A Guardian's Passion

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A Guardian's Passion Page 8

by Stein Willard

  “Trinity, meet Dr. Gabriella Talos. Paloma and I went to see her recently. Dr. Talos, this is my dear friend, Trinity O’Riordan.” She hooked her arm into Trinity's. “We’re almost like sisters, aren't we now?”

  Trinity had no choice but to nod and switched her gaze to Gabriella. The doctor was studying the two of them in silence, her amber eyes flitting between the two of them. Gabriella held out her hand.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Trinity. What an unusual name?” Gabriella said sweetly.

  Trinity smiled gently, excited by the dare she heard in Gabriella's voice.

  “My mother thought it would bring me good luck,” she said softly and watched the amber eyes darken slightly.

  “And did it?”

  Gabriella took a sip from her drink, peering at Trinity from over the rim of her glass.

  “Yes and no,” Trinity said calmly and turned to Inger who was looking at them with a hint of amusement in her eyes. “If I’m not mistaken I believe I am well-aware of Dr. Talos’ field of expertise.” Lightening her tone, Trinity continued. “I didn't know that you and Paloma had trouble in that department. You guys always seem so…attuned to each other’s needs.”

  Inger shrugged and took a sip from her glass. Her blue eyes were unfathomable as they met Trinity.

  “We were worried that things were becoming too predictable and approached the good doctor for advice.” She raised her glass to take a sip, but midway Inger’s eyes widened suddenly, causing a trickle of alarm to run down Trinity’s spine. “Why didn't I think of it sooner?” She placed her glass on the bar counter and threw her hands wide looking from Trinity to Gabriella. “Why don't you counsel Trinity? I can't remember when she’s last been with someone.” Inger wiggled her eyebrows. “Maybe you could help her revive her dormant libido. I'm footing the bill. What do you say, Doctor?”


  Stunned by the suggestion, Gabriella slowly turned to look at Trinity. The redhead was staring at Inger with burning eyes and for a moment Gabriella feared she was going to attack the other woman. Counseling Trinity would be a disaster. She just couldn't see herself talking about vulvas and G-spots with this woman she wasn’t even sure how she felt about. On the other hand, it would mean that she would be seeing a whole lot more of Trinity. She straightened her shoulders, her mind made up almost instantly. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. She cleared her throat softly and both women turned to look at her.

  “I'm sure I'll be able to help.” She saw an expression of pure delight on Inger's face and one of deadly fury in Trinity's eyes. She quickly continued before her bravado deserted her completely. “I'm booked solid for the next three weeks, but I think we can have our sessions at my place, if it suits you.” Her gaze touched lightly on Trinity and she almost swooned when Trinity turned with the full intensity of her green eyes on her.

  “Great!” Inger exclaimed, before Trinity could answer. “I will call your office tomorrow and make an arrangement for the payment.” She clasped Gabriella's hand. “It means a lot to me that you are willing to make an exception for us. At least now my friend will be able to start dating again.” A woman passed by and pulled Inger away from them with a polite apology.

  “Why did you agree to see me?” Trinity's voice was so soft that Gabriella had to strain her ears to be able to hear her.

  “I couldn't very well have said no. Inger wanted to do something nice for you. I too think that you need to unlock that part of you and start living.” She clasped her hand over her mouth and quickly stepped closer to Trinity. “Speaking about living. Does she know?”

  Trinity looked at her long and hard.

  “Yes, she does.”

  Gabriella's face registered shock. “And she doesn't mind? She's fine with it?”

  “She doesn't really have a choice,” Trinity said nonchalantly and saw the confusion in Gabriella's eyes.

  “What does that mean?” she asked slowly and frowned when Trinity started to chuckle softly.

  “I will tell you one day, but not tonight.”

  Gabriella looked down at the glass in her hand and then back at Trinity, sorely tempted to splash the contents on the infuriating woman. Trinity of all people knew how much she hated it when people did that. Since she was a child, she'd pestered Trinity to finish a story instead of keeping her in suspense until the next evening. Looking at the vampire, she saw the dare in Trinity's eyes and instead took a sip—a long one—from her drink. How she wished she'd ordered something stronger now.

  “What? You are not going to throw the drink in my face?” Trinity taunted.

  Gabriella took another hasty sip as an image of a drenched Trinity played in her mind’s eye.

  “As you can see for yourself, I've grown up,” she snapped instead.


  Trinity looked at the woman in front of her. Her hand tightened around her glass, alarmed that she might forget where they were and grab her close for a kiss. Gabriella looked so damned beautiful staring at her with her smoldering eyes and stiff smile. Maybe having sessions with her after hours wasn't such a bad idea. It would be even better if they could alternate between theory and practice. Her green eyes lowered slowly and came to rest on the full breasts under the tight black silk shirt. She could see Gabriella’s nipples harden under her close scrutiny. Trinity’s mouth watered at the thought of sucking those nipples into her mouth and…

  “Don't look at me like that, Trinity,” Gabriella said in a voice that sounded shaky.

  Trinity quickly blinked. When she focused her gaze on Gabriella’s face again, she had managed to school her face into a neutral mask. Gabriella on the other hand looked visibly shaken at what had just transpired.

  “If you want me that much why don't you do something about it?”

  Trinity suddenly remembered the glass in her hand and lifted it to her lips, draining its contents. She placed the glass on the counter. Space. She needed to put distance between them.

  “I need to get Inger home. Paloma might be worried by now,” she said softly.

  “Will…will you come back to me after you've taken her home?” The question was asked softly and with so much uncertainty, that Trinity wanted to kiss her. But deep down she knew it was not going to happen. As much as she’d wanted to take Gabriella up on her offer, the thought that she might not be the one Gabriella craved for, didn’t sit well with her ego.

  “You have broken up with your girlfriend only a few days ago and are vulnerable at the moment.” She gently took the brunette by the arm and pulled her to a quiet corner. “Having sex with me will not solve anything. Call Jessica. Maybe you can work out your differences and reconcile.” What are you doing, she heard a soft voice echo from inside. Shut up and claim her. You know you want to.

  Trinity watched as a look of embarrassment crossed over Gabriella’s eyes. Gabriella pressed her glass into Trinity’s hand, causing some of the contents to slosh over Trinity’s hand

  “It was nice seeing you again,” Gabriella said stiffly and walked away.

  Cursing under her breath, Trinity watched as Gabriella disappeared into the crowd. Was she really going to call that cheating woman and patch things up with her? It was at times like these that she wished she could read Gabriella's mind. She should've taken her blood when she had the chance years ago. Now was too late, the woman was spitting mad with her and would probably knock her fangs out if she tried to bite her. But she'll have to come up with a plan to do it. Gabriella was too unpredictable and Trinity needed to be a step ahead, especially with Tristan around.

  The thought of Tristan touching Gabriella made her skin crawl and her heart race in terror. She wasn’t prepared to allow that cad to take another woman she loved from her. The morose thoughts sucked the fun out of the evening and all Trinity wanted to do was run as far as she could from her thoughts. But first she needed to get the Assassin's mate home safely. She went in search of Inger, hoping she wouldn't run into Gabriella again.


nbsp; The earth undulated violently before it spewed upwards. Tristan sat up and flexed his stiff muscles. His eyes creaked open and the group of renegades guarding his den, while he recovered, stood back, their eyes shifting uneasily. An aura of deadly intent infused the air. Those who knew him were aware that when Tristan was in this mood, it spelled death for anyone who opposed him.

  At that very moment, the renegade leader’s thoughts were on Trinity. The bitch had the audacity to kick him in the groin, poisoning him with silver in the process. He felt the fear of the other vampires and drew on it, mentally soaking in it. Fear was the one emotion he felt comfortable with. Trinity hadn't shown any fear that night. Instead, she had looked at him with disgust. Him! The Master of the Renegade Council! The lives of thousands of humans and vampires depended on his say so. That bitch had tipped the scale dangerously.

  He would enjoy making her suffer before he ripped her head off. The air practically vibrated with his rage even when they were both human, she had treated him like dirt, like a disease. No matter the lengths he’d gone to try and win her favor, Trinity always swatted him away as if he was an irritating insect. That will not happen again. That inferior she-dog will learn to respect and fear him.

  Tristan slowly rose to his feet and stepped out of the shallow hole. Soon after he was turned he couldn't wait to return to England and take his revenge on all those who had made his human life a living hell. First on the list was his father, for treating him like a beggar and throwing a measly monthly stipend his way. He was the butt of many jokes amongst his peers because of that—Tristan the Insolvent, they had whispered behind their gloved hands. His mother…well…she was simply in the way when he'd torn out his father's throat. Her screaming had alerted the old midwife, Trinity's mother, and he had no choice but to kill them both. Then there was gentle little Clarissa. He had hated her because everyone compared them. If only Tristan had Clarissa's disposition he would be less of a liability and a worthy future Marquis. That was what he'd heard all through his human life.

  He smirked. Nobody really knew little docile Clarissa at all, it seemed. The little whore had kept a very dark side hidden from her many admirers. He recalled that night so long ago and what had transpired in the woodshed. The rage that filled him when he found Clarissa panting like a bitch in heat with none other than Trinity between her legs, almost drove him insane. He'd wanted to butcher them both then and there, but not before he had Trinity first. A cold smile flitted over his face. Oh, how intoxicating she'd been. He was very unhappy when Drake and Mercredi insisted he got rid of her and start to focus on his role as a member of the Renegade Council. Reluctantly he had thrown her out, knowing she would die soon afterwards, but he never counted on her being turned by another vampire. Now she was here in New York and had very powerful allies. Trinity will pay and not even her allies will be able to protect her from his wrath. He turned to his guards.

  “I will not be going out to hunt. Bring me a young girl, fifteen and still a virgin,” he snapped. The guards almost fell over their feet in the haste to fulfill his wish.

  Throughout the centuries he had traveled the world and sampled the blood from all races and ages and had found that the blood of young teenage girls, still untouched, but with so much expectations and promise was the most revitalizing of them all. He'd never looked back since. It was only in rare instances that he would drink from an adult, but that was simply when he was ravenous and had to take what was available.

  Tonight he would devise his plan and come to tomorrow night he would systematically put it in practice. That bitch will not know what hit her.


  Chapter Eight

  The room was dark but she could easily make out the shape on the bed. Hidden in the shadows, her eyes hungrily traced the sleeping figure. Jealousy brought her here tonight. After she'd dropped off Inger she'd went to the library to read a bit before joining the rest of the team in the training room, but her mind kept on returning to Gabriella. Was she with Jessica? Were they in bed making love? After two hours of trying to expunge distressing mental images of Jessica and Gabriella together, she fled the training room and came here.

  Scanning the apartment from outside, she was comforted to find that Gabriella was in bed—alone. She gained entry to Gabriella’s apartment a few years ago when she hypnotized Gabriella into inviting her inside while the woman was delirious from flu. She was lucky that Gabriella was too tipsy to ask her the last time how Trinity got into her apartment.

  She crept closer, listening to Gabriella’s breathing. The satin sheets rustled softly as Gabriella rolled onto her back. Alarmed, Trinity took a quick step backwards and melted into the shadows. She yearned to be closer to Gabriella. She wanted to be under the covers, wrapped around Gabriella’s sweet-smelling body. Instead, she stepped deeper into the shadows, settling in to keep vigil over her love.


  The whisper echoed like a shout in Trinity’s ears. Startled, she could only stare at the figure on the bed. She was getting negligent. First she'd allowed Tristan to creep up on her and now she wasn't even aware that Gabriella was awake and had been lying there looking at her.

  “I've been expecting you.”

  Trinity frowned. She expected her! How the hell did Gabriella know that she would come?

  “What made you think I would come?” she asked, still using the shadows as cover.

  Gabriella sat up and Trinity’s mouth fell open. Gabriella was completely naked under the sheet.

  “You want me, Trinity,” she said matter-of-factly. She threw the sheet away from her as she came walking towards Trinity. “You might not know it yet, but we are destined to be together. You have been looking after me so that one day you could claim me for yourself.” Gabriella boldly walked right up to her and pressed her warm naked body into hers. “Why don't you just take what is yours?”

  Trinity felt her heartbeat accelerate at the thought of pressing her down on the satin sheets and losing herself in Gabriella's gorgeous body. At the same time a profound sense of sadness overtook her and she lifted her gaze to meet the warm golden one.

  “You are not mine to take. I am a vampire living in the shadows and you a beautiful woman who belongs in the light. You will not like my world, my principles, and my…possessiveness.” She took another step away from Gabriella. She couldn't think with a naked Gabriella standing so close to her. For the singular step she took backwards, Gabriella closed the distance with two steps, pressing tighter against Trinity. “You do not know anything about vampires, Gabriella. We are not your everyday girlfriend type. When we love we love until death do us part. Our passion can be very frightening.”

  Trinity put her hands lightly on Gabriella's shoulders intending to push her away, but she soon realized her mistake. The silky heat of Gabriella’s skin under her hands caused her knees to buckle slightly and Trinity knew at that moment that she was lost. Instead of pushing the brunette away, she pulled her closer. Trinity’s head lowered to capture the moist parted lips in a hard, ferocious kiss. Her insides melted at the first touch of Gabriella’s tongue sliding over hers. She gasped into Gabriella’s mouth and felt the woman pulling her closer. After what felt like hours, Trinity pulled her lips away and buried her face in the raven hair.

  “It didn't scare me,” Gabriella gasped against her neck and Trinity gently pushed her away so she could look in the amber eyes. They were dark with desire. “I want more.”

  The small request was her undoing and Trinity swung Gabriella into her arms and walked over to the big bed. She gently deposited her charge on the bed and stretched out next to her. The amber eyes stared into hers fearlessly and Trinity slowly lowered her head again to taste the soft lips.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop, baby,” Trinity husked as she reached up to take off her t-shirt.


  Gabriella nodded but knew that there wouldn’t be any stopping tonight. Tonight she wanted to be ravished. Not even Jessica had made her want this
much. She felt Trinity's lips on her shoulder blades and her neck. When the moist lips grazed over her breasts, Gabriella arched her back and moaned when those soft lips moved lower. She closed her eyes when she felt cool fingers opening her swollen lips, pushing them apart to make way for…

  “Oh Oh Oh…”

  Trinity's hot tongue glided through her silken folds. Gabriella lifted her legs off the bed and hissed at the glorious sensation as she held Trinity’s head in position. Her eyes threatened to roll back in their sockets as Trinity slowly explored Gabriella’s wet and musky center. Was this what I’ve been telling people to do during their sessions, because it was so…so wickedly delicious? She felt the smooth tongue moving downwards and gasped when Trinity pressed the tip of her tongue into her warm sex. Once, twice, three times and then she lost count as her hips started to buck in mindless pleasure.


  Trinity was greedy. There were so many things she still wanted to do to this woman and dawn was approaching fast. She flattened her tongue and with a long, slow lick collected the wet musk until she encountered the pulsing swollen nub. Savoring the smooth texture of Gabriella’s clit on her tongue, Trinity sucked it into her mouth. She bared her teeth and began milking the small nub. Slowly at first and then faster and faster, until she heard Gabriella moaning louder, her hips pushing frantically against her face, wetting it with her juices. Trinity chanced a quick look at Gabriella’s face, eager to see her lover’s expression. Something deep inside of her snapped at what she saw. This particular image would stay with her forever. Gabriella's hands were knotted in the sheets on both sides of her head, while her mouth was open in rapturous delight.


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