Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel

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Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel Page 8

by Annelise Reynolds

  I just smiled and shook my head. You’ve got to love small town gossip. “Gavel,” I said, walking into his office. He was on his computer looking up something, I couldn’t quite see it, but he quickly exited whatever page he was on.

  “Son, have a seat.” The look on his face implied that I was not going to like whatever he was about to tell me. “As you know, I’ve been watching things from Abby’s past and with the business completed from Amarillo, I’ve seen movement. There hasn’t been a lot going on, but enough to cause some concern. However, with the opening of Phoenix, I don’t want to add anything more to her plate. Keep an eye on her, Grit, everything is almost complete as far as her past goes and it’s going to make her have two very pissed enemies in the process.”

  ”What the hell aren’t you telling me? How can I protect her if I don’t know what the hell I’m protecting her from?”

  “I can only tell you that when her grandmother passed away, her life changed. She was in potential danger from that moment on and I have done the only things that I could do in order to make certain that she is as safe as possible. Son, this did not start a few weeks ago. This nightmare started when she was a teenager and it has taken this long for everything to come to a head. As long as her grandmother was alive, she and Ember were safe. When her grandmother got sick, she came to me and told me everything. She told me all the key players and everything I would need to know to look out for her granddaughter and her friend. I’ve done what I can in order to keep them safe, and I will continue to do so, which is why I’m asking you to keep an eye out for her.”

  I laughed at the irony of him coming to me to look after the woman he wanted me to stay away from, but the laugh was humorless. “I’m surprised you came to me to look after her then. I thought you wanted me to stay away from her.”

  “I did, but you haven’t touched a woman at the club since you came back from Amarillo and this being a small town, I know you haven’t been with any of the women around her. You fucked up, we all know it, but I believe that you realize how badly you messed up and I trust you not to do it again. Plus, I have high hopes that she will be the one to help you finally move on.”

  “Like you moved on after mom.”

  “No, you’re right. I never moved on. I did the same thing you did after Monica, the only difference is I had you to keep me grounded, whereas, you have not had that. I’ve spent my life alone. I don’t want the same for you. I realized way too late that not every woman is like your mother was or like Monica ended up being.”

  Gavel never talked about my mother. Honestly, she is just an egg donor as far as I’m concerned. She took off when I was two, so I have no recollection of her. Dad said she got introduced to drugs from one of his brothers and ended up hooked. Eventually she took off. That was back before the club went legal and were involved in drug and gun running. After what went on with my mother, Gavel separated himself from the club. He was still a member, but the only events that he participated in were family events. He didn’t go on rides or runs. More or less, he was just the lawyer for the club but stayed out of everything else.

  When the club decided to go clean and do things within the parameters of the law, Gavel went back, but kept my involvement to the minimum. I think him leaving jarred something in Stone. After Gavel walked away, Stone cleaned up the club. It took years to get everything separated out and to organize a steady income for the club where all the members would be taken care of legally. The crazy thing is, the club was better off going legit than from running shit. Everybody was more relaxed, but still worked hard. There was more a sense of pride among the brothers and the old ladies and we kept growing.

  “I know. She scares me shitless, but the thought of not being with her scares me more and I didn’t figure it out until it was too late.”

  “Did you tell her that?”

  “In not so many words, yeah. I had a talk with her today. I’m hoping I can still fix this.”

  “If the way she looks at you is any indication, she’ll come around.” I grinned at his words, warmth spreading through my chest. “And if it’s any indication by the look on your face right now, you won’t fuck up again, at least not in that way.”

  “No, I won’t.” With all the new information that Gavel just gave me, I was more anxious to know what was in Abby’s past that forced her to keep her identity hidden from the world and I was determined that she wouldn’t hide it from me for much longer.


  The opening was two days away. I made excuses every day to go to the bar or I sent someone there for whatever reason I could come up with. I told Titan to keep an eye on the girls as well, that something was going on that we needed to be ready, in case anything happened.

  “Hey,” I walked up behind Abby and wrapped my arm around her. She smelled so good, I nuzzled my nose in her neck inhaling her scent and planted a kiss beneath her ear. She shivered in my arms. After our talk the other day, she allowed me to be more physical toward her, but she didn’t call me Brice yet and it was nowhere near as close to her as I wanted to be. “I realized that I have not yet taken you for a ride. Take a few minutes off with me.”

  “I can’t. I’ve got so much to do.”

  “I know, but take a few minutes, and when we come back, I will help you. Another set of hands to work with will more than make up for the time on the back of my bike.”

  She bit her lip and I almost made a move to bite it too, but I held back. “I guess. I haven’t taken a lunch break yet so…” I didn’t need to hear anymore, I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me. I saw Roper bringing in crates of booze. I nodded to him on our way out the door.

  I climbed on the back of my bike and grabbed the helmet I had bought for her. It was black with a flaming bird on it. Cliché, I know, but I figured to keep the name going. Once I helped her put it on, she climbed on behind me. I was rock hard when her thighs gripped my hips and her arms wound around my stomach. I knew this would be sweet torture, which is probably why I had not taken her for a ride before, that and she had been busy.

  When I took off, she automatically squeezed tighter and got closer if it were possible. I headed toward the clubhouse. If she was ever going to trust me, she needed to know everything up front. No hiding, no secrets. We were going to the club’s property where it backed up against the lake, that way we could have privacy.

  The area where I parked was heavily wooded, we had a great view, but people would have to really be looking in order to see us. I parked the bike and Abby hopped off. I snagged her around the waist and pulled her onto my lap where she straddled me. I unsnapped the helmet and let it fall to the ground. “This property belongs to the club.” I started. “I have a lot to tell you, Abs, not all of it you’re going to like, but I want you to trust me. I’m hoping that by placing my trust in you, you will feel more comfortable to trust me.”

  I started by telling her about my mom and then working my way to my ex-wife. She never interrupted. Her eyes looked pained as I explained how the two women in my life, who were supposed to and who professed to love me, had betrayed me. I know telling her wouldn’t excuse what I did, but I hoped that it would at least give her insight as to why I did what I did.

  Then it was time for me to explain the hard part. “Abby, there is something you need to know about the club, something I know that you have an idea about, but I want you to understand the whole of it.” I hope to hell I didn’t lose her when I explained about the women at the club. “I told you that I’ve rotated women in order to keep them at arm’s length. Well, at the clubhouse, we have “club girls” is what they are called. There’s a handful of them and they are there because they want to be there. I don’t want you to think that they do anything they don’t want to do. Nobody ever forces them, we don’t condone that type of thing. Anyway, I want you to know beforehand and not find out later in a hard way that I have been with all of them. I’ve done everything as far as sex with a woman goes.” I looked out over the water. This wa
s a make it or break it thing for her, I knew, especially since I lost her trust when we went to Amarillo. “At the club we aren’t shy, we fuck a lot, we fuck often, and we fuck in the open. Nothing is really off limits as long as all parties consent.”

  I felt her breath shutter. I was afraid to look at her, afraid to see any disgust or repulsion in her eyes, afraid to see her shut down again. “Why do you want me if women are so easy to come by? You have to know that I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever want to be passed around to the men at the club.” Her voice was rough as she spoke.

  My head snapped around. I looked at her in surprise and noticed her eyes were filled with unshed tears. I caught a tear on the pad of my thumb as it leaked out of the corner of her eye, “Oh, honey, I would never share you. Not one of my brothers would ever touch you, because I have… because they know how I feel about you. They have known even before I knew, apparently, because when they heard about what an ass I was in Amarillo, I got my ass handed to me not only by Gavel and Titan, but by the whole crew as well.” I smirked at her when she smiled a little at the thought of me getting my ass kicked on her behalf. “And just so you know, I have not been back to the clubhouse since before Amarillo, not for sex at least. I’ve been back there to hang out with the brothers. That is not to say that I have not enjoyed any shows they have put on. I just did not partake in the action.”

  “Would you actually want me to have sex with you in front of others?” I saw the pulse in her neck flutter. I don’t know if she was scared or turned on by the thought of it.

  “Like I said, honey, nobody does anything they don’t want to do. That is not to say that I don’t like the experience of having an audience, but I have also promised Gavel that he will never see your sexy ass in there. I think he sees you as something of the daughter he never had. Any other time he has come around and I’ve been involved in something, he just turns around and walks away. I don’t think it really bothered him, but I think he would be bothered by walking in to see us going at it. So if you ever decide you want to do anything with an audience, we will keep it small and controlled behind closed doors. Maybe just another couple or something.” A cute flush covered her cheeks as she took in my words.

  Chapter 11


  I couldn’t believe I was sitting here discussing the possibility of having sex with Brice in front of others. The idea was hot, but I wasn’t sure that I could do it.

  The last couple of days since he talked to me, each time I saw him he made sure to touch me and drive me crazy. Over the past two days, I felt myself softening toward him more and more. He is my own personal kryptonite; I can’t seem to resist him. Now knowing about his past, I understand where he is coming from. The two most important women in his life betrayed him.

  My doubts about trusting him are there. I would be crazy not to have those doubts with what happened, but he says he didn’t touch her, so I’m going to take him at his word.

  I thought back to what Gavel had told me about laying our secrets out there. If neither of us were ready to be completely honest with the other, then we should back off from any sort of relationship. I know he’s right. If I want to pursue this with Brice, he deserves the truth. No secrets, no lies. I was going to tell him possibly the night after the opening. Right now it’s just too much to deal with. “I don’t know if I can do that, but I do know the thought is kind of exciting.” I drew in a deep breath and looked back at him. He had a sexy smirk on his face, and I felt his arousal beneath me. I almost groaned. “I…” I swallowed hard. “I’ll give you another chance, but don’t hurt me like that again.”

  Brice leaned forward and kissed me. His lips firm and strong against mine. His fingers grazed under my ear causing shivers of excitement and pleasure to race through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his thick hair. My breasts felt heavy and achy as I sat in his lap kissing him. I felt my pussy grow damp with want for him and his cock was hard beneath me.

  His hand moved down my back then to my belly where he gathered the hem of my shirt. His rough hands glided over my skin deliciously, scraping my skin. The skin abrasive from years of hard labor and built up calluses, caused gooseflesh all over. I broke the kiss as his hands glided up to my breasts. “Brice.” It was the first time I had called him by his name since what went down in Amarillo. His head came up from the trail of kisses he had started to place on my neck.

  “You called me Brice again.”

  “Yes.” He smiled at me, his beautiful lips curved in a grin of pleasure at the simplicity of my saying his name. His eyes heated pools of warm chocolate as they roamed my face. His lips found mine once more and the heat of desire threatened to burn us both. My body was seeking his, seeking release as I ground my hips into him.

  He pulled my shirt over my head, only breaking our kiss long enough to get the material off. His hands were everywhere at once it seemed. My bra was quickly discarded and my breasts plumped together by his hands for his greedy mouth. His lips closed around my pebbled nipple and I arched my back into him groaning at the erotic kiss. “Please,” I begged, needing relief from the pressure building inside me.

  “Lean back.” He helped me down against the handlebars of his bike, his hands going to the waistband of my jeans, quickly undoing the buttons and sliding the zipper down. “God, Abby, you are perfection.” He kissed my belly and dipped his tongue into my bellybutton, causing my body to quake with need. I lifted my hips as he pulled the jeans down. “Dammit, your shoes are in the way.”

  I laughed at his apparent frustration, but he scooted back on the seat to allow himself more room to work with. After he had my shoes and my jeans off, he grasped my panties by the strings and ripped them from my body. That was when he noticed the tattoo. I had Ink put a small phoenix tattoo that matched the one in the bar on my hip. I added the words “Beauty After the Burn” written under the flaming bird. “My little Phoenix”, he said. I froze and stared at him.

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked, he must have noticed the strain in my voice because he looked up at my eyes.

  “I haven’t, I just saw the tattoo and it seemed like it fit.”

  “My grandmother used to call me that,” I whispered.

  “Oh, she must have been a hell of a lady.”

  “She was.”

  He leaned forward to kiss the tattoo, his tongue traced around the edges. I held his head loosely in my hands as he made his way down to my core. Then his mouth was on me. His tongue was lapping at my cream, toying with my clit. My hands tightened in his hair and held on as he ate at my flesh. He pushed a finger inside of me, my body automatically clamping down on the intruding finger. A second finger was added to the first and my hips rose off the bike. He held onto my hips and butt squeezing and balancing me. “Remember what I told you on the phone that night?” He asked removing his mouth but continuing to thrust with his fingers.

  “Yes,” I moaned. I was so close to coming, it’s all I could think about.

  “I had a blood test done, honey, I’m clean.” His expression said that the question was implied. I nodded my head that I was clean. I had only been with a few guys and they always wore protection. I insisted upon it and after I broke up with each guy, I had blood tests done. “Then I’m going to fuck you bare, baby, and after you come on my cock, you’re going to suck all of your pussy juice off until I cum too.” I nodded my head. I didn’t care, I just wanted him inside me now.

  He unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock from his jeans then tore the shirt from his head. His body was amazing, all solid muscle. He had a few tattoos, one of which wrapped around his upper bicep. He had a trail of hair bisecting his abdomen, leading to his rigid shaft. The head had a piercing and I shuttered, imaging what it would feel like inside me. I didn’t have to imagine for long, because he entered me in one hard swift thrust. I sucked in a breath at the fullness and feel of him inside me.

  “Damn you’re tight, sweetheart.” He slowly slid back out before s
lamming into me again. After a few more of the long slow deep thrusts he started picking up speed, my breasts bouncing every time he entered me. His hands moved to hold the fleshy bouncing globes, then he leaned forward and latched his mouth onto one of my nipples, tugging with his teeth while his fingers pinched the other. His thrusts driving deeper and deeper each time.

  “Brice,” I called as my orgasm swept through my body and I shook as the waves of pleasure rocked me.

  “One more, honey, I want you to cum on my dick once more before you suck me off.” His hips picked up pace. The piercing and the head of his long, thick cock hit a place deep inside me over and over. There was so much pleasure having him in me pounding into my body that it was almost too much to bare. It bordered on painful.

  He hooked my legs over his arms and leaned forward so that with each thrust he went deeper and harder. His body was on top of mine, my breasts pressed flush against his chest. Brice leaned his head forward and kissed me. His tongue thrusting in my mouth as his body moved within me. “Cum for me, Abby.” He rasped when he broke the kiss. A few more thrusts and I cried his name as my body shattered around his for the second time.

  He changed his hold on me, wrapping my legs around his waist and he dismounted from the bike, my legs still around him. “Take me, Abby,” he said as he unfolded my legs and guided me to my knees in front of him. “Make me come in your mouth.” I loved the timber of his voice, the rasp of need lurking beneath the command. I hesitated, but the desire in his eyes gave me courage. I watched his face as I licked the head and tasted my juices on him. He groaned and tangled his fingers in my hair, encouraging me to open up and take him farther inside. “Come on, baby, I’m dying here.”

  I licked him one more time, toying with the piercing at the head, nudging it with my tongue. Then I took him in my mouth as far as I could without gagging and wrapped my hand around the base of his length. I worked his cock with my tongue and I reached up with my other hand to cup his balls in my hand, slightly squeezing and rolling them in my hand. When he hissed through his lips, I sucked harder. I felt his balls draw tight in my hand and his cock swelled more in my mouth, then his seed shot out into my throat, sliding down as I swallowed the salty, tangy fluid.


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