Midnight Shaman, Fire Witch

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Midnight Shaman, Fire Witch Page 16

by Serenity Woods

  He ran his hands lightly up the blue legs of her pyjamas. They were smooth beneath his touch and, as he skimmed her hips, he knew he was correct and she wasn’t wearing anything beneath them. His pulse responded to the softness of her body, and his blood began to race.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” he said softly. “For what I did during the meditation. That was out of order—you were perfectly right to be upset with me.”

  She said nothing, her large green eyes studying him as he took her hands and brought them to his mouth. He kissed her fingers. “But I’m not sorry for what I said afterward. I meant every word. I shouldn’t have come on quite so strong though. I forget you haven’t been with anyone before.”

  She blushed again, looking away, her sleek dark hair swinging forward to hide her face, and he smiled. She was so beautiful he ached to touch her. But he had to take it slow. He kissed her fingers again. “I think we should be straight with one another. What you said about when we first met—about the fact that it was meant to be—you were right. And what I said was correct. We are written in the stars. You are very special, Kimi. You’ve been marked by the Goddess. I can see it in your aura. She brought us together so I can teach you what you need in time for the invasion. But I get frustrated because it gets in the way of other reasons why I want to spend time with you.”

  She was staring at him in shock. “Truly?”

  “Truly. You have Her mark, here.” He touched the air about six inches above her head.

  She studied his face, eyes wide. “That’s why you’ve been pushing me so hard?”

  He thought about it. “Mm…that’s one reason.” He kissed her fingers again, more slowly this time. “Plus I have other, more devious reasons for needing you to be able to control your energies.” He turned her hand over and kissed her palm.

  Her beautiful green eyes were wide with desire, but still she held back. “But what about your oath? I’m not sure of my powers, Damien. I can’t risk being the cause of you losing yours. I’d never forgive myself, and neither would the Elders.”

  He reached up to touch her face. “Sweetheart, I wasn’t being romantic when I said we were written in the stars. I was stating a fact. Our destinies are intertwined. I know you can feel it too—don’t tell me you can’t.” He brushed her lips with his thumb. “Back in London, I realised the Goddess brought us together so I could teach you. But there’s more to our meeting than that.” He frowned. How could he explain the certainty he felt deep down that even though the very Gods themselves had tried to tell him she wasn’t for him, he was still certain they were destined to be together? “Even Storm’s captivated by you. He knows you’re almost as much a part of me as he is.”

  She bit her lip. Tears hovered at the edge of her eyes. He frowned. “Does that upset you?”

  She swallowed and smiled. “No, it doesn’t upset me. I can’t believe it. You keep saying I’m special. But my family spent eighteen years of my life telling me the exact opposite. It’s somewhat hard to take. I don’t feel special.”

  Inwardly he cursed her aunt and uncle for damaging her as she grew up in the important, formative years, the time when they should have celebrated and encouraged her talents. Outwardly, though, he smiled. He ran a finger up her arm. “You feel special to me.” She shivered, and her nipples hardened beneath the silky top.

  Clearing his throat, he touched the pendant on her breastbone. “You’ve still got the necklace on.”

  “I never take it off,” she whispered. She watched as he ran his fingers over it, and caught her breath as his touch trailed down, between her breasts.


  “You and I—it’s just a matter of time, Kimi. I meant what I said. When you can control the surge a hundred percent, we can become lovers. Nobody need ever know about us, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes settled on his lips. “You really think we can…be together?”

  “I’m entitled to a relationship as much as any of the other Elders.”

  “But they’re not involved with anyone with powers.”

  “My father was.”

  “Yes, and look what happened to them.”

  He ran his hands lightly up her arms, then down her back, revelling in the silky, smooth feel of her, the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. “That’s not going to happen to us.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Kimi…” He ran his hands around her ribcage. Slowly, he moved them up to cup her breasts, soft and heavy in the satin top. “I can’t wait for you much longer. I won’t wait for you. We were meant to be together, and even if I wanted to stop, which I don’t, I couldn’t fight our destiny.”

  She inhaled deeply as he brushed her nipples with his thumbs, and she moistened her lips with her tongue. Desire surged through him, making him hot and hard for her, but he kept a tight rein on it. Slowly, he thought, slowly. He moved his hand up, sliding his fingers into her dark hair, bringing her lips down to meet his.

  Softly he kissed her, tasting the whisky she’d had as her mouth opened, her tongue brushing against his. He sighed, his fingers threading through her hair, stroking the nape of her neck as his other hand slid around her. He pressed gently in the small of her back. She read his request and moved further down his legs, opening her own wider until she touched him, her breasts against his chest.

  “You’re so soft,” he murmured, running his hands down her back and thighs, his fingers sliding easily on the satin.

  “You’re not,” she whispered, moving her hips slightly, rubbing against him. He inhaled, his heart thudding. She leaned forward and kissed him again, deeply, and he gave himself over to the kiss, savouring the taste of her, the warmth of her mouth.

  She pulled back and met his eyes, and the sudden sparkle of naughtiness in them intrigued him. She leaned backward to reach for her glass on the nearby table, making him shiver as the buttons on the pyjama top strained, the silky material stretching across her breasts. Taking, a mouthful of the whisky, she replaced the glass on the table. Moving forward, even closer if it were possible, she leaned down and cupped his face with her hands. Then she kissed him, letting the whisky wash around his tongue and across his lips. She laughed as some of it escaped and quickly traced her tongue down his chin and neck, catching the drips.

  Damien looked up at the ceiling, inhaling deeply, beginning to struggle with his tight self-control. He was wrong—he was St. Anthony and she was his temptation. Perhaps Margaret was right and the forces of darkness had sent her to torture him, to drive him to distraction. The terrible thing was, he didn’t care.

  She kissed back up to his lips and then around his ear, nibbling gently at his lobe. He couldn’t help himself—he ran his hands around the base of her jacket and slid his fingers up inside, against her warm skin. Cupping her breasts with his hands, he brushed her nipples with his thumbs.

  Kimi gasped. A surge of desire shot between them, circulating between their energy fields, so strong it erupted in a shower of sparks, taking him by surprise. She pulled back, startled. She lowered her mouth again, but they’d both lost control of the surge, and there was an audible crack as their lips touched.

  She swore, loudly, and he burst out laughing. “Nearly there, sweetheart. I guess that extra three percent makes all the difference.”

  She tipped her head back, cursing again, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Pushing himself forward on the seat, he lifted her easily, causing her to squeal, then let her slide slowly down him until she was standing.

  “Bed for you,” he said, stroking her hips in the silky fabric. “Alone,” he added wryly as she raised an eyebrow.

  She shivered, then, to his surprise, slid her arms around him and leaned against his chest. He put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “In time,” he told her softly. “In time.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  In spite of the fact that she didn’t get to bed until nearly three o’clock in the morning, by seven thirty Kimi was up and dre
ssed and sitting on the steps at the front of the house, waiting for Damien to come back from his run. She watched him coming across the lawn from the forest and jog up the road, then slow to a walk as he reached the steps and saw her. He climbed the steps, removing his headphones and smiling as she stood and waited for him to walk up to her. “Morning.”

  She smiled back. “Morning.”

  He paused in front of her. She caught her breath at the sight of him, six-foot-two of pure male, hot and glowing, smelling absolutely heavenly.

  “What?” he said self-consciously.

  Glancing around quickly to make sure nobody was watching, she stepped close to him. He looked down at her, but she placed one finger under his chin and lifted it slightly. Puzzled, he did as she bid. She stepped even closer, then reached up and touched her tongue to the hollow at the base of this throat.

  His answering shiver was more than enough reward.

  She stepped away as he turned hot eyes on her, and she shrugged, licking her lips. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that since I went to bed. Just had to see whether it was as good as the fantasy.” She started to walk away.

  “And was it?” he asked, his voice husky.

  She turned back, still walking. “Meh.” But her smile gave him her real reply.

  She walked into the lounge, leaving him standing on the doorstep. Hopefully that would keep him thinking about her all day. She poured herself a steaming hot cup of coffee. The Gods knew she would be thinking of him—it only seemed fair it was the same for him.

  To everyone else, the day must have passed normally—it was the usual routine: four classes before lunch, including advanced telekinesis and practising fire spells in Latin, four afterward, including channelling and meditation. For her and Damien, however, something had changed. Whereas in the past week their relationship had felt strictly platonic, that morning he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Every time she looked at him, he was watching her, and the thought made her glow inside.

  His admission to her about being written in the stars had been the final seal she needed on the growing feelings she’d been having for him. And although she felt nervous about the thought of what would happen if and when they finally managed to get into bed, the news that it was even a possibility was enough to make her triple her efforts to get her chakra clock to read a hundred percent.

  In the session after lunch, however, she was still unable to get it to read more than ninety-eight percent, even with Damien’s help. She finished the class exhausted and frustrated, and she could tell by the heat in his eyes he felt the same way. Any more of this, and she was going to self-combust.

  She looked for him at dinner, but he was missing, as were the other Elders. “Where are they all?” she asked Ella.

  “I don’t know, some big conflab,” Ella said, eating her salad.

  Kimi picked at her pasta, her appetite vanishing. Had the other Elders discovered what had happened the night before? Were they aware of what Damien had said to her? Were they at that moment telling him to stay aware from her?

  Half an hour later, though, when he finally appeared at the door, he headed straight for her, and she could tell by his face it was good news.

  He took her by the hand and pulled her away to a quiet corner. He wore a black T-shirt and dark jeans, similar to what he’d been wearing the first night she met him, the memory making her heart thump.

  “What?” she asked, her cheeks flushing at his warm gaze.

  “Got a mission,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “Wanna join in?”

  “A mission?”

  “There’s a rift in the veil, somewhere in the Midlands. The others want me to close it.”

  “A rift?” Her eyes widened. “How do you do that? Do you have to go now?”

  He waved his hand impatiently. “No, I can do it from here. The ley lines running under The Crux lead right up there. But it’s a great opportunity for someone learning to channel their energy.”

  She stared at him. “You want me to help?”

  He grinned. “It’s exhilarating, plugging yourself into the lines. Kind of like bungee jumping.”

  “I’m not a thrill seeker.”

  “Could have fooled me.” He was childishly mischievous, but his eyes, when they fixed on her, were intense. “It might help you get to a hundred.”

  “I’ll do it,” she said immediately, making him laugh.

  He grabbed her hand. “Come on.”


  “No time like the present.” He pulled her out of the lounge.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Up to my room. We can have a bit of peace and quiet there.”

  She followed him up the stairs, a wave of nervousness sweeping over her. “Do the other Elders know I’m helping you?” she whispered.

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  So they didn’t know. Her heart thumped as they reached the top of the stairs. His room was to the right at the end of the corridor, but she hadn’t been inside yet. She followed him along to the end. He stopped outside the last door on the right, marked with a small mirror in the shape of a wolf howling at the moon. He swiped a key card and opened the door, switched on the lights and stepped back to let her in.

  She walked into his room, glancing around at his private space shyly. It was actually a suite of rooms. They stood in a living area with a sofa and chairs and, to the right, an open space with cushions: a private meditation area. A small kitchenette was on her left. Over to the far right she could see through to his bedroom. Her cheeks went hot, and she glanced away quickly.

  The living area had a similar feel to his office, decorated with mahogany furniture, a comfortable cream leather sofa and chairs, and row upon row of books. She walked over to the bookcase—there were titles about football and other sports, and rows of history books, including historical novels. She glanced over at him. He leaned on the breakfast bar separating the living area from the kitchenette, watching her, smiling. “Does it meet with your approval?”

  “It’s very you.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He leaned over and turned the lock on the door, then pressed the blue ‘private’ light that would indicate outside he didn’t want to be interrupted. He glanced at her, winking, before walking into the kitchen, where he got two glasses and a bottle of water and poured them both a glass. He came over to where she was admiring a carving on the wall.

  “Maori, I guess,” she said, admiring the koru pattern, similar to his tattoo.

  “Yes.” He sipped his water and gave her the other glass.

  “You really liked it there, didn’t you?”

  “I loved it,” he said. “So much space.”

  She looked around the apartment. “Do you feel claustrophobic here sometimes?”

  He laughed. “That wasn’t quite what I meant, but yes, occasionally. It’s convenient, but I wouldn’t want to be like Margaret, still here when I’m fifty-seven.” He gestured toward her glass. “Drink up. This is going to be thirsty work.”

  “Oh great, more sweating,” Kimi grumbled, downing the glass. “Why couldn’t channelling make your hair curl or something else more attractive?”

  “Nothing wrong with good healthy sweat,” he murmured. He bent his head and kissed her, taking her by surprise.

  She closed her eyes as his lips moved softly over hers. When he finally lifted his head, she raised an eyebrow at him. “How’s that supposed to help me concentrate?”

  He grinned. “I told you, sexual energy is very closely related to the energy you channel. Sometimes it can help to ‘switch’ you on.”

  “Well that’s one of the best chat up lines I’ve heard for a while.”

  He laughed, taking her empty glass and leaving it on the coffee table. “Come on. I want to get started.”

  She smiled at his eagerness and let him pull her over to the open space on the right side of the room. Turning on some lamps around the area, he switched off the main light. He moved two l
arge cushions into the centre, a foot away from each other. Then he indicated for her to take one.

  She sat cross-legged, and he sat opposite her, their knees not quite touching. She took out her chakra clock and applied it to the back of her hand. “What’s going to happen?”

  “Right.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “We’ll start channelling, and when you get to the maximum you can I’ll plug us into the Crux—the centre of the ley lines. I’ll find the problem with the veil, and we’ll need to repair it—you just have to visualise it as a tear and imagine it being sewn up.”


  “It’s going to be different to before,” he said. “You know when you’re in the Underground, and you stand near the edge of a platform and a train goes straight through the station? That’s what it’s going to feel like.”

  “Oh my God.”

  He reached out and took her hand. “But nothing can happen to you, okay? I’ll be right here with you, protecting you. It’ll feel like you’re going to be sucked away with the energy, but don’t worry, I won’t let you go.”

  She studied him, smiling. She trusted him implicitly. “And you think it will help me reach a hundred percent?”

  “If this doesn’t work, nothing will.” He took her other hand as well and squeezed them between his own warm fingers. “We’ll do it, Kimi. I have absolute faith in your abilities. It’s just that last step—I know it’s difficult, I’ve been there. You just have to let go, and it’s not easy. But I’ll help you. Together, we’ll do it.”

  She nodded. Her heart was already thundering, adrenalin rushing through her veins.

  “Okay.” He touched the space between his eyebrows and she did the same, as he’d taught her the week before. Immediately the room sprang into colour. Storm appeared, sitting by them, alert and waiting for their journey to start. One day, he’d promised her, he’d introduce her to her own spirit guide. The two shamans’ guides were the only ones she’d seen so far, presumably because of their close connection to them.


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