Dagger's Edge (SEALs On Fire)

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Dagger's Edge (SEALs On Fire) Page 3

by Brenna Zinn

There was little doubt as to what Dean planned on doing with the strawberry popsicle, and Mia was fairly certain it was illegal in at least seven states. That he would even think of something so wanton, so unrestrained was beyond titillating.

  Maybe she hadn’t given him enough credit in the imagination department. Although he’d always been fun and a bit of a jokester, his creative side generally leaned toward diesel engines, particularly how to get them to work or run faster. Maybe all his traveling in foreign countries had introduced him to kinky kinds of lascivious acts.

  If that’s the case, please let him do all those things to me today.

  A thought passed by her as she sat waiting for him to make his way from the freezer and start doing naughty things to her. Here she sat naked as the day she was born and he was completely dressed. Unfair to say the least.

  Mia held up her hand. “Hold on there, frogman. Before you show me the latest in frozen juice weaponry, I think we need to even out the playing field a little bit.”

  He tilted the Popsicle forward, making it appear oddly limp in his big hand. One brow raised comically over his bright blue eye. “And how do you suggest we do that?”

  The way he phrased the question had her brain moving a hundred miles an hour. Seeing him do a strip tease would be fun, although she’d most likely laugh the entire time. Few men looked good dancing and shaking their hips while trying to rip off their clothing. Who knew? Maybe Dean was one of those guys. Channing Tatum’s moves with Dean’s obscenely large and gorgeous body? It was all the makings of one hell of a fantasy.

  She would have to remember that when he left, because he eventually would have to. Probably too soon. The SEALs didn’t get to stay on leave for long. He could be called back at any time, so each minute they spent together was a gift. When she might see him again was anyone’s guess. That wasn’t exactly a happy thought, and she sure didn’t want to think of his leaving now. He was here in her home and, come hell or high water, from this moment on she didn’t plan to waste even a second of the time she had.

  “We aren’t going to do anything. You, however, will take that torture device in your hand and place it on the counter. Then you will take off your clothes until you aren’t wearing anything but a smile.” She adopted what she perceived to be the serious facial expression of a drill instructor. “You got that, sailor?”

  He straightened his posture until he was stiff as a board, then saluted using quick, precise movements. “Yes, ma’am.”

  A giddy flush heated Mia from the inside out. Oh, the pleasures she could imagine if he would follow every directive she laid on him. Perhaps that was something to look into later.

  For being such a large man, Dean was extremely graceful, she noted as he peeled off his shirt. He swung the cotton T in circles over his head, then let the garment fly into the living room. His disappearing shirt wasn’t the real show though. His washboard abs were.

  Completely smooth, save the light dusting of dark hairs leading from his navel to what lay hidden beneath his khaki cargo shorts, his bronzed chest was a marvel to behold. A true piece of art. Between the individual abdominal muscles were deep gorges, giving his stomach a sculpted look. Atop were two rounded, well-defined pecs topped off by dusky nipples. Below, his groin muscles budged above the waist of the low rise shorts then narrowed, making a perfect pathway to his awaiting cock.

  Mia swayed slightly. If what lay unseen behind his shorts was anything like his upper body, he would certainly be the biggest man she’d ever taken to her bed. Granted, she didn’t have more than a few men to compare him to, thanks to years of brushing off guys while waiting for Dean to finally notice her. But as things were shaping up, her patience would soon be paying off in spades.

  Dean posed for her, flexing his biceps as he turned his clenched hand this way and that. His dagger tattoo looked amazingly real on his arm.

  “These are military-issued guns. Cocked, loaded, and ready for action.” He kissed each enormous mound. “Impressed?”

  Boy, was she ever. Telling him though would only stroke his already hulking ego. “Are they inflated to help you stay buoyant when you’re on water missions? Do the other SEALs tie a rope around your ankle and toss you out to drowning victims?”

  He shook his head and smiled, creating the most adorable crinkles near the corners of his eyes. “You are a clever girl.”

  “That’s what I hear.” Mai pointed to his shorts. “You’ve still got on more clothes than I do, petty officer. If I need to remind you again, you’re going to drop and give me fifty.”

  “Since I’m supposed to be on vacation and not even thinking of working out, I guess I had better take them off.”

  He kicked off his leather sandals, sending them soaring across the kitchen. They landed with a bang near the table. Before he undressed any further, he reached into a pocket of his cargo shorts, pulled out a pager and his wallet, then placed them on the counter. “Sorry. Gotta keep an eye on the pager.”

  “I know, I know. You may get recalled. Whatever. Just keep going.”

  Waggling his eyebrows, Dean popped open the snap at the top of his shorts then took his sweet time unzipping the zipper. In an unexpected move, he turned on his heel. With the waistband of the shorts firmly in his grips, Dagger slowly shimmied the khaki material down his muscular legs. When it pooled around his feet, he stepped out of the puddle.

  She couldn’t be sure, but his tighty-whities didn’t exactly look military issued. Stretched snuggly across his ass, the briefs accentuated each rounded buttock in a most delicious manner. Mia licked her top lip. His was a backside she wouldn’t mind sinking her teeth into.

  Note to self. Hold on to those cheeks when he’s riding you and see if they are really as firm as they look.

  He tossed her a glance over his shoulder. “Think you can handle the rest?”

  Unwilling to continue feeding his self-esteem, Mia let out a huff of exasperation. “You’re stalling. If you’re that embarrassed about the size of your package, then let’s call the whole thing off. I already got my kiss. No need to draw this thing out.”

  “You say that now,” he growled, shaking his narrow hips provocatively. “But I think you’ll change your mind once I release the Kraken.”

  Mai groaned. “Leave it to a Navy man to compare his goods to a sea creature of gigantic proportions. If there are tentacles on that thing, I don’t—”

  “Shh.” He cut her off. “I think it’s awake.”

  Now the real show begins. If I had only known, I would have brought a wad of twenties.

  He grabbed the sides of his briefs. Bending his stiffened back, Dean dragged the tight material over the curved mass of his ass and down his legs. When he reached the floor, a quiet gasp escaped her mouth. Between his spread legs dangled two perfectly round balls and a thick length of cock, the head of which looked as big as a plum and just as nicely colored.

  “I heard that.”

  Heat rose to from her neck to her cheeks. Busted.

  She scrambled for a quick come back, but her mind was too wrapped around his junk to think clearly.

  He stood and turned back around, giving her a full view. Excitement coiled deep inside her belly. Before her stood a warrior. A warrior with a shit eating grin on his face, true. But a warrior nonetheless.

  Tanned, tight, and not an ounce of fat on him, Dean could have been a Spartan who stepped through time. Lord help any terrorist who happened to come across him on a mission. He looked strong enough to rip a bad guy apart, bit by bit, leaving nothing behind other than small, unidentifiable pieces. Thank goodness, he was on our side.

  Though she had seen him in swimming trunks many times during the summers they hung out together in Key West, Mia had never seen him completely naked. The whole picture. Now that she had, she wanted to kick herself for not trying to take a peek through Brice’s bedroom door years ago. There would have been hell to pay had she been caught, but the consequences would have totally been worth the reward.

oly frijoles.

  Heart pounding like a kettle drum, Mia clutched the edges of the counter to keep herself from falling to the floor. She was moments from touching every hard plane of his body, running her tongue along the chiseled flanks of his muscles, and taking his hard cock deep inside her wanting pussy.

  Is this all real?

  Her cunt squeezed in anticipation. She could feel the mounting pressure between her legs and her nipples tighten. Her entire body thrummed with building desire. She had never been so turned on in the entire twenty-seven years of her life.

  Dean picked up the melting Popsicle and strode toward her. Lust now burned behind his sparkling blue eyes where laughter had danced only moments before. His composure morphed from class clown to serious hunter. When he reached her, he lifted the dripping treat to her mouth and brushed the cold tip over her bottom lip.

  Mia licked at the coating of strawberry juice, relishing its sweet yet tangy flavor.

  “You like?” he asked.

  Unable to find her tongue, she nodded her reply.

  Once again, he glided the frozen pop over her lips. This time he leaned in and placed his mouth on hers. He parted her lips and tasted her fully, feasting on her tongue, her teeth, and the delicate roof of her mouth. When he’d had enough, he broke the kiss, but not before taking the opportunity to gently nip her bottom lip.

  “I like, too. Strawberry is a good flavor on you.” He dabbed the treat on both her cheeks then followed up with a lapping kiss. “Tastes good there, too. I wonder what it’s like on your neck.”

  Before she had a moment to prepare herself, he rubbed the frosted Popsicle on a patch of flesh just between her ear and jaw, then along the side of her neck. She sucked in a startled breath. Her back stiffened and goose bumps flared over her skin as cold shock mingled with unrestrained excitement. Heat replaced cool when Dean’s hot tongue traced the wet trail.

  He continued further down from her shoulders to her chest, then made rings around one of her breasts. Each circle became smaller as the pop traveled to the top of her tit, stopping only after he’d swiped at the tip of her nipple. Her back arched voluntarily when his mouth latched into her tender peak.

  Mia’s grip on the counter tightened as he increased the suction. Exquisite pain radiated from her chest to the apex of her sex, prodding more warm cream to flow to her feminine folds. When he grazed her nipple with his teeth, she cried out and let her head fall back, completely giving herself over to wonderful sensation.

  After thoroughly licking and sucking the one breast, he repeated the slow torture on the second. The Popsicle was melting faster now having been out of the freezer for so long. Tiny rivulets of red juice streamed down the valley of her abdomen and continued on to the juncture between her legs. No doubt she’d be sticky as a candied apple by the time Dean finished brandishing his frozen tool. Or would he be so thorough with his licking that he would find every last syrupy drop?

  I certainly hope so.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he rumbled into her belly as he made his way further down. “So sweet. So very sweet.”

  He’d taken such time and care with his foreplay that her pussy pulsed with aching need. When he reached her mound, she was wet and ready for his undivided attention. Each beat of her galloping heart sent forward a throb of want, creaming her cunt in keen expectancy.

  Shifting his hold of the frozen pop, Dean swirled the tip over and under the hood of her clit. The muscles in her legs tensed and her fingernails bit into the underside of the counter as a mighty tremor surged deep within. At once the frosty treat chilled her nub, but his hot mouth soon followed. Lazy twists of his lithe tongue soothed the inflicted pebble while inciting movement from her hips to better feel every minute stroke. He alternated slow swipes of the Popsicle with laps of his mouth. She had never known such unadulterated ecstasy.

  When she thought she couldn’t last a moment longer, he subtly moved to a lower target. After spreading the sensitive folds of her pussy with his fingers, he swiped the pop up and down her length, delivering a chilly thrill that curled her toes. Then he placed his mouth on her and licked all around before plunging it far into her channel.

  “Dean,” Mia called on a ragged breath. “That feels amazing. I can’t believe what you’re doing to me. Where did you learn how to do such naughty things?”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He looked up, his eyes shining like polished sapphires. “I had a feeling you would. You can thank an overactive imagination for everything.” He placed the remains of the strawberry Popsicle in his mouth and slowly withdrew it. “How do you like this?”

  With unimaginable gentleness, he inserted the Popsicle into her pussy. The walls of her cunt tightened around the cold treat, making her squirm in a most delicious way.

  “And now this.” Dagger bent over her clit and latched on, sucking and tugging, while slowly pushing and pulling the melting pop in and out of her. The combined effect had bright sparks of light dancing in front of her face as though the kitchen had magically morphed into a sparkly kingdom of fornication.

  Mia dared to let go of the counter and grabbed fistfuls of his mink-like hair, wanting even more. “Yes. Oh, yes. I love that. Don’t stop.”

  And more was what she got. For several blissful minutes, she enjoyed his skillful manipulation of her body. He clearly was in no hurry. Time was not an issue. Only her pleasure, which he lavished on her like a queen.

  Far too soon, however, the rising need to come overpowered her ability to hold her release at bay. Her back arched and her ass lifted from the counter as an orgasm crested, taking her over the edge of restraint and into mindless sensation. Every nerve ending tingled and every muscle contracted while wave after wave of electrified pulses flowed from her rapture. No matter what they did for the rest of their time together, Dean couldn’t top the incredible way she felt at this moment.

  But I sure won’t mind if he tries.

  Apparently satisfied with his efforts, Dean drew back and licked his smiling lips. He reached for his wallet and pulled out a small foil packet. He ripped open the square, removed the condom, and winked. “It’s ribbed for your pleasure.”

  She couldn’t resist a laugh that bubbled up from her like effervescent champagne. “I assure you, ribbed or not, I will be pleased. You’ve blown my socks off already. Anything else is going to be icing on the cake.”

  “Blowing socks off is a specialty of the SEALS, among other things of course. There’s a class we have to take for that. I aced all my tests.” Starting at the head of his cock, he slipped a loose fist over the engorged tip, then slid his hand over the entire length several times until it shined with a thin coating of pre-cum.

  Watching him manhandle himself was the biggest turn on she’d ever experienced. “I can’t tell you how hot that is.”

  “I’ll note that for further reference. Right now though, I’d like to finish what I’ve started with you.” Dean glided the condom over his girth. He plucked her from the countertop as though she weighed next to nothing. “Now wrap your legs around my waist. Good.”

  He grabbed hold of her ass to keep her anchored securely. Then, using immeasurable care, he eased Mia onto his hard cock, impaling her soaked chamber. Her breath caught as he continued to sink deeper, filling her completely.

  “Yes. So tight. You feel so good,” he murmured into her ear.

  Slowly at first, then faster, he thrust into her, robbing her breath with each powerful push. His skin grew slippery as a light sheen of perspiration glossed his back. Mia clasped her hands behind his neck and held on. This was one ride she did not want to see cut short.

  Grunting from his efforts, Dean plunged further, harder. He swayed a little, then pushed Mia’s back against the refrigerator while still pumping with vigorous strokes.

  She met his every movement with her own, pounding her lower body against the solid strength of his frame. Her heart hammered in her chest. The room around them became little more than a blur. Close to reaching h
er second climax, Mia focused on squeezing her core tightly to coax him into coming. As she succumbed to the ultimate peak, Dean joined her with a shuddering roar and a final, mind-blowing thrust.

  For several moments, they stayed in that position while they waited to catch their breaths. The cold metal refrigerator door helped cool her heated body. If only there was something she could lean against to ease her racing mind.

  He had what he wanted. True, she had, too. Having orchestrated the entire scene after a heads-up phone call from her brother, she would have been hugely disappointed had Dean not stayed and finally put them both out of the sexual misery they had suffered for so long. But now their urgent act of passion was over. What would be her next move? She was so certain she’d never get this far, she hadn’t bothered engineering anything else.

  She leaned her forehead into his broad shoulder and took in his soothing masculine scent. To her amazement, his grip on her ass tightened. “Ready for a swim as an end to the first act?”

  Surprised, Mia pushed back until she could see his handsome face. Was he kidding? “First act? Just how many acts are in this play?”

  He frowned after glancing at the kitchen clock as though giving the matter serious consideration. “I’d say at least ten. It’s still early and, unless you’ve got some place to be, there’s a few more, ah, camera angles,” he wagged his eyebrows, “I’d like to show you today. Keep in mind I’ve spent a lot of time on ships and in sniper holes with nothing to do other than perfecting moves in my head while I waited.”

  An intoxicating feeling, like drinking warmed brandy on a brisk night oozed from her bones to her pores. Ten more times meant he’d be with her for the rest of the day and into the night. There couldn’t be a better way of spending an evening or satisfying her need for him she’d built up over so many years.

  Don’t forget, he’ll soon be gone. Unless something short of a miracle happens, all of this is just temporary, even after a full day of lovemaking. You’ve got just this evening. Maybe a few more days. Don’t start believing there’s more to this than there really is. If you do, you’ll break your heart.


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