Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2)

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Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2) Page 1

by Blue Saffire

  Legally Bound 2

  Against the Law

  Blue Saffire

  Copyright © 2015 Blue Saffire

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1941924921

  ISBN-13: 978-1-941924-92-1

  If it is worth having it is worth fighting for.

  Legally Bound

  Book Two

  Against the Law

  Blue Saffire


  “We’ve been looking at these docs all day. I don’t know about you but I would love to go home to my wife,” Marcus groaned at Sam.

  “I guess you’re right,” Sam sighed.

  “I know I’m right. Mom and Dad are giving us all a break and you want to sit here going over contracts. I want to get home to my wife for some much needed alone time to make up for all of the shit I’ve put her through,” Marcus said with a sly smile.

  “I still can’t believe she married you after all,” Sam chuckled.

  “I’m a Mairettie, you know we can be irresistible,” Marcus smiled smugly as he stood and went for his coat. “Besides, your wife should be back home by now. I’m sure she is looking forward to this little vacation from the kids. Maybe you two can start on the next one.”

  Sam snorted. “Shows how much you know. We’re already ahead of the game,” Sam gave a smug smile back to his brother.

  “Seriously…she’s pregnant… again? You waste no time big brother,” Marcus laughed and pulled his brother into a bear hug.

  “I think that is the kettle talking, don’t you?”

  “Like I said, I’ve had some things I had to make up for.” Marcus’s smile fades a little as he thought about what he had put his wife through. Even if she seemed to forgive him he was determined to spend the rest of his life making sure that he got it right.

  Marcus’s phone pulled him out of his reverie. He pulled it from his pocket and groaned as he saw it was his wife. He should have been on his way home hours ago. It wasn’t every night his parents decided to give him and his siblings a break by taking all the kids for a sleepover. He was looking forward to tonight, so was she.

  “Hey Baby, I’m on my way out of the door now,” Marcus started.

  “Marcus something is wrong. I can’t get through to your parents,” she cut him off.

  “Relax, Sweetheart. They are probably just busy with all the kids. Give them a little while to get the children settled and then try,” Marcus said soothingly.

  He knew how hard it was for her to let their little one out of her sight for a whole twenty four hours, but his parents were more than capable to handle things. As excited as all the wives had been initially about this night, they were all freaking out as it drew nearer from what his brothers were saying.

  “No Marcus listen to me, I can feel it, something is wrong. I have been trying to call for over an hour now. It’s been four hours since I spoke to them last. Minnie promised to call when she put Daniel down for a nap. Babe, Daniel would have been down and up again by now. Marcus, no one at the house is responding, no one.” Marcus felt his chest tighten.

  If it were anyone else he may have said that she was over reacting. He would have chalked it up to the fact that his parents were busy with a house full of infants. It was likely that they just didn’t get around to calling or answering the phone. His parents indeed would have their hands full with six infants and a toddler, but neither he nor his brothers were worried about them being able to handle the kids with the staff and the Kembles coming to help.

  Someone on the estate should have been answering. His parents had given Bobby the family estate only to turnaround and buy a home just as big, once all the grandchildren started pouring in. They had a full sized staff including security. Marcus could feel his gut churning.

  “Have you tried calling Bobby?” Marcus asked quickly.

  “I’ve tried his phone and Paige’s. Something is wrong Marcus. The calls won’t even go through. Paige would never cut her phone off with the boys away,” she sighed. “I’m not even getting their voicemail.”

  “Did you call Nate,” Marcus rushed into the phone. His mind was racing. His wife wasn’t irrational, if something felt off to her he knew there was cause for alarm.

  “He is on his way back with the Kembles from the airport. He is trying to get there to check on them but you may be closer. He can’t reach anyone over there either.”

  Marcus cursed under his breath. “Don’t worry Baby, I’m on my way.”

  “Honey, please be careful.”

  “I’ll be fine, but I need you to relax. I love you,” Marcus said with concern for his wife and the situation he was not clear on. His son and his family could be in danger.

  “I love you, too.” Marcus ended the call as he pulled out into traffic like a mad man. He had been in motion since he heard the real concern in his wife’s voice.

  Marcus didn’t have to say a word his brother had already followed him out to the car and was on the phone trying to make contact with anyone. Marcus felt a stab of pain in his chest when he heard Sam repeat that Ellen too was becoming nervous. She was trying as well to check on the kids and was not getting through.

  “What the hell is going on,” Sam growled as he tried their older brother’s phone.

  “I don’t know but I don’t have a good feeling about this.” Marcus hissed.

  “That makes two of us.”

  When Marcus pulled through the open gate at his parent’s estate he knew something was off. The gate was never left open. Since the old man retired he had less security these days but he still had it. There should have been someone around to make sure that gate was closed and that the property was secure.

  Briggs Security was among the best and had served the family for as long as Marcus could remember. Thomas and Earl had been his father’s best friends from childhood just like Nathan and Rita had grown up with the Mairettie siblings. It had been that way for at least four generations. The team took their assignments to heart because for the Briggs it was like taking care of their family.

  Marcus noticed Nate’s SUV parked in front of the house right away. It was then that Marcus understood where all of the security was. Marcus and Sam rushed pass the guards standing at the front door into the house where they could hear Nate bellowing.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” Nate growled. Marcus’s blood instantly went cold. Nate never talked that way in front of James and Minnie and definitely not in front of Davina and Peyton or the children. Something was wrong, very wrong.

  “Shouldn’t we be calling the police,” a worried voice asked. Marcus knew that had to be Davina.

  Both Marcus and Sam picked up the pace following the voices. Marcus’s eyes scanned the room wildly as the scene came into view. His mother and father were laying weakly on the couch with blankets wrapping their shoulders and cups of tea being pressed to each of their lips by Peyton and one of the guards.

  Davina had Jess sitting quietly at her side while holding Megan, Tiffany and Tracey all at once. Sam rushed over to take Megan to help Davina out. He kissed the top of his youngest daughter’s head and sat down on the other side of his oldest. One of the security team walked in with Agatha who was holding her head and looking a little dazed.

  Marcus’s eyes swept the room once more. He had only counted four children. There were three missing. At once he felt like he was going to be sick as the lead set in his gut. His son was not in the room and neither were his two nephews.

  “The boys,” was the only thing that came out of his mouth as he choked on his fear.

  Nate spun to face him and he could see the dark look in his eyes. He knew that look. He had seen it many times when his olde
r brothers and Nate would come to save his ass. It was the look that all of them got when someone crossed the line.

  “I’ve got this under control. I’ll have all my nephews home, you have my word,” Nathan bit out.

  “Oh my God,” Marcus murmured as his knees buckled from under him and he reached for the wall. Just when things were getting back to normal for him and his family, Marcus shook his head in disbelief. His wife’s face flashed before his eyes. After all he put her through, how was he going to tell her this?

  Then it hit him. He knew who was behind this. He knew in the back of his mind who had his son and his nephews. He shut his eyes and saw the face of a woman scorned. He’d done this, this was his mess and he knew it.

  Chapter 1

  A year and six months ago

  “Cara, I love you like my very own sister. I cannot let you do this,” Anton said sincerely as he sat next to Rita on a rock overlooking the ocean, at his villa. “I love you for trying to help me but I have to live with my choices, not you. You deserve to be happy. I can never do that for you the way you need.”

  “But I don’t want to disappoint your family. We’ve taken this so far Anton. The wedding is in two weeks,” Rita said sadly.

  “Yes, and his engagement party was the other night. Cara, I heard you crying,” Anton sighed. “The closer we get to the wedding the sadder you have become. I really thought we could pull this off. I thought it would work out, but I have Leo and you have a broken heart. This is not fair to you. You owe my family nothing. I think we have taken this too far.”

  “I don’t know what to do,” she murmured. “I’ve pushed him too far.”

  “I saw the way he looked at you Rita, my love. We must stop this game we are playing. It is time for you to follow your heart. The rest will work itself out.” Anton gave Rita a warm smile and squeezed her hand gently.

  “Thank you for understanding,” Rita sniffled. “You are truly my best friend. I don’t want to break my promise to you.”

  Anton tsked and waved her off. “I am a fool for having the most beautiful woman in the world offer me her hand and still I love someone my family will never accept. My love is already cursed, but I will not curse your love by holding you to a promise that should have never been made. I am not that much of a fool.”

  “Your love is not cursed Anton. You just have to trust your family will see things differently someday and you can just be you,” Rita offered an encouraging smile.

  Anton threw has head back with a laugh and smiled. “Ah, and here I thought I introduced you to my family.”

  Rita gave a soft chuckle. “Our wedding was going to be so beautiful,” Rita mused.

  “Your wedding will be more beautiful when you are marrying someone you love with the passion I know you have in your heart. You do everything with passion Rita. Someone like you should not sacrifice their passion but live through it. You and I will be fine, but only one of us should have to live in love’s shadow, not both,” Anton said giving her a bright smile.

  “Neither of us should have to live in love’s shadow,” Rita frowned.

  “Ah, Cara but one of us will,” Anton said sadly, looking out at the water. “He will leave me soon. He has said as much. Marrying you would have given us freedom he both wanted and loathed. But now without it as an option at all he will go.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rita said sadly. “Maybe we should just go through with it after all.”

  “My love, I have not said these things to make you stay. I know my fate. I accept it. I will not rob you of your happiness for my own,” Anton shrugged. “Let’s not forget, I am a hot young race car driver. The boys line up as much as the girls.”

  It was Rita’s turn to laugh. “You are right. How can they resist, you are young, beautiful and wise. What a killer combination.”

  “And this is why you are my best friend,” Anton stood and held his hand out. “Let’s go cancel a wedding, yes?”

  Rita sighed and gave a sage nod before taking his hand.


  About a week later….

  “Would you like to tell us what all that was about,” Bobby said and raised his brow at his baby brother.

  Marcus was still reeling at the words his mother just spoke. He knew he had been out of it since Nate said that Rita had called off her wedding. He had been trying to move on with his life and pretend that she wasn’t getting married to someone else. He was even trying to move on with someone else, and then he heard those words, ‘She called it off’.

  He had wanted to run after her the moment Nate spoke those words on the yacht. He wanted to know why she called it off. Was it possible she realized the mistake she was making? He missed her so much.

  “Bobby, you and Sam may want to have a seat,” James said solemnly. “There is something your brother has to share with you before he can decide what he wants to do next.”

  James sat behind his desk in the study giving Marcus a pointed look. Marcus knew this was it. There was no turning back. If he wanted her, this time he would have to fight and fighting meant coming clean. Marcus rubbed his eyes with his palms, and then looked down at them like the story of his life rested in them.

  “I…I …I’m in love with Rita,” Marcus blurted.

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Sam snorted.

  “What?” Bobby said looking between Marcus and Sam.

  “Come on, you’ve never noticed the way he looks at her. Bro, seriously, being in a room with the two of them is like watching the coming attractions to a porn,” Sam chuckled.

  “Don’t go there,” Marcus bit out. “I’ve never touched her like that.”

  “Well how have you touched her,” Bobby growled as he straightened from the bookshelf he had been leaning on.

  “It’s complicated, but I have never taken advantage of her,” Marcus gave a bitter laugh. “That’s actually what cost me her.”

  “So let me get this straight. You and Rita had something more than a big brother, little sister relationship going on …and for how long?” Bobby asked narrowing his eyes.

  “We have something more and it’s a bit hard to explain how long it has been. Actually I don’t have time to explain it all right now. I…I just made a mess of things and I need to fix this. I have to tell Nate and Thomas the truth and I need to get Julia the hell out of here before you place me and Rita in the same room,” Marcus sighed.

  “I think you should be more worried about being in the same room with Nate,” Sam chuckled.

  “I agree, I think I’ll be next in line to kick your ass,” Bobby grunted.

  “I’ll deal with that if I have to, but I need to do this. I have to know if I can fix things with Rita before I make a mistake with Julia,” Marcus sighed and rubbed his eyes again.

  “Don’t you think you already made a mistake? You’re engaged to her,” Bobby said dryly.

  “Rita was engaged. What was I supposed to do,” Marcus almost growled then shook his head. “Please, Dad you said you would help when the time came if I needed you to. I need you to. It’s been five years too long.”

  “Yes it has,” James sighed. “You two are both stubborn. I will have the jet ready for you to fly home to take care of things with Julia. The wedding will be in two days you have that long to decide what needs to be done and get back here in time to be here for your brother.”

  Marcus sighed in relief and nodded at his father. “I better get moving they will be here any minute,” Marcus murmured distractedly.

  “I’ll see if I can stall Nate for you,” Bobby sighed. “I still want to know everything when you get back.”

  Marcus nodded again and started for the door. “Son,” his father called, “Don’t worry about Thomas. He has known all along. He has been waiting for you two to sort things out.”

  Marcus was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled. Sure Thomas would know. There wasn’t anything about the Mairettie family the man didn’t know.

  Chapter 2

  Marcus felt
guilty. Everything had spun out of control in a matter of less than two weeks. Julia didn’t take it well that she was going to miss the wedding, but she had a complete melt down when he told her he thought it would be best if they took some time apart.

  She looked suspicious when he had told her they needed to pack and rush back to New York for business. She’d offered to stay behind and wait for him, so she could be a part of the wedding excitement on the island. He’d told her that he needed her with him right now, during this time of stress.

  Julia relented easily. He hadn’t been coming to her for much of anything and this was her chance to fix whatever had broken between them. She wasn’t a fool she knew something had changed since they’d been on the island, she just wasn’t sure what.

  She’d come so far. Her father was proud of her for landing a Mairettie as a fiancé. All she had to do now was get him to the altar. It’s just something was off. It was like he turned himself off. He wasn’t the man she’d known for almost a year.

  When he said he needed time, the night before his brother’s wedding back in the Bahamas, Julia felt the rug being pulled out from under her. They’d just had the biggest engagement party. She was scheduled for an appointment with the wedding planner next week.

  Her father was going to lose it when he found out this all could be slipping away. She had to find a way to fix this. It meant too much to let it all just fall apart.

  Marcus shook his head as he fixed his tie in the mirror. His guilt should have been for Julia but it wasn’t. He felt guilty because this was one of the happiest days in his brother’s and his family’s life, but all he could think about was the one woman he hadn’t laid eyes on in over four years. He snorted to himself as he realized he hadn’t spoken to her in over five years. What would he say to her now?

  He felt guilty because one of his best friends was in this very room, not knowing he had a relationship with his sister behind his back. Nathan was loyal to the family and his friendship with all of the brothers. Marcus felt sick to his stomach about the conversation he was going to have to have with this man. But he knew he had to have it, it was five years overdue, longer than that if he was honest with himself.


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