Ardyn & Zaria

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Ardyn & Zaria Page 8

by Jessica Cage

  “Welcome to Felidae!” Akasha made a grand gesture with her hands as the platforms lowered and faded into the ground beneath their feet.

  “There is a lot of magic at work here,” Boxi stated as she felt the energy flowing around them, fueling the city. There was something there that felt like home—it was out of place there.

  “Yes, some is fae, some is fairy, some … well, from others.” Akasha greeted her people as she walked by, even stopping to kiss a small girl on the cheek. “We have become well adept at bartering here. There is so much in our lands that others find beneficial. Minerals in the ground, plant life with valuable properties … there are still so many natural resources that we have yet to tap into. Fortunately, we are strong enough to protect it, so in order to gain access to that which is needed, and without starting another world war, a price has to be paid. Over the years, Felidae has been made into something extraordinary due to those bartering efforts.”

  “This is absolutely breathtaking.” Nitara stared at the high buildings and immaculate architecture that reminded her of the fairy’s home. The buildings mimicked their structures in the way that they appeared to grow from the ground, creating a seamless addition to the earth beneath them.

  “Yes, I know, most of the world views us as a primal species. They think when you come here we will all be living out of huts. Yet, that is not the case, especially here in the central zones. Yes, some prefer the simpler lifestyle, we just consider them as our suburbanites.” She laughed at her own joke as she lead the group farther down the pathway.

  Jinn grabbed Nitara’s hand to stop her from continuing with the others. “Do you feel that?” He had been bothered since they crossed the capital’s border, something in the pit of his stomach that gripped him and wouldn’t let go.

  “What?” She looked over her shoulder at the people who left them behind. “What’s wrong?”

  “Something about what Akasha just said.” He kept his voice low. “They use magic from different sources to create this place.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So, there is something familiar here and it’s not the fae or fairy magic, and it’s damn sure not the architecture,” he urged her to understand what he meant.

  When she caught on to what he was getting at, her eyes bulged but she kept the gasp from crossing her lips.

  “Daegal,” she whispered as if afraid that simply speaking his name would be enough to raise him from the dead.

  “So, you felt it, too?” Rosie appeared next to Nitara with fire in her eyes. “That son of a bitch was here. I can feel it in my damn bones.”

  “Doesn’t seem fresh, maybe he was here a long time ago,” Nitara offered, trying to comfort Rosie as she grabbed her hand.

  “Yeah, maybe, but I suggest we keep our eyes open.” Jinn wasn’t going to have the wool pulled over his eyes again.

  “Daegal is dead,” Nitara said to remind them, and to try to eliminate her own doubts.

  “Yeah, but he had a lot of enemies, ones that were just as powerful as he was. If he managed to survive all this time, there is no telling who else was capable of the same damn thing.” Jinn nodded toward the panther queen. “Who knows what they cultivated from this place, who knows what those special plants and minerals she mentioned are really capable of.”

  “Great. Just when I was finally starting to get that fucker out of my head.” Rosie grunted. “I’ll go tell Bruto. It’s probably best that we keep our suspicions to ourselves. I’m still not sure how I feel about our bubbly hostess here.”

  “Agreed.” Jinn glanced over his shoulder to the two cats who remained behind them, watching them closely. “No sense in stirring up any shit if it’s just a false alarm.”

  Felidae was different than the other capitals in the way that its back sat toward the water. Instead of being housed in the center most point of the city, it’s capitol building where the leader lived, looked over the wide ocean where it could monitor any visitors closely. Akasha’s home was as breathtaking as the rest of the city, if not more so. Outside, the steps that led to the palace doors, were lined with her guard, felines of every variety. She was a panther, and the predominant race of the capital were panthers, but a lot of species had migrated over to join her. As they approached, the guards all dressed in red and black, shifted on their heels and saluted their returning leader. She smiled proudly as they addressed her.

  It looked as if she would give another speech, but that was interrupted by three panthers who ran up on all fours, only shifting back to their human counterparts just before they reached the steps.

  “Akasha, we have a problem.” The foremost cat shifted into a tall, muscular woman and bowed to the queen before continuing. “We caught her trail, but it ended at the jaguar border.”

  “Oh, that’s not good.” Akasha frowned. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. We, of course, retreated from there.” She gave her queen a knowing look. “It was definitely fae, and only one scent trail.”

  “Good, very good.” She smiled. “Thank you, Jane, for the information. I will figure out how we go forward from here.”

  “What’s the problem?” Jinn questioned as he picked up on the tense exchanged.

  “Well, as with every community, there are those who do not agree with the progression of things. In our case, it is the jaguars who present that opposition. They believe that the power of our people has been shifted, somehow tainted by the exchange of goods for power. Convoluted ideas about how we’ve lost our way. It really is just foolish stubbornness. Our people must progress in the same way the rest of the world has. We have a treaty, an agreement that keeps both parties happy, but there are growing reports of factions building with the intent of attacking. So far, we haven’t had any real altercations, but this may be an indication that perhaps those rumors are true.”

  “Why is that?” Ardyn stepped forward. He hadn’t known things were so rocky within the feline territories, of course he’d been gone for decades and wasn’t well informed on anything within the shifter world anymore. Of all the places he’d monitored, he’d chosen to stay in the dark when it came to his home. It was just too painful to watch and not be able to be there.

  “It would appear that your friend crossed over into their territory, and no one is allowed to go there, especially those who are not jaguar, and even more so those who are not feline.” She frowned. “I dare not think of what this could mean. Perhaps our cousins have gotten over their aversion to magic outside of our own.”

  “Jaguars got a thing against fae?” Jinn interjected. “Do you think they will hurt her?”

  “They have a thing against everyone,” she pondered. “But, no, I doubt they will do anything unless she first poses herself as a threat to them. They are not a violent people regardless of how stubborn they can be. Hence the lack of follow through on the passing rumors.”

  “Good. Praia isn’t the threatening sort.” Nitara grabbed Jinn’s hand to calm his worry. They hadn’t come there for a fight, but if need be, they would do what had to be done. “There should be no reason for them to hurt her.”

  “We have set up the main hall for you all to rest and refuel.” Akasha dismissed Jane and the other cats with a nod of her head. After handing her cape to one of the guards, she adjusted the bun that sat atop her head. “There are some things I need to tend to as we figure out the best way to proceed. There is plenty of food and drink for you to enjoy. I’m sure you all must be in need of a good meal!”

  They were all directed to a massive hall that was adorned in statues of panthers in all sizes. Five long tables sat in rows and were covered with food. Akasha made sure that they would be properly fed. At the head of the hall was the throne where Akasha would sit, and above that, a large chandelier that when looked at from the front appeared to be a snarling panther face. Eagerly the wolves and dragons took to the food and stuffed their faces without question. While everyone dug in, Jinn, Nitara, Rosie, and Bruto decided best to withstand the urge to eat.

  “You’re looking a bit better.” Zaria pulled up the seat next to Ardyn, and placed her plate loaded with food on the table. They hadn’t had a moment alone since their meditation. In an effort to cause him less stress with his ex, she’d tried to keep her distance. “Not quite as pale as you were yesterday.”

  “I am, thank you.” Ardyn felt himself relax and his wolf perk up the moment she sat down. “For a moment there I thought you were avoiding me.”

  “Just spreading the fire love with everyone.” She nudged his shoulder with hers. “I hope you’re going to continue.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Meditation, it works wonders.” She popped a vegetable in her mouth. “You’re reconnected to your wolf now. Continued meditation will only strengthen that.”

  “I do plan to continue. This is the best I’ve felt in a very long time. I feel whole again.” The scoff from a nearby Ryesen pulled his attention to her. She’d been eavesdropping on their conversation which she found so disgusting that she chose to leave the room instead of listening to any more of it.

  “You and her, the two of you are quite the hot topic you know.” Zaria followed his gaze. “Everyone is buzzing about what’s going on with you guys.”

  “Is that right?” The chuckle that came from him was meant to mask how uncomfortable he felt with the subject matter. “So many troubles in the world and we’re the headline. Seems shortsighted.”

  “Oh yeah, many debates are forming as to what will happen. Reconciliation or an act of revenge.” She waggled her brows and hummed a haunting tune.

  “Very funny. You mind sharing with me your theory on all of this?” Ardyn was curious to know how she felt about being around Ryesen and about the attraction that existed between the two of them. Instead of being straightforward, he danced around the issue.

  “I haven’t formed an opinion either way.” She joined him in his dance.

  “Why is that?”

  “I tend not to fantasize about things.” She sipped from her glass. “I find that oftentimes it only leads to disappointment.”

  “How would you be disappointed?” He turned in his seat to face her and she did the same.

  “If I were to allow myself to imagine how things should go here, you wouldn’t end up with her. At least not in my version. Now, to sit around fantasizing about that would be wrong, because either way you look at it someone gets hurt and I’m not rooting for heartache.” She touched his shoulder, grabbed her plate, and went to sit with Inda.

  Ardyn watched every step that carried her away from him. She’d just dropped a bombshell on him and it was one he welcomed. She hadn’t outright admitted her feelings for him, but she’d done enough. Zaria wanted him, or at least she didn’t want him to end up with someone else. His heart raced, and for the first time since he decided to go back home, he no longer regretted the decision.

  “I’m so glad to see you here. It’s been so long since I was around another phoenix. I miss home so much.” Zaria smiled and hugged Inda who stood happily to embrace her knowing how much she needed the connection. They had yet to find a moment to be alone and she didn’t want to prolong it any longer.

  “Home misses you as well.” She touched her hair and shook her head. “The word about you, about what happened to you, it spread fast. The entire realm mourned the loss of you.”

  “I wish that we knew each other before this, that you knew my family, and could tell me about them.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t, but I promise you this, on my next trip home I will find them for you.” Inda vowed knowing that her family would be thrilled to know that Zaria was alive and well.

  “That would mean the world to me!” Zaria pulled up a chair next to Inda’s and they both sat down. “I suppose it’s not that bad. My last communications with them seemed good, but that was nearly a decade ago. The time shift is a tough one to deal with. What seems like days to them, is years here on Earth.”

  “It is.” Inda’s eyes found Jax as she thought about the time they’d lost together and then Ardyn who watched Zaria so intently. “So, is there something there?”

  Zaria glanced over her shoulder at Ardyn who quickly averted his gaze. “For a moment, I really thought that there might be, but now I’m not so sure. I think he may still have a thing for the female wolf with the attitude problem. Would have been nice, two freaks finding some freaky love.” She laughed and sipped from her drink.

  “I wouldn’t be so quick to write that off. I’ve seen that look before.” She nodded at Jax who stood at the bar whispering with Jinn. “Can’t seem to get rid of him now.”

  “Not that you want to.” Zaria laughed.

  “You’re right, he’s kinda grown on me. However, you won’t find me confessing that to him.”

  “What do you think of this place?” Zaria shifted focus from the men who confounded them to the business of them being in panther land.

  “You mean that innate feeling that something just isn’t quite right?” Inda nodded. “My gut hasn’t been steady since that queen of theirs made her appearance at the border.”

  “Same here. Doesn’t help that Nitara and the others were whispering with worried faces when we got here. They’re clearly keeping something hush, but like you said, I have this feeling in my gut that is telling me that things aren’t exactly what they seem to be around here.”

  “Glad I’m not the only one. Maybe we can get something out of Nitara, get a little girl talk going and see if she spills?” Inda was already plotting and was glad to see the look of agreement on Zaria’s face.

  “Looks like we will have to try that out later.” Zaria swept her eyes to the door of the hall that swung open and Akasha walked in with her guard in tow.

  “I hope that you all have enjoyed this feast. I know that traveling can be hard on the body and the mind!” Akasha made her flamboyant entrance. “We’re ready to move out.”

  “Are you going to give us a game plan?” Jinn approached. “I don’t like the idea of walking into what you described to be hostile territories with no plan in place.”

  “Yes, of course. But before we get into all that, I would like to take a moment to introduce you to the team that will be joining us for this adventure. They’ve all come in their cat form as a way for you to recognize them when we leave here. Be careful to familiarize yourself with those who are on your side. If anything were to ever happen out there … well, that won’t be the time to be trying to figure out who has your back and who is aiming for it.” Behind her, seven cats appeared in the doorway. Two were panthers, one Lynx, one cougar, a lioness, a snow leopard, and a clouded leopard. As she introduced them they shifted into their human forms. “Lorraine is a Sunda Clouded leopard, she is fierce and competitive and quite like a sister to me. Ardyn, you’ve met her before. Cleo is a Snow leopard, she is cunning and inventive, a great mind to have on our side. Senaria is a lioness, strong and calculating. Joe is our cougar, he is loyal and brave. Casey is the lynx, she is smaller but don’t count that as a weakness. And our panthers, despite their white fur, are Nila and Nira, they are twins and the absolute best of my guard. Where I go, they go.”

  “It’s nice to meet you all. Thank you all for coming here, we appreciate you joining us in our effort to save our friend,” Ardyn spoke before addressing Akasha. “What is the plan here?”

  “We will go to the jaguar boundary and there we will meet with Magua, their leader. He must grant us permission.” She looked at the empty tables which were once overflowing with food. “I’ve sent word ahead to the jaguar guard. They will be expecting our arrival. Should I order more food for you all before we go?”

  “No, what you have provided is more than enough.” Nitara shook her head. The wolves and the dragons had just about cleared every table with very little help from anyone else in the room.

  “What we need to do seems simple enough. Why do we have to keep going through all of these formalities? We’ve done that twice already and its only slowing us down." R
ick spoke unconcerned with the amount of food their group had to eat. “More customary crap to deal with.”

  “Yes, but,” Akasha raised a brow at the frustrated dragon, “the climate between us and the jaguars is quite sensitive now. I know that you would like to skip the formalities, but it just cannot be done that way. We will get you to your friend, in time.”

  “So how should we approach?” Jax asked, and shot Rick a glance that told him to chill. He had one more time to have an outburst and Jax would have to send him back to the safehouse.

  “We will go, with just a few of your men, and the rest will have to wait here until we can send word that they can join us as well. We need to convince Magua that we aren’t there to cause troubles.”

  “Who do you suggest we bring along?”

  “Ardyn, of course, and I would suggest that he decide the others. We need this to be handled with care. Bring only those you trust to be discreet and who will treat these matters with the utmost sensitivity. Once you have your team, we will move our conversation elsewhere to discuss things further.”

  “Great,” Ardyn sighed. He didn’t want to turn to the room of faces, the captain forced to choose his team.

  “So?” Akasha leaned in.

  “Oh, choose now?”

  “Yes, please. Time isn’t exactly on our side.”

  “Well, Jinn, Nitara, obviously it makes sense for you to be there. Bruto as well, and Jax and Rick, and um, well …” He scratched his head and stared at the floor. “Zaria, I would like you to be there as well." The returned smile and nod of agreement from Zaria was enough to block out the frustrated scoff and heavy stomps of Ryesen as she exited the space. Ardyn was sure not to look in her direction, no doubt she would be flipping him off.


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