Midnight Shaman, Fire Witch

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Midnight Shaman, Fire Witch Page 19

by Serenity Woods

Chapter Twenty-One

  Kimi jumped violently at the noise. Her hands flew to her mouth and she froze, shaking. Serena stood, but didn’t move toward him. She glanced across at Kimi and their eyes met. Her face was white.

  Kimi watched as Damien leaned both hands on the mantelpiece over the fire, dipping his head toward the floor. He looked a broken man, totally bereft. His chest heaved, although he made no sound.

  Gathering her courage, she walked up to him and stood beside him, not knowing what to say. She reached out and touched his shoulder lightly, wondering if he’d shrug her off or pull away. He did neither, however. She heard him mumble, “I miss him, Kimi, I miss him.”

  Miss him? Was he talking about his father? He looked at the ground, however, and suddenly she realised he couldn’t see Storm. His spirit guide had been with him since he’d been born and never left his side—even when he closed his portal, he’d been able to sense the wolf.

  Her heart went out to him. She touched the space between her eyebrows and looked at the ground. Then she moved closer to Damien, sliding her arms around his waist. “He’s still here, sweetheart, I can see him,” she told him, touching his cheek, kissing him. “He’s sitting on your foot, stupid wolf. He couldn’t get any closer to you.”

  Damien gave a half-laugh, half-sob, and shook his head. “I can’t even feel him.”

  Kimi took his face in her hands and made him stand and look at her. “He’s here,” she said firmly. “And he’ll never leave your side. This is a temporary state of things—this is the bottom of the wheel of fate—soon the wheel will be turning and you’ll be on the up, Damien. You’ll get your powers back, you’ll see, and Storm will be waiting for you. He’s devoted to you. He’d do anything for you.” And so would I, she thought silently, although she didn’t say it.

  He looked at the ground, his cheeks wet, hands on his hips as he fought to retain some semblance of self-control. Serena came over then, and touched his shoulder gently. “Why don’t you go to bed, love? You’re tired, you’ve had a lot to drink, and it’s late. We can talk in the morning. Go on up—Kimi will follow in a minute. I just want to have a quick chat with her.”

  He wiped his face, his hand returning to his hip. He risked a glance up at Kimi. “Will you come up?”

  “Of course,” she said, rubbing his arm.

  “I should clear up the mess first,” he said, looking over at the smashed glass. “I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have done that…”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it,” Serena said smoothly. “Go on, up you go.”

  He nodded, turned, and walked out of the room. Kimi watched Storm follow close on his heels. There was no way the wolf was letting him out of his sight.

  Serena’s eyes met Kimi’s, and they both let out a sigh of relief.

  “He’s so like his father,” said Serena wryly. She disappeared briefly into the kitchen before reappearing with a dustpan and brush.

  Kimi followed her over to the wall, and together they started picking up the bits of broken glass. “I don’t know,” she said, “I think he’s very like you.”

  Serena smiled. She sat back to study the younger woman. “You’re very fond of him, aren’t you?”

  Kimi carefully put the pieces of glass into the bowl Serena had brought out. “I haven’t known him very long,” she admitted. She didn’t want to come out with elaborate declarations of love and have the other woman laugh in her face.

  Serena’s eyes, however, only held gentleness and kindness. “Time means nothing,” she said, beginning to brush up the smaller fragments. “There’s something between the two of you I’ve not seen before with him.”

  Kimi grew warm, pleasure sweeping through her. She carefully picked up the last of the large pieces of glass. “What about his powers?” she asked, sitting on the edge of an armchair.

  Serena brushed the glass into the bowl and stood. “I’ll clean up the rest in the morning,” she said, “when it’s light.” She walked over and sat on the edge of the sofa opposite Kimi. “It’s not going to be easy to restore his abilities.”

  “But it is possible?”

  Serena tipped her head. “Theoretically. I don’t know if it’s ever been done before.”

  “How is it done?”

  “It’s difficult to explain, especially for me as I haven’t been involved with this sort of stuff for a long time. But as I understand it, someone has to go to the Higher Powers and plead his case, as he can’t do it himself.” Her eyes met Kimi’s.

  Kimi shivered. “Is it something I could do?”

  “I don’t know. It would take a lot of training, I would have thought. Damien would know—we’ll have to ask him in the morning. But be aware—it would be dangerous, and he won’t agree to it readily if it means putting you in peril.”

  Kimi nodded. “I’d do it though. Without blinking.”

  Serena smiled. “I know.” She stood. “Now why don’t you go up and join my son. You must be tired—after your exploits tonight.” She raised an eyebrow.

  Kimi blushed. “Is there room?” she asked, picking up her bag, “or should I sleep down here on the sofa?”

  “It’s okay—he has a double bed.”


  Serena laughed. “Don’t look so dismayed. He’s never brought a girl to sleep here before. He’s a sleeping starfish—he likes the space of a double bed.” She came over and gave Kimi a hug. “You’re precious. I can see why he loves you. Now go on. He’ll need your comfort tonight.”

  Kimi hugged her back, then turned and ran lightly up the stairs. She paused at the nearest door, seeing it almost closed. Pushing it open, she paused in the doorway. Damien lay sprawled across the bed, only half covered by the duvet, his face serene now he was asleep, his hair falling across his forehead. He looked younger, somehow, and she felt a wave of love for him. She went in quietly and dropped her bag on the floor, then slipped off her shoes and jeans, and stripped off her top. She looked at the bottom of the bed. Storm lay there, snout on his paws, his eyes following her around the room. She winked at him, then lowered herself gently onto the bed, sliding under the covers. Damien stirred, turning onto his side toward her. She rolled and wriggled backward, nestling into him, pulling his arm across her waist. He murmured and pulled her tightly toward him, but didn’t wake. She tried to let her energy soothe him, as he had done for her so many times.

  Kimi didn’t awake until it was light. Damien watched her eyelids flutter, then open, her green eyes focussing on him, a smile immediately curving her lips.

  “Morning,” he said softly. He lay on his side, facing her, head propped on a hand. He’d been watching her for a while, entranced by her peaceful face, studying her dark lashes, curling her silky hair around his finger.

  “Morning.” She studied his face. “How are you feeling?”

  He grimaced. “A bit of a headache. I guess human me is more susceptible to a hangover than shaman me.”

  She grinned. Then she glanced at the end of the bed and pulled a face. “Storm is lying on me again. Between the two of you, I’m surprised I had any duvet at all.”

  He smiled sadly. He couldn’t put into words how much he missed seeing his spirit guide. He knew the wolf was still with him, of course—Storm would be there until the day he died, and afterward, ready to guide him into the next world. But he’d grown so used to seeing the silver wolf, it was like waking up one morning and finding your leg missing.

  She must have seen the shadow pass over his face, because she frowned, reached out, and stroked his cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You can’t tiptoe around me forever. I’ve got to get used to the fact that I’m ordinary now.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You? Ordinary? I don’t think so.”

  She was trying to lighten the mood, but his loss hurt too much to joke about. “Kimi, I’m nothing without my powers. I’m not a fool—I know how much a part of me they were. I feel like half a man at the moment—less

  She studied him. “You said none of your previous girlfriends knew you were a shaman. If they didn’t know about your powers, they obviously found something to like about the man.”

  “It’s not a question of knowing about them,” he said impatiently. “They made me what I was. Superman without his powers is just Clark Kent—a reporter, dull as dishwater.”

  “So you’re a superhero now?”

  His mood darkened, and he pushed himself up. “You know what I meant.” He moved to the end of the bed, intending to get up, but she placed a hand on his shoulder.


  He paused, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands. It was incredibly egotistic, but that was how he’d thought of himself—as a superhero, a champion, sent to Earth to fight against evil. And now what was he? Nothing! He had no skills to speak of, unless you counted his muffin-making abilities. He had nothing to offer the world without his powers. Rage and helplessness spiralled through him.

  Behind him, the bed shifted under Kimi’s weight. There was a rustle of clothing, and then she moved toward him. He wanted to tell her to leave him alone—he was in no mood for her attempts at consolation, or her platitudes. Before he could say anything, however, she kissed his back. Then did it again. She was planting slow, soft kisses down his spine, then back up again, making him tingle all over.

  He dropped his hands, still leaning forward, his breath growing shallow as she kissed up to his neck. She moved a little closer, then pressed against him, her breasts bare against his skin. He inhaled deeply as she slipped her arms around him, stroking him, kissing along his wide shoulders and up his neck, around his ear. She caught his lobe in her mouth and nibbled it gently, sending desire spiralling through him. Still, however, he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her love him while he was just half a man.


  “Ssh.” She ran her fingers lightly through his short hair, down his arms, along his ribs, through the hair on his chest. She continued to kiss his neck, rubbing her breasts gently but seductively against his back.

  “Kimi, I can’t…”

  She moved back along the bed and gently pulled him with her. He lay back, looking up as she bent over him, upside down, her dark hair falling across his face and chest. She swept it aside, and he saw she was smiling. “Your mouth says no, but your body says yes,” she whispered.

  He couldn’t bring himself to smile back. His sadness was overwhelming. “It’s not me,” he said, his voice catching.

  She kissed him, upside down, long and languorously. “It tastes like you,” she said. She nuzzled his neck. “It smells like you.”


  She kissed his lips again, then lifted her head and sighed. “I’ve fallen in love with you, Damien Stone. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you in the nightclub, and even though there were a hundred different things going on in the universe, and even though fates were unfolding, and stars were moving in the sky, and Goddess knows what else, do you know what the main thing was that went through my mind?”

  “What?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Wow, he’s gorgeous,” she said.

  In spite of himself, his lips curved. He lifted a hand and caught a lock of her hair around his finger. It was tousled, not quite as smooth as usual, and she still looked sleepy and completely, utterly sexy. “It won’t be the same as last time,” he said.

  “Well, thank the Goddess for that!” She laughed. “Damien, I want to make love to you, not your powers, and it will be a relief not to have to worry about anything else except me… and you…” She kissed his nose. “No need for self-control… doesn’t that sound good?” She started to kiss down his chest. “No worrying about anything except how it feels…to be kissed…like this…”

  Her kisses travelled to his navel, then continued down.

  He caught her hand, stopping her. “Kimi…”

  She kissed his fingers, but placed his hand firmly on the bed. “Just relax,” she murmured. “And enjoy the ride.”

  And as her mouth closed over him, everything fled his mind but the warmth of her tongue and the softness of her lips.

  When they finally came downstairs, Kimi was relieved to see that some of the sparkle had returned to Damien’s eyes. She hadn’t lied—she had fallen in love with the man, not the shaman, but there was no doubt he was different without his powers. He was quieter, less vibrant, as if someone had switched off his internal light bulb. Perhaps he’d blown that bulb as well when they blew the power grid? Obviously, he was still in shock, but she was unsure what would happen if he never got his powers back.

  She wasn’t going to think like that. She would get them back for him, whatever it took, and whatever the personal cost was to her.

  “Breakfast?” asked Serena as they walked into the kitchen.

  “Just toast please,” said Kimi.

  Damien peered over his mother’s shoulder at the bacon frying in the pan and gave her a grin. “You know the way to a man’s heart.”

  “I know the way to your heart,” she corrected. She glanced over at Kimi, then back at him, and smiled.

  They sat at the kitchen table, and Damien poured them both a coffee.

  “Sleep well?” Serena asked.

  “Yes, thank you.” Kimi met Damien’s eyes. He sipped his coffee, watching her over the top of the cup, raising an eyebrow. He was thinking about what had just transpired upstairs, and was trying to make her blush. She couldn’t help a flush stealing onto her cheeks, but in spite of that, she met his gaze openly. Slowly, sensually, she licked her lips. He coughed into his cup, cursing, trying not to laugh as she hid a smile behind her own drink.

  “Are you all right?” Serena asked, frowning, flipping the bacon.

  “Went down the wrong way,” he said hoarsely.

  Kimi shook her head and mouthed, no it didn’t! He glared at her, half-amused, half-exasperated, getting up to get a glass of orange juice from the fridge. She winked at him as he sat back down. Two could play at his game!

  “So what did you two talk about last night?” he asked as Serena made the sandwich and placed it in front of him.

  Kimi and Serena exchanged a glance. Kimi bit into her toast. “How to get your powers back.”

  Damien took a bite out of the sandwich, leaned back in the chair, and surveyed her as he chewed. He swallowed. “I’m not going to beg my father to return them,” he said flatly.

  “Well, duh.” Kimi rolled her eyes. “Like that was ever an option.”

  He looked up at his mother, then back at Kimi again. “So what were you thinking?”

  Serena sat at the end of the table. “I told Kimi there was a way.”

  He studied her. “No.”

  Kimi frowned. “No, what?”

  “I know what you’re both thinking, and the answer’s no.”

  Kimi put down her toast. “I beg your pardon?”

  He took a large swig of his coffee. “You’re thinking you can petition the Higher Powers, and I’m telling you, the answer’s no.”

  “How does losing your powers give you the authority to say what I can do with mine?”

  He leaned forward. “I may not be a shaman any more but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten all the training I’ve had, or all the experiences I’ve had. You’ve never met the Higher Powers—I have, and it’s scared the shit out of me every time I’ve done it.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t scared,” said Kimi softly. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” he said, looking pained, and she realised he was genuinely frightened for her. Damien, scared? The thought made her mouth go dry. Perhaps she really didn’t understand how terrifying it would be to do this. But it didn’t matter. She was going to do it whatever.

  “I don’t care,” she said. “If I have to tie you down to do it, I will, believe you me.”

  He stared at her. His gaze slid across to Serena, who lifted a
n eyebrow. He looked back at Kimi, and amusement gleamed in his blue eyes. “Is that a promise?”

  “Damien, with your mother in the room?”

  They all laughed, Serena rolling her eyes and getting up to stack the dishes. He reached across and took Kimi’s hand. “It won’t be easy.”

  “But is it possible?”

  He shrugged. “Theoretically. But you’ll have to channel to a hundred percent by yourself—I was helping you last time, and I won’t be able to this time. It will take some practising, and a lot of hard work.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Whatever it takes, however long it takes—I want to help you get your powers back. I don’t think you’re any less of a man without them, but you do, and that’s what matters. You were born a shaman, and I don’t think you feel complete without your shaman abilities. I can understand that. I don’t think you’d ever be truly happy as a ‘normal’ man, as you put it, and I want you to be happy.”

  He sighed. “I don’t like the idea of putting you in danger. But you’re right—it is your decision. And if anyone can help me, it’s you.”

  Kimi looked at Serena. “Do you miss having your powers?”

  “It was difficult at first,” Serena admitted. “Now, not so much—I’ve got used to being without them. But the thought of you being like this forever…” She got up and planted a kiss on the top of her son’s head. “I can’t bear to think about it. If Kimi is willing to help you, love, I think you should let her.”

  “So it’s settled,” said Kimi. “We’ll start my training today.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  For the next week, Kimi trained solidly, from the moment she got up to the moment they went to bed at night. Serena had a dining room which she gave over to them, and they folded up the leaves of the table and moved it against the wall, brought in cushions and pillows and spent the day in meditation and, in Kimi’s case, practising channelling, going over and over the exercises until she could do it as naturally as breathing.

  She’d brought the chakra clock with her, and Damien monitored it, encouraging her when it got low, praising her when it began to rise. He was so patient, such a good teacher. “You never get frustrated,” she told him one day when she’d got to ninety-eight percent for the fifth time running, but was unable to top that last two percent. She flopped back onto the cushion, exhausted, and he lay beside her, looking down at her with admiration, as well as a little amusement.


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