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TarotCafeSeries_bundle Page 48

by Lynn LaFleur

  He slid into the only empty booth. A young woman with a long dark ponytail soon appeared with a menu. She wore a skin-tight white T-shirt with “Mona’s Place” over her left breast and even tighter jeans.

  “Hi,” she said, her wide smile exposing a full set of braces. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Just water for now, thanks.”

  “Okay. Our special of the day is pork roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, hot rolls and peach cobbler for dessert. The soup of the day is vegetable beef. Be right back with your water.”

  He watched her sashay away, her hips swaying from side to side. He imagined she got a lot of tips from men admiring her ass in the tight denim.

  James opened his menu. The special of the day sounded good, but he didn’t want that much food. He’d had a late breakfast, so wasn’t very hungry. He would’ve gladly stayed at Caldwell’s and stared at Teanna all day. Not the brunette. She was attractive, and he was grateful to her for leaving Teanna’s business card on the table at The Tarot Cafe, but she reminded him too much of the groupies on the road who looked at him like he was a steak dinner. There was nothing wrong with a sexually active woman yet, as he’d told Rusty, he was tired of fucking a different woman every night. He wanted something more real in his life.

  Someone more real…like Teanna.

  He hoped he hadn’t made a fool of himself. She’d caught him staring at her ass, but hadn’t seemed upset by that. In fact, it appeared she was on the verge of laughing before she turned away from him to draw his drink.

  He’d been involved with so many women, yet one honey-blonde Texan made his palms sweat.

  He didn’t have to see Teanna to know she’d come in the restaurant. His heart did a dive into his stomach, his senses went on full alert. Lifting his head, he saw her speaking to a table of four women close to the door. She stood in profile, giving him the chance to admire her full breasts and rounded ass. Teanna had the type of figure James loved, with enough curves to more than fill his hands while he drove deep into her wet pussy.

  His cock responded to his fantasy, lengthening and thickening inside his briefs. Regular sex had been part of P.J. Kendall’s life. James Parker was sadly lacking in the sex department.

  Teanna glanced around the restaurant, perhaps looking for a place to sit. Her gaze collided with his and stopped. James raised one hand and motioned to her. She spoke to the ladies again, then walked to his booth, smiling at some of the other customers along the way. She obviously knew a lot of people in the small town.

  “We meet again,” he said with a smile. “Join me, please.”

  “I don’t want to intrude on your lunch.”

  “You aren’t. I haven’t ordered yet.” He gestured to the seat opposite him. “Sit.”

  “Thank you.” She slid into the booth. “I forgot how crowded Mona’s is on Wednesday.”

  “What’s special about Wednesday?”

  “Her pork roast. Most of the men in town come in for lunch.”

  James had noticed the men far outnumbered the women in here. “It’s that good?”

  “Oh, yes. I came in for her chicken Caesar salad, but I may change my mind.”

  The waitress came back with James’ water. “Hi, Teanna.”

  “Hi, Kit.”

  “Iced tea?”


  “Need a menu?”

  “No. I’ll have the chicken Caesar salad.”

  James closed his menu. “Make that two. And iced tea also.”

  She flashed a bright smile on James. “Coming right up.”

  Once she left, James leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “You didn’t change your mind.”

  “If I eat that much food for lunch, I’ll be sleepy all afternoon.”

  “Just like at Thanksgiving.”


  Her eyes sparkled with humor. He loved the color…a shade somewhere between milk and dark chocolate. Perhaps they turned a deeper brown when she became aroused.

  He hoped to find out for sure…tonight.

  Chapter Five

  James waited until the waitress set their glasses on the table before he spoke again. “What do the people of Lanville do for excitement?”

  “There’s very little exciting about Lanville.” Teanna added two packages of artificial sweetener to her tea. “We had a movie theater, but it closed down about three years ago. We drive to Dallas for any kind of entertainment.”

  “Have you lived here all your life?”

  “Since I was eight.”

  She didn’t explain further, which probably meant she didn’t want to talk about where she lived during the first eight years of her life. She stared into her tea while she swirled her straw through it.

  James could feel the sadness seeping from her. “Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?”

  “No.” She lifted her head. He could see the sorrow in her eyes. “I shouldn’t let something that happened twenty years ago still upset me.”

  He remembered she’d talked about her aunt and uncle owning Caldwell Apothecary, but hadn’t mentioned her mother and father. “You lost your parents.”

  Teanna nodded. “They were killed in a tornado. I came to live with my aunt and uncle after that.”

  James winced. How sad for her to lose her parents so young. He’d been twenty-five when his parents were killed and it had hurt like hell. He couldn’t imagine the pain a child would feel. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks. I can’t complain because I’ve had a wonderful life. My aunt and uncle are the most wonderful people in the world. I’m blessed they love me as much as they do.”

  He couldn’t see how anyone wouldn’t love Teanna. He’d watched her interact with the people here in the restaurant, how they’d stopped her to talk as she passed them. It was obvious more people than her aunt and uncle cared about her.

  “You told Becca you’re passing through Lanville,” Teanna said after sipping her tea. “Where are you from and where are you going?”

  James drank from his glass to stall before he answered her question. He couldn’t tell Teanna the entire truth, but he could give her bits and pieces. “You guessed it right about the West Coast accent. I’m from Southern California. I recently quit my job and decided to drive cross country. I managed to save up a nice nest egg, so I’m taking my time and seeing as much as I can.”

  “So you’re unemployed?”

  “For now.”

  She didn’t say more, but James sensed she had a specific reason for her question. “Why do you ask?”

  “No reason.”

  He would’ve questioned her further, but Kit arrived with their salads and a basket of hot rolls. Teanna dug right into her meal, as if to avoid speaking to him.

  Perhaps he imagined it, but he thought a blush filled her cheeks.

  She not only made his cock hard with one look into those gorgeous eyes, she intrigued him. Getting to know Teanna Caldwell would be very interesting.


  Teanna couldn’t believe she’d almost offered James a job. When he’d mentioned he was currently unemployed, she almost told him there was a position open at the store and he should apply for it. It would give her the perfect opportunity to keep him close.

  You’re an idiot, Tee. He’s already told you he’s passing through Lanville on his Great American Adventure. He obviously has a very nice nest egg to be able to afford to quit his job and simply drive. Why would he want to stay in Lanville and work in a drug store?

  Her bite of chicken turned to a lump in her mouth. For the first time in her life, she’d met a man who heated her blood and he’d be gone by tomorrow.

  “I’m thinking about staying in Lanville a few days,” James said.

  Teanna jerked up her head at his announcement. She quickly swallowed her chicken before she choked. “You are?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been driving a while and it’ll be nice to relax. I’d like to get in some fishing if there are any good
fishing holes nearby.”

  “My uncle could tell you the best spots. He goes almost every week.”

  “Great.” He tore a roll in half and spread butter over it. “How about a place to stay? Is there a motel in town?”

  “No motel, but we have two bed-and-breakfasts. I’d recommend the Country Woods. It has individual cabins with small kitchenettes that are only a few yards from the river. The cabins are surrounded by trees, so they’re very private.”

  “Private is good.”

  He stared at her as he slowly chewed his bite of roll. Teanna didn’t imagine the flare of heat in his eyes this time. He looked at her as if he’d rather be tasting her than the roll.

  She’d never hesitated to go after what she wanted. She wanted James, so knew of no reason why she shouldn’t have him.

  “Country Woods is a little hard to find if you don’t know the county roads. We have maps at the store, but I’ll be happy to show you the way.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Should I call first and make sure there’s a cabin available?”

  “I doubt if that’ll be a problem in March. I can call from the store. I know the owner.”

  “Don’t you know everyone in town?”

  “Just about. It’s a small town.”

  James pushed aside his empty plate and rested his arms on the table. “So there’s no visiting company, no marital affairs, no getting in trouble without everyone knowing about it.”

  “You got it.”

  Kit came back to the table and gathered up their dirty plates. “Do y’all want dessert? We have fresh peach cobbler and buttermilk pie.”

  “None for me,” James said. “Teanna?”

  “Not today, Kit. Thanks.”

  The waitress laid their ticket on the table. “Have a great day.”

  James picked up the ticket before Teanna had the chance. “My treat for helping me find a place to stay.”

  She wasn’t about to tell him her offer of finding him a place to stay was for her own selfish reasons. The longer he stayed in Lanville, the better for her…and her hormones.


  James stepped out of the Country Woods office, cabin key in hand. Teanna had called the owner, Helen, from her store and made the reservation for him. Only two of the eight cabins were occupied, so he had his pick of the other six. He chose the largest, most secluded one.

  He didn’t want any interruptions when he made love to Teanna.

  She walked by his side to their vehicles. She had no reason to stay any longer. Helen had shown him the location of his cabin on a map of the grounds, so he’d have no problem finding it.

  Teanna opened her car door. “I’ll show you where the cabin is.”

  James had expected her to tell him she was leaving, so didn’t argue about being with her a bit longer. He slid behind the wheel of his SUV and followed Teanna the short distance to cabin number five.

  She met him at the back of his vehicle. “Do you need any help?”

  He didn’t, but he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to be with her a few more minutes. “Sure.” He opened the back hatch and reached for his suitcase and garment bag. “Will you grab my tackle box?”

  Teanna held his bag while he unlocked the door. Smiling his thanks, he pushed it open and let her enter before him. The cabin was warm, but not uncomfortable.

  She set the tackle box on the floor, then passed the bed and crossed to the window air conditioning unit. “It shouldn’t take it long to cool off in here.” A flick of a dial and cool air began to flow from the unit. “If you stay longer than three days, you’ll probably need the heat again. That’s controlled by the dial on the wall by the bathroom.”

  “How do you know so much about the cabin?”

  “I worked for Helen for two summers when I was a teenager. I know every inch of every cabin and the grounds.”

  Leaning against the wall by the front door, James crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll bet you could tell some wild stories about some of the guests.”

  “I learned more than a young girl should,” she said with a grin.

  James laughed. “I think I might like to hear some of those stories.”

  “Maybe I’ll share them sometime.”

  “How about tonight? Have dinner with me.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He stared into her eyes for several long moments before he pushed himself away from the door and walked closer to her. “I’m going to be honest with you.”

  He saw her throat work when she swallowed. “All right.”

  “I don’t intend for our evening to end after dinner.”

  “Neither do I.”

  All the blood in his body rushed to his cock. He took another step closer and lifted his hand to touch her face. Her cheek was as soft and smooth as he’d suspected. He rubbed his thumb over it and saw her swallow again.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked, his voice a ragged whisper. “This… I don’t know what to call it, but there’s something happening between us.”

  “I feel it too.”

  He lifted his other hand to her face and cradled her jaws. It had been months since he’d kissed a woman…much longer than since he’d bedded one. Kissing was meant for two people who cared about each other, not simply a prelude to fucking. He didn’t kiss a woman unless she was special to him.

  Tilting her face ever so slightly, he lowered his head until his lips touched hers.

  Instant heat.

  James didn’t think his cock could get any harder, but it did the moment he kissed Teanna. The heat burned even hotter when she parted her lips. James brushed them with the tip of his tongue, silently asking for more. She gave it, answering his request with a gentle lick across his lips.

  Groaning deep in his throat, James tightened his hands on Teanna’s face and kissed her deeper. His tongue stroked against the corner of her lips, drove inside her mouth to wrap around her own. He felt Teanna’s hands on his waist, kneading his flesh as she returned kiss for kiss. Her warm breath brushed his cheek.

  He was two seconds away from lifting her and laying her on the bed when she pulled back from him. She rested her forehead on his chest. He slid his hands down her back and over her hips, again and again, waiting for her to speak.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. She lifted her head. He clearly saw the desire and longing in her eyes. She was as affected as he by their kisses. “I can’t.”

  His cock didn’t like hearing that, but that part of his anatomy didn’t rule him. If Teanna wasn’t ready to make love, he accepted that. “It’s okay. I won’t push you to do something you don’t want to do.”

  “You wouldn’t have to push me. I’d make love with you right now, but I have to get back to the store. My aunt and uncle are gone today and I’m in charge. I should’ve been back half an hour ago. I’m surprised Becca hasn’t called me by now.”

  “I understand.” His hands swept over her hips again, tugging her a bit closer to his body. James almost groaned again at the feel of her soft belly cushioning his hard rod. “Once we start making love, I don’t want any interruptions.”

  James kissed her again before reluctantly letting her go. He entwined their fingers together and led her to her car. After she slid behind the wheel and lowered her window, he leaned in for another kiss.

  “Do you have a preference for where we go?” he asked.

  “Surprise me.”

  He liked that she had a sense of adventure. “Shall I pick you up at the store?”

  “No. I want to go home and change first.”

  His gaze quickly passed over her sleeveless gold shell and dark jeans. “You look great.”

  “Thank you, but these aren’t going-out-to-dinner clothes.” She reached into the compartment between the seats and removed a business card and pen. Turning over the card, she scribbled a phone number on the back. “Here’s my cell. Call me when you’re ready to come to my house and I’ll gi
ve you directions.”

  “What time?”

  “The store closes at six, but I have things to do after that. How about seven?”

  “Seven it is.” He couldn’t resist giving her one more lingering kiss. “See you later.”


  Teanna hurried into her apartment and headed straight for the shower, dropping clothes along the way. A rush of last-minute customers meant she hadn’t locked the doors until six-fifteen. She did the bare minimum to close up the store for the evening, promising herself she’d go in early tomorrow and catch up the paperwork before the store opened.

  Naked, Teanna stepped beneath the warm spray. The afternoon had been busy with teenagers coming in after school. Becca had pounced as soon as Teanna walked back into the store, yet Teanna had very little time to talk to her friend. Between the teenagers, other customers and another delivery, Teanna could barely breathe much less talk to Becca.

  Becca had managed to corner Teanna long enough to whisper, “I want all the details tomorrow.”

  Fat chance of that, Teanna thought as she turned off the water. She wouldn’t share details of her time with James with anyone, not even her best friend.

  She placed her hand over her quivering stomach. Butterflies had flown around inside her all day. Her breasts felt tight, her pussy wet and empty. She thought about bringing herself to a climax in the shower, but didn’t want to do anything to spoil her time with James tonight.

  A quick glance at the clock showed her she had twenty-five minutes before he should arrive. She hurried to her closet and threw open the door. She knew exactly what she wanted to wear—a new dress she’d bought on her last shopping trip to Dallas with Aunt Ruth. A deep cranberry in color, the A-line skirt fell to just below her knees and swirled around her legs when she walked. The scooped neckline showed a hint of her breasts. The lacy bra and thong in pale ivory she’d also bought on that shopping trip completed her outfit.

  Her cell phone rang twenty minutes later while she attempted to sweep up her hair to the top of her head. She didn’t recognize the 310 area code, so assumed it was James. “Hello?”


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