Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2)

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Against The Law (Legally Bound Book 2) Page 12

by Blue Saffire

  “Babe,” Rita pleaded, “I want you.”

  Marcus smirked, his girl didn’t have to ask but once. “Get on your knees and face the mirror,” Marcus ordered.

  Rita moved forward and did as he said facing the mirror across from the tub. She placed her hands on the edge of the tub and got on her knees. Marcus watched as the water cascaded down her luscious backside. He bit his lip and smiled. He was going to enjoy this.

  Marcus climbed up behind Rita and posed at her entrance. He looked into the mirror and smiled at the look of anticipation on her face. He smirked sexily at her as she locked eyes with him and gave her a swift slap on the left cheek.

  Rita yelped and turned to look him in the eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him then giggled and bit her lip before wiggling against him. He groaned and slapped her on the other cheek. This time Rita moaned and pushed back against him.

  He started to enter her slowly. Rita’s breath caught and her grip tightened on the tub edge. He was so much deeper this way. She didn’t think he could get any deeper, then he pressed his hand down on her lower back arching it more and she was done for.

  “Oh God Marcus,” she cried out.

  “Oh Baby, you’re amazing,” Marcus hissed through his teeth.

  It was too good for him to hold back this time. He started to pound into her as he watched her face in the mirror. He loved the look of ecstasy on her face. Her lips were parted and her eyes were rolled back in her head. He gripped her hips to anchor him as the water splashed and slushed beneath them.

  “Fuck Rita,” Marcus panted when he felt her tightening around him.

  He looked down at her butt slapping against his pelvis and growled. He didn’t know he was an ass man until now. He grabbed a hold of her cheeks and spread them as he watched his shaft push in and out of her. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Watching her brown skin slap against him and her pink folds stretch around him while her juices coated him was such a turn on.

  “Marcus, I’m coming,” Rita cried out as she started to feel like she was floating from the room.

  “I’m right with you, Baby. Cum for me,” Marcus rasped.

  Rita came around him and he pumped inside her with three more hard thrusts as he came to his own climax. He’d never cum so hard, it was almost painful. He slumped over her cradling her in his arms as he caught his breath. After a moment he gently slumped back against the tub bringing her with him but not pulling out of her.

  Rita let her head rest back on his shoulder she was totally spent now. Marcus gently caressed her belly and nuzzled her neck. This is such a sweet moment, Rita thought as she committed it to memory. It would be something to keep her warm and happy in the nights to come.

  She was sure Marcus had ruined her for other men. No one would live up to what he did to her tonight she didn’t even want to try. Marcus started to gently bath her skin. Rita closed her eyes and sighed in pleasure.

  “What are you thinking right now,” Marcus murmured against her ear.

  Blinking her eyes open she smiled. “That you are amazing and I’m glad I waited for you… for this,” Rita said coyly.

  Marcus paused. He had so many questions but it didn’t seem like the right time for them. He didn’t want to ask what kept her from sleeping with her ex. It was just going to bitter his mood.

  “I promise it gets better,” he chuckled in her ear trying to keep things light.

  Rita went rigid. Marcus was becoming frustrated, as long as they were having sex they were fine. Anytime he tried to talk to her things started to tense up. He had no idea what he was saying and doing wrong. He had long since burned the alcohol off. He was sure he was thinking straight. Well as straight as he could think with Rita around.

  “Is everything okay,” he chanced asking her.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Marcus, I know that you said you didn’t want to talk about the past but I just need you to know something. I never meant to hurt you. In Italy it wasn’t –”

  Marcus cut her words off with a kiss. He never wanted to think about that day in Italy ever again in his life. She was his now and he was taking her home where she belonged, nothing else mattered.

  Rita moaned into his mouth and melted into his arms. She forgot what she was trying to say and let him take over. Marcus held her until she started to shiver in the water. He finished bathing her quickly and toweled her off before carrying her to bed.

  Marcus pulled the covers back and placed her on the bed before climbing inside with her and pulling the covers back over them. Marcus reached for Rita and tucked her in his arms. He was exhausted as the events of the last four days caught up to him, but content.

  “I love you, Rita,” he murmured before he drifted to sleep.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as his arms tightened around her. This was the end of a perfect night. A night she would have to remember and cherish for the rest of her life. In the morning everything would change.

  Chapter 16

  Rita sat up in bed staring down at Marcus while he was asleep. This was it she was going to let him go once and for all. She couldn’t face him this morning, it would be too hard. She already made a plan to move forward.

  She just wanted to watch him a little longer. He was so gorgeous as he laid beside her with his full lips parted and his eyes closed. His lashes were so long as they fanned out against his cheeks. His hair was sweeping across his forehead messy from sleep.

  One of his large hands was reaching out for her and the other was resting over his heart. A heart she had fallen so deeply in love with. Rita found her hands were itching to touch him.

  Rita knew she was playing with fire but there was one more thing she wanted to experience with Marcus and only Marcus. If she didn’t do it now it would never happen.

  Rita looked down at his body. The sheets had fallen away and he was fully exposed for her viewing. He was semi hard in his sleep. Rita licked her lips as she contemplated what she wanted. This would be one last thing she would be able to have to remember.

  Making her decision Rita gently slid down the bed and moved to her knees. She peeked up at Marcus as he stirred a little. She bit her lip nervously hoping not to wake him as yet.

  When he settled and seemed as if he wasn’t moving any longer Rita looked back down at his manhood and wrung her hands. She had no idea what she was doing. She just knew she wanted to try.

  Tentatively she bent over and reached for his semi hard manhood and gave it a gentle squeeze. Marcus grunted in his sleep. She peeked to make sure he was still asleep before flicking out her tongue to taste the precum that rose to the tip when she gave it a squeeze.

  Rita hummed to herself at his salty sweet taste. With a wicked smile on her lips she swirled her tongue around his tip. Marcus whimpered slightly and bucked his hips but he still didn’t wake. Rita chuckled as she enjoyed her exploration.

  Placing both hands at his base she started to massage and pump him at once. Marcus’s hips started to move with the motion. Rita beamed to herself and decided she really wanted this.

  She bent over and wrapped her lips around him. She could feel her own arousal from having this control over the man who had her life in such an upheaval. If only he knew how much she really loved him.

  Rita worked her mouth up and down simultaneously with her hands. Marcus was really moaning now and bucking his hips. His head sank back into the pillow as his breathing increased. Rita kept her eyes on him watching his reaction to what she was doing.

  He tasted so silky, sweet and smooth in her mouth, but hard as steel at the same time. She couldn’t help the hums of pleasure that were coming from her throat. This was so erotic and sensual. Taking him in her mouth was something she wanted from the time she saw his massive size the night before.

  “Rita,” Marcus grunted in almost a question, as he open his eyes and blinked the sleep away.

  His breath was labored and his face was twisted in pleasure. He reached for her face with one hand and cupped the back of her h
ead with the other. He was really pumping his hips now as his eyes locked with hers.

  Rita slurped and groaned, causing his eyes to widen and his mouth to fall open in an o shape. His hand on her face dropped to clutch the sheets. Rita was so turned on that she could do this to this powerful man. Marcus’s head fell back and he nearly bucked off the bed as she cupped his balls with one hand and took him as far as her throat would let her. She was surprised at how far that actually was.

  “Fuck,” Marcus growled.

  Rita smiled as she noticed the veins straining in his forearm and neck. She continued to bob and slurp, since the sound seemed to turn him on so much. He was so large she had to use both her hands and mouth and she still wasn’t giving the whole of him attention.

  Marcus thought he was dreaming. She was literally blowing his mind. Rita could feel him getting ready to blow. She quickened her pace and unsheathed her teeth when she got to the tip to tease him just a little. Marcus tightened his hand in her hair to try to pull her away.

  “Baby…coming…stop,” he panted incoherently. Rita chuckled and flicked her tongue around him on her way back down again. That was all he needed to blow as he bellowed her name.

  Rita hummed in satisfaction as he shot his load down her throat. Rita let him pop from her lips and laughed. She didn’t think she would like it so much. She sat back on her heels biting the corner of her lip peeking up at Marcus through her lashes.

  He was staring at her with reverence. He was awed that she had just given him the greatest oral sex he ever had and he had some pretty great experiences. He blinked a few times to clear his head then tackled her to the bed.

  “You’re amazing,” he growled against her neck as she fell back against the bed.

  “Marcus,” Rita gasped when his hand reached between her legs.

  “Shh Baby, it’s time for your reward. I always reward my woman when she’s a good girl,” Marcus crooned.

  But I’m not your woman; Rita thought sadly and had to fight back the tears. Rita let the tears roll when Marcus was too busy to see them. Her sobs were covered by her cries of pleasure.

  Once Marcus felt she was rewarded thoroughly he tugged her back into his arms and drifted back off to sleep. Rita wasn’t so sure the reward was worth the pain that was tearing through her. This was the only man she would ever love and because she made poor decision after poor decision she had lost him forever.

  Chapter 17

  Marcus was still passed out on his back with his arm thrown across his face. Suddenly he shot up bolt straight and gasped like someone had just stolen his air. He immediately reached out for Rita. She was gone and the bed was cold where she had been laying.

  Marcus had a sinking feeling in his gut. He stumbled out of bed and grabbed his aching head. Looking around the room the bathroom door was open with the light off and her things were gone.

  Marcus pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried to tell himself Rita left so no one would know they spent the night together. After taking a few deep breaths he looked around the room for his things. His bag was placed neatly by the door.

  Rushing to it he grabbed the bag and rushed into the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed. He should have set an alarm last night. The immediate family was scheduled to fly out together a little after noon.

  Once in a fresh pair of jeans and grey t-shirt and light button up he was rushing out of the room to find everyone. Well one person in particular. Thundering down the stairs to the foyer he ran right into Nate.

  “Great I was just going to come searching for you,” Nate sighed. “Everyone else has already left. We’ll be following them.”

  Marcus looked over Nathan’s shoulder to see Pamela trying to ignore them both. “Is it just the three of us?” Marcus asked.

  “Yup, we’re the only three that over slept. Well from what I hear Bobby and Paige are running late from their villa but that was to be expected. If we get a move on maybe we won’t be the last ones to arrive,” Nathan chuckled.

  Marcus nodded and followed Nate and Pam to the waiting truck. The ride was awkward to say the least. Pam climbed into the third row of the truck despite there only being the three of them and the driver. Nate sat up front in the passenger seat while Marcus sat in the middle.

  Marcus was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to figure out what was going on with these two. Something inside was telling him that something wasn’t right. He rubbed at his chest trying to relieve the pain from his heart.

  It wasn’t adding up. He should have been the happiest man alive. Last night was amazing if you didn’t count the few awkward moments when he tried to carry a conversation with Rita. This morning had been even better. He was shocked to wake up to Rita going down on him, but amazed at how good it felt and how much she seemed to enjoy bringing him so much pleasure.

  He remembered falling asleep with her in his arms and everything was fine. He’d taken it easy on her this morning, but he made sure she was thoroughly satisfied. He chided himself in his head. She was only doing what they had done before, hiding their relationship. They would never have to hide again now that she was coming home for good and he was going to marry her.

  When they arrived at the hanger Marcus jumped out of the truck and moved swiftly for the plane. Nate shot him a questioning look but Marcus kept moving forward. The plane was buzzing with excited chatter but as Marcus looked around three faces he expected to see were missing.

  Rita, Marie and Jasper were not in sight. Marcus smoothed his sweaty palms on his jeans and took an empty seat across from everyone else. Paige, Bobby, Sam, Ellen and Jess were all seated together.

  Pamela came and sat across from him and Nathan sat in the seat next to her with a taunting smile on his face. Marcus stifled a groan. He wanted to leave room for Rita and hoped they’d be able to talk in as much privacy as they could get. Sitting across from Nate was not ideal. Marcus pulled his phone from his pocket to send Rita a text.

  Baby where are you?

  He sat staring at the phone waiting for a response. Seconds seemed like hours. After fifteen minutes with still no response the pilot announced that they would be departing. Marcus looked frantically around the plane. Taking a breath to calm himself, he cleared his throat.

  “Where is Rita…Um, Marie and Jasper,” he tried to cover his original blunder.

  “She decided to follow Marie back to Europe. Something about collecting their things in the apartment and tying up loose ends,” James offered. “They mentioned they may be another few months or so.”

  “Fuck,” Marcus growled and pushed his hands in his hair. Realization of his outburst hit him a little too late. “Shit, sorry mom, dad.”

  Nate narrowed his eyes and the playful grin fell from his lips. Marcus snatched at his hair from the roots. He knew she was running again. He was completely gutted.

  “You’re the reason,” Nate growled. “You’re the reason she just had to follow Marie to Europe when dad was giving her an out. You’re the reason she wouldn’t come back home. You’re the reason my sister was going to marry some guy she wasn’t even in love with, a guy that was never in love with her.”

  “What,” Marcus frowned at Nate’s words. “If she wasn’t in love with him… if he wasn’t in love with her why did he propose to her? What do you mean he was never going to love her?”

  Nate snorted, while Camille, Paige and Pamela snickered. “He doesn’t know yet?” Pamela asked in shock.

  “Know what?” Marcus growled.

  “Okay… minding my business,” Pam sang and pushed on a pair of sunglasses.

  “Anton is gay,” Nate bit out. “Wait a minute, how do you three know?”

  Pamela studied her nails like they were the most important thing on the planet. Paige pressed her lips at her sister. With a sigh she snuggled into Bobby’s side.

  “When we took that little walk last night, just us girls, Rita may have poured out her real feelings and the story behind their relationship.” Paige shrugged.

bsp; “Wait James… you and my father knew all along didn’t you? That was what all the top secret requests on Marcus and Rita were for. Unbelievable, how long,” Nate growled the last part at Marcus. “Wait, don’t answer that. I already know. I just wanted to believe you weren’t that stupid to be seeing my baby sister and lying to me about it.”

  “I never wanted to lie about it. It just happened and I didn’t know what else to do,” Marcus said to his hands. “Wait, her fiancé is gay? She wasn’t in love with him?”

  “Phew… we have a whole lot of slow going on around here,” Pamela snorted.

  “I tried to tell you to get the facts Son,” James said gently. “Nate, your father and I thought it best to let the two of them make their own decisions and mistakes but yes we knew.”

  “How did you finally find out the truth,” Paige asked Nathan with a warm smile.

  “Dad took me aside last night before he left with your parents and the Grands. He just left out anything about Marcus,” Nathan grumbled.

  “I love her, Nate. I’ve loved her since the first time your father put her in my arms and told us she was our new charge, that it was our job to keep her safe and protected. Then somewhere along the way I fell in love with her and I wanted to protect her, keep her safe and make her happy. I’d do anything for her,” Marcus said to his longtime friend.

  Nate narrowed his eyes. “So why are you engaged Marcus and why is my sister on the run again?” he almost hissed. Marcus could see that Nate was pissed.

  “The engagement was a mistake. Julia was going through my things at my place and she found the ring. The ring belongs…it belonged to Rita. I bought it for her nineteenth birthday. I was going to propose to show her what I couldn’t openly express. We got into a stupid fight before I could give it to her and then she was gone.”

  Marcus pinched his nose and sighed. “Julia thought the ring was for her and instead of trying to explain the truth I let her think it was for her. Rita was getting married and Julia kept mentioning wanting to get married. I know I’ll never love anyone the way I love Rita, so I just thought in time I would be able to marry Julia. She just got relentless after seeing the ring and everything spun out of control.


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