Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny Page 119

by Mia Ford

  I hugged Payne goodbye and locked the door behind him, smiling widely. Dad was already upstairs and I did a small spin around in the spacious foyer. I was going to work with Payne for at least a few weeks and I knew how much time I’d be in his office with him. There would be a lot of chances to try to seduce him and let him know my feelings for him. It was risky and I knew it, but I was no longer the shy teenager that I’d once been. I was a woman and I wanted to fulfill my needs with Payne and only Payne, and I wasn’t going to hide from that any longer.

  I took time the next day to go to a few favorite stores alone, picking out some outfits that I knew would be fitting for the job. I bought several fitted pencil skirts in hues of black, gray, brown and a beautiful one in a dark plum color. In addition, I found a variety of shirts to compliment those, tops that were professional but also hinted at cleavage and flirted with danger.

  The next stop was at a lingerie store for bras and panties in lace and satin, and I bought several in the hopes that he would get a chance to see them. I also found a few pairs of heels to tie everything together and left with my bags and a smile on my face. A few men had hit on me during the shopping trip but they weren’t Payne.

  I got some lunch at my favorite cafe before going home and putting my clothes away in the closet so they would stay ready to wear. I wanted everything to be perfect and I changed into a bikini and went to sit in the spa, relaxing before I started some stew for dinner. I wasn’t sure if Payne was going to come or not, but I certainly hoped so. I leaned back and stared up at the blue sky and smiled as I considered my future.

  I dozed off for a while before I came to dizzy from the heat of the water. I slid slowly out of the water and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around me to go inside and change.

  I was in the kitchen chopping vegetables and adding them to the broth I’d started that morning with some beef bones. It would only take an hour or so for everything to be ready. I was wearing some denim shorts that weren’t obscenely short but enough to tease with a tank top. It was warm in the house today or perhaps I was just too used to East Coast summers now.

  I stirred everything together and placed the lid on the pot before I reached for my glass of wine. “I think you’re turning into a lush being home.” I jumped at Dad’s voice and giggled as I looked at him.

  “I became an alcoholic while I was at Harvard,” I quipped as Dad set his briefcase down just inside the door of his office off the kitchen. “How was work?”

  “Good. I think I’ll only have to put in a few hours tomorrow from home.” Dad looked at me as he reached inside of the fridge for a cold beer. “How was your day?”

  “I got some clothes for the job,” I smiled as I spoke and glanced at him. “Is Payne going to be working tomorrow?”

  “In the morning.” His voice scared me as I turned to look at him walking through the living room. “I heard there was food being prepared here. I hope you don’t mind because I am tired of take out.” Payne was always here, and that’s just how it was. I knew that he had a beautiful condominium by the office but that he preferred the family setting here more than he did his bachelor pad. I never saw it since he was here so much.

  “Of course not,” I assured him as I watched him loosen his tie and drape it over a kitchen chair. “Do you need help tomorrow?”

  “You’ve been home for a day and change. You’re allowed to rest,” Payne reminded me as I shrugged and got him a beer.

  “It’s quiet on the weekends, so I thought it would be a nice chance to catch up is all.” Payne seemed to consider that idea as I felt Dad looking at me.

  “She’ll make an excellent attorney someday,” Payne said as Dad nodded. “Come in at ten. You know where the building is?” I nodded. “I’ll be waiting out front for you.”

  “Perfect,” I agreed as I heard the bread maker beeping. I shut it off, letting the sourdough bread inside cool as I glanced at the clock. We sat down to eat about forty-five minutes later after watching some of the scores on television while I played around on my phone for a few minutes. I was thinking about contacting some friends to see who was around as much as I was looking at Payne every few moments as he argued something with my dad.

  They’d been friends for years, probably since before they were my age. They were as close as brothers, which worked out well because they were both only children. My grandparents died when I was fifteen and Payne’s lived near Harvard, so he didn’t see them often. They were lovely though, and fed me a few times during my life there. They were like my own grandparents and it made me wonder of what I was doing here was terrible. They wouldn’t approve of their son with me from what I understood about them.

  They were thousands of miles away. It didn’t matter.

  I looked at him across the table inside of the kitchen, seeing his eyes pass over me a few times throughout the evening. They weren’t long or particularly heated gazes, but he was aware of my presence.

  Payne left after dinner, claiming that he needed his beauty sleep for work tomorrow. I knew that was code for him being there before I arrived and asked what I should wear. “The weekends are casual. Jeans are fine or anything comfortable.” Payne looked at me before he walked towards the door and called out a goodbye to Dad, who was in his office. I locked the door as always and scurried up to my room as I played back the brief night.

  I felt like something was brewing between Payne and I, but there wasn’t anything sexual yet. He was still treating me as kindly as he always had and seemed to notice that I’d grown up over the years. I pulled out some skinny jeans and a bronze t-shirt to wear in the morning with some Cons. I was looking forward to wearing my new clothes next week but there was no need for overkill. Not yet.

  I crawled into bed around midnight, stroking myself as I bit my lip to stay quiet. The house was big, but I didn’t want to get caught as I came hard and fast. I rolled onto my side and looked out of the large picture window at the moon as I caught my breath. I was excited about the next day.

  I showered and dressed in the morning, wearing a black camisole underneath the shirt that hung a bit off one shoulder. With the jeans, it looked cute and clingy and I slipped my feet into some shoes before I smiled and walked out to my car. I knew the building well, having been there several times along with Dad’s building and I parked in the lot across the street as instructed. I slipped my purse over my shoulder and walked out to the sidewalk, crossing as I saw someone come out of the glass doors. Payne was wearing worn jeans and a button up shirt that brought out his eyes as I smiled and called out to him. He nodded at me, smiling as we walked back inside and he pointed out some of the features of the building. There was a coffee stand on the first floor that was open during the week that everyone used as well as several places close by for food or coffee. We took the elevators up to the tenth floor and got out as he led me down the hallway. There were a few people scattered around but it was quiet as I followed Payne, eying his tight ass as I licked my lips.

  He walked through an open door, past a large black desk that he indicated would be mine. Payne’s office was big and had a wall of windows that overlooked the ocean a few miles away from the office. It wasn’t walking distance but it was a great reminder of the beauty of the area. I looked for a moment, lost in the Pacific that was truly my home. “Love the view.”

  “Your desk is right there. You’re welcome to take advantage of it anytime,” Payne said as I turned my hungry gaze towards him. I hoped that it was dark across my face with so much sun behind me, but I saw the furrow of his brows. His words reminded me of my growing need for him, almost uncontrollably as I pressed my thighs together and took a trembling breath.

  “I might take you up on that,” I replied as I walked back towards him and looked into his eyes. “Show me the ropes.”

  He showed me the programs on his computer that I would be using, explaining that they would also be available on the computer at my desk. There was a calendar that kept track of his meetings with clients as well
as potential ones, usually involving lunch or dinner. He also guided me through the updated Word and instructed me where and how we would use it here, making me admire his organization as he leaned into me.

  His scent filled the space; musky with a hint of peppermint. I inhaled slow and soft as I thought back to the terrible cologne that boys used in college. I knew that some of them were pretty expensive due to the area and cost of the school. This just smelled natural to me and reminded he of how masculine Payne was.

  We’d been camping many times as well as boating. He was very athletic and loved the outdoors, making the summers special for Dad and me. When I was younger and growing up around him, Payne seemed more like an uncle to me. Now he was…everything. I wanted to sleep with him, to fuck him. I also wanted to know him on another level entirely, as something more than family. I wanted to know his deepest fantasies and what turned him on.

  Did he want to know any of that about me?

  Payne pointed to another program where he logged in clients and the details of their cases. I could see how he became a partner within a matter of years as I listened, memorizing the feel of his body close to mine. I could feel the heat in the room around us, wondering if he could as well.

  Payne set me up with some notes to type up into a file to save for reports later. He kept his door open and I sipped coffee from the break room machine as I typed, listening to Pandora low on my phone as I worked. I knew that it was emptier than usual today, but I imagined a good busy vibe to the space during the week. I sensed that Payne ran a tight ship as much as he could just based on the way he kept everything straight on the computer. I knew that he was focused on work, not inclined to lose his mind to distraction. Despite seeing Payne and my father go through their fair share of women, it always seemed to be kept away from the office. I wondered if I had the chance to seduce him here in this setting, at least to lay the groundwork. We’d surely spend time together working and building on the close relationship that we’d already built together. I’d seen the way he looked at me a few times since I returned home and I knew that I was much different than the girl that he knew years ago. I knew that I was attractive because of the way other men reacted to me, intending to use what I’d learned with Payne.

  “How are you doing?” Payne asked as he stood in his doorway, holding his cup in his hand.

  “Close to finished with the first one,” I replied with a smile as I glanced at him. “When did you get here today, Payne?”

  “Seven. I like the quiet,” Payne replied as I gave him a long look.

  “That’s early. What time were you planning on leaving?” I asked as he raised an eyebrow, making me want to drop down into my seat. The attraction was growing by the minute now that I was older and mature enough to appreciate a man like Payne.

  “When you’re hungry for some lunch?” His eyes found mine, twinkling as I licked my lips slowly. His gaze darkened a bit as his eyes followed the movement of my tongue and I let out a sigh.

  I looked at the clock on my monitor, determining that I was going on my third hour here. Knowing how long Payne was here before me, I decided that he deserved to leave and get a few hours of his weekend outside in the sun.

  “In that case, where am I taking you?” I asked as I saved my edited report and clicked out of the program.

  “There’s a nice seafood place on the water a few blocks away that I was going to take you to. Not that you didn’t eat great stuff in Massachusetts, but I know how much you love this coast,” Payne told me as I nodded with a small smile.

  “Guilty as charged,” I admitted as I powered down the computer and grabbed my purse. “I’ll work full days during the week, but I want you to have some personal time on the weekends.”

  Payne led me to his car, parked near mine in the garage. He opened the door to his brand-new Range Rover for me and I slipped inside, inhaling the scent of the leather upholstery. It was a beautiful vehicle and I leaned back as he got inside and started the virtually silent engine with the push of a button.

  I looked over the streets as we drove, enjoying the charming stores and restaurants. The weather was cool and the sun bright as I looked over at Payne, admiring the confident way that he held the steering wheel and controlled everything about the situation. Was he like that in bed? Heat washed over my face as he looked at me at an intersection and I raised my eyes to meet his gaze.

  I knew that my thoughts were apparent in the pink of my skin and I bit my lip. Payne took it all in quietly before the light turned green, pulling forward when someone honked behind us.

  He parked in a small parking lot and I took in the worn building that rested right over the beach. Payne opened my door and ran a hand through his hair as I got out, close to his body. It was longer now and curling slightly around his face, but still looked professional. I started across the parking lot as the wind blew through my hair, forcing me to tuck it behind my ear. Payne moved in front of me to open the wooden door and lead me to the hostess with his hand on my lower back, sending searing heat to my skin and between my legs as I nearly stumbled.

  I was relieved when we were seated and ordering drinks, his iced tea and mine a cocktail to try and sort the thoughts in my mind. I tried to read the menu and only saw the primary words that jumped out at me. I blindly ordered the shrimp and crab plate while he asked for steak and shrimp before looking across the table at me. “I am going to give you a raise over the past salary that Carly received from me,” Payne said as I tilted my head at him.


  “She didn’t have your degree. Carly was in school when she got the job, but it seems that she blew that off with this marriage,” Payne remarked as I gave him a wide-eyed stare.

  “There’s nothing wrong with getting married. You did it once upon a time,” I told Payne as he looked out of the window for a moment.

  “I was working towards being a partner then, and you see what stuck. I’m not good at marriage and relationships,” Payne told me as my heart sank, even though I wasn’t certain why. “I work and play when I have a little time, but it’s nothing serious for me.” Payne shrugged. “How about you? There had to be someone over the last four years while you’ve been gone.”

  “I was studying,” I explained as he frowned.

  “It’s college. You’re supposed to let loose, Vie. You’re a beautiful girl, and I know you had men knocking down your door.” Payne sipped his tea, and I scowled.

  “Boys. They were boys, and I don’t want that,” I murmured as he looked at me. “I think that I need someone a little older than college.”

  Payne shifted in his seat as something crossed his face. “I can understand that.” That made me chuckle since he was always into younger women. “Dating at your age can be so hard with the way some men act. Boys, as you seem to call them.”

  “I was around you and Dad my entire life. I had the best example, and it feels like I’m settling or something. I want someone to rock my world.” I bravely met his eyes as he pressed his lips together.

  Payne took me back to my house after the meal, telling me it was because of the drink I enjoyed. He opened the gate with his remote and pulled into the driveway as I looked ahead. “I need my car.”

  “Get it later. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Payne argued lightly as I rolled my eyes. “I hope you weren’t drinking and driving at school.”

  “Did you hear me when I said that I had you as an example in life?” I asked before I got out of the car and strode to the front door.

  I was fuming when I walked into the house, sensing that it was empty as I closed the door firmly. Sure, I enjoyed some drinking but I wasn’t stupid enough to drive afterward. Dad set a good example for me as well as Payne, making me learn from them that there was a time and place for everything. I knew that with the food I’d eaten and the water along with it, I was fine to get home. Payne was being overprotective and annoying.

  I had to admit that it excited me even through my anger. Payne claim
ed that he didn’t want a relationship, but he’d always cared for me so fiercely. There had to be a part of Payne that wanted something with a woman, something more than just a night.

  I stomped upstairs and changed into some leggings before I dropped into my bed. I played back every comment that I’d made to him and replayed his reactions. I suspected that Payne noticed my attraction and hints, but it seemed to throw him off.

  I had a day or so before I had to be at the office again and I planned to use that time to relax. I wanted to drink a bottle of wine, but Payne might frown on that as I closed my eyes.

  I wish I were the kind of person to go to a bar, picking out a guy just to get this out of my system. It just seemed so futile now that I’d waited this long for Payne. It would be a disappointment to give that to someone else.

  Dad came home from his office in the afternoon, asking if I was hungry. I was, and we decided to go grab a burger at our favorite diner. I asked him to get my car on the way home, and he laughed at the story about Payne. “Dad, he was acting like I was five or something.”

  “He has known you since you were a baby. He’s protective is all,” he protested, turning my lust into something twisted and wrong in seconds. What was I thinking?

  “Yeah…I know,” I replied as my shoulders slumped. “I’m an adult now. I guess it’s annoying.”

  “You’ll always be a kid to me and probably Payne as well. Get used to it. If something happened to you…” His face darkened as we pulled up to the garage where my car was parked. “I don’t know what I’d do. You’re all that I have.”

  “I am not going anywhere, Daddy.” He smiled at me, and I reached for his hand. “I’ll see you at home?”

  “Sure. Coming right back?” His voice was light as I nodded, thanking him for the meal as I slipped out of the car and walked over to my parking spot. I found the Escalade and started it, pulling it out to pay and get onto the main street. I enjoyed the drive home as I wound through town and up the hill into our neighborhood. I thought back to the comments about Payne, realizing that he was something of a father figure to me. There was no blood relation to him whatsoever, so my feelings were okay, weren’t they?


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