Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2)

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Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2) Page 8

by Blue Saffire

  They had been right here against this very door. Marcus pulled his lips from Julia’s and panted as he pressed his forehead to hers. He needed to regroup, this was happening tonight.

  “Wow Baby, I want you too,” Julia cooed.

  Her voice, it was all wrong. It didn’t have the sexy husky rasp hers has. The older his love gets the sexier her voice gets. Marcus knew he was torturing himself with his thoughts but he couldn’t seem to stop them.

  With renewed determination Marcus used one hand to reach under Julia’s dress, ripping her panties clean from her body in one tug. Balling them in his hand he used them to gag her. Julia’s eyes widened but Marcus could see she was still with him.

  “Do you trust me hon,” Marcus asked. He couldn’t bring himself to call her baby or sweetheart or anything else he would call his love.

  Julia nodded her head as her big blue eyes sparkled with lust and excitement. With her hands still trapped in his large hand he pulled her away from the door and started for the bedroom. Though Julia was light, with each step he took she seemed to be weighing him down, but he was not going back now.

  Marcus placed Julia on her feet in the room and moved to his discarded tie from work today. He circled her as he thought over his plan. Quickly he drew her arms above her head and secured them at the wrists.

  Stepping behind her to unzip her dress he paused. Julia’s body was nice for a woman so thin. She was toned and tight in all the right places. Her porcelain skin was creamy and flawless, something Marcus found he could appreciate.

  Marcus was surprised at the thrill that was running through him. He had bound women up before for a little play time but this was different. It thrilled him that Julia wouldn’t be saying a word that would push him into pain or end the life he thought should be his.

  She wasn’t going to run out on him and leave his heart bare and bleeding. Marcus licked his lips and moved to Julia’s side. He didn’t know what was driving him anymore.

  “We do this you belong to me until I say we’re done,” Marcus growled in her ear, “Nod if you understand.”

  Julia nodded and squirmed with excitement. She knew she made the better looking choice between Marcus and Trevor. Trevor was boring and the sex was mediocre at best. Julia knew in the clenching of her belly that Marcus was not going to disappoint.

  Daddy may have wanted her to go after Marcus to save the family but sleeping with him was definitely for her. He is tall with a great rock hard body and those eyes. Julia loved his eyes. There was something intense but sad about them. He seemed to always be looking through her. She could absolutely be married to a man that looked like Marcus Mairettie and be perfectly happy.

  “Let’s get you undressed,” Marcus murmured next to her ear sending a shiver down her spine. He unzipped the back of Julia’s dress and let it fall to her feet. “Step out, hon.”

  Julia obediently stepped out of the dress as Marcus circled her again. Marcus raised a brow at his own thoughts. Her breasts were perky but smaller than his usual preferred taste. The push up bra she was wearing made them look bigger tonight.

  With a nod to himself Marcus decided the bra would stay. He moved in front of her and pushed down one cup. With skilled fingers he pinched her hardened peek and rolled it. He kissed at the smooth exposed skin of her throat as his free hand slid down her side.

  “You’re beautiful Julia,” Marcus rasped. “Are you ready for me to make you feel wonderful?”

  Julia nodded and blinked her bright blue eyes at him. Marcus felt like if he remained in a state of role play he would make it through this. He was beyond needing sex and needing to release this tension and frustration.

  Turning Julia around, he backed her up against the bed in the middle of the room. Lifting her he placed her on it. Letting his hand glide from her backside to her feet he removed first one shoe then the other tossing them to the floor. Next he reached to pull his own shirt over his head, following with the removal of his pants.

  Marcus smirked smugly when Julia’s eyes widened at the sight of his pulsing manhood. He climbed on the bed beside her and reached in the drawer for a foil packet. Julia writhed and squirmed beside him as he captured her nipple in between his teeth as he rolled the latex into place.

  He kissed her cheek and moved above her, careful to think only of the woman bound and gagged beneath him. Other thoughts were right on the edge pressing for his attention but he ignored them.

  Marcus lined himself up with Julia’s opening and pushed his way in. Julia moaned around the panties he shoved in her mouth. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he started to set the pace for them.

  Marcus’s eyes blurred as they misted over. This was not the woman he wanted and this moment was not meant for this woman either. Julia’s face became a blur through the tears he wouldn’t let fall. He screwed his eyes shut to will them away.

  The moment he closed his eyes her face assaulted him. Suddenly it wasn’t Julia beneath him but her, he could almost smell her perfume and in his mind he could hear her moans. Something in him snapped and his pace became punishing.

  It had been too long, he wanted her too much and now just the thought of having her made him insane. Julia’s legs tightened around him and all he could think of was wanting to make his girl come. He captured Julia’s breast in his mouth and suckled hard as he continued to pump in and out of her.

  Marcus groaned as he imagined the full curves he wanted to be surrounded by. Sweat began to pour down his face and back. Sucking on her sensitive peek was all he could do to keep from bellowing out another woman’s name.

  He growled in satisfaction when he felt her walls tighten around him. He followed behind her as her orgasm crashed over her, spilling into the protection between them. It was in that very instant he came to his senses and realized he wasn’t inside of the woman he loved.

  If this was the woman he loved there would be nothing between them. He never wanted anything between them. He had planned to marry her and bury his seed so deep inside her that it had no choice but to plant a life that would tie them together forever.

  Marcus opened his eyes and blinked back the moisture. Julia came into focus and he could see her face was flushed and her nostrils were flaring. He felt disgusted with himself. He just fucked her brains out while thinking of another woman and she was looking up at him like she’d just fallen in love.

  He would never love her, not the way he loved her. That he knew for certain, but the one he wanted was planning her wedding to another man and this woman gave herself to him willingly. She just trusted him completely with her body.

  Marcus pulled out of Julia and pulled the gag from her mouth. She gave him a beaming lazy smile as she looked up into his eyes. Marcus untied her wrists and rubbed them to bring back the circulation.

  He didn’t mean to flinch when she touched his chest and he hoped that he covered it well when he wrapped an arm around her waist. She snuggled into his arms and placed her head on his chest.

  “That was amazing,” she panted.

  “Mmm,” was all that he could say.

  This was a mistake he could never undo. He felt like he betrayed his love, but it came crashing down quickly that he was not the one that started this. It was time for him to move on. Julia was here and she was ready.

  He kissed the top of Julia’s hair and ran a hand down her bare back. He would just have to get used to Julia and the feel of her. He couldn’t hold out hope anymore. What he had four years ago was over. This was the woman he was with now.

  Chapter 11

  Three months later…

  “Daddy,” Rita squealed as she jumped in her father’s arms.

  “Look at my little girl. It has been too long Rita. It’s a shame when a father has to come all the way across an ocean to see his only daughter because she won’t come home,” Thomas teased.

  “I’m sorry,” Rita murmured. “I’ve just been so busy with Marie taking on more jobs and then changing majors. I swear daddy if she chan
ges majors one more time I will willingly come home and let someone else take my assignment. It’s a good thing she thinks we are such best friends that I am willing to change majors as a BFF thing.

  “The girl is wearing me out. Between the Mairetties and planning this wedding I’m swamped,” Rita sighed.

  “Well baby, I’m so glad you brought up everything I came all the way here to talk to you about,” Thomas said gently as he sat down and patted the seat next to him. “Have a seat.”

  “Ut-oh,” Rita groaned and winced at the look on her father’s face. She was wondering how long it was going to take him to call her out on marrying Anton. Her father was no fool and she was sure he knew she wasn’t marrying for love.

  “You’re going to be twenty five soon,” Thomas sighed. “I never intended for you to do this work long term. I want to see you married with a family. You and Marie have graduated with your business degrees and now she wants to go to law school. I know that that is not what you want to do. You have given up so much to do this job I just want to see you happy.

  “Nate and Bobby have been cooking up some plans so that you kids don’t have to work so hard and knowing how those two get when they set their minds to something I think it is safe to say you can walk away from this soon.

  “Marie has been calling James with talk of wanting to come home. She has even talked him into giving that boyfriend of hers an interview. So it looks like you’ll be coming home one way or another kid.

  “You can fool everyone else with this nonsense wedding of yours but you are not fooling me…

  “But daddy,” Rita tried to cut him off.

  “Listen to me Rita. You have played a game that you are getting severely burned in. I think it’s time you come clean with everyone. If you don’t you will lose what’s most important to you,” Thomas said eyeing her knowingly.

  “But daddy I think it’s too late. Everything is so out of control. Anton’s family is putting so much pressure on him. They’ll disinherit him if they find out the truth,” Rita explained.

  “And you are willing to lose the one you love over this,” Thomas asked with a raised brow.

  Rita gasped as her eyes widened. She was speechless. She should have known her father would know. Nothing involving the Mairetties got by him, put her in the equation and it was definitely on his radar.

  “You hurt him badly Rita. He is trying his best to move on. Minnie and James feel responsible for what happened between you two so they have chosen to stay out of it from now on, but I can’t sit back and let you two ruin your happiness. I’ll leave you to think about that. I want to get settled in my hotel,” Thomas sighed.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt him,” Rita murmured as she swiped at her tears.

  “We parents know a thing or two and if you two would have just come to us things could have gone a lot smoother. Minnie asked me to give you these pictures of her birthday party. I think you should look at them and think about what you see,” Thomas handed her an envelope before kissing the top of her head and standing to leave. “I love you, Baby.”

  “Thanks Daddy, I love you too.”

  Rita sat staring at the envelope in her hands long after her father left. She knew Minnie had been greatly disappointed that she hadn’t come to the States for her birthday party despite Marie returning home for it. Rita just wasn’t ready to face Marcus.

  She was sure he heard about her planning her wedding by now. Anton’s family started to put ridiculous amounts of pressure on them to set a date and actually get married. Rita just couldn’t find it in her heart to renege on her friend. So much in his life was revolving around their wedding now. Their engagement had gotten his family off his back for a little while but after three years of no date they were getting suspicious.

  Rita rubbed her temples. She missed home and she missed Marcus so much it hurt. She wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to see her again. It tore her apart when he sent her a text about five or six months ago.

  It had been the same day Anton showed up at her place drunk and in pieces. Leo was putting pressure on him and so was his family. They had just decided to go ahead with the wedding right before Marcus sent his text.

  Rita had no words for what the text said. She had just promised her best friend to help him after he had been through so much with her. She’d cried later that night after reading that text for the millionth time.

  His words were simple. I love you and I want you to come home. I can’t live without you. If he had said those words four years ago she would have gone running back to him but things were so out of control now.

  Rita feared what was in this envelope. She knew her father too well not to. If he made a point to give it to her and to tell her to think about them, she was in for something she may not want to see.

  With shaky hands Rita opened the envelope and slipped the pictures out. The first photo was Minnie and James all smiles and looking youthful. The next one was of them, Marie and the boys. Rita smiled weakly as she looked at the man she loved with his family. He looked so handsome in his tux. His hair was still longer, giving him a regal look. There was a hint of mischief in his smile as he looked at Marie.

  In the next photo they were all together again but Marcus was looking off to the side with a sexy smile on his face. It peeked Rita’s curiosity right away. Marie hadn’t mentioned the party when she returned because she knew it was a sore topic. Rita now wished she would have asked her about it.

  It was the next photo that brought tears to Rita’s eyes and stole her breath away. Sam’s wife Ellen had joined the photo, as did Chad, Marie’s boyfriend, but they were not the cause of her pain. It was the beautiful brunette with the bright blue eyes that ripped her heart from her chest.

  She was wrapped around Marcus’s arm smiling brightly. Marcus was looking down at her with the smile he had in the previous photo. Rita covered her mouth with a shaky hand as a sob ripped from her chest.

  Marie rushed into the room with wide eyes. She came to Rita’s side and groaned when she saw the photos in Rita’s hand. Marie pried the photos from Rita’s fingers.

  “Where the hell did these come from? I told mommy I was not going to give them to you,” Marie hissed.

  “My dad gave them to me before he went to his hotel,” Rita sobbed. “She’s so pretty Marie. He looks so happy.”

  “Oh Baby love, you have no idea. Marcus has become a very good actor,” Marie sighed. “He was piss drunk by the time we took these photos and sweetie he wasn’t drinking to enjoy the party. He started drinking the moment he realized you weren’t coming.”

  “But is she his girlfriend?”

  “Unfortunately,” Marie muttered. “She’s pretty but there is something about her I can’t put my finger on. I don’t think she loves my brother. Well, not like you do.”

  “I’ve made such a mess,” Rita cried.

  “It’s not too late to fix it,” Marie smiled and wiped her friend’s tears.

  “I don’t know how to fix it without hurting someone I care about,” Rita huffed and sniffled.

  “I don’t either but we have to try. You guys are so miserable,” Marie whined.

  Chapter 12

  Five months later…

  Marcus stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist to find Julia sitting on his bed. He looked at her feet and frowned. She had a disgusting habit of putting her feet on the bed while still wearing her shoes.

  “Jewels shoes hon, come on,” Marcus grunted.

  “Sorry Baby, I missed you.” Julia chirped. “Daddy wanted to know if we would come to dinner tonight. He is having a few friends over for a dinner party.”

  “I guess that would be fine,” Marcus replied absently.

  His mind was on the text message he received earlier that the family would be going to their private island in the Bahamas for a family trip. It was something they hadn’t done in so long. Once Bobby entered law school, then Sam, the family pretty much didn’t have time for their long geta

  It wasn’t the trip that had him distracted it was the timing of the trip. None of his family other than Marie had been invited to Rita’s wedding. He knew his parents were doing this to distract him from it.

  It pissed him off even though he knew they were trying to help. Going on a family vacation right before the woman he loved married someone else was not going to help at all. What would help would be some closure.

  If he could understand how this happened then maybe he could move on. Granted things with Julia were as good as can be expected for a guy who was in love with someone else. She seemed happy from what he could tell.

  Julia had hinted around about marriage more than once. They had only been dating nine months but he knew that meant nothing with someone he loved. He had picked out the ring he bought his girl three months into their relationship. It only took him so long to buy it because he was nervous about her reaction.

  “Baby, did you hear me,” Julia asked.

  “No sorry, I was thinking,” Marcus murmured.

  “I said daddy was asking me when I thought we were going to get serious. He thinks we are the perfect couple. I told him I wasn’t sure about you but I know I’m in love and would say yes if you asked,” Julia bit her lip and winced.

  “Jewels, you have been going on about getting married for the last two weeks. Is there something you want to tell me or something I missed,” Marcus sighed and rubbed his eyes.

  He had been pulling late nights with Paige again and he was exhausted. He hadn’t expected to even see Julia today. He had made the mistake of letting her talk him into giving her a key. She caught him after sex when he was already feeling guilty for wishing and imagining that she was Rita.

  “Well,” Julia drew out the word. “I sort of found my ring two weeks ago when I was looking for something to write with.”


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