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Vampire Page 10

by Amy Mah

  She was wondering if she should sit down or stay standing when a door opened on the other side of the room, and the female that was Teeth’s sister came in, walked over and handed her something white and not fully dry…… her panties!

  “They may be damp, but they are clean, so keep them that way! And you will not remove them, other than for calls of nature, no matter where you get an itch! Understand?!”

  Back upstairs, this female had made her feel first like a six-year-old child then like a slut; now, Amy was lucky if she felt as old as three. She lived in real fear that this female would regularly check that she had her underwear on and that it was still clean! More than likely, she would do it with other people around!

  She was pointed towards a seat, so Amy sat down. A boy came into the room and slouched in the seat opposite her. He looked about 8 but with vampires, age was hard to figure out. She decided to try to break the ice.

  “My name is Amy; what’s yours?”

  His mouth turned into an “O” as if she had just said the rudest words he had ever heard, and she luckily moved her hand off the table just as a heavy ladle slammed into the plastic, denting the wood underneath. The ladle was in the hands of Teeth’s sister, who was now glaring at her.

  “Who gave you the right to introduce yourself to a male? Besides, he’s too young for you, and you are already in a relationship! By the gods, can’t you just sit there with your legs crossed!”

  In the mean time, the boy had poked out his tongue at Amy. Teeth’s sister had her back to him, but she still hit him around the ear with the flat of her hand as she turned around.

  “Are your hands clean?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, Lady. I have carefully washed my hands and scrubbed my claws, twice!”

  A girl came into the room also wearing a nightdress but of a coarse linen, which Amy guessed would be warmer than hers; it was also less transparent than hers, which meant that she was a servant or of lower status.

  The boy’s eyes lit up.

  “I want a burger, fries, and a chocolate blood shake… with ice!”

  The girl turned to Amy.

  “Err-could I have the same but without the ice?”

  When the food arrived, it looked good: two small rolls containing a raw, minced meat filling that Amy was sure would make her constipated or give her the runs. The fries were very good, crisp and salty, and they even came with a red sauce that for a change was not blood (or not all blood) as it was sweet. The drink was in fact very nice as long as she did not think of what it was: just chocolate-flavored blood, Amy let her taste buds tell her that it was the only way to have chocolate.

  She asked what the meat was, but her uncle’s sister just said, “Don’t worry, no one you would know!” which could have been a joke or perhaps not.

  When she was alone with the boy, he looked up and spoke with a mouth full of fries.

  “Well, it’s just beef, stupid, and I hear that you have been in heat?”

  She was not going to go red in front of a boy, but why was everyone so darn interested in her internal plumbing?

  “Yes. So?”

  “Are you pregnant?”

  “No, I’m not pregnant!”

  “Well, Lady Nyx says it can’t be from want of trying! And no, I don’t want you, so if you try touching me anywhere private, Lady Nyx said to call her, and she will throw a bucket of cold water over you!”

  Amy quickly looked all around the room to check if they were alone, then she stuck her chocolate-covered tongue out at him. It shocked him, and it made her feel good.

  After the meal, the sister returned and led her to yet another room. This one did take Amy by surprise, and it was her turn to stare open-mouthed.

  “You look like a child, you act like a child, and now you eat like a child. Let’s find out what on earth my brother is playing at. Do close your mouth; you are not catching flies.”

  Amy was still looking around the room, she was not sure what a Ladies’ boudoir was, but this was one of them with a capital B: very 19th Century, very female, and very pink. The feeling of being watched was confirmed when she saw movement as three or four strange, skinny, hairless creatures appeared to stare at her as if she were the oddity and not them. The smallest of the four was now at her feet and attempting to climb up her nightdress. The large female saw her look of horror.

  “They are cats: an extra clean, special hairless breed called Vapira Sphynx. The cutie about to treat you as furniture is called Tarqwin. Now, just ignore them, as they already know their status here, and it is a lot higher than yours. Come here, now, and be ready for me to taste your blood; something is wrong with you, and I plan to know what it is here and now.”

  Amy moved her head to one side and waited; she knew that having blood taken from one’s neck instead of the wrist meant you were subservient, but Amy realized she was so low down on the pecking order that she would be lucky if she rated higher than worms. The bite was gentle and must have removed only a taste at most.

  “Well, well, well! Now, that is surprising, and my stupid brother thought he could keep this secret?”

  She felt her head being moved to one side again, and she offered no resistance. This time, the bite removed more blood. Amy thought it was about a mouthful, but she did not know how she knew or how the bite was so gentle that all she felt was a slight tickle.

  She wanted to ask how but instead she asked, “Do you wish me to suck your fingers now?”

  There was a cold, hard silence and then musical laughter; had she said something funny?

  “No, my dear little abomination, that is something else entirely, and I think I may at some point have to explain a few things to you about males and females. First things first: while I digest your blood memories, you will tell me your whole life story from as far back as you can remember. Try not to leave anything out no matter how trivial, as I will need as much information as I can to link it to what your blood memory will be telling me about you.”

  Amy started, stopped, then started again. The words were difficult at first, then the female began humming for some reason, and she even smiled at her. She had not seen her smile before; the smile was so very warm and comforting.

  Amy started telling her everything. It felt good; she was so nice and kind that Amy could not understand why had she not liked her before. She now lay back and rested her heavy head on the most comfortable pillow possible, which was the sister’s lap, and she talked and talked. The cat lay on her chest and purred, and that also felt nice.

  The sister asked for everything, and Amy told her everything: the death of her parents, her mad auntie being the only one in the family willing to take her in and look after her, the doctors and the psychiatrists that did not believe her, sucking blood off dead meat and feeling ill all the time and being laughed at because she suffered from sunburn in winter.

  Amy recounted meeting her male vampire and having her first real meal and feeling odd, very odd. She shared about pretending to be his mate and then pretending to be a human sex pet; most days she did not know if she were a vampire pretending to be human or a human pretending to be a vampire: Amy told how she didn’t understand why the female vampire’s brother wanted to kill her at first, then he just disliked her, then he was risking his life for her. She was confused by everything now; vampires she did not know kept trying to kill her.

  No one ever told her about being in heat, but everyone kept discussing it in front of her without even saying anything about what it meant. It was never mentioned in human biology or personal hygiene lessons or she would have remembered. Since she had met the brother, she kept losing time and waking up covered in blood. She also had some very odd dreams about caves and males visiting the cave. Amy had looked it up on the web, and it said it was all about sex, and the cave represented her personal plumbing.

  For all she knew, she could even be pregnant, and she did not want to be pregnant. She did not even have a boyfriend
or go out with boys, so why was she worrying about being pregnant? When she was not dreaming of trains or caves she was dreaming of having her hair stroked and liking it. She had not bothered to look that up on Google as she was sure that it would just be sex again.

  As Amy ran out of things to say, she was exhausted; no, she was beyond exhausted. It was like living her whole life again at high speed, and it had not been that interesting the first time she had lived it. The little tune the female was humming was also very relaxing. She felt her hair being stroked, and it was nice, so nice to have her hair stroked. She really, really hoped it did not have anything to do with sex.

  Amy curled up in the female vampire’s lap, relaxed and without a care in the world, she was soon fast asleep.

  Nyx takes control

  The female continued stroking Amy’s hair and thinking; there was a lot to think about. She also knew that when she finished thinking, her brother would be wanting to get up, and he would then discover that he had a lot to say to her. For his sake, it had better be good. Vampires could look young if they wished to, but this little vampire did not just look young; she was young: very young in fact, not really anything more than a child of just a few years.

  She should not exist; she was an abomination, a strange breed of vampire: a very hot-blooded vampire with natural protection from sunlight. Vampires were a very old species and did not really even look human; the blood camouflaged them. They always took on the shape of their prey to make hunting easier, and they had been hunting humans for tens of thousands of years, so the shape was now normal. If humans were replaced by a different dominant creature in the future, then the vampires would change shape again, but the hunt would continue. She did not like to admit it, but her brother was correct; this girl was important, very important. But he was useless at trying to hide her; the idea of hiding her in plain sight was good, but her way of doing it would be far better than his had been.

  Lady Nyx

  Chapter 10

  Nice bed and sooo nice a sleep

  Amy awoke with a start and felt in heaven, like she was lying on soft, fluffy clouds. Okay, so I have a good imagination; what of it? It sounded so much better than saying “I awoke in bed.” Besides, beds were never this size or this soft in real life. And as to bed sizes, this one must come under the name of triple Emperor or even Godsized.

  She slowly crawled towards the edge, knowing that if it took too long, she could always sleep on the way-not that she was tired. She stopped, stretched and felt great. Sleep! She had had real sleep: no odd dreams, just pure, restful, undisturbed sleep. It must have now been about dusk. Whenever Amy slept during the day, she always awoke as the sun was setting. Not that being a vampire meant she couldn’t go out in the daylight: it was just that her body clock was set the same as most other teenagers her age. The day was for school or sleeping, and the night was for fun.

  As she reached the edge of the bed, Amy looked around. The bed was of course in a bedroom; no, not just a bedroom but a real, very female bedroom. If not, then she had been sleeping in a frilly cushion factory that must have gone bankrupt over buying too much lace.

  “I hope you slept well?”

  She jumped. She almost wet herself as well, but we will not go into those sorts of details. The room had been empty when she first looked around, but now her uncle’s sister filled a good part of Amy’s vision. It was normal for a vampire to move fast (well, apart from myself), but if they kept just appearing out of thin air all the time, Amy realized that she might have to add packs of diapers to her wardrobe.

  “Thank you, yes; I had the best sleep ever.”

  She couldn’t figure out why she felt so relaxed, but she was still going to be very careful with what she said to this female. Speaking of diapers, Amy thought, out of all the vampires I had met so far, this female was the one who scared the crap out of me.

  “It is a lovely bedroom; I hope I did not cause you too much trouble just falling asleep on you yesterday”

  The female ignored the question and did not look to be interested in idle chit chat with her, so Amy decided to just stay quiet. This female had from the start made her feel like a child, and since yesterday, she had begun speaking to Amy as if she were a child.

  Amy had survived attacks by male vampires and had even killed one, but this female was different. This female did not have to threaten her. She smelled sweet like a female should but not of rotten fruit; more of what a baseball bat would smell like if it were covered in icing sugar. Even Amy’s inner vamp was in deep hiding, which meant she was truly on her own. It was so odd how she could do it, but Amy know that just one harsh word from her could make Amy burst into tears. Even when she was nice and friendly, she still scared the crap out of me.

  “I do believe a nice bath will clear the sleep from your eyes. Now follow me”

  Amy followed her to a bathroom where a swimming pool of a bath was already filled with hot, soapy water, ready and waiting. She gave a silent sigh as she noticed that unlike what all the crappy human books said, it was not filled with the blood of virgins.

  “Put all your dirty things into the washing basket over there, and I will find you something clean to wear.”

  What the heck is going on? Amy watched as she left the room. Something was wrong with her thinking. Of all the life-and-death decisions I have had to make over the past few weeks, why was the hardest one whether or not I should remove my panties or bathe in them? She remembered that she had been told to keep them on (apart from calls of nature) at all times or else!

  But now she was told put her clothes into the washing basket. Oh darn, and frigging heck! What the frigging, frigging? She had even forgotten how to swear! FRIG, Frig, Frig!!! Heck was happening? She has done something to me!

  Amy realized that she could get killed by some vampire on a whim: yes, be killed on a whim. That was a good reason to worry about doing something wrong. Even doing simple things was worrying her, so she told herself that I must concentrate. Remove all clothing, and place it in the washing basket. If I make a mistake, I will say that I misunderstood; children often get things wrong.

  Why was I not just acting but now feeling like a kid when that female monster spoke? First she treated me like a slut, and now I was a child. Without any control, I simply acted the way she thought me to be. Perhaps it is magic, like the ring, or some sort of mind control: yesterday, a sex-starved slut, today a child, and tomorrow, who knows? I could be thinking that I’m a coffee pot.

  Amy knew she had to make a decision. She pulled off the nightgown along with the panties and dropped them both into the basket, quickly getting into the bath.

  Soaking and enjoying the heat, she lay back and rubbed soap along her legs. Well, I do have nice legs. Maybe my bust is a bit crappy, but the legs are nice. Oh, sorry! She was daydreaming; looking about the bathroom was boring. After you have seen one bathroom, the novelty kind of wears off.

  The bedroom had been warm but not so the bathroom. Books say that vampires are undead, meaning that Amy should not feel the cold. No wonder people no longer read books; a vampire should not feel cold, but this vampire does. She thought that it was just like always biting herself by mistake; no one ever explained what to do. It was all just supposed to come naturally, but it didn’t. Well, a vampire bath: this I could understand. Soap, water, and rubbing. It also was a pleasant change, as at home, Amy only had a shower due to her auntie believing that you could not get clean while sitting in dirty water.

  She jumped (for the second time); this time, Amy was grateful that she had empted her bladder before getting in the water. Not a sound had been made, but the face of the sister now appeared inches from hers.

  “Are you clean?”

  “Yes, very clean, thank you.”

  “Well, let’s check; extend your claws: all of them.”

  The female grabbed her left foot and stared at it, then dropped the foot back into the bath.

  “Stand up!”

  Well, that nice
side did not last long; her voice almost had a male command to it. So, life as a vampire is about being naked in front of everyone, Amy thought. Someone just had to write a book about what it truly was like to have good teeth. Just as she was standing naked in front of the female vampire, she slapped Amy; no, let me reword that. I stood up and was slapped, but not across the face. She slapped me hard, very hard, across my bottom.

  “Now sit down!”

  Amy know that her mouth had formed into a perfect circle at the idea that this was starting to get too pervy for normal bath taking for anyone with or without fangs! So she let rip.

  “What the?! Look, I am not a child! You can’t keep treating me as if I am still in preschool! I’m a woman, or near as, damn it! And I do not have any S&M likings!!”

  The female walked across the room, picked up a nail brush (which looked more like a floor-scrubbing brush except that it was pink and in the shape of a bat) and then walked back. She then rolled up her sleeves and began to rub soap onto the brush.

  “If that was a question, then the answer is yes and no. Yes, you are a child, cub, youngling or the like; and no, you are not a woman, nor will you ever be one no matter how old you grow. You are a young female vampire, so definitely not human, male, female, or anything in between. The nest knows your age and has decided your placement here. Don’t ask any questions, as you would not understand the answers. Just take it as a fact and remove any strange ideas of thinking of questioning it, as if you were not a suitable nest member, you would have died in your sleep.”

  “It knows your place; now, it is time for you to also learn what it is here. The first thing is if you take that tone of voice with me again, you will not live to become an old female vampire, you are a very young and a very ignorant female, so I’m being especially lenient with you. However, I am not known for my leniency, and I will not suffer fools, so listen very carefully as I do not wish to keep saying this.”

  “You are not a normal vampire renegade, and that is why my brother took so much interest in you. Do not concern yourself about this as there is nothing you can do about it. You are also far too young to be out hunting on your own just yet. Without my brother’s protection, child, you could be killed if you are discovered. You are still extremely ignorant over what it is to be a vampire, but that is going to change.”


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