Avenge Me

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by Maisey Yates


  Austin Treffen was born into a world of privilege, but behind its gilded doors lies a corruption so sordid New York’s elite would never believe it—especially as his infamous philanthropic father is at its core! With everything he believed in shattered, how can Austin take down his father—risking his family name and those he loves—without any proof?

  Until one earth-shattering night with Katy Michaels unlocks not only their deepest, most passionate desires but also the key to bringing Jason Treffen’s reign to an end. But with an intense sexual attraction that combines a heady mix of exquisite pleasure and sublime pain, will they satiate their thirst for revenge and each other…or lose themselves forever in the darkness?

  All about the author…Maisey Yates

  MAISEY YATES knew she wanted to be a writer even before she knew what it was she wanted to write.

  At her very first job she was fortunate enough to meet her very own tall, dark and handsome hero, who happened to be her boss, and promptly married him and started a family. It wasn’t until she was pregnant with her second child that she found her very first Harlequin Presents® book in a local thrift store. By the time she’d reached the happily ever after, she had fallen in love. She devoured as many as she could get her hands on after that, and she knew that these were the books she wanted to write!

  She started submitting, and nearly two years later, while pregnant with her third child, she received The Call from her editor. At the age of twenty-three, she sold her first manuscript to the Harlequin Presents® line, and she was very glad that the good news didn’t send her into labor! She still can’t quite believe she’s blessed enough to see her name on not just any book, but on her favorite books.

  Maisey lives with her supportive, handsome, wonderful, diaper-changing husband and three small children across the street from her parents and the home she grew up in, in the wilds of southern Oregon. She enjoys the contrast of living in a place where you might wake up to find a bear on your back porch, then walk into the home office to write stories that take place in exotic, urban locales.

  * * *

  “Yates’ visually powerful narrative tells a timely, heartbreaking story starring an unforgettable couple.”

  —RT Book Reviews on The Couple who Fooled the World

  “Yates’ tale of loss, pain and love’s salvation is simply incredible.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Heir to a Dark Inheritance

  “This enticing storyline keeps pages turning, and her words flow; Yates’ hero and heroine entertain with their sarcasm, endear when masks come off and sear with their lovemaking.”

  —RT Book Reviews on His Ring is Not Enough

  “Yates skillfully creates an improbable duo whose cultural and professional differences are no match for love, in a story that is compassionate, heartbreaking and hot.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Heir to a Desert Legacy

  The Fifth Avenue series

  AVENGE ME Maisey Yates

  SCANDALIZE ME Caitlin Crews

  EXPOSE ME Kate Hewitt

  Other titles by Maisey Yates available in ebook:




  A HUNGER FOR THE FORBIDDEN (Sicily’s Corretti Dynasty)


  Avenge Me



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen




  It was supposed to be an evening of bland conversation. That was what Alex, Hunter and he did every year. Drinks and bland conversation. The kind of conversation that skirted around anything of interest or meaning. That lay thick like graveyard dirt over the skeletons of the past.

  Buried beneath talk of 401(k)s, football statistics and current events. So deep that it was easy to forget they were all dining over a coffin.

  Unfortunately, the letter he had in his hand was the damned shovel.

  It was going to unearth everything. He didn’t think there would be a bland enough topic in existence to ever put the ghosts to rest again.

  Austin looked at the two men sitting across from him. The men he’d once called his best friends. Men who had become little more than distant strangers over the past ten years.

  Hunter was throwing out some sort of B.S. line about how much more action he’d get now that he’d been ousted from the NFL, and Alex was nodding along. All a bunch of shallow nothing, but then, what else would they talk about?

  They were barely acquaintances now. Acquaintances who met every year on the grimmest of anniversaries and never once spoke of why they’d gathered. Acquaintances who could barely look each other in the eye.

  But then, that was what bland conversation did, he supposed. It kept bad memories at bay and old friends at a distance. A distance that wasn’t an accident. Not in the least.

  But they didn’t have time for distance now. Didn’t have time for circular talk that meant less than nothing. Not now. Not when he had the letter burning a hole straight through to his skin.

  Austin reached into the interior pocket of his jacket and ran his fingers over the folded document. He pulled it out and put it on the table, white paper blending into the pristine white cloth.

  Strange. He’d half expected it to leave a crimson stain.

  “I’m afraid the usual dinner of denial and quiet regret will not be served tonight,” he said.

  “What the hell?” Hunter said, deadpan, not making a move for the letter, waiting for an explanation. Austin found that he didn’t have the words.

  It was Alex who picked it up and opened it. He skimmed it then handed it to Hunter. “What the hell is this?” he asked, reframing Hunter’s question with more intensity.

  “The truth. At least, I believe it is.” Austin sat down, wrapping his fingers around the fork to his left and resting his thumb on the tines, gradually increasing the pressure until he nearly broke the skin. “My father, Jason Treffen, sainted advocate for women in the workplace, tireless defender of the downtrodden and harassed, did in fact cause a woman to commit suicide because of his unwanted advances. Because of his actions.” He released his hold on the fork and let it drop onto the table. “I’m afraid of what he might have done to her. I mean...I knew it was bad. I knew...because of what she did. What she felt she had to do. But I didn’t really believe that he’d touched her. Now...”

  “This is why she did it.” The statement came from Hunter. His voice was rough, his eyes unfocused. Alex’s dark eyes were glued to Hunter, as if waiting to see what the other man might do.

  Austin knew they were all thinking the same thing. Of the same night.

  And the same woman.


  “I think so,” he said.

  “Where did you get the info?” Alex asked.

  “Anonymously provided. Naturally.”

  “Naturally,” said Hunter.

  “It didn’t come to me,” he said, his voi
ce rough. “It came to the pro bono office. Publicly it’s not very well connected with me, and I doubt whoever sent it knew that I would end up with it. Since I’m rarely in the office I might not have seen it.... But it was passed on to me by Travis Beringer, an old classmate of ours who volunteers at the place on occasion. It’s from a woman asking for help. Because my damned father has been getting so much media attention. Since he and all his good works are about to be profiled on the largest talk show in the country. Given the nature of the contents, and knowing something about Sarah, Travis thought I should see it.”

  “And someone has evidence that he...that he drove Sarah to her death by harassing her? Assaulting her?” Hunter asked.

  “It’s not evidence. Not real evidence. It’s wild accusation. Assumption that what he did to her caused her to kill herself.”

  “You believe it, Austin?” Alex asked.

  “Hell yeah.” Not that he was happy about it. He’d been sick to his stomach since he’d gotten the damn thing two days ago. But he believed it.

  The suspicion had always been there, along with the guilt. Along with a call that had gone unanswered and a voice mail he hadn’t listened to until it was too late.

  But there had been no proof. Still, it had been enough for him to cut ties with his father. For him to relegate his family to holiday visits. Lunches with his mother and sister at hotels rather than at the Treffen estate.

  Now the suspicion was turning into certainty. Truth gnawed through his last remaining shreds of doubt. For two days now, he’d been replaying his last conversation with Sarah. Over and over again. The last time he ever saw her alive.

  She’d looked so brittle. So sad and tired...

  “This job is much more demanding than I ever could have imagined, Austin. I’m just so...tired. And I don’t like the kinds of things I have to do.”

  “That’s being a lawyer, honey,” he said, laughing. “Sometimes you have to defend things that seem indefensible. But in the end, you trust the court system.”

  “I’m not sure I trust anything anymore.”

  “You’ll get more jaded. You’ll get used to it.”

  “I don’t think I will. I need your help, Austin. It’s about...it’s about your father.”

  He hadn’t bothered to listen. Not really. He’d been buzzing over his admittance into an incredible law program. Over his father’s promise to secure him a position at his firm, to make him a partner. He’d been too intoxicated by all the power to care. To truly hear her. The weight behind her words. The sadness. No, he was too focused on himself. And why not? Life had always been there to serve him. He had it all; he had it easy.

  His family name was everything, and he traded on it.

  Like father like son and all.

  Then Sarah had thrown herself off a building. And the rumors had begun. The first hint that Jason Treffen might not be the saint that others imagined him to be, but Austin hadn’t listened. He had ignored it all for too long.

  Until that final confrontation. When he’d walked away from his father’s firm for good.

  The family got more money than they deserved. She was taken care of. A misunderstanding.

  All these excuses. So like the men his father had pretended to disdain for all those years. He was one of them. One of those men who assumed he could take whatever he wanted from women simply because he was a man. Because he held power over them.

  And now this. So much more than he’d ever imagined. That he had harassed her so badly she’d killed herself.

  But history gave him no reason to doubt it.

  “And he’s still getting his This Is Your Life B.S. all over the news?” Hunter asked.

  “Yes. Yes, he is.”

  “Well. Screw that.”

  “I agree,” said Alex.

  “I do, too, but what the hell do we do about it?”

  “You’re the lawyer, Austin. It seems like you should be able to think of something. Something legal and shit,” Hunter said.

  “That’s the problem. I have nothing legal. Nothing that will stand up in court.”

  Alex leaned in. “Then we’ll have to find something.”

  “For what purpose?”

  Hunter looked down at his knuckles, and Austin’s eyes followed his line of sight and noticed the faint purple bruises that colored the skin there. Hunter tightened his hand into a fist. “If he had anything to do with Sarah’s death, and I think we’ve all suspected it, always, then I’ll do whatever I have to do in order to bring him down.” He looked back up, his eyes meeting Austin’s. “I mean it. I’ll end him. Run him off the top of a building. Just like he did to her.”

  The violence in Hunter’s tone left little doubt in Austin’s mind that his friend wasn’t speaking figuratively.

  Part of him rejected the thought. Because no matter how evil, Jason was his father. Because his blood was in Austin’s veins. The same blood that kept his heart pumping. It was hard to hate it entirely, even when he should.

  “To the bloody end, then?” Austin asked. “Even if it means destroying my family?”

  Alex put his palms flat on the table. Spread the paper out flat. “She killed herself, Austin. Because of him. How many more women has he touched like he did her? How many more? If we don’t stop it, it keeps going.” He looked up at Austin. “And then we’re just as guilty. Then we’re no different.”

  No different.

  Austin had privately feared that very thing for a long time.

  But it wouldn’t be true. He’d make sure it ended up not being true.

  “Well, then,” Austin said, standing. “Let’s end it.”

  Chapter One

  Treffen Christmas Ball Set To Be As Glittering As Ever!

  With a national honor for his good works on the horizon, celebrated women’s advocate Jason Treffen is preparing to host his annual Holiday Ball. Though once overshadowed by a tragedy that occurred during the festivities a decade ago, Treffen has never canceled the event, and Manhattan’s elite all clamor for an invitation. It’s even rumored that Jason’s son, New York’s other premier attorney, will be in attendance.

  The younger Treffen has skipped the event since the unpleasantness ten years ago, which seemed to have caused a rift between father and son—the only tarnish on an otherwise glossy legacy. Could this finally be the reconciliation that the public has long hoped to see?

  Reconciliation. There was no chance for it, and yet his father had bought into his reason for coming to the office Christmas party without blinking. But then, the public had bought it as well, so why wouldn’t his father?

  He really hated these types of events. Because they were reminders. This one especially. Ten years ago was the last time he’d been to a Treffen Christmas party. His father enjoyed the holidays, not because of any sort of religious fervor or sense of merriment, but because it gave him a chance to do what he loved best.

  Showing off his wealth, his excess. Making a show of his name, his fortune. His goodwill. There was a silent auction happening tonight, the proceeds of which would go to benefit a shelter for battered women.

  The irony burned. Because if Austin’s suspicions were correct, very few people had left more emotionally battered women in their wake than Jason Treffen.

  Of course, the media would never believe it. Jason was so high-profile. On every late-night news show, commenting on sexual harassment and abuse cases in the news. Spitting fire and brimstone on any man who dared to harm a woman. On misogynists and their power games.

  But Austin knew Jason was the wolf condemning foxes for being predators.

  Still, here he was, wrapped up in his brilliant, shining lie. People fawning over him, his achievements, his goodness.<
br />
  And this year was no different. The largest of his three holiday parties, this one included past clients, current clients and anyone who was anyone in New York’s social circle.

  Everything was pristine, glittering, dipped in his father’s wealth and left to sparkle before the magpies who were attracted to it all without having any idea just how tarnished it was underneath.

  The same as it had always been. The same as it had been ten years ago.

  Oh, yes, Austin well remembered the last time he’d been to this party. It had ended with a dear friend throwing herself to her death. And it had been his own father’s fault.

  No, he wasn’t here for reconciliation. He was here for blood. But before he could have his revenge, he would have to get closer to his old man again. Keep your enemies close, and all that.

  He wondered what Jason’s reaction would be. Hell, he might kill the fatted calf. The prodigal son, returned to the old law firm.

  That was the reaction he dreaded most, though it was the one he should want.

  What he really wanted was alcohol.

  He walked over to the bar and leaned on the counter. “Scotch. Neat.” The whole bottle would be nice.

  The bartender poured a measured amount and Austin knocked it back then set the glass back down. “More.”

  He took another hit and let the burn wash through him. He’d never thought of himself as the kind of man who needed liquid courage. And maybe it wasn’t courage he needed, not really. He needed to blunt the memories. Of what it had been like to be in this building with Christmas carols playing when, suddenly, screams had risen over the band.

  When people had gone running. To the balcony. To the street. He’d stopped at the window, frozen, transfixed by the broken figure below.

  And he had known. In his gut, without having to be told, who it was.

  He hadn’t had the strength to go down. Hadn’t been able to face seeing her like that. With no life in her. Her skin cold. Her body crushed. Nothing of Sarah there anymore except for her shell.


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