Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel

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Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel Page 11

by Annelise Reynolds


  It was crowded. They had run ads in the paper and advertised in the nearby towns. Not to mention, small town gossip was helping things along. Titan and I had eaten lunch as soon as the doors officially opened. We wanted to be one of their first customers. “How are things going with Ember, brother?”

  “That woman is driving me nuts. I’ve never had to work so hard to get a woman in my life and I’ve never wanted a woman as badly as I want her stubborn ass. It feels like I’m not making any progress.”

  “She’s scared. Give her time, she’ll come around.”

  He reacted to my comment. “Do you know something?”

  “Yes and no. I know something about Phoenix, but Ember is still a mystery.” I looked toward the front door. Philip walked in. “Let’s see if we can find something out though.” I waved him over to join our table.

  “Philip, you met Titan?”

  “We’ve met,” he grumbled. They didn’t have a good first meeting either, apparently.

  Titan is more subtle in getting information from people. I, however, prefer to cut to the chase. “So, Philip, where are you from?” I asked, hoping to get a clue as to the girls past. I was still waiting on Hack to call me with information.

  “All over. Mostly New York though.”

  “How long have you known Phoenix?” He raised a brow at my questions. I’m sure he knew where this conversation was headed.

  “I met her for the first time in Amarillo, but I had spoken to her on the phone quite a few times. I also know her family.”

  Now we were getting somewhere. “Really, how are you connected with her family?”

  “We run in the same social circles. To say I know her family means I know who they are, but I have never been in business with them. I’ve met her parents and I didn’t trust them. I now have confirmation that I was right in my mistrust of the bastards.”

  “You know what happened to her, don’t you?” I asked. I wanted to know, but at the same time I knew that what I was going to hear was going to rip my fucking heart out.

  “Yes and before you ask, I cannot tell you. I signed a confidentiality contract when we met in Amarillo. I cannot tell you anything that would lead you to figure out who she is. Ember either.”

  “You know who Ember is?” Titan spoke up for the first time.


  “How much danger do you think she is in?” I asked dreading the answer because I really already knew what he would say.

  His jaw clenched and I knew my answer, but his words confirmed it. “Enough to kill for.”

  “FUCK.” Titan slammed his fist on the table causing the silverware to rattle and the drinks to shake.

  I couldn’t say anything. His outward reaction to this paled in comparison to my inward reaction. Inside I was shaking with fury. Philip had given more information than he thought. Whatever she was hiding from, her parents were involved, and the thought that her parents might want her dead made me sick. Gavel had said that as long as her grandmother was alive, she was safe, but the minute she drew her last breath, Abby was in trouble.

  “We need to know what we are up against” I said, “I called Legend last night to have him get Hack to look into an avenue of information.” I looked pointedly at Philip. “Specifically, I had him look into you.”

  His reaction was not what I had expected. Instead of getting mad, he smiled and nodded, “Good, because the sooner you find out the truth about her, the better protected she and Ember will be.”

  It was at that moment that I realized the depth of Philips’s feelings for Abby. Although that pissed me the fuck off, like me, he simply wanted her safe and protected. He would eventually accept it and move on. “At least we can agree on something,” I said with no humor behind my words, “the girls need to be protected.” The question I had yet to figure out was from what.


  Abby had disappeared upstairs to change, the bar was crowded. The whole club was here for the opening. I was sitting at the bar, looking toward the stairs, and waiting for her to reappear. The sip of beer I had just taken spewed out when I saw her come back downstairs. Fuck, this is what she had been up to this morning.

  She was in a black leather mini skirt. The shirt she was wearing had Phoenix written across her breasts like the shirt she had on earlier, but this one was a tank top and the straps were orange and yellow drawing attention to her breasts. I was not the only one noticing her attire.

  I watched as she walked toward the area where the karaoke was set up. “DAMN!” I heard Roper say beside me as he saw the back of her shirt which was see through black fabric except for the phoenix at the top of the neck that explained the orange on the straps. It would look like the phoenix was hanging on to her back. “Brother, if you pull that shit again, I know several brothers who want to pick up where you leave off, me included.” Roper said. His eyes were glued to her ass.

  “Watch yourself, brother. She’s mine.” I gripped my beer to keep from punching his ass. What the fuck was she thinking to wear that outside of her bedroom? Never mind that the women at the club wore a lot less… They aren’t mine. I have no claim on them, Abby is mine.

  “Hi, everyone.” Abby spoke into the microphone, drawing everyone’s attention to her. “Thank you for joining us for the grand opening of Phoenix Bar. I thought that I would kick off the karaoke tonight. Is that okay with y’all?” Everyone in the bar cheered, showing their support. I shook my head at the way she had all my brothers hooked and I caught a few of the club girls giving her evil eyes. I made a mental note to have Titan spread the word if any of the bitches said a disrespectful word to her, they would be out. He’d back me, because he cared for Abby as much as I did, only in a different way.

  After the den settled down, she nodded to the DJ she had hired for the opening. I listened as the music came on. I didn’t recognize the song at first, but when I did, I closed my eyes. She was playing with fire and she would definitely be getting that spanking we discussed over breakfast.

  Chapter 15


  I had arranged earlier with the DJ that I would be doing the first and last song of the night. The first song was meant to spark Brice’s lust. After our conversation over breakfast, I was still hot for him. Turnabout is fair play as far as I am concerned, so when I thought about what songs to open up karaoke with, naturally, I went with the sexiest songs that I knew and narrowed it down from there.

  When the first notes of the song filtered through the system, I sent a glance to Brice at the bar. He didn’t react at first, so I wondered if he knew the song, but I saw his hand gradually tighten on his beer, his eyes close, and his jaw clench. Yep, he knew the song. I tore my eyes from him and started to sing as the words turned yellow across the monitor. I didn’t really need the monitor because I loved Halestorm and I had all their stuff memorized. I just figured it was a safer place to look than at him.

  As the music played, I relaxed and sang. The more I relaxed, the more I got into the song and the more I moved to the beat. I made my way over to the pole at the corner of the dance floor. My hand wrapped around it and I used it to throw my body around as I sang about getting off to somebody watching me get off. My audience was captivated, the men had lust burning in their eyes, and hell, some of the women did, too. I was totally getting off on the attention.

  There was a sense of power that surged through me as I pressed my back to the pole and swayed my hips as I went down into a squat. When I came back up, I caught sight of a furious Brice, a grinning Titan, and a shocked Philip, but my eyes went back to Brice. I walked toward him as I continued to sing. His eyes were burning with a mixture of desire and anger.

  Just as the song ended, I stepped within his arms reach and he didn’t waste any time snatching me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I dropped the mic and the thud it made when it hit the floor was drown out by the cheers. Brice carried me upstairs to the sound of laughter, cheers, and applause.

  When we go
t upstairs to the apartment, which had yet to be furnished, he went into one of the empty rooms and locked the door. I didn’t struggle or speak, because I honestly didn’t know what to expect from him at this point. It was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. He slid me off his shoulder, my already sensitized body slid down the length of his, causing me to shiver.

  “Is this what you were planning this morning?”

  “Yes and no”

  “Explain,” he said tersely. His hands were bracketing my hips, holding me flush against him. I could feel his hardened length against my belly. His black shirt was tight and showed off his muscles. The tattoos on his arms peaked out from beneath the sleeves. “Now.”

  “Yes, I was planning to sing tonight. Twice actually. No, I did not plan on that song originally.”

  “What made you change the song you originally were going to do?”

  “You.” I answered him honestly. The change had been a last minute thing. Originally, I had thought to do “The Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga, but I wanted to do something that would spark his lust and grab his attention. Obviously I succeeded, judging by the steel rod poking me through his jeans.

  “And how did I change your mind?”

  “I imagined your reaction to the song I sang. “I Get Off” was the song I thought would get the best reaction out of you.”

  “What did you hope to accomplish by getting a reaction out of me?”

  This felt like a set up. I wondered if I could back-peddle my way out of this, but I figured I couldn’t. I was already this deep in it, I might as well go all in. “Getting back at you.”

  He seemed surprised for a moment. “Honey, I told you I didn’t have sex with that girl. I took her out of the restaurant and paid her to stay out for about fifteen minutes and to stay quiet.”

  I shook my head at him. “Not that, Brice. I’m over that. Yes, it was a dick move for you to do that, but I’ve moved on.” I rested my hands on his chest. “I wanted to get back at you for this morning. You got me all hot and bothered then you left me hanging. My orgasm in the shower barely took the edge off this morning. Then you had to go and make it worse over breakfast.”

  “So, let me see if I got this right. You were getting back at me because you were horny this morning and I didn’t give you what you wanted. So you decided to go spark the lust of a room full of men to get back at me?” It sounded so much better in my own head, but yeah. I nodded instead of verbally answering him.

  He let go of my hips and stepped back from me. The first wave of fear that I pushed him too far rippled through me. “Strip. Everything off, now,” he said gruffly and turned to walk out the door.

  “Brice?” I questioned when he opened the door.

  “Strip, Abby. Don’t make me ask again. I’m coming right back.”

  I nodded and started stripping. When he returned he had a chair from the storage room. My black thong was soaked and completely useless at this point. I stripped all the way down as he sat in the chair and watched. “Come here,” he commanded. This was another side to Brice that I had not yet seen, not completely anyway.

  When I stood right in front of him, completely naked and turned on like never before, he pulled me over his lap. My ass was in the air and my hair hanging down touching the floor. “I warned you this morning that if you were up to something to be prepared to have your ass spanked, did I not.”


  “I don’t do safe words, honey. You want me to stop, you say stop. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” My breath was picking up as my excitement built. I knew he would not intentionally hurt me beyond what I could stand and I wanted to see him stretch his control.

  “You have two punishments heading your way. One, for not heeding my warning from this morning. For that you will receive ten spankings. I want you to count them for me starting at ten and counting down. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” His hand caressed over the skin of my back down to the curve of my ass. The roughness of his hands along the smoothness of my skin caused me to shiver and goosebumps to cover my skin. I loved the scratch his calluses caused when he touched me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation and anticipating the first slap of his hand against my ass.

  I yelped when his hand came down hard on the rounded globe of my ass. It stung “Count,” he reminded me. At first, I didn’t know what to think other than about the sting he caused, but then I noticed that he was gently stroking where he had slapped, easing the sting and surprisingly turning me on even more.

  “Ten,” I said, as he massaged where he had just smacked my ass. I felt his hand move away from my body so I stiffened to try and ease the blow, but when the smack did not come immediately, I relaxed. The moment I relaxed, his palm came down on the other cheek causing the same sting there.

  I sucked in a breath. “Nine,” his finger dipped into my pussy and I moaned. As much as his slaps on my ass stung, my pussy gushed in reaction. He thrust two fingers into me and placed his thumb over my clit. Not rubbing like I wanted, but holding pressure as his fingers moved within me. I groaned, “Brice.”

  The next four slaps were not as hard as the first two, but still hard enough to sting and excite me further. With each slap to my ass, my pussy pulsed with need. “Four more, honey, you’ve taken your first punishment very well.” He stroked my slit slowly as he stroked my ego. I was inordinately pleased with his praise. “Your other punishment will be more intense.” I squirmed because the thought of it being more intense than this was crazy. I had never felt anything like this before, it was consuming. Never before had I wanted someone so much, I was desperate for him.

  “Please, Brice,” I whimpered. His hand smacked hard two more times in quick succession on my ass, one slap on each cheek.

  “This happens at my pace, Abby,” he said as he toyed with my clit. When my hips started moving, searching for more contact from his fingers, he pulled back and landed the last two blows over my weeping pussy. I shuddered. I was so close to going over the edge. “Lay on the floor, Abby,” he said gruffly.

  I followed his directions and laid out on the floor. I watched as he grasped his shirt at the neck and pulled it over his head. His tanned skin, beautiful muscles, and nice artwork made my mouth water. I reached my hand toward my mound to rub my aching clit. “Don’t you fucking touch yourself,” he growled as he unbuckled his belt.

  When he shucked his pants and underwear, I saw his cock, swollen and red. He seemed bigger than the two times we had been together. I watched him stroke his cock from root to tip and back again before he laid down beside me. “Your next punishment is orgasm.”

  I snorted, “That’s not a punishment.”

  He smirked at me. “You think not, huh? We will see what you think in a few minutes.” He kissed me and trailing his fingers down to my pussy. I spread my legs further apart to give him access to my body. His fingers dipped in my tight channel as his lips trailed down my neck. His tongue flutters and licks my skin as his fingers moved within my walls. I rocked my hips, reaching for that orgasm that was just on the cusp. His thumb circled my clit, not touching it directly where I was desperate for his touch. When he sucked and bit at the skin on my neck, his thumb made the contact with my clit and it sent me over the edge. I cried out as the pleasure rocked my body.

  He didn’t let up on my body, though. His fingers kept thrusting into my quivering flesh, drawing out each of the orgasms. His head moved lower down to my chest where his lips latched on to my nipple. I clasped his hair with my hands, feeling another orgasm starting to build as he sucked the taut peak. Everything started to fade away, I didn’t feel the thump of the music below on my back and the sound that had been muffled when we first came up here seemed to fade away all together. His tongue was flicking across my tight hard nipple. His fingers never breaking pace. My pussy was drenched with wetness that could be heard with each thrust of his fingers.

  As he was thrusting, he changed the angle of his hand, and I felt
a finger hit the rosebud of my ass. I jerked, and violently shuddered as another orgasm ripped through my body. While my body was still reeling from the last orgasm, he moved down again, and his mouth found my clit. He sucked and nibbled on my clit as his fingers continued inside me. I didn’t know how much more I could take.

  I felt his fingers curl inside me as he sucked and licked the juices from my clit. “Brice, I can’t-“

  “Yes, you can and you are going to,” he spoke into my pussy, not giving me a moment to rest. He sucked my clit into his mouth and then bit down giving me just enough pain with the copious amount of pleasure to send me spiraling over again. A tear seeped out of my eye as I cried out from the intensity of the orgasms he was giving me.

  My chest was heaving trying to catch my breath. He moved over me, his hands on either side of my head, his face above my own. He moved his hips and thrust into me over and over again, going deeper, harder, and higher with every thrust it seemed. My pussy was raw from being fucked so much. I hadn’t had sex in so long before him and between yesterday and this pleasurable torture my body was now being submitted to, I was wrung out. He moved and changed angles and when he shifted, he sent me off again.

  “Do you know why you are being punished?” He asked me through gritted teeth. He was trying to stay in control of his own body. I couldn’t speak. The feelings my body was experiencing were just too damn much. Pleasure and pain swirled together into a beautiful form of torture. “Answer me,” he commanded.

  “No.” I managed to croak out.

  “You are being punished because you incited the lust of every man in the bar with your body and the thought of you touching your own pussy. You are mine, Abby. I would have let the fact that you are wearing revealing clothes go, but dancing like that in front of any man but me and singing a song like that, I cannot let that go. Not to mention, you did it out of revenge for me not giving you an orgasm this morning. I believe that I have more than made up for it,” he said, all the while continuing to pound into me and building me up again. “You’re going to cum one more time, Abby, and I’m going to cum with you.” He thrust a few more times before he commanded me, “Cum, sweetheart.”


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