake while I’m with my husband, learning how to be a rancher’s wife.”

  “But Miss Silla-” Ellie protested.

  “Not another word Ellie, I will not leave you behind,” Silla said firmly

  Ellie knew it was no use talking to Silla once she’d made up her mind. By that afternoon, plans were all set. The train tickets were purchased, they started packing their bags, and in one weeks’ time, they would board the train to Wyoming. Calvin Lockwood was at the train station to see them off

  “I wish you would reconsider Miss Silla. If you had just waited a bit longer I’m sure something would have come up,” he said.

  “Mr. Lockwood we both know I’ve looked everywhere, there is just no other way. Besides Wyoming may be a good place for Jake to grow up.”

  With the sound of the train whistle not too far off. Silla smiled at the lawyer.

  “Don’t worry Mr. Lockwood we’ll be fine.”

  He gave her a faint smile. He had wished there was a way to keep her and Jake in Georgia. For the first time, Calvin Lockwood felt he had let down his friend.

  “If you need anything once you’re there be sure to wire me, promise?”

  Silla smiled at him, “I promise Mr. Lockwood, and thank you for everything.”

  He helped her board the train then helped Ellie and Jake. Jake turned and smiled

  “Bye Uncle Cal.”

  “You take care of your sister and Miss Ellie. You’re the man of the family you know.”

  “I will Uncle Cal, I promise.”

  With that the train started to move and Silla quickly found three seats for the journey. Her emotions were conflicted as she left the only home she’d ever known. She closed her eyes and tried to conjure up an image of Wyoming in her mind; maybe this would be her greatest adventure.

  Lance Boardman sat at the breakfast table as his father told him of the plan he had.

  “Now pa, I thought we had this all settled,” he said angrily. “I told you I would get serious about settling down in a few years.”

  “Lance, you are not getting any younger and I cannot run this ranch effectually in my condition,” Travis told him.

  “That’s what you have me and Ben for! Sometimes pa I think you’ve gotten a bit soft over the past few years. Please just wire this woman in Atlanta and tell her you’ve changed your mind,” he practically begs as he digs his fork into his dinner.

  “I’ll do no such thing. Miss Montgomery will be here in five days and you will show her respect and kindness like you were taught by your mother.”

  “But pa-”

  “No ‘but pa’s’ Lance. This is my final say on the situation,” Travis said firmly.

  He picked up his fork and continued eating as Lance stormed out of the room.

  Lance headed toward the barn not stopping to say a word to Ben as he passed by him. No need to tell Ben what the problem was, he figured Travis had already clued him in Lance needed to clear his head and the best way do that was to ride. He saddled his stallion and took off out of the barn like a shot. On his way past Ben, Lance heard his father call out.

  “Ben get in here!” Travis yelled.

  Great, they’re putting their heads together to manage my life again, Lance thought as he rode away from the house.

  Ben walked into the house and found a brooding Travis in the kitchen, his dinner barely touched.

  “Travis I warned you what would happen if Lance found out,” Ben said.

  “You know he’d never settle down on his own and this is the only way. This gal is the right gal for him,” Travis said stubbornly.

  Ben sat down and poured himself cup of coffee.

  “So what do you want me to do?” Ben asked, knowing from their many years of friendship that it was no use arguing with Travis when his mind was made up.

  “Miss Montgomery and her brother will be arriving in five days by train. She is set to arrive at 3:00 PM. I want you to meet that train and set up rooms for her and her brother at the hotel.”

  “When do you plan on having Miss Montgomery and he brother come to the ranch?”

  “Well I feel let’s get her settled here first and see how it goes.”

  Ben looked at his boss,“ Lance was steaming from his ears when I saw him just now,” he said.

  “He’ll get over it. He knows what will happen if he doesn’t agree.”

  Chapter Three

  Lance looked across the land that made up the Broken Spur. He deserved all this land he had worked for, but he wasn’t going to let his father dictate who he would marry to gain what was his. Marry a woman he never saw before? Who ever heard of a Southern belle still unmarred at twenty-seven years old? There had to be something wrong with her. As Lance sat atop his horse deep in thought, Ben rode up and slowly make his way behind him.

  “Shame on you Lance, I thought I taught you better than to let someone sneak up on you,” Ben admonished.

  Without turning Lance smiled and answered, “Well I knew it was you Ben, those dang spurs of yours were a dead giveaway.”

  “Tell me Ben, do you think it’s right what my father has done? What do you even know about this woman? Is she homely?”

  Ben smiled and looked at him.“ I can assure you she is not homely.”

  “You’ve seen her?”

  “Just a photograph, but yes, she is pretty.”

  Lance looked at Ben. Never in his life had Ben
lied to him

  “Well Ben I’ll hold you to your word that she’s pretty.”

  Ben smiled and they headed back to the ranch.

  Lance was finished up his lunch when Travis called for him to come to the office. He walked into his father’s study.

  “You wanted to see me pa?”

  “Yes Lance have a seat. Lance, my boy, today a young lady is arriving at the train station. Now I’ll only ask that you meet this woman and be civil to her.”

  “But pa I told you I-”

  Travis put up his hand and gave Lance a picture of Silla.

  “This is the young lady. Her name is Drusilla Montgomery and she’ll be staying in town for the first few days. I think I’d like her to see the town and get a feel for it first before bringing her here.”

  Lance looked at his father, then the picture of Silla. She was not some old maid at all, but a beautiful woman. Travis smiled as he watched his son stare at the photograph.

  “I thought you’d change your mind once you’d seen her. She is rather lovely don’t you think?”

  Lance just stared at the photo. Oh she is beautiful, he thought to himself.

  “So what’s her story pa? I mean a beautiful young woman needs to come out here to find someone to marry her?”

  “All you need to do is thank your lucky stars she’s willing to come out here and try to put up with you,” Travis said with a smile.

  Lance looked down at the picture again and an idea began to form. An idea that might get both of them what they wanted.

  Chapter Four

  The sunrise of another day found Silla looking out the window of the last box car. They were almost to Cheyenne. It had been a trying trip for all three of them, but more so for Jake who was as restless as he watched the landscape go by. Silla knew what once they got to the ranch and he saw all the open land he’d have to roam, he’d be just fine. Ellie came to sit by her.

  “Miss Silla, I’m a bit worried. I know you’re doing this all for us but what about you? Forced into a marriage to someone you don’t even know? That’s not something your father or mother would have wanted for you. It’s not too late to go back home. I have some money saved we’ll go back to where we belong. If we stick together, I know we can make it.”

  Silla looked at Ellie, trying not to let her unease show. No, she was determined that she would do this. She would marry Lance Boardman and make sure that Jake and Ellie were properly provided for. It was the least she could do.

  “Don’t worry Ellie things will work out,” she said, with more conviction than she felt.

  At precisely 3:00 PM, the train pulled into the station. Ben was waiting on the platform to greet them. As the train came to a stop and the passengers were getting off, Ben searched for Silla in the crowd. Spotting her, he walked over to where he stood and removed his hat.

  “Miss Montgomery?” he said.

  Silla turned and smiled at him. “Yes, I’m Drusilla Montgomery,” she said.

  “Miss Montgomery, I’m Ben Jones. I work for Mr. Boardman and he sent me to meet you when you got into town.”

  Standing near her were both Ellie and Jake. Silla smiled again and extended her hand to Ben.

  “I’m pleased to meet you Mr. Jones, this is my housekeeper Miss Ellie Adams and my bother Jacob.”

  Ben smiled at Jake, “Tell me do you like to be called Jacob or Jake?”

  “Jake,” he answered shyly.

  “Then Jake it is,” Ben said, extending his hand toward the boy to help him feel at ease.

  He then turned to Ellie, “Welcome to Cheyenne, Miss Adams.”

  Ellie smiled broadly and for a moment, it was as if Emma were smiling at him. Ben was stunned by the resemblance and could hardly say a word.

  “Is there something wrong Mr. Jones?” she asked, worried that she had somehow offended him.

  “No, no you just reminded me someone I knew a long time ago,” he said, recovering his wits.

  Ben retrieved the bags and escorted the group to the waiting carriage.

  “I was told to set you up at the hotel in town and this way you all can get freshened up. I’ll be back in a few hours to take you to the ranch for dinner.”

  “That sounds agreeable Mr. Jones,” Silla said warmly. She was secretly relieved that she would have a few hours to make herself presentable to her future husband after a long, hot journey.

  “Ah ma’am it’s just plain Ben, no one ever calls me Mr. Jones,” Ben said with a smile.

  “Very well than you must call me Silla.”

  Ben smiled and maneuvered the carriage down the street.

  “Ben, can you tell me why Mr. Boardman didn’t come to meet us at the station?” Silla asked.

  “Well the truth is Ma’am the ranch is in the middle of branding the calves and he needs to be on the range for this. He will be at the ranch to greet you properly later today.”

  Silla seemed to be appeased by that answer and settled into the carriage for the rest of the brief ride.

  A few hours later, after washing up and changing clothes, Silla and her company were back in the carriage, heading for supper at the ranch. Silla was struck by the beauty of the sunset; it was nothing like the ones back home in Atlanta. The wide open landscape gave it an endless feel, as if she could see right to where the pink and orange sky met the green land.

  “I tell you Miss Silla this is one of the prettiest sunsets I’ve seen this year. I think Wyoming is showing her best for you,” Ben said.

  Silla had to agree it was a stunning array of colors.

  “Well she’s putting on a marvelous display,” she said. “I’ve never seen colors so bright and bold before.”.”

  They continued on and Ben pointed out some of the sights on the land that he thought might interest them.

  After half an hour Silla asked, “How long will it be before we reach the ranch Ben?”

  “Ma’am we’ve been on the ranch for the past twenty minutes,” he answered.

  “Oh my, this is all the ranch?” she asked, clearly impressed.

  Ben smiled and nodded as they continued toward the house.

  As they approached the main house Ben, noted Travis sitting on the porch.

  “Miss Silla, there’s my boss Mr. Travis Boardman.”

  Silla leaned to get a closer look and as they drew nearer she noticed another gentlemen on the porch beside Travis.

  “That young cowboy there is the boss’s son Lance.”

  Silla had to admit he was a handsome cowboy. His dark hair and tanned body had her wishing that it was him that needed the wife and not the father. She was silently disappointed that her new husband was to be so much older than her. The carriage came to a stop and Lance offered his hand to her to help her down.

  “If you’ll permit me ma’am.”

  After all three were safely off of the carriage, Ben stepped forward to introduce them. “Boss, this is Miss Drusilla Montgomery, her brother Jake, and her housekeeper Miss Ellie Adams.”

  “Welcome to our ranch my dear. I look forward to it becoming your new home,” Travis said warmly.

  It was then that Silla noticed that he was in a wheel chair. She tried to hide her shock and disappointment. Now she understood the reason or the ad. Poor Travis needed someone to do all the work he couldn’t. What had she gotten them into? Maybe Ellie was right and it still wasn’t too late to go back home. Before she could speak her reluctance, Lance smiled and offered her his arm.

  “Shall we go in for dinner?” he asked, in a deep rich voice.

  Ben offered his arm to Ellie and they all followed Travis in the house. In the elegant dining room, Travis sat at the head of the table with Lance on his right side and he asked Silla to sit on his left. All through the meal Silla forced herself to eat, and tried to find a silver lining about this marriage to Travis. For God’s sake, he’s my father’s age, she thought to herself. What if he wanted children from her? Could he even perform the act necessary to have children?

  Lance watch
ed her during the meal and wondered what she was thinking. She didn’t say much and picked at her meal. Maybe she was just as hesitant about all of this as he was. He began to feel hopeful that his plan might just work. Half way though the meal Travis decided to put his cards on the table.

  “Miss Montgomery I know you’ve only been here a few hours but what do you think of our little piece of heaven?” he asked.

  “Well Mr. Boardman, I think it’s just beautiful; and your sunsets are like none I’ve ever seen before.”

  He looked over to Lance. “She likes the sunsets just like your mama used to.”

  Lance looked at her and blurted out, “Miss Montgomery, do you really find it satisfactory to travel all these miles to marry a man you don’t even know?”

  Silla was caught off guard by his question, unsure of how to answer. “Well I wouldn’t have answered your father’s proposal if I didn’t find it satisfactory,” she answered carefully, not wanting to offend.

  Lance slapped his large palm on the table and let out a hearty laugh, leaving Silla thoroughly confused.

  “What is it that you find so funny?” she asked.

  “Oh Miss Montgomery, you have it all wrong. You’re not to be my father’s wife, you are to be mine.”

  “YOURS!” Silla nearly shouted. She stood up so abruptly that her chair tipped over and clattered to the floor. She waved her hands in a sign of embarrassment and quickly left the room.

  “I suggest you go out there and apologize to that young lady,” Ben ordered Lance.

  “But Ben she thought-”

  “I don’t care what she thought you go out there and apologize. You’ve embarrassed her,” he said with a stern look.

  Lance shook his head and went outside to look for Silla, down by the fence he saw her standing and looking at the moon. Slowly he walked up behind her, the shake of her shoulders told him she had been crying.

  “I’m sorry for laughing, it was not my intention to embarrass you. I just didn’t thought that you knew that my father had planned this marriage for me.”

  She turned toward him and Lance saw unshed tears glistening in her eyes. He can’t explain why but the sight of her so upset unnerved him.


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