Vampires (Death by Reaper MC, #2)

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Vampires (Death by Reaper MC, #2) Page 6

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Tomorrow,” she fucking whispers.

  Tessera gasps, knowing very well what a difference a day means. Fuck. What a damn mess. If this would have happened tomorrow? Dio might have regenerated. But there’s no way of knowing if that was possible, because she’s gone.

  “Prez.” Caius steps toward me. “I’ve got guys fixing the roof, but I gotta go and I really need you and Alastair to go with, because I finally found the person I was looking for...the one who made it possible for Dedrick to impregnate women to generate half breeds the way he did.”

  Shit. What bad fucking timing. Although this might shed some clarity on a few things. Wait a minute... “Is there a reason why you need me and Alastair to go with you? Because I know for a fact you’re capable of following up on a damn lead yourself and in case you forgot, we’re right in the middle of something here.”

  “It’s a fucking Witch, okay?” Caius snaps. “I can’t go alone. I mean, I’ve lived long enough to contain myself but backup would be the smartest move here. ‘Cause if the Witch does smell sweet enough, I might drain her before I get any intel.”

  “Then we’ll take Tessara with us and maybe it’ll be a good thing to have Tria tag along too. We can’t leave her unprotected.” I glance over at the two sisters.

  “What’s going to happen? Will they come after her?” The fear in Tessera’s voice is vivid, making my body flare with the need to soothe her.

  Yet I can’t lie and I never will, not to her. “She’s marked. And Tria knows very well she can’t return to her home because they will not only hunt her down but will harm anyone in their path to get to her. She’d be the safest with us, we will offer her protection.”

  Tria nods, and though her eyes are empty her mind is still able to process the important things.

  “Tria, I don’t want to hurt your feelings but there’s something that nags me and I need to understand this part...why didn’t Dio flash to dodge the Demon’s attack?” Yes, I’m an asshole to pop that question at this time but I need to understand.

  “Because she isn’t as strong as I am. Her Fae heritage was dormant for years, while I on the other hand, have been playing with it since I was a baby. Our mother died in childbirth and we were raised by our grandmother, she’s a full blood...we were always taught to use our magic, to embrace it. The necklace Tess took from me, the dust that’s inside to enforce our magic? I’ve never needed it, my magic is strong. Dio needs...needed it.”

  With what she just mentioned, it’s clear Tria is different than my Old Lady and her other sister, Eliana, who thought they were fully human until their asses landed into the Supernatural world. “Tria, are you aware of your complete background? You mentioned your grandmother is a full blood, this means your mother wasn’t, right? We know all of the kids your father put on this earth are a combination of Supernatural beings, seeing two of your sisters had no clue, you seem to be fully aware. Part human, part Fae, part heaven.”

  “I don’t have human blood inside me. Fae, half heaven, and Phoenix. My mother was half Fae and half Phoenix.” She shrugs like it’s nothing while everyone around her is dropping their jaw.

  Wait a fucking minute. “How dormant was the Phoenix in your twin?”

  Her eyes go wide. “Not so much, mine is. When she could barely walk, Dio had a bad fall. We rushed to her but flames exploded around her and grandma started laughing. She explained how she might have inherited the strong DNA of my mother’s Phoenix’s side. Do you think...”

  “It’s possible,” I murmur, thinking things over.

  “Can someone explain to me what this is about?” Tessera sighs.

  “A Phoenix rises from its ashes. Meaning when it dies it regenerates. Seeing Tria just mentioned she already died once, I’m fairly sure this spiked her age and with that she was already immortal. Both of them not being completely Fae would mean Tria here is too and won’t have to wait till they’ve reached the point of a Fae’s life where they stop growing. Knowing this, there might be a very tiny chance Dio didn’t die but in fact regenerated instead. But we can’t be sure.”

  “Hell, I’ll take a nanosecond of possibilities over zero chance any time of day,” Tessera says determined as she rubs her sister’s arm. “Right?”

  Trio nods, a glint of hope in her eyes. I hope to fuck Dio was able to regenerate and pops up some time soon. Because the look in my Old Lady’s eyes is killing me. I don’t ever want to see her sad or hurt. But there’s a lot of contradiction since she didn’t regenerate at the damn spot, making it very unlikely for her to still be alive.

  “Okay, for now we need to handle a few things first. Caius, you take the truck and take Tria with you. And text Alastair with the address to meet us there.” I direct my attention toward my Old Lady’s sister. “Sorry, I can’t let you go home or stay here, it will be safer for you to tag along with us.”

  She nods and I see my woman’s eyes fill with relief. That right there makes me aware she has my back too in this. But if she thinks she’d be riding with my VP in the truck, she’s dead wrong. “Tessera, you’re with me, let’s go.”

  I’m about to turn when Tessera places her hand on my arm. “Why don’t we all go in the truck?”

  “Because,” I growl, unable to keep my emotions in check with her defying my orders in front of my VP and countless others around, “you’re my Old Lady and you belong on the back of my bike.”

  Tessera glances around before her eyes meet mine, realization dawning in her gorgeous blue eyes. “Okay, but can I ask why Caius isn’t taking his bike?”

  “We don’t know what will happen, maybe we need to take the Witch with us or escort her someplace else to follow a lead. It’s just easier that way. Besides...I’m not sure how Caius feels about letting a woman ride on the back of his bike. He’s been difficult when it comes to women because in his mind he already belongs to his mate he never person.” I look at my VP, his focus is on his phone though I see his shoulders stiffen at my words.

  Caius had told me years ago how he had a very vivid dream about his eternal mate. On rare occasions future mates who are sleeping at the same time, no matter the distance, and are thinking about their future, the dreams will link and they will spend the dream time as if they were meeting face to face. As I said it’s rare, but it happened to Caius and since then, he’s sworn off all women.

  “Alastair will meet us there, let’s go,” Caius says with a gruff voice, clearly wanting any conversation on the subject to end.

  Respecting my VP, I step closer to Tessera and gently brush my lips against hers before pulling back and lacing our fingers to guide her along with me toward the door. Once we’re outside, I straddle my bike and wait for her to get on, except she’s standing there biting that plump bottom lip of her.

  “What is it, Angel?”

  She eyes the bike. “Is it safe?”

  This makes me chuckle. “Safe enough, but do know you’re immortal, right?”

  Her eyes go wide for a second before she shoots me a grin. “Forgot about that.”

  She practically jumps on the back and wraps her arms around me. I relish in the feel of her body wrapped around me. I’ve never had this. I’m centuries old and never in all my existence did I have a woman warming my back. Others have been known to have no problem with switching women and having them jump on their bike. Well, except for Caius as I explained. But for me? Never. It just felt wrong to do so...yet now? Fucking magnificent.

  The bike roars alive underneath us. Caius’ truck pulls up in front of me and I start to follow him seeing he knows where we’re going. I’m anxious to find out this part. I mean, it’s pure logic that making half breeds is possible, because clearly they exist.

  We already uncovered the reason why with that screwed up Derek wanting to make invincible Paranormals for his own personal vendetta, but this? This is about the ‘how the fuck was he able to make so many half breeds.’ Knocking up one or two, that’s a possibility, fucking nature and all. But firin
g his dick up for lightning speed breeding, and hitting bullseye with every sperm load, is a whole new ballgame. Most definitely something that needs to be looked into.

  A long drive leads us to a place in the woods. It’s remote and to my surprise the tiny house is practically made from windows in all colors, shapes, and sizes. I park my bike and let Tessera step off.

  Caius jumps out of the truck and eyes the house. “Who the fuck would want to live in there?” he grumbles as his phone rings. “I gotta take this, that damn prospect called me twice already to ask what color he should fucking paint the damn ceiling now that the hole is fixed. And I can see through the damn window house that Alastair and his Old Lady are already inside. Go on in, I’ll be right there.”

  I nod and follow the two sisters who are already stalking toward the house.

  The door swings open and Alastair lets the two women pass before he grabs my cut and leans in right next to my ear. “Thank fuck you’re here. I’m pretty sure my ears would start to bleed if you took one fucking minute longer.”

  “I heard that,” his Old Lady snaps.

  Alistair looks over his shoulder. “I know, baby. But for real, you girls squealing after every damn sentence isn’t doing anyone any good, especially my fucking ears.”

  “Oh, spill, what are you two excited about?” my Old Lady questions.

  “We know each other,” Eliana beams. “Our mothers were friends and we spent so much time together, that is until Nixie’s mother took her own life...Nixie was thirteen and needed to go and live with her aunt. We lost track but now we’ve found each other again. I never knew she was a witch, though. With my mother keeping that part of my background a secret.”

  On Eliana’s mother side of the family are ancestors who come from a long line of Witches. Figures they know one another, it’s a tight circle.

  “Between all the squealing these two figured out Eliana’s mother not only punched holes into the condom to conceive Eliana, but she also used a hex bag to ensure pregnancy. Nixie here says she remembers a man coming to her mother years ago to prepare hex bags for him for multiple pregnancies. Seeing some ingredient shit needed a change for a selective Paranormal pregnancy Derek needed a few. Nixie can’t remember how much but she did mention a fucking dragon request, and one involving an Elite, because Nixie was intrigued by these specific Paranormals as a kid. So, it seems our Old Ladies have a sister who’s part dragon,” Alastair informs me.

  “Part dragon?” Caius says from behind me. “What are you guys talking about? And what the fuck is that delicious smell?”

  Chapter 08


  Nixie’s house is tiny and so freaking bright with all the sunlight that shines in due to all the windows the house contains. We’re all filling up the living room because there’s no hallway. Caius tries to glance around Jagger, his fangs are out and it’s like he’s drooling. Shit. It must be the Witch scent. I know damn well how good it smells.

  Like fresh baked chocolate cookies you need to devour instantly as if your life depends on it. That’s how it was for me when I smelled my sister’s blood. Before I was mated to Jagger I might add, because in that moment he smelled better and when his blood hit my tongue there wasn’t anything else on this planet that would do. I have zero interest in Witch’s blood, only Jagger’s. I swing my head toward Nixie whose eyes have gone wide while shock fills her face.

  “No,” she gasps. “Blue hair, those’s you...but that can’t be.”

  “Fuuuuuuck,” Jagger snarls as he grips Caius by his cut. “Alastair, get the women out. Now, dammit, I can’t hold him much longer.”

  There are black bat-like wings spouting from Caius’ back as he snarls and fights to get free of Jagger’s grip. “It’s her, let me the fuck go.”

  Nixie’s hands go up in front of her and at the same time she closes her eyes, she spreads her fingers, bringing her hands up to fist them tight before swinging them down fast while spreading her fingers yet again as she yells. “Stop!”

  Everything around us vibrates. No one moves or says anything.

  That is until I hear Caius chuckle. “Smart, little sprite. Now unfreeze me so I can claim you. You know very well this is going to happen one way or another.”


  “I vote for unfreezing, with what Caius just said there isn’t a threat. Him wanting to claim you means you’re his eternal mate, all fucking happy. So yeah, unfreeze. Now would be nice because this shit is getting awkward and I’ve got an itch I need to scratch,” Alistair rumbles as he adds, “Fuck...what bad timing for my nose to fucking itch.”

  “What is this about? He’s mated to Nixie? That’s not possible! She’s a freaking Witch, he’ll drain her. And she can’t turn into a Vampire, she can’t, it’s not allowed. Or do you think because they are eternal mates it will be allowed? Tell me, Alistair,” Eliana pleads.

  Shit. This is messed up. The pained look on Caius’ face is even killing me. What a twisted sense of irony. I don’t get the whole mating thing. Even more when it’s twisted like this. Now I know damn well from what I’ve been told, experienced, what legends state through history that the perfect match for your soul is branded into your DNA.

  The perfect match, the link between two people for the best chance at survival, ultimate fertility, and to strengthen the chance for a solid future together. But a Witch and a Vampire? Jagger spent time explaining to me that a Vampire needs to be born not created. How is that going to work for them?

  “Jagger, man...please. Trust me in this.” Caius’ eyes find Nixie’s. “Come on, little sprite. We’ve met before, remember?”

  “That wasn’t real. It was a freaking dream!” Nixie squeals as all the guys wince. She starts to pace while she continues. “One where you bit me! I won’t let you awake that part inside me. I’ve worked hard to keep that part of me asleep all these years. We...I can’t. All of you need to leave.”

  “No,” Caius growls.

  I rub my hands over my face, this is all seriously screwed up, as if we didn’t have enough to worry about already.

  “Hey, why isn’t she fucking frozen?” Caius snaps, making my hands fall from my face.

  Everyone is freaking gaping at me. “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t know.”

  “If I have to guess, I think it’s the Elite part in her,” Jagger answers.

  Nixie gasps. “Oh, my gosh, you’re an,”

  “Don’t say it,” all the men snap in sync, making Nixie glare at each and every one of them.

  “It’s true then?” she mutters as her eyes find mine. “Dammit, I can’t believe that one was possible. When my mom was making those hex bags she let me help and explained how one was for a mixture of your kind...I remembered because that one intrigued me as did the dragon one because both are rare.” Nixie sighs. “Wow. Incredible.”

  “Fun and games, now cut it out with your magic, I need to fucking move again,” Caius’ growls, earning a glare from Nixie.

  “Ha.” I can’t suppress a chuckle from slipping out. “At least one part of you is able to move.”

  The corner of Nixie’s mouth twitches. “It’s the blood flow that clearly still works. I froze the body but the blood inside it is still free to pump around. Makes it easier to chop off heads, let the blood flow, easy kill.”

  “Uhm...Nixie, I think it’s wearing off because Caius’ hand just turned into a fist,” I whisper, knowing it’s useless with all of us having enhanced hearing.

  Jagger’s voice is laced with concern. “Think about it Nixie. Don’t fight it. You know damn well no one can fight off a mate, embrace that shit. My VP hasn’t been the same since he had that dream, he was yours even before you two met just now. There’s no way Caius would hurt you in any way, deep down you know this too. Please, for the love of fuck, unfreeze us so we can leave you two to hash it out.”

  “Like I said, I can’t,” Nixie presses. “Derek didn’t come to my mother out of the’s not like she was listed
in the freaking phonebook or something. The rumor, that wasn’t so much of a rumor, was that she made a hex bag to bind a Vampire to her, to see her as his eternal mate and not as a Witch. She managed to cloak her own blood and made the connection between them fertile.”

  “Hang on for just one fucking second,” Alastair snaps. “Are you telling me your father is a damn Vampire?”

  Caius sucks in a breath.

  “Well, that makes shit easy,” Jagger states. “She’s half a Witch who’s born with Vampire blood. Another one who sidetracked the damn laws of physics. This also explains why you’d be drawn and destined to be mated with a full Vampire.”

  With what Jagger just mentioned, what she mentioned earlier now makes sense. “Oh, that’s why you said you worked so hard to keep that part of you asleep for years.”

  “Yes,” Nixie states, her voice cracking with emotion. “My father,” she clears her throat, “he found out about the hex bag. When my mother told him she was pregnant, he couldn’t cope; he ran away from her, from us. She told me he turned into a murderer, and how the hex bag had a side effect...that Vampires couldn’t handle the magic inside us. She raised me while hiding my Vampire side. She also told me that she searched for years for my father to help him. She never did find him. She was so lonely and in the end...she killed herself. And since she died I’ve been managing to keep my hunger at a very low level with herbs and magic. But if I allow this and become your mate ...then I turn into the killer my mother said my father was. She said it couldn’t be prevented because it’s the combination.”

  “Nixie, look at me.” Nixie’s eyes find Jagger’s. “Though Witches and Vampires are a connection that is bound to cause problems, and the fact some Vampires do indeed become killers who need to be stopped...I have a feeling that there’s more to the story than your mother told you. Will you please let me know the name of your father so I can see for myself? I’m the President of the Death by Reaper MC, Vampire Charter. If your father belonged inside this state I would have been connected to him.”


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