Full Throttle

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Full Throttle Page 7

by Adriana Hunter

  She’d finally arched strongly up beneath him, eyes tightly closed. She was almost silent save for a long exhalation of breath. Her body trembled and she opened her eyes, searching his face. He could feel her release surrounding him, threatening to take him with her.

  “Caleb…” Her fingers traced across his cheek, over his lips. He was still hard, held somewhere between making sure Aubrey was satisfied and his own pleasure. She held his gaze for a moment, as if making a decision. Then she pushed him over, rolling on top of him, settling herself firmly against him.

  Silently she moved her body over him, taking him higher than he’d ever been before. He clutched her hips, his fingers almost digging into her skin as he finally came, body arching on the bed, hips flexing upward.

  Aubrey fell over him and he hugged her hard against his chest. They lay together in the fading light and he listened to her breathing slow against his skin until she’d fallen asleep. Very gently he moved away from her, covering them with the blanket. He lay there watching her for a long time.

  “I love you so much, Aubrey. More than you know.”


  Later that night, Caleb had taken her back to get her car. It was another warm night and they spent a long time just leaning against her car, talking about nothing, unwilling to part. Finally, on his third pass through the lot, the night security guard had asked Aubrey if she needed any help. Or if that guy was giving her a hard time.

  “I should probably go.” Caleb shifted from foot to foot but stayed where he was, leaning against her car.

  Aubrey watched the guard walking away, flashing his light across the darkened buildings. She turned to Caleb.

  “Yeah. I have class tomorrow.” She sighed, and he pulled her against him for what seemed like the hundredth time. But he finally pushed away from her car and climbed on the motorcycle.

  “Call me tomorrow, between classes, or when you get up. Anytime. Okay?”

  She nodded and he started the bike. He circled her car, waved, and then turned out of the parking lot, disappearing from view. But she listened to the sound of the bike for far longer than she knew she could actually hear it, feeling like she’d lost something important.

  Things were spiraling out of control. She had what she wanted, or thought she wanted, or had been told she wanted: a chair with a prestigious symphony. It should have been her dream come true.

  Unlocking the car door, her tears started falling again. She wanted Caleb. He’d said he loved her. And she loved him. It should be simple, but it wasn’t.

  She wanted him. And it seemed that he was the one thing she couldn’t have.

  Chapter Eight

  The next few days dragged on for Aubrey. She went to her last classes of the semester, wrote answers to exam questions, spoke when she was spoken to.

  She’d called Caleb so many times she felt he must be growing weary of hearing her ring tone. But he answered every time and was always there, patiently listening to whatever she had to say, sometimes just letting her cry quietly. They’d each been so busy the past few days they’d barely seen each other, Caleb working late at the shop and Aubrey with the final push before graduation.

  It occurred to her that their little idyllic tryst may have just been a window that was now closed. Or she’d gotten exactly what she’d asked for: a wild ride that was over. She sighed. That was the problem with making wishes. Sometimes they backfired.

  But she pushed those thoughts aside as she headed home after her last class of the day. She had answered her last exam. She was finished with university. Her apartment seemed foreign to her, a place she only visited and where most of her clothes were. When she thought about home now, she thought of Caleb’s little house, the kitchen full of nudes, the unfinished painting of her that stood on the easel in his studio.

  She dumped all her books on the couch and slumped next to them. Out of habit, she took out her phone, hitting speed dial for Caleb’s number. It went straight to voice mail. She frowned but then shook her head. He was entitled to phone calls from other people.

  Taking a deep breath, she took out a folded envelope from her purse. She removed a single sheet of paper and read through it, finally locating what she was looking for. She flipped open her phone and dialed. She took a deep breath and counted the rings, praying she wasn’t too late.

  Her call was answered. Her conversation was brief, awkward, and then it was over. She realized she’d been holding her breath and she blew out a sigh.

  Before she could gather her thoughts, her phone rang. She flipped it open and saw Caleb’s number. Her heart did its usual little flip-flop.

  “Aubrey, we need to talk. Are you home?” His abrupt tone took her by surprise.

  “I am. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just…well, there are some things I want to say and I don’t want to do it over the phone. Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.” His voice lightened just a little, but warning bells were still going off in her mind.

  She managed to laugh. “You know that’s never the thing to tell someone, that it’s nothing. I’ll still worry.”

  “Can I come over then? Are you alone, or can we go somewhere?”

  “Melissa should be home any minute. We can go to the lake. It’s still warm out.” She thought it was; it had been so long since she’d actually paid any attention to the weather. It might be raining, for all she knew, even though she’d just come in.

  “I’ll be right over.” And he was gone.

  Aubrey stared at the phone, wondering just what was so urgent that Caleb needed to see her. She had a sinking feeling that whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good.

  And then she remembered with a start that she had something just as important to tell him. A smile spread across her face, a little flag of excitement unfurling in her stomach. Maybe things could work out. Just maybe.


  Caleb refused to say anything until they’d walked out on the sand and sat down on the blanket. The lake was calm, spread before them in the late afternoon sun, a smooth still surface reflecting light. Aubrey wished her life was as smooth. She took a deep breath, turning to Caleb, steeling herself for what was probably going to be something else to rock the boat.

  “Okay, man of mystery. We’re here. But before you start…I have something to tell you, too. You took me by surprise on the phone and I forgot all about it.”

  “Oh, well…then you go first.” He looked a little nonplussed, as if she was derailing some carefully laid plan.

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Uh-uh. You first.”

  Caleb took her hand, lacing her fingers with his. “Okay.” He looked at her, searching her face. The intensity of his look startled her and she clutched his hand.

  “I gave notice to my landlord, thirty days. And I quit Andy’s. I’m coming with you to Atlanta.” The words came out in a rush, as if he’d been practicing them and thought the best delivery was to say it all at once.

  Aubrey swallowed hard. And then she closed her eyes. There were no words, none at all, that came to her mind. She felt Caleb squeeze her hand, hard.

  “Aubrey? Say something…anything.” The concern, the worry—the fear—was thick in Caleb’s voice.

  She opened her eyes. Despite herself, she laughed, a half-choked sound. Caleb’s concern changed to confusion, his brows drawing together.

  “I didn’t mean that as a joke, you know. I’m serious.”

  Aubrey coughed, aiming for control and not quite achieving it. “No, I know. And I appreciate what you’ve done. But…”

  “But what? If you don’t want me to go, then just say so. I’ll understand…no, I won’t understand.” He shook his head. “But I’ll respect whatever your decision is.”

  “I’d want you to go, Caleb, if there was anywhere to go to.”

  “You’re not making sense. What are you talking about?” His confusion was palpable and Aubrey’s heart went out to him.

  “I gave up the spot with the symphony. I’m not go
ing to Atlanta. I’m staying here…with you.”


  It was Caleb’s turn to be speechless. He stared at Aubrey, trying to make sense of her words. She continued to watch him and he saw the myriad emotions he felt play across her features. Finally he spoke.

  “So to be clear: you gave up the job with the symphony to stay here? You gave up your life’s dream? Why, Aubrey? What were you thinking?”

  “That’s just it, Caleb. I finally am thinking. About me, about what I want. And about us.” She reached up, touching his face.

  “You said you love me. When I heard those words, it all clicked.” She turned to face him, sitting cross-legged on the blanket.

  “I love you. And music. But music was going to take away the one thing I found I loved more. And I’m not giving up anymore, not giving in to what I’m supposed to do.”

  “But what about all the work you’ve done? School…practices…all that.”

  “That’s just it. It’s not going to waste. I want to teach little kids about music.”

  Caleb shook his head. “Teaching jobs aren’t easy to find these days, Aubrey. With the economy…” The image of Aubrey struggling to find work, losing her interest in music, and eventually resenting him loomed in his mind. It was a pretty dismal picture. And it scared him.

  “I know. But I can teach anywhere…I can teach kids in daycare, in private schools, church basements. I can teach kids in my own home, for that matter. I’m not limited.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him swiftly. “You taught me that. No limits. I can do whatever I want if I think outside the box. Way outside the box.”

  Caleb sat back, stunned. The anxious, high-strung, obsessed girl he’d met barely a week ago had become this totally different woman. Confident, still intense, but focused in a way she hadn’t seemed before.

  “Have you told your parents?” He took her hand, turning her wrist up, running his thumb over the tattoo he’d given her. He felt the tension in her increase. It was subtle but still there.

  “No. Not yet. I just made the call to the symphony right before you called me. I tried calling you, but the call went to voice mail. I wanted to tell you before I made it final. But then I just wanted to make the call and get it over with.”

  Caleb gave her a rueful smile. “I was on the phone with Steve, giving him notice. He was trying to talk me out of it, but I was pretty persistent.”

  “Would he give you your job back if you asked?” She tipped her head, brow furrowed.

  “Probably. There’s no shortage of artists to take my place, but it’s only been an hour or so. Pretty sure my work space hasn’t been cleaned out by Cass yet.”

  Aubrey suddenly straightened up, hand over her mouth. “But your house. You gave that up too.”

  Caleb shrugged. “Yeah. That’s true. But here’s the thing.” He took a deep breath.

  “Would you consider living together? Maybe not in that house, maybe something bigger? You know, with room for your music classes, maybe?”

  Part of the plan for following Aubrey to Atlanta involved finding a place to live. And in his plan, the one he’d fantasized about, they’d shared a place. He had no idea if she’d want that, but he’d hoped she would.

  He watched as Aubrey’s eyes grew wide. And then they grew bright with tears. His heart stuttered a little in his chest, waiting for her answer.

  A single tear rolled down her cheek as she nodded. “Yes. I would love to live with you. Anywhere. Your house…our house…” Her voice broke and her tears fell in earnest. Caleb pulled her against him, rocking her gently for a moment.

  “Anything you want, Aubrey. Anywhere you want. As long as we’re together.”


  It was late afternoon when the moving truck had finally deposited the last of their belongings at the new house. Aubrey stood on the sidewalk, watching as it drove away. She turned, smiled at the sold sticker on the ‘For Sale’ sign planted in the yard, and walked up the brick walk to the front door. It stood open and from here she could hear Caleb and their friends laughing and joking as they arranged the last of the furniture and stacked boxes in corners.

  She was exhausted but happy. Happier than she’d been in a long, long time. The sun cast long golden rays through the living room window, and she watched as Caleb came into view, carrying a box. He walked through a sunbeam and for an instant was outlined with a golden halo. Aubrey caught her breath, her aching muscles momentarily forgotten.

  He’d started teaching her to paint and now, with this image, she thought she might try capturing it on canvas. She hurried up the steps, almost colliding with Caleb. He set down the box and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.

  “Hey…is the truck gone?” He looked down at her then ran his finger down her nose. “You’ve got dust on your nose. Still cute though.”

  “You should talk. You’re covered in grime.” Aubrey laughed up at him and he bent down and kissed here. There were a few catcalls from their friends and Caleb broke the kiss, looking over his shoulder at the group.

  “You’re all just jealous.”

  Aaron stepped forward, his freckled face split into a grin. “Maybe so, but we’re also hungry. You promised us pizza and beer in exchange for sweat and blood.”

  “I did.” Caleb released Aubrey. “I better feed the masses or they just might take all our things back out onto the lawn.” He moved away amid shouts of what everyone wanted on their pizza.

  Aubrey wandered into the large downstairs room, which was currently set up as a combination studio and music room. Or at least all Caleb’s art things and her boxes of music scores were there, lined up along the wall. She imagined them here, Caleb painting, her playing the violin. He said he wanted to paint her while she played. The look she gave him made him laugh, and he hurried on to assure her it wouldn’t be a nude.

  The windows looked out over the backyard, the lawn currently in need of a good mowing. But it was their lawn and she loved it, even if it was overgrown.

  “We need a lawnmower.”

  Caleb’s arms were around her waist, his chin resting on the top of her head. She sighed, leaning back against him, loving the solid warm of his body, his arms encircling her.

  “I know. Just one of the many joys of home ownership.”

  “There’s something else we need…or you need.”

  Aubrey turned her head, looking up at him. “What’s that? Pizza and beer?”

  Caleb shook his head. “Not what I had in mind. More like this.” He brought one arm around in front of her, holding up his hand…holding something small, something that glinted gold in the sun.

  “Give me your hand.”

  She held out her left hand and Caleb slipped the ring over her finger. It fit perfectly. Tears welled in her eyes but she let them fall unchecked.

  “You’ve made me happier than I ever thought I could be, Aubrey. You’ve shown me I can have the freedom to be who I am and to make my own choices. But you’ve also shown me that I need someone to come back to, to come home to. And you’re it, Aubrey. You’re my home.”

  She turned around in his arms, hands on his chest, and he wrapped her up in a hug.

  “Caleb. I’m…it’s…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, I didn’t ask you a question, but if I did, I would ask you if you’d marry me. Will you marry me, Aubrey?”

  She gazed up at him. He looked confident and sure of her answer, but underneath his t-shirt, she could feel his heart beating fast.

  “Yes, Caleb. I’d love to marry you.”

  His façade of confidence cracked just a little, and for the first time Aubrey saw vulnerability on Caleb’s face. And in that instant, she loved him even more.

  “Caleb, we’re making a beer run!” Aaron’s voice echoed through the empty room.

  Caleb reached down, wiping a tear from Aubrey’s face. “I guess we have an announcement to make? Unless you want…”

  But Aubrey was shaking her head, a smile breaking
across her face. “I want to tell everyone about this.” She grabbed his hand, pulling him toward their friends in the living room. “And there’s no better time than the present.”

  About The Author

  New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author Adriana Hunter writes contemporary and paranormal romance stories that feature irresistibly powerful alpha heroes and beautifully curvy heroines.

  Connect with Adriana on her website at http://www.AdrianaHunter.com and subscribe to her official newsletter at http://www.SpicyTales.com for details on upcoming books!

  Facebook: http://facebook.com/AuthorAdrianaHunter

  Also By Adriana Hunter


  Sweet Surrender

  Rock Hard

  Fight For You


  Truth Or Dare

  Something Borrowed

  For Keeps

  Made For The Billionaire

  Learning Curve


  All American Wolf

  Taming The Alpha & Claiming The Alpha

  Better Mate Than Never

  Shifting Hearts


  Curve Crazy

  To Love An Alpha

  Dangerous Desires

  Adriana Hunter’s Newsletter

  If you’re looking for information on upcoming releases, special offers and even FREE ebooks, swag and giveaways, join Adriana’s newsletter at http://www.SpicyTales.com

  You can also find Adriana on the web at http://www.AdrianaHunter.com


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