Fighting For Them

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Fighting For Them Page 5

by Lia Davis

  Cassia must have noticed my reaction and sensed my anxiety. “His ribs are broken. I’m helping to speed the healing process. There isn’t any internal bleeding. In fact, the broken ribs are the worst of it.”

  I sagged into Wyatt as relief flooded my system. He climbed on the bed and gathered me in his lap. Trevor linked his fingers with mine and gently ran his thumb over my knuckles.

  Zane watched me from where he stood behind Cassia. I stared back and narrowed my eyes. If he thought I was going to break, he didn’t know me at all. Out of all the emotions I felt swirling inside me, the need for revenge was my fuel, my strength. One side of his sensual mouth lifted.

  Damn wolf.

  Cassia removed her hand from over Dimitri and stepped back. “He’ll need to rest.”

  “Thank you. If there is ever anything you need, just ask.” Something nagged at my intuition but I couldn’t get a clear vision on what it was. I’d have to talk to Zane about keeping an eye on Cassia.

  Cassia nodded and left the room. Tory said her goodbyes and followed the Healer.

  Zane motioned with his head toward the door and Wyatt and Trevor each kissed my cheek then exited the bedroom. My wolf stalked over and kissed my mouth. “Stay with him until he wakes. We’re going to research and form a plan.”

  As much as I wanted to be a part of the planning session, I needed to be with D more. For my own selfish desire to be close to him after my father stole him. Also, the guilt ate at me. It was my ward Salrus broke through. My carelessness of believing he couldn’t break through it weighed heavy on my heart.

  And Wade had fallen under Salrus’s control. Because of the Sleeping Stone.

  Movement on the bed jolted me awake. Panic tightened my chest and I sat up, scanning the room for a threat. I relaxed when I met Dimitri’s gaze.

  The swelling was gone and the bruises were a faded yellowish color. The miracles of a Healer. I owed Tory and Cassia for helping Dimitri.

  Lifting my hand, I touched his cheek. “How are you feeling?’

  Taking my hand, he pressed a kiss to my palm. “Better. Thank you.”

  I melted into him. All the tension from the last few months left my body, making me feel like I had jelly for bones. I cuddled into him, not wanting to leave his side.

  With a gentle squeeze, he kissed my temple. “As much as I don’t want to move, I need a shower.”

  Jumping up, I offered my hand to help him up. “Let me help you.”

  He sat up and took my hand, then let out a chuckle. “I can mange.”

  “It would be more fun if I helped.” I gave him my best pout. Then again, he could just want some privacy. “Unless you want to be alone for a few.”

  I tugged my hand from his. Before I could step away, he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me close. “That’s not what I meant.” He sighed and pressed his ear to me, putting the top of his head just under my breast. “I…I don’t want you waiting on me and fussing over me. I just…”

  I lifted his face to me. “I’ve been worried sick over you for the last few months. I deserve to fuss over you a little.”

  His sensual lips lifted. “Fair enough.” He stood and kissed me. “Lead the way.”

  A wide smile tugged at my lips. I linked fingers with him and led him to the bathroom attached to my room. Once inside the bathroom, I pushed his shirt up and he finished taking it off. Then he removed his jeans. My eyes landed on the demon mark on his wrist and I frowned.

  Dimitri must have noticed because he said, “Claim it as yours. I can’t stand being able to sense him.”

  Taking his hand, I brought his wrist to my lips and pressed a kiss. “I claim this mark as my own and the witch as my bonded mate, to join the link with Zane, Trevor, Wyatt, and myself.”

  Dimitri sucked in a breath. His brown eyes glowed a golden color for a brief moment. Then he cupped my ass and lifted me off the ground while kissing me. Our tongues danced, igniting the wildfire.

  “You were the only thing that kept me sane.”

  I pressed a finger to his lips. “Salrus will pay. We’ll get him.” I kissed his nose. “Now, how about that shower?”

  His smile widened and he turned to the shower. I admired his lean but fit body as he adjusted the water. My skin tingled with the rising desire for him.

  When he glanced at me over his shoulder, catching me ogling him, he lifted a brow. “You’re still clothed.”

  I willed my clothes off and stepped under the warm sprays of the shower. Dimitri let out a groan and entered the shower, closing the glass door behind him. Raw sexual hunger darkened his gaze.

  He closed the gap between us and cupped one of my breasts, rolling the nipple between his fingers. Pleasure burned within and made my core throb with need. It’d been two months too long since I’d been about to touch him.

  Breaking the kiss, he trailed his lips down my jaw to my neck. He lifted me so I could wrap my legs around his waist. With a quick thrust, he entered me. Pleasure overrode my senses. I moved with him, each thrust driving him deeper while pushing me farther over the edge.

  The orgasm slammed into me in convulsing waves. I tightened my legs around him and hugged him close. Soon, he followed with his own climax.

  We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to. Our bond allowed our emotions to flow freely between us.

  I knew without words, that he loved me as much as I loved him.

  Chapter 8

  I followed Dimitri to the living room where Zane, Wyatt, and Trevor were quietly talking about Salrus. They lifted their heads at the same time as we entered the room.

  Trevor asked, “How are you feeling?”

  Dimitri sat on the sofa and held a hand out to me. “I’m good. I’ll be better when Wade is out of Salrus’s influence and the demon is dead.”

  “Won’t we all,” Wyatt replied.

  Then Zane filled D in on what’d been going on. “A council member by the name Lewis Walker told us where Salrus likes to hang out. That’s how we found you. He has two half-breed daughters and is searching for them.”

  Dimitri nodded. “Lewis was my parents’ contact within the council. He was also their friend. I’m not surprised he’d reach out. As for his daughters, they split ways a few years ago. The oldest one, Brooke I believe, left Cassia in your pack’s care a couple of years ago.”

  I studied Dimitri as I sat beside him. He sighed and pulled me into his lap. Zane came over, lifted my feet, and sat next to Dimitri. He lowered my legs on his lap and held onto them. His relief and contentment flowed through the mating bond. Zane and his wolf were happy Dimitri was home.

  “How do you know about the girls?” I asked.

  Dimitri smirked. “Salrus is a wealth of information. Apparently, he’s been digging up intel on the council and the half-breeds. He kept notes on everything. What he planned to do with the info, I haven’t a clue.”

  I tsked and growled. “I don’t care what his plan is. He needs to die and the Sleeping Stone needs to be destroyed.”

  The guys all nodded at the same time. Dimitri added, “The demon wears the stone around his neck and seems to be drawing power from it. It’s not going to be easy to get it.”

  “Nothing is ever easy.” I thought about my mom’s journal. “Mom put a spell on the journal. The second half appears blank. I discovered it is actually spelled to look blank. I don’t know how to undo it.”

  “Do you think she’d give you information she didn’t want anyone else to see?”

  I met Dimitri’s gaze and nodded. “I believe so. At least info she didn’t want the council to see.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I think I know how to undo the spell. Could you get it?”

  Nodding, I conjured the book in my hands, then opened it to the first set of blank pages. Dimitri brushed his fingers over the pages, barely touching them. After a moment, he said, “There’s dark magic mixed in the spell.”

  I frowned at him and glanced at his face. His brows where bunched. When he made eye contact w
ith me, his features softened. “This is a guess, but your blood might unlock it. Dark magic usually involves a sacrifice or blood.”

  Frowning, I studied the blank page. I was half demon and didn’t know half the stuff I should know. Instead, I spent too many years hiding from that part of me in a mental hospital.

  Dimitri cupped my chin and lifted my face so our eyes met. “You had no way of knowing any of this would happen. Hell, I spent the last ten years afraid of magic. The short time with your father opened my eyes to what we all need to do. There is a collection of reference books on demonology and curses in the coven library. Although…I’m not sure how many books survived the attack.”

  The coven had a library? Then again, I hadn’t had the time to explore to find out where anything was. Seeing the ruins of what my father did saddened me. It also fueled my anger. “We should see what we can salvage from the library and other places. After my father and the council are dealt with, I’d like to rebuild the coven.”

  Dimitri’s features lit up, then he kissed my lips. “Does that mean you’ll be staying with us?”

  I bunched my brows and glanced to Zane, then Wyatt and Trevor. Wasn’t it obvious? Well, maybe not to Dimitri because he’d been away the last few months. “All of you are stuck with me. We’ll fight as long as we have to, to ensure the para communities are united again. I want Wade back, too.”

  “We’ll get him back.” Dimitri hugged me close and kissed my head. “I do have to warn you, he’s not the same. Salrus had to transform him to bring him back to life.”

  Sitting up, I stared into Dimitri’s brown eyes. “Transform how?”

  Wade appeared normal at the abandoned house Salrus used as a hideout. The only difference I saw was his wounds from the accident were gone.

  “He’s not human and needs blood to stay to alive. However, he’s not a vampire.” Dimitri frowned.

  “Because vamps are a subspecies of demons, living, breathing beings. They can reproduce and are born, not created.” Zane kept his words flat, but I could hear the low hum of a growl mixed in.

  Trevor spoke next. “Undead. Wade is an undead. Demonic, non-living version of a vampire.”

  My stomach soared and my heart beat so fast I thought it would leap out of my chest. Fear rattled my soul. “What does that mean? Is he lost to us?”

  Zane reached for my hands as Dimitri messaged my nape. Zane explained. “No, not from what I could tell. He warned us to leave and fought off the effects of the stone and Salrus’s command to kill us. My guess is he may not be affected by the stone like most.”

  Dimitri nodded, then nudged me. “There is a book in the ritual room that might help. While we’re up there, you can see if your blood unlocks the spell your mom put on her journal.”

  I stood, but studied him for a moment. “You should rest more. We could go up and research the undead later.”

  “She’s right. Wade can wait.” Wyatt frowned. The sadness rolled off him and I wanted to gather him in my arms, make all the hurt go away.

  Trevor linked his fingers with Wyatt and added, “If he kept any part of himself during the transition, then he’ll come back to us. If not, we’ll go after him once Salrus is dead.”

  I couldn’t agree more. As much as I wanted Wade home, dealing with the demon was a bigger issue. Conjuring a knife, I pointed at the journal. “Is there a chant I should speak?”

  “Could be. Did your mom have a favorite saying or something she said all the time?” Dimitri asked, meeting my gaze.

  A sigh slipped from my lips. Mom and I did have something we made up. If we were ever separated, we’d use the words to find one another.

  I inhaled, pricked my finger with the point of the knife, and then exhaled as I positioned my finger over the journal. “Purple Dragons.”

  The drop of blood hit the page and expanded to cover the page. When the pages turned red, purplish smoke rose from the book. Dimitri frowned and carefully set the book on the coffee table in front of him. I turned to face it, watching and waiting.

  Sparks of magic kissed my awareness. The pages turned back to the off-white coloring as if they absorbed the blood. The swirl of smoke rose in the air, over my head, and hovered close to the ceiling.

  “Reese.” Dimitri’s tone held concern and I held out my hand.

  “What’s happening?” Zane growled. His Alpha power filled the mating bond.

  Glancing at Trevor and Wyatt, I saw the fear creeping in their depths. Then, I felt it. The familiar magic I grew up with, clung to when I was scared. Breathing in deep, I spoke her name on the exhale. “Mom.”

  Maxine Summers materialized beside me, her ghostly form turning solid so everyone in the room could see her. My mother was as beautiful as the day she died protecting me. Instantly I lunged for her, wrapping my arms around her. “I need your help,” I blurted with tears filling my eyes.

  “I’ve been here all along.” Mom pulled back and framed my face in her hands. “You are stronger than you want to admit. Salrus is afraid of you, that’s why he plays these games.” She scowled and released me. “Seriously, kidnapping?”

  “He turned Wade into an undead.” I hugged my waist. Dimitri stood and placed his hands on my shoulders.

  Mom studied us for a moment, then the other three guys. A slow smile formed on her lips, brightening her features. “It’s been a very long time since families were formed.”

  Huh? “Families?” I asked her.

  She nodded and motioned for us to sit. “There is a lot to tell you and not much time. I’ll give you the short version. Although I believe you know most of it. Families, as some called them, others used the term harems, are when a witch finds three or more males to mate with. Before the council formed, female witches held the power of her bloodline. Some found it hard to balance all that magic and sought out the strongest males she could find to bond with.”

  I glanced at my guys. Is that what I did? Wade was the one to find me. “They found me.”

  Mom laughed lightly. “There are stories that the gods choose our families. I believe in this case, you were all put together for a purpose.”

  “To stop Salrus.”

  “And stop the corruption in the council.” Mom picked up the journal. “I told Wade where to find this. He tried to get me to come to you. I did, but couldn’t let you know until I knew you were ready to fight.”

  My heart ached and my stomach churned with nervous energy. “I know what I need to do, but I don’t feel ready.”

  “You’ve completed the bond with four of your five mates. Even though Wade is under Salrus’s control right now, he fights him and is still yours to claim.” With a sigh, Mom drifted around the room.

  “We need to plan how to trap the demon,” Zane said.

  As much as I agreed a good plan was great to have, the reality was Salrus would know we were setting him up. “My father may be evil, but he’s not stupid. He’s expecting us to trap him or call him out. He wants a fight and believes he will win.”

  A wicked grin formed on Zane’s mouth. “Then we let him believe he can. Play off his ego, then outsmart him.” He cupped my chin and stared into my eyes. “There will be parts of the plan you can’t know about.”

  I hated secrets but in this case, I’d allow the guys to keep them. Salrus would instantly pull information from my mind. As his daughter, I was connected to him whether I liked it or not.

  It was a good thing I added the extra protection in my mating marks with my guys that kept Salrus and other high-level demons out of their minds.

  “It’s expected.” I kept my tone flat and free from emotions. By the looks on Zane’s, Wyatt’s, and Trevor’s faces, they’d already formed a plan. “What can I know and when are we summoning the demon?”

  Zane kissed me quick on the lips. “Right after I talk to my father. We’re going to need backup.”

  Chapter 9


  It’d been ten years since I saw my father face-to-face. Even though Tory said the old
man had seen the truth and was actively protecting the pack against the council, I wasn’t sure how the meeting would go. We didn’t get along when I lived with him. I wondered many times if he used the demon mark as an excuse to kick me out.

  Our viewpoints on what the pack needed were like day and night. Of course, his argument was I wasn’t old enough to know what our people needed.

  Reese touched my hand and I met her stare. Soft blue eyes narrowed at me and I smiled. “Don’t scold me for being angry at my father.”

  She rolled her eyes but her lips lifted in a sensual smile. “I’m not scolding. Not yet. Just reminding you to play nice.”

  A growl rumbled in my chest. My mate was hot when she was being bossy. Closing the gap between us, I cupped her nape and drew her in until I claimed her lips. Passion and desire flooded the mating bond as she wrapped her arms around me, scoring my back with her nails.

  A clearing of a throat made my wolf snarl. I lift my head and met the amused gaze of my father. Holding Reese close to my side, I studied Dad. He appeared tired and older. Only shifters didn’t age that much in a ten-year period.

  Reese must have noticed or felt my concern because she fisted my T-shirt at my back.

  Dad held my gaze and shook his head in a silent not now command. “I’m glad you called.”

  Was he? Reese pinched my side, making me jerk. After a quick glance at her, I focused back on Dad. “I have proof that it wasn’t me or my friends that called the demon.”

  An uncomfortable silence settled between us. My wolf paced, not liking the uneasiness and fear rolling off Dad. Reese squeezed my hand, encouraging me to have patience.

  Finally, Dad said, “So do I. Actually, I’ve seen what the council is capable of and put the pieces together.”

  The old man did something I’d never expect him to do. He knelt down and bared his neck to me. My heart stuttered and I fell back a step, surprised at the submission from my father, my Alpha. “What are you doing?”


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