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Vampire Page 8

by Amy Mah

  Amy thought that he had missed a perfect career as an actor; okay, perhaps a comic actor by the way he threw his hands in the air in mock surprise at seeing her master lying just a few feet behind her, as if he had not noticed him before.

  “Oh no! It looks like the owner is slightly indisposed at the moment. I can’t imagine how he could have gotten hurt while safely on our territory; perhaps it was an accident? Now that is so very inconvenient, as we all want this female’s owner to answer for her disrespect to such a fine example of a male vampire as we have bravely standing here before me in, how should I word it? Oh, yes! The middle of our territory!”

  As more laughter occurred, Amy knew that as loyal followers, they would have laughed if he read out a shopping list. Vampires were all super vain and had their noses so stuck up in the air that they were in danger of drowning if it rained. This boss alpha male was making fun of her attackers, and she knew the comic wording was designed to provoke her attackers into a foolish action.

  “Well, in that case we will have to ask-no, this is too serious a stain upon your character. No. We will have to demand that a First Lord who is over this prone male is duly summoned and forced, yes, forced to take responsibility. That is the only way that honor between houses can be maintained.”

  Amy could now recognize some of the new males as pet owners she had seen in the past, plus several very large males that looked like they would do well as nightclub bouncers. Clary had not moved from where she had fallen, but Paige and the others who were able to sneak away had now returned and sat a distance away as if watching a play. To Amy, it was getting to be more like a farce, and if she had not been dying, she could have appreciated it more.

  “Oh, dear, oh dear! Now what have I done? I am that First Lord, and due to the great concern over your honor that I seem to have, how can I put it? Mistakenly dropped myself right in it?”

  Amy was not sure how funny all this really was to the males that appeared to be his entourage, but they always laughed loudly at any joke he ever made, and several looked like they would need fresh underwear if they laughed any harder.

  “So with great reluctance I accept this reasonability, and believe me, it gives me no pleasure to have to act as an advocate for such a naughty girl.”

  Amy’s legs finally gave up their struggle with gravity, and she slumped to the ground and slowly crawled away, thinking that if this was going to take much longer, they would have to have a séance to tell her the outcome.

  “So, it gives me no pleasure to confirm as a male what a female of our nest has stated in that you are accused of being a renegade, causing willful damage to our family’s marked property, entering uninvited into another’s hunting area, attacking in groups greater than three a member of our household, attacking a guard that was placed to protect our marked property, held within our recognized family territories, wounding in the stomach the guard, which is an owned female that is of childbearing age. I repeat, inside our territories, a female owned by a member of our family was hurt in such a way as to damage her childbearing ability, which is an attack on future family members. These are all very grave accusations, and if proved untrue she will be soundly spanked, so how do you answer such heinous charges?”

  Amy dragged herself nearer a gravestone. Of all the books Amy had read, she was still not sure what could kill her, but she now suspected that a loss of blood was one they had forgotten to list. Her inner vamp had now left her, and she expected that it had gone to write her will. Judging by how woozy she now felt, it would have to be a very short document; at least dying in a graveyard meant she did not have far to go for her own funeral.

  She crawled behind a tombstone and closed her eyes as she slumped back against it. She could hear Regina’s voice in the distance, annoyingly loud and far too high, as if she were refusing to do something or other. It was not the sort of tone of displeasure she wanted to hear as she died. Another voice now said something; Amy recognized it as Paige’s, and it was soft and clear.

  “Mistress, please take me. Make me yours; I give myself willingly.”

  It was a struggle, but Amy opened her eyes. In front of her was Paige, holding her arm out with her wrist near to Amy’s mouth.

  “Please, I am ready.”

  She did not have time to think or say anything as her inner vamp took over control.


  This young animal was offering itself to her; it liked her! So very strange, so very odd: it was very tame, and it wanted her to feed off it, but she would kill it if she took all the blood she needed. So tame, so trusting! No, she would just take a little to repair herself and no more, so as not to frighten or harm this nice animal.

  She ignored the arm it offered and instead wrapped her arms around it to embrace it, at the same time locking her foot claws around the lower part of the creature’s body and so immobilizing it as she ran her tongue up the neck, seeking the best place to bite. She could sense the animal was afraid. She was not going to kill it, just take a little nourishment, but it was only a young animal and could not know what she planned.

  She tried to relax the animal by produce a calming purr, but her throat was out of practice, and she found it did not work. The heartbeat of the animal was now racing, and the fear was growing. She did the only thing left to try and show that she liked it and would not harm it; she naturally produced pheromones from her body. They were weak compared to the male musk, but the ability had evolved for a different purpose than how a male used it. Male musk excited a female to lead to faster copulation, but the female’s smell relaxed the male to slow him down so the female could enjoy it longer and also stopped him from flying off too soon afterwards.

  The saliva from her mouth contained a lot of her special smell, so she licked the female animal’s face and lips, forcing her tongue into its mouth. She felt the animal relax, and all its fear vanished as soon as it knew she liked it. It did not even notice when she removed her tongue and penetrated its neck and started to suck. She was glad the animal was no longer afraid. Even better, the creature was so relaxed and willing that it made the feeding a greater pleasure.

  Blood Donor

  As soon as Amy could taste the warm, tingly life force that the blood represented, she knew that strength was returning to her body, healing the wounds. Only after a few unthinking minutes of bliss did her senses kick in, and she was surprised and a little shocked at what they were picking up from the blood donor.

  Aron, the leader of the now smaller group of four, was not happy with the odd turn of events, as the meeting between two houses was turning more into a soap opera trial.

  He pointed towards where sucking noises were coming from, and hesitated as he took in what Amy looked like she was doing.

  “That there, that is not a normal female! It’s an abomination and walks about in the day! We are within our rights to destroy it no matter what territory she is on. She has to be a strange type of pet or a barren turnling; either way, not a breeding female, as she can walk about in the sunlight with your other pets. What we have done is only a misdemeanor, and it is no crime for us to dispose of her. In fact, as she killed one of us, we have the right to kill her no matter what she is. The male attacked us, and we had to defend ourselves; all you can accuse us of is trespassing and vandalism!”

  “Well, let us check out the female to first see if she is human, turnling or vampire!”

  The alpha male walked over to where Amy was still embraced with Paige, making sucking noises while Paige was making a different sort of noise. He raised a single eyebrow and sighed, then picked up Amy’s fallen shoulder bag and walked back.

  “So to answer the first part of your defense, the female is currently, err, well, mostly enjoying a meal: the sort of meal that rules her out from being human. A rather messy eater, yes, but human, no.

  “Unless I am mistaken from your scent, a sibling of yours visited us last moon and attacked and killed one of our pets. This female was guarding the pets at the time and defea
ted your sibling in single combat, which is something no turnling could do. And from her smell after the fight, she certainly is not barren and has been in heat at least once during the past three moons.”

  He empted Amy’s bag out on the ground, and the contents formed a pile like a bonsai mountain.

  “If you are interested, our female did not kill your sibling. She committed suicide at my own hands after I had offered her leniency, all of which can be vouched for by the males currently with me. Now as to being an unnatural vampire, let us see what this young female has in her bag.” With exaggerated movements, he began to drop things back into her bag, commenting on each item like it was a game show.

  “Toothbrush, toothpaste, another toothbrush, mouthwash, and yet another toothbrush, along with a hairbrush. A hairbrush! It looks like you are right; she must be a werewolf with a mouth hygiene fixation!”

  He smiled at his own joke and continued with the pruning of the bonsai mountain of female products.

  “Eye drops for tired eyes, dark sunglasses with brown frames, dark sunglasses with black frames: perhaps a well-dressed werewolf? Sun block foundation cream, medically prescribed sun block at 100% protection, one pair of thin black gloves, one baseball cap with extra large sun shade.”

  He stood up, holding up the last item from the bag and made a show of straightening his back as if the bending down had been painful.

  “Perhaps it is just me, but the contents of that bag look like just the sort of thing a vampire would carry about in case she had to quickly move about in daylight.”

  He now held up the last item with just two fingers, as if showing it to a jury. It was a now-empty transparent plastic bag that Amy had collected from the blood bank earlier.

  “Why, she even has a standard vamp snack pack with her. Her bag looks to contain everything a guard would need to blend in with the pets on overcast days, and all that I have found looks to prove what she has said of your crimes and so disproves your statement of defense.”

  Dropping the blood snack into Amy’s still-open bag, he wiped his hands on a white, neatly ironed handkerchief, which he had removed from a top pocket.

  “I now offer my judgment on what happened here tonight.”

  His smile instantly changed from a jovial defense attorney to that of a judge, and by his new look, a very pissed-off, hanging judge.

  “You came uninvited into our territory looking for your sibling. Upon discovering that she had died, you wished to take revenge by vandalizing our property. Just a misdemeanor, as you say, but what changes the situation to something more serious is the attacking of a male of our family who bravely attempted to stop your criminal activity. You then attacked his female who was acting as a guard to our property. Males and females die all the time in fights, and if you had done this on your own nothing would have been said, but five attacking a male and female of our family in our own territory looks to be more the work of a raiding party. As for your fairy tale of a defense, it would be insulting if it had not been so amusing.”

  Amy was struggling to see what was happening over Paige’s shoulder, and it came as a shock that the alpha male just dangerously turned his back to them. Looking around to where his followers were located, he made his announcement.

  “My verdict is as follows: As it is a first offense and their words have amused me, I will be lenient and return them to their nest.”

  Amy could see visible relief on Aron’s face, which changed to blinding rage as the alpha added to his judgement.

  “As to the matter of lying to me, the representative to these hunting grounds, well, that deserves a little extra punishment, so remove their heads first before you return them to their nest!”

  With a blur of movement, the very large males, who had stayed in the background and laughed the loudest at the boss’s jokes, killed all apart from Aron, who now raised his blade and struck out at the alpha boss. Amy could not see what had happened between him moving forward and then lying headless on the ground, but she knew never to pick a fight with the boss.

  Amy almost choked as a gulp of blood when down the wrong way due to what was currently happening with Paige. She was turned on; the blood sucking must be doing something funny to Paige, and Amy feared that it was similar to what had happened when her master first bit her.

  Paige had always said she loved to give blood and got a real thrill from doing it, but Amy had not guessed just how much she enjoyed giving blood. She knew she couldn’t stop sucking immediately, as she had to force herself to slowly let go: a pint, just a pint (or maybe two) so as to not harm the donor. She knew that was the rule, but it was still an effort to stop; Paige’s moans were not helping her concentrate, either.

  When she finished sucking, Paige turned and looked at her with wide, doe-like eyes as she leaned over and licked Paige’s neck to let her saliva seal the wound to prevent her from bleeding to death. Amy did not know how this worked; it just did, an automatic reaction on her part to protect a future food supply. What was not an automatic reaction was for the food supply to bend over and start to lick the blood on her stomach, which was all that was left to show where she had been wounded. Her skin was now fully healed.

  “Do I get my ring now, mistress?”

  Not knowing if she should thank her or give her an end-of-date kiss, Amy removed her pet ring and handed it to Paige; she felt the normal tingle upon taking it off, meaning all the rings must now be back on line.

  “Err… you have to place it-”

  “Yes, I know, mistress.”

  Amy wondered if she should tell her that she had hit it so often that it may not work so well.

  “Mistress, it is magic! Look! It has changed size to fit my finger and is now locked in place! Thank you, mistress!”

  Perhaps not, Amy thought. She expected that if the ring could give a sigh of relief for being rid of her, it would have done so at that very moment. She did have a relationship with the ring; it was a hate-hate one. With Paige, the ring would now be happy.

  Paige weakly but proudly walked to where the other girls stood, and as she did she turned to where Regina stood a little way from the others and raised her left hand to show the ring on the little finger. Paige then made a fist with the hand and raised her middle finger. Amy noticed that Regina no longer had a ring on her finger, and she knew it could have only been removed by her lord, meaning the raised voices she had heard were Regina refusing to do her master’s will, which she guessed was to go and feed her.

  Paige had stepped forward and changed her placement in the group forever; she willingly offered her blood when Regina refused. Taking Regina’s place in the group as leader, she then came out to the group, turning Amy into the standard female vampire seductress by blatantly telling the whole group she had beaten everything they ever bragged about by having sex in full view of everyone. From her flushed look, they believed her, and if not, their masters would confirm it if they asked them, as they would all have smelled her excitement.

  Amy knew all she had done was take a drink and nothing more, but once she thought about it, she realized that anyone who had seen her wrapped around Paige in uncontrollable, bloodsucking ecstasy may have mistaken what was happening. Blood sucking was a normal thing with vampires; what was not so normal outside of Hollywood was the way your meal moans with pleasure as you eat.

  Even Amy would have to agree it sounded very much like vampire lesbo sex: kinky and pervy, yes, but still very much like how all the books said female lesbian vampire seductresses would act.

  Chapter 9

  The Nest

  Not only had Paige decided to come out tonight and tell the whole group of her pervy sexual inclinations, but she had taken Amy with her.

  The alpha male could not believe it as he watched a new marked and ringed pet join her group; the strange female just had sex in front of them all and now had confirmed it by creating a pet!

  He was not shocked about the sex as he knew bored females did it all the time with their maids b
ack at the nest, and males did not care as they used the maids in the same way.

  What was not normal was for a female to fight and kill a male then have sex with her food while they discussed if she should be killed for her actions; was it by accident? No, she knew they were there watching, and she would know that they knew what had happened due to the smell coming off the new pet! And not just the pet; she had also produced mating pheromones, and from the way some of his followers were fidgeting, he knew it was not just the pet that had been turned on by her behavior.

  He remembered how she looked with such lust at him and what she smelled like after she had defeated the rogue female during the last meeting. It was as if she wanted to take him where he stood; fighting must make her as horny as hell.

  She had just fed, had sex then marked and ringed a pet to claim it as her own personal sex pet in front of a large group of males. Of course, young males sometimes did this sort of thing when out with friends to show off or prove that they were part of their group of peers. And there were really no rules saying she couldn’t do it: a tomboy of a female showing that she considered herself to be one of the boys. He just hoped she would stop at this and not try pissing against walls or starting a farting competition, as that would be going too far.

  He was now forced to speak to this female, something that he wished he did not have to do. She was one hell of an odd vampire; what had happened to the days when females were happy to sit at home in the nest and raise young? This blood-covered freak would probably eat her young; how can he act the alpha when all he could think of was that he hoped she did not have plans that he was the next one she wanted to ring? As to not being a real vampire, by the gods! What a stupid defense! Even he would not like to meet her pouncing out on him on a dark night; she would be just the sort of female that enjoyed rough sex, and he was not sure his back could take it nowadays.


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