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Vampire Page 6

by Amy Mah

  The alpha male now looked towards Amy and wondered quite what he was looking at; perhaps it was rabid, looking more animal than vampire. It was on all fours with claws unsheathed, sticking out of what looked like orange mittens and yellow socks. It was covered in blood, which was not unusual for a vampire, but having DayGlo lime-green-colored balls of wool covering the ears was a little odd. He also tried to ignore the pale pink jumper, blood-red leggings, and yellow scarf.

  What he could not ignore was the odd look it/she was giving him. He knew she was not in heat, but he could still feel her eyes burning him like daylight. She smelled very excited, and he hoped it was from the fighting. Inwardly, however, he knew that it was more connected to the way she was looking at him. The smell was getting stronger as he watched her; it was normal that females would find him attractive. As alpha males go, he was alpha with a capital A; it was just a little unnerving that a marked female in the company of her owner was making it so obvious that she wanted him. Disappointingly, he thought, Why was it never the pretty ones? True, he did have an odd perversion here and there, but even he had limits!

  “Is that yours?” he said, pointing to Amy.

  Amy’s male nodded.

  “And did you set her to guard our pets?”

  Again he nodded.

  “And it, err- she agreed, willingly?”

  With some relief the alpha male turned away from Amy and looked back at the injured female.

  “You, as confirmed by blood and examination, are unowned and un-marked. You have entered a private hunting reserve and attacked and killed my property. You then attacked one set to protect our property and attempted to claim this area as your own. You were soundly defeated and now lie at our feet for judgement of your crime.”

  He looked around to show he was acknowledging the presence of the other males that had come with him to see if anyone was going to object. Nothing was said, so he walked over to where she lay and looked down.

  Valerius Alpha Male Vampire

  “I am willing to be lenient. You have no owner and so are a pointless drain on the food supply. My judgement is that you be declawed to help calm you down and stop your urges to run wild. We will find you an owner, as you may be of some use for breeding.”

  She was able to strike him just once before he lent forward and broke her neck. If he was hurt by her sudden attack, he did not show it as he turned and spoke.

  “Was I not fair in my judgement? Please tell me if I was not lenient?”

  No one spoke, so he continued.

  “I offered to take in a stray and give it a purpose in life; what more could it want than to usefully produce young? And it attacked me for my kindness! Clearly, she was deranged to choose suicide over my offer. She was such a poor example of a female that I expect she was probably barren and useless for breeding, and it was out of shame she wished to die.”

  Again he waited to hear any dissent, but no one said anything. He looked at the male standing above Amy, and Amy’s smell again got stronger when he looked in that direction. He prayed the male would never offer her as a gift to him; in fact, it would be best if he left before anyone suggested he should find out more details on what was going on here. As an alpha male, he was often offered females by other males to increase their own status. He of course could never refuse a gift, and this would be the perfect time for a male to get rid of some weird rabid female by giving her to him. And just what the hell would he do with her?

  “Jolly good idea to use it-err, her, as a pet guard, as long as she does not eat them, she will be quite an asset. It’s not normal to keep a, err, female in this manner, but you have our full permission to continue to keep her in the human world, well away from the nest. This matter is now closed, and we thank the male and his female for bringing it to our attention. Now, we must leave.”

  They left, taking the two dead bodies with them. The male known to Amy as uncle dragged her to one side and raised a hand as if to strike her. He very quickly lowered it again due to the look he got from her. The look said far more than any words could have; in her present persona, she considered herself to be owned by him, meaning if he so much as laid a finger on her, she would bite his arm off.

  Instead, he just said, “You should be more careful; she could have hurt you! Please call me in the future, and I will take care of these problems, okay?”

  He saw the fire in her eyes fade a little. He was lucky this time, but he still did not know how she did it, to go with all the other mysteries about her. She was two very different vampires living in the same body; one was the day-to-day aggravating Hell Cat of a young girl he first met and could not control. The other was pure vampire with a capital V, a vampire from the old school of vampireing that he would not even risk trying to control.

  He had thought that she was only that way when in heat, but it now seemed she could switch between personas; when the situation called for fangs and claws, she turned into this primeval vampire. She smelled very rank and clearly wanted sex, but instead he did the next best thing she liked, and that made her very happy, which was stroking her hair. He did not know what it did for her but she almost purred when he did it. She was making sure that he did not stop too soon by placing her mouth around his wrist and locking her jaws. He could stop stroking her whenever he wanted, but if he did, she would crush his arm in her jaws. He would be safer when she fell asleep, but not even then would he be able to get away, unless he left his arm behind.


  The female looked at her mate, the fury at him for daring to lift a hand to her fading when she realized it was only from worry of her safety. Males could be too protective at times; why would she ever need help protecting her territory from another female! Males were such stupid creatures, but they had their uses, and this one had nice hands. As long as he used them to stroke her, she would try not to bite him … well, not bite him too hard. He was her mate, so she had the rights to his body.

  She closed her mouth over his wrist and gently licked it. He did taste nice, so she nicked a blood vessel with a point of a fang so that she created the smallest of cuts, but that was all she needed to remind him that he must mark her regularly or she would not stay his. The dominant large male that had just left smelled nice; if her current mate ever tired of her, she would kill the large males mates and then take him as hers. She would, of course, let him think that it was his idea, as all females did.


  He stopped stroking the hair when he saw that she was now sleeping, resting her head on his lap but still holding his wrist in her mouth. This again was old style vamping; just a taste of his blood every few months would normally mark her as his, but not for this one, who must have sucked at least a pint out of him tonight and made it very clear that it was her right to do so.

  He gently woke her, hoping she was back to normal, or as normal as she could be.

  “Time to wake up, little Hell Cat.”

  Amy (er.. I’m back)

  Amy opened her eyes, and the relief of finding herself still dressed faded as memories came flooding back.

  “Cind! Where is Cind? A vampire attacked her, and I couldn’t stop it!”

  Her vampire held her as she frantically looked around, trying to sort out the dreamy images that seemed to still be filling her mind.

  “It was a female! The renegade you warned me of! She attacked me. I tried to use the pet rings to summon help. I can’t smell her here anymore, and I don’t know where she is, but she will go after the other pets unless we stop her!”

  Her vampire lord that she thought of more as an uncle than a murderous businessman just kept his arms around her.

  “Hush, hush, little one. It’s all over. You did very well. The pet you call Cind was dead before we got here, but that was not your fault. The renegade was a very strong, fully grown female, but you did revenge the pet’s death by defeating her in battle, which impressed Cind’s owner. He killed the renegade, so you do not have to worry about the safety of the other

  Amy could not remember any details of the fight after she called for help, and she did not care. What she cared about was that she had failed Cind. She had been so confident that she could keep her safe, but now she was dead, and it was all her fault.

  Large tears slowly followed the contours of her checks as they made their escape from her overflowing eyes.

  “It’s not fair! Cind liked vampires. She really liked vampires and worshipped her stupid owner. And that horrid female killed her, not for food but just because she was a pet. If this is what it is like to be a vampire, then I want to be human. I don’t want to be an evil bloodsucking parasite. That is all we are: nasty, bad-tempered parasites pretending to be so civilized because we own a blood bank and can send for take out if it is raining.”

  Amy wrapped her arms around him and buried her head deep into his chest and sobbed. She cried because of Cind. She cried because she was what she was. She cried for her parents, whom she would never see again and whom she so needed now. She felt a hand slowly begin to stroke her hair, and it reminded her of how her father stroked her hair when she was young. She had always liked it; if ever she was sad or hurt, she would curl up on him, and he would stroke her hair until she fell asleep. Of all the things, it was what she missed the most.

  Time for bed

  He held her to him, and using his full set of vocal cords, he produced a gentle hum. It was a soothing sound that was more vibration than noise: the sort of sound he had used many times in the past. It was a perfect way to relax prey to cut short a hunt. It’s main purpose was something for the rearing of young as parents used it to relax a troubled child. He continued to stroke her hair and smiled when he looked down to see she had her thumb in her mouth and was fast asleep again.

  He continued with the vibrating lullaby as he stood up. She refused to be parted from him, and even as she slept, she unthinkingly moved her arms to encircle his neck and now clung on tightly. He could feel the still wet thumb against his skin, and he placed a hand on her bottom to take the weight. She moved her legs to encircle his waist, and this produced another smile from him as he thought that no matter what persona she was in, she could still make sure he stayed near her as she slept, and all in all, he did prefer this persona more than the other one.


  Amy awoke from a deep sleep due to being called by her auntie for breakfast or lunch (or judging by her normal weekend sleeping habits, it could have even been dinnertime).

  Sleepily, she got up, and she felt …… She felt good! Well, until she remembered the events of yesterday. Everything was all too clear in her memory; the sadness over Cind clawed at her. Everything was clear apart from the fighting and what happened afterwards. How had she got cleaned up? She had been covered in blood from the fight, and now she was in her pajamas and in bed, so somehow she had washed and changed to go to bed. And she really, really wished she could remember doing that herself! On her own and diffidently, without any help! Her face began to feel very warm when she saw her old clothes in a neatly folded pile on the floor. She never, never ever folded clothes! If she had done things herself, then the clothes would be in a heap, not in a neat pile with her panties on the top. OMG! He must have washed me! He even folded my…OMG! He’s seen me naked, again! And to make matters worse, he has even stuck a new pet ring on my finger! Crap, now I have to start the ring-training process all over again!

  Amy at Dinnertime

  Chapter 8

  Regina and the Sex Pet Group

  It was a group decision, and Amy thought for a change it was a good one. All the school knew was that Cind had died from an accident, but the pets knew different; the males could not keep it secret from their pets as they wanted to reassure them that they were now safe. The girls knew she had died from a rogue vampire, but they also knew the killer had in turn been killed by their masters, and that their masters would always protect them.

  What the girls of the group did not know was that Amy had been involved, and that if there was any further trouble, the males now expected her to help as the first line of defense.

  One month after the death of Cind, which was a Saturday night without anything happening and a full moon, Regina decided that it was only fitting that everyone went to where Cind was killed and lay flowers at midnight.

  It was an odd feeling to walk the same was as she had with Cind, but this time without a picnic; not that she was hungry (well, not for burgers) as they had all stopped off at McDonald’s an hour or so earlier. She put her odd feeling down to the sadness of losing a friend.

  Regina was in the front with Lucy-Ann, Nauy and Mon, leading as usual whereas Amy stayed at the back with Clary and Paige. Clary was talking non-stop, and Paige was very quiet again. Paige only had temporary group membership, as Regina had taken a disliking to her and decided that giving blood to the vampire blood bank was not enough for membership, Unless she was wearing a ring by the end of the week to prove that she had had sex with a vampire, she would be thrown out of the group.

  Amy thought that Regina was taking the whole thing about having to have to give up one’s virginity to a vampire a bit too seriously. She hadn’t, and she had a vamp ring. In fact, Amy had explained to Paige that the sex rules were rubbish, and her blood donations were very important to the vampires, so if Regina tried to force her out, Paige should just tell her. Amy would give up her own vamp ring to her, as all it did was give her a rash plus mild electric shocks. She would be happy to be rid of the darn thing; besides, it would be amusing if Regina tried to get rid of her for not having a ring. She would love to hear what would happen if she told her vamp master that she thought member Amy Mah should leave the group for not being into vampirism!

  Staying at the back also meant she was upwind of Lucy-Ann, who liked to mix perfumes. Yet another problem of being a vampire was that once you were on a stable blood diet, your senses got sharper. These senses were not helpful ones like having x-ray vision, just things like having extra taste buds to know blood groups by just placing a drop on the tongue: a good party trick but hardly a superpower. She could also now pick out hundreds of new smells; most she could not recognize, and the ones she could were not nice smells. A mental list she was now writing had a warning not to go any closer than fifty feet to the boys’ locker rooms.

  A graveyard should not have made her nervous, but tonight it did. It must have been because it was the first time she had been back since the death of Cind, but still, Amy was angry at herself for having the same stupid fears as the other girls. They were in more danger walking in a car park than in a graveyard. Unseen by the others, as a self-induced punishment, she pinched herself so hard that she broke the skin on her arm, and it bled. It was only when she found she was now getting more angry, thinking that pinching herself was a dumb thing to do, that warning bells went off in her head.

  Clary was talking so much that Regina had to tell her to shut up and go away, as it was a solemn occasion, and she was now going to speak on behalf of group. Clary stomped over to where Amy sat crouched by a gravestone hugging her legs and joined her on the ground.

  “That mare is always acting as if she is so much better than the rest of us, huh! Well, we all know she is weird; she doesn’t even like being bitten! It’s just all sex, power and control with her, just think! Not liking to be bitten and leading our type of group, the weirdo!”

  Clary was used to having a single-sided conversation, but suddenly she noticed Amy was shaking.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  Amy reached over to grab Clary’s hand and watched her wince.

  “Sorry, Clary, I forgot about the claws.”

  “Wow! They look fantastic, and so real looking! You must tell me where you got them! But Amy, what is freaking you out?

  “True, it’s a spooky graveyard, and our friend died just feet from where we are standing. We could be attacked by undead at any moment, but we already sleep with vampires. And with our magic rings, we should be safe from an
ything living or undead. Vampires are kind of at the top of the food chain, you know, and they would get really pissed off if we were eaten by a passing werewolf. We are very important to vampires; just think, without us they would have to pay for sex like the other dirty old men. My master even gave me a direct-line cell phone so he can summon me to him. He did say that I was never to use it to phone him, and he is a bit pervy in the way he likes to gag me when making love. He says it’s to stop him from killing me by accident.”

  Amy held Clary’s hands a little tighter to try and shut her up and watched her wince again as the claws dug into her skin. But with Clary it was almost impossible to shut her up without a gag and handcuffs (as her master had discovered), which was a scenario she did not plan to dwell on, but apparently pain from claws was a good second to shut her up.

  “Listen, Clary, please listen. We are in trouble. Vampires are watching us, but they are not nice ones. Don’t say anything, but my claws look real because they are real. I’m sort of guarding you all for your owners, a weak sort of daywalker vamp. I was here when Cind died. I was able to fight the attacker until help arrived; the attacker was only female, but I could not save Cind. And this time, we are about to meet unfriendly males. I can hold my own against a single female, but I will be dead as soon as this lot see me.”

  Relaxing her grip, she could now smell fresh blood from the cuts she had accidentally made. Without thinking, she quickly licked the blood off Clary’s wounds to seal them (and to stop her from smelling too much like a walking candy bar). Clary was staring at her hands where the wounds had now sealed up like magic.

  “Wow! Real claws! Like, that is so cool. Please, please! You’ve got to tell me how you can grow real claws; have you always had them? How do you hide them at school? Can I grow them as well?”


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