A Guardian's Passion

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A Guardian's Passion Page 12

by Stein Willard

  “In the state she is in she needs fresh blood. She might just bite you.”

  Gabriella turned shocked eyes on Trinity and found her staring back at her the way the Wolf must've looked at Little Red Riding Hood. She took a step back, but Tahlia came up from behind her.

  “I will give her some of my blood, to speed up the healing process, but she will still need fresh human blood to quench her thirst and to aid with the healing process,” she said softly.

  Gabriella saw concern in the black eyes. She turned to Genevieve and saw the same expression reflected in the sad green eyes.

  When she looked at Trinity, she saw that Trinity’s fangs were imbedded in her lower lip, a look of pain on her pale face. Her mind made up, she turned to Tahlia.

  “Will my blood ease the pain a bit?”

  The black eyes stared at her long and hard. “Yes. It will make her more comfortable.”

  If it's going to make the pain ease a bit then yes, I will offer what was needed, Gabriella thought and stepped closer to the bed.

  “What should I do?” she asked Tahlia. An unexpected look of tenderness crossed the vampire’s face.

  “Just hold out your wrist to her. She might try to fight the urge and push your arm away, but if you persist, she will give in and take what she needs.” The husky voice was gentle.

  “Will it hurt?” Gabriella asked as an afterthought, knowing deep down that it wouldn’t change her mind.

  “She can make it less uncomfortable.”

  Gabriella looked at Trinity and saw the anticipation in the green eyes. She also saw the pointy fangs peeking out at her and she quickly turned back to Tahlia, but the tender look in the black eyes reassured her. She cast a quick look at Genevieve whose green eyes smiled back her.

  “I will not let her hurt you, Little One,” Genevieve said.

  She looked at Trinity and this time she found her staring back at her with fear in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry you’re not going to hurt me, because I love you, my baby,” she said in a soothing tone as came to sit on the bed. Trinity stared at her and Gabriella saw a red bubble formed at the corner of Trinity’s eye and slowly rolled down her pale, soot covered cheek. Her own eyes shot full of tears. At that moment she felt an overwhelming need to assure Trinity of her love and she knew just how. Instead of offering her wrist as Tahlia instructed, Gabriella leaned over the injured woman and gently lifted Trinity’s head. “Take what you need. I give it to you freely.” With her eyes closed tightly, she brought Trinity’s head closer to her neck.

  She shivered lightly, when she felt Trinity's warm breath on her neck, but steeled herself as cool lips brushed her warm skin. Soft pinpricks broke the skin and Gabriella moaned as a strange mixture of pleasure and pain coursed through her. She held onto Trinity's shoulders, her nails biting into the flesh beneath her hands as she rode out the euphoric sensation. It was over quickly and slightly dazed, she felt someone lifting her. She turned to see who was holding her and met a gentle dark gaze.

  “You are a keeper, daughter.” A soft, husky voice whispered before she lost consciousness.


  Chapter Eleven

  Trinity wept softly as she watched Tahlia carry Gabriella’s limp body out of the room. Tears stained her cheeks when she looked at Genevieve.

  “Did I hurt her, Mother?” she asked brokenly. “Did I kill her?”

  Genevieve smiled at her tenderly and wiped away the tears as she bent over to place as soft kiss on the soot-covered cheek. “She is fine. Tahlia took her to her bedroom. She will come to see you tomorrow.”

  The tears continued. She had promised Gabriella that she would not leave her side and now she was alone in a house filled with vampires.

  “Who is going to take care of her while I lay here? I need to go to her,” she murmured, pushing at Genevieve's hands holding her back as she tried to sit up. She moaned at the pain brought on by her erratic movements, but she needed to get to Gabriella. Gabriella needed her. Maybe she had taken too much of her blood.

  “She is in safe hands, my child,” Genevieve said as she stroked damp copper tresses away from Trinity’s forehead.

  “She is scared of being alone with vampires. She will not…”

  “Tahlia claimed her. Nobody will try to hurt her.”

  Trinity's eyes widened. If Tahlia claimed Gabriella as her daughter it meant that she was a Royal now. No one will dare hurt the daughter of the Vampire Queen. The anxiety she had felt earlier drained from her as she lay back on the bed. Gabriella was safe. Her head rolled sideways and she closed her eyes, relieved and eager to be back on her feet again.


  Tahlia carried the girl to her bedroom, her black eyes resting tenderly on the girl's pale face. My daughter, she thought lovingly. It was strange, but earlier this evening when she'd first laid eyes on the girl, she'd felt a strange feeling of awareness come over her as if Gabriella was destined to be a part of her. Her heart recognized the scared girl and wanted to allow her in.

  She slowly looked up to find Jemima standing a few feet away from her, her blue eyes fixed on the unconscious girl in Tahlia's arms. Without a word, the blonde moved closer and took the girl from Tahlia.

  “She's cold. We need to get her into bed quickly.”

  Tahlia put her arms around Jemima's shoulder and together they walked up the stairs. Tahlia smiled warmly when Jemima bent her head and placed a tender kiss on the girl's dark head.


  Tahlia stopped and watched her wife carry their daughter to her bedroom. After centuries of loneliness she'd gained a wife and two beautiful, courageous daughters. A tear on her cheek marked the occasion and when Jemima, ever so sensitive to her wife's emotions, turned to look back at her. She saw the love and gratitude in the blue eyes and rushed over to her, wanting to feel her nearness.


  Gabriella was between sleep and wakefulness when she felt a weight settle on the bed and slowly opened her eyes. Inger was lying next to her, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “Good morning, Sis. You look rested.”

  Sis? Gabriella rubbed over her eyes as she shifted through the memories. The previous night's events poured into her mind and she sat up quickly, looking around her for the black-eyed vampire. She looked at Inger who looked at her with an expression akin to triumph.

  “What are you doing here?” She reached for her watch. “What time is it anyway?” It can't possibly be morning already. She'd barely closed her eyes. The watch stood on 7 am and she groaned.

  “Good morning to you too, Grouchy.” Inger said softly.

  “Do you think it's wise to be in my bed? I don't want to make an enemy out of Paloma. That woman doesn't look like someone who'd asked questions first.”

  Inger smiled warmly. “She's not really the jealous type—not anymore. Anyway, she wouldn't dare touch you now, not if she doesn’t want to get in trouble with my mother.”

  Gabriella sat up and pushed the black locks out of her eyes. “What does your mother have to do with this?”

  Inger winked at her. “My mother adopted you as her daughter last night, elevating your status to that of a Royal Vampire. The two of us are now related—Sisters.”

  Gabriella just stared back at Inger, astonishment written on her face. A vampire couple adopted her. What was happening to her…to her life? Two weeks ago her life had been near perfect. She had fame, fortune, and a sexy girlfriend whom she thought was faithful to her. And then she came back from L.A and everything had changed overnight. She'd lost her girlfriend and instead she's completely obsessed with a vampire. Her beautiful apartment stood empty and she is now bunking with a bunch of gorgeous vampires. And now one has even adopted her.

  “Why did she do that?”

  “I don't know. All I know is that as a member of the Royal Family, you have the protection of the whole clan, but as the daughter of the Vampire Q
ueen, you are under the protection of the most dangerous vampire alive.” Inger grimaced. “I'm even starting to talk like them.”

  There was a soft knock on the door and Inger rolled her eyes.

  “I've been expecting you.”

  The door swung open and Gabriella gaped as Paloma stepped in. She was dressed in black silk pajamas and her sleep-tousled blonde hair resting on her wide shoulders. The silver eyes were warm as they rested on Inger, but she addressed Gabriella first.

  “Good morning, Gabriella. I trust you slept well,” she said in that distinctive husky voice of hers before she stepped closer and Gabriella couldn't help but notice the elegant gait of the tall vampire. But there was something else which bothered her and she quickly glanced at her alarm clock again. That was it!

  “How…how is it possible that you are awake at this time?” she asked and saw the amusement on Inger's face. “Aren't vampires supposed to be asleep this time of the day?”

  “Paloma will be accompanying you to work, since Trinity is indisposed.” She pulled her face. “An unpaid debt between the two of them, it seems.”

  There was another knock on the door and at Inger's invitation Jemima's head popped in. Even this early in the morning, the woman looked incredibly beautiful. She entered the room, followed closely by Tahlia. The dark vampire kept her distance, remaining by the door as her wife walked over and pulled Inger into a tender embrace that almost brought tears to Gabriella's eyes. It was wonderful to see the tough-talking Inger purr like a kitten in her mother's arms.

  Gabriella was shocked when Jemima turned her brilliant gaze on her and stiffened slightly as the vampire reached out and gently stroked her hair. The blue eyes were warm as they studied her face, but she didn't say anything.

  Uncomfortable with the blonde vampire's attention, she moved her eyes back to the silent figure at the door. A jolt went through her when she found the warm dark eyes resting on her. She didn't know why, but she swung her feet off the bed and slowly walked over to where the Vampire Queen stood, the black eyes followed her every move. Standing before her, Gabriella felt the power radiate off the dark woman. The room was quiet as she stood there looking up at the tall woman.

  “Good morning,” she said in a small voice and saw the black eyes warming even further.

  “Good morning. How do you feel this morning?” Tahlia greeted her back, her arms hanging loosely at her sides and Gabriella stared at them, knowing that the vampire chose that pose to look as non-threatening as possible. She lifted her eyes and searched out the dark gaze.

  “I'm doing well. Thank you for asking.” Her amber gaze held the vampire's black gaze for a few more seconds. “Inger told me that you adopted me? Why?”

  Tahlia smiled. “I do not know why, Gabriella, but I knew the moment I laid my eyes on you that you were destined to be part of me and mine. I hope I have not offended you.” The black eyes faltered slightly. “What you did for Trinity last night was the bravest thing I have ever seen.”

  While Tahlia spoke, it surprised Gabriella to find an anxious look flash over the vampire’s face. Somehow Gabriella too felt uncomfortable at the uneasy look on the Vampire Queen's face, because it didn't seem like a look that came across the cool beautiful face often. This was a woman who knew what she wanted all the time. Gabriella took a careful step closer. The room turned even quieter. It was as though all the occupants in the room had stopped breathing all at once.

  She slowly reached out and took Tahlia's hand. It felt cool to the touch, but it also felt pleasantly calming to feel the smooth flesh under hers. When she looked up she found the black eyes looking down at her with infinite tenderness, but still Tahlia didn't move a muscle. Perhaps she’s scared that any sudden movements from her might scare me off. That realization made Tahlia even more endearing to Gabriella.

  “I'm honored to be called your daughter,” she said, holding the black gaze.

  “I'm honored that you deem me worthy enough to be your mother.”

  The humble words spoken so softly won her over completely and made her take the next step into Tahlia's arms. She sighed as she felt the strong arms curl around her and Tahlia held her gently. They stood like that for a few seconds. When she stepped back, Gabriella found that Tahlia’s eyes were resting on her with an expression of maternal pride. But the moment didn't last. A silk-clad figure pushed between them and engulfed them both in a bear hug.

  “Now we’re a family at last,” Inger said between tears.


  Gabriella decided not to go to the office and called Fran to reschedule all her appointments for the day. The rest of the day she lounged around the house, playing chess and listening to Tahlia and Paloma sharing their adventures. Gabriella also met James and Rafina, who invited her to their suite to formally welcome her to the family, but all this time she yearned to ask about Trinity.

  She was watching a television program with Inger, when the sun began to set. A strange feeling of relief settled over the house as all the vampires immediately turned toward the windows. Even though the daylight drug, Inger told her, gave them the opportunity to walk about in sunlight, the night will forever remain their day. The vampires all made quick exits, leaving her alone with Inger.

  “Where are they going?”

  Inger took her eyes away from the TV screen and smiled.

  “They will have to feed first and then they will go out to patrol the streets hunting down renegades.” She saw the horror on Gabriella's face. “With a dangerous vampire like Tristan in town, they will have to be on constant watch and in great form if they hope to catch him. Unfortunately to do that they will have to take human blood, but only enough to sustain them and not enough to hurt the victim.”

  Gabriella looked away. There was still a lot she needed to learn about vampire culture. Missing Trinity more than ever at that moment, she turned to Inger.

  “I would like to see Trinity. Is it possible?” Even as she asked the question she was scared of the answer. What if she couldn't? How would she go on not knowing how Trinity was doing and whether she needed anything? Something like… blood, perhaps?

  “I can take you to see her.”


  Trinity sensed Gabriella’s presence even before she saw her lover. The worse was over and all that was left of the raw burning marks were painful blisters. But at least she looked and felt better. The heavy drapery in front of the enclosure was pulled away and Gabriella walked in. Her amber eyes widened when they fell on her where Trinity was sitting up straight on the bed, fully dressed.

  Trinity melted at the sight of the changing expression in the amber eyes. It went from shock to relief and then tenderness. She grunted softly when Gabriella rushed over and held her in a suffocating hug. Trinity felt Gabriella's tears in her neck and she gently folded her in her arms.

  “I'm glad to see you’re better,” Gabriella said and stood back to look at her with wet amber eyes. “You looked so bad last night.”

  “If I looked the way I felt, then yes, I must be getting better.” She gently stroked a tear away and her green eyes were concerned. “And you? How did you sleep? You were not scared, were you?”

  Gabriella touched a large blister on Trinity's cheek. “It's unbelievable. Just last night this same blister was open and raw, oozing with blood,” she said with awe. The dark head lowered and Gabriella placed a soft kiss on the scalded area.

  Trinity sucked in her breath at the feather light contact. It felt good to have someone fuss over her. After such a long and lonely existence, she'd given up on ever finding someone special enough. A Being higher up, must have taken pity on her.

  “I slept well. I was just worried about you.”

  “I am quite tough, my love. Not even an exploding warehouse could do me in.” But the words didn't match with the awkward way she was sitting. Most of her strength had seeped out last night with the copious amounts of blood she'd lost. She saw the amber eyes narrowing as Trinity’s body began to slump slowly. “I just n
eed to lie down for a while.”

  Gabriella stepped closer and helped her to lie down. She gently climbed onto the bed and pulled Trinity’s body close to hers.

  “I will stay with you.”

  Trinity felt Gabriella's body heat seep into her cold bones, warming them slowly. Sniffing the air delicately, she smiled faintly. She loved how Gabriella’s smelled. The mixture of lilac shampoo and fresh blood was intoxicating. She almost missed out on this moment of having Gabriella here, of lying in her arms. Trinity closed her eyes and relived the moment when Tristan pressed down on the detonator and pain exploded throughout her body. She was so lucky to be here, so lucky to be alive and to be loved. She turned her head to look at her lover and felt moist lips lightly brushing over her blistered ones.

  “Are you comfortable?” Gabriella asked and pulled her even tighter against her.

  “Yes.” She turned her head further until their eyes met. “I want to thank you for last night and for being here now.”

  Gabriella smiled and kissed her again, her amber eyes warm and sparkling.

  “I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, sexy.” Gabriella said in a teasing voice, but her tone became somber when she saw that the green eyes were serious

  “I love you, Gabriella, and I did not mean to scare you like I did last night. I promise…”

  Gabriella looked deep into the green eyes and placed her finger on Trinity's lips.

  “I know you love me. It's in the way you look at me, the way you touch me, the way you make, wild, mad love to me.” Gabriella's voice was so soft when she continued. “I love you too.”

  Trinity rolled over until they were lying facing each other. They lay like that, watching each other, touching. There were tender smiles and whispered confessions of love. They both turned to look at the intruder when the drapery was pulled back. Tahlia stood there, her eyes were cold.


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