Andy's Song

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Andy's Song Page 4

by Beth Burnett

  We soap each other up and kiss greedily in the shower. I step out first so Heather can wash and condition her hair. I grab a towel, dry off roughly, and walk naked into the bedroom. My cell phone is ringing somewhere. I dig in the pile of clothes on the floor and find my cell phone in my jacket pocket. I grimace at the caller ID.

  “Hi, Davey.”

  “Andy, hey.”

  I’m silent, waiting for her to start.

  “Andy, you still there?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Look, I want to apologize.”

  “Davey, I don’t want you to apologize. I’m the asshole. I know that you’re straight, and I know that you’re in love with Danny. When you were coming on to me, I should have shut you down. It would have been better for both of us.”

  I can hear her quietly crying, but I ignore it.

  “Andy, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know. It was just stupidity on my part.”

  “It wasn’t stupidity. I do love you.”

  “Yes, I know, you love me as a friend.”

  “As the best friend I have ever had. We’ve loved each other so intensely and for so long that it’s easy to get confused sometimes.”

  “I’ve never been confused, Davey. People love each other or they don’t.”

  “I do love you. I love you more than my own life. I love Danny, too. I love him so much. Andy, I want to go back to being best friends again.”

  I sigh. “Just give me a few days. I need to not talk to you for a while.”

  She’s crying in earnest now and my heart is breaking, but I am not willing to make things all right for her at this moment.

  “Andy, whatever else happens, please don’t ever doubt that you are the best friend I have ever had in my life. I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “I can’t imagine my life without you, either.”

  “So, there’s a chance we’ll be friends again?”

  “I’ll call you in a few days.”

  She sniffs. “Don’t let me lose you over this, Andy.”

  “Davey, we’ve been through worse.”

  She laughs. “Yeah; sophomore year of college.”

  “We came through that, didn’t we?”

  “Almost didn’t,” she deadpans.


  “Okay, Andy, will you call me when you’re ready?”

  “I’ll call you.”

  I hang up the phone and immediately dial Leah’s number.

  “Andy, I was just thinking about you.”

  “Leah, I just wanted to let you know that I’m fine. I don’t need you to make a casserole and roll a joint. I don’t want you to come over and try to force gallons of tea into me.”

  “Tea has amazing curative powers.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “So does pot.”

  “I’m already cured.”

  “I doubt that. But you will be.”

  “Leah, thanks for being a great surrogate mom to me all of these years.”

  “Oh, Andy, I love you like you’re my own. Your parents are idiots.”

  “That’s true.”

  “That woman still there.”


  I look up as Heather walks into the bedroom with her hair in a towel, another towel wrapped around her waist.

  “Look, Leah, I have to go.”

  “Andy, when can I expect to see you?”

  “Soon. I’ll call you.”

  “Did you call Davey?”

  “She called me. We’re fine.”

  “You will be.”

  “Bye Leah.”

  Heather takes the towel from around her head and hangs it across a chair. Her hair is still wet and dripping a bit from the ends.

  “Who is Leah,” she asks.

  “Davey’s mom.”

  “Was that Davey on the phone before her?


  “What did you talk about?”

  “The only thing I want to talk about right now is you dropping that second towel and getting into my bed.”

  She salutes. “Sir, yes sir.”

  She takes the towel from around her waist and tosses it at me. I rush forward and grab her, growling as I throw her into my bed. She wraps her legs around my waist and I push hard against her, biting at the skin on her neck. She moves her hands to my head and pushes me down to her breasts. I suck on one nipple, while my fingers pinch the other one, pulling it, teasing it into a sharp point. She’s moaning and pushing me further down. I comply with ease, moving my mouth between her legs, letting my tongue slide over the inside of her thighs, reaching my hands around her to pull her up closer to my mouth. She spreads her legs further apart, exposing her clit to me. I hover over it, breathing lightly, massaging her hips with one hand, making her legs open even more. She moans and tries to push my head down against her, but I resist. Instead, I slide one of my fingers inside of her and give her a little pressure. My tongue just barely flicks out and touches her clit. She groans again and thrusts her hips up to meet me but I withdraw my tongue again. She gasps and tries again to push my head down. I let her wait, exploring her with my fingers, just barely touching her clit now and then. I withdraw my finger and bring my fingertip to my mouth, tasting her. Finally, she begs me to take her, and I suddenly slide three fingers into her while plunging my tongue down. I move my tongue around in light circles, slowly and softly at first, then a little harder and a little faster until she is screaming and grabbing onto the back of my neck, slamming her hands down on the back of my head, and then she’s there, ready. Her whole body tenses, and I give her one last lick as she screams my name and collapses.

  She is stroking my head languidly. “Andy.”

  “Mmmm hmm,” I mutter, still against her.

  “You should grow your hair out.”

  “I like it shaved.”

  “I had nothing to grab onto.”

  “You seemed to do a pretty good job of making indentations on my skull.”

  She laughs. “It would be easier with hair.”

  I answer by nuzzling my tongue against her again.

  “Andy, come up here.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  She pulls me down on top of her and kisses my ear. “You’re amazing,” she whispers.

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, let me show you what I’ve got.”

  I let her, then I use my fingers and hands on her again, a couple of times.


  I’m gently kissing her collarbone as she sleepily strokes my head.


  “You are phenomenal in bed.”

  “You’re not bad yourself.”

  “Not bad?”

  I laugh. “Not bad.”

  She slaps me on the back of the head, hard.

  “Careful, I’m delicate.”

  “Delicate, my ass.” She’s laughing. “Not bad. Hopefully you’ll remember me this time.”

  I look up at her seriously. “I’ll remember.”


  I glance at the clock. “For now, however, I have to take you home.”

  She pouts. “I thought I could make you dinner.”

  “You can make me dinner another time, I have a hot date this afternoon, and if I don’t get up now, I’ll be late.”

  “With whom?”

  “My racquetball partner.”

  “What’s his or her name?”

  “None of your business. Now up and out.”

  I push off of her and run to the bathroom for another quick shower. I know I’ll need another one after a heavy game, but I can’t meet Nate looking and smelling like I’ve just been laid. He mocks me enough as it is.

  Heather jumps in the shower as I’m toweling off my head and finishes as I’m making a smoothie. She stumbles into the kitchen barefoot, wearing my shorts and tank top, carrying her dress and heels. I offer her half of the smoothie.

  “Are you wearing my clothes home?”

>   “Planned on it.”

  “I like that tank top.”

  “You’ll get it back.”

  “Want some flip flops?”

  “No, I’ll put on my heels to get to the car.”

  “That will look sexy with those gym shorts.”

  I open the car door for her and see her into the passenger seat. My cell phone rings as I slide behind the wheel.

  “I’m on my way, Nate.”

  “Just wanted to make sure you’re coming.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Heard last night was a little rough.”

  “I said I’ll be there.”

  “See you in a few.”

  I hang up and look at Heather. “So, where do you live?”

  She starts laughing. “North Olmsted. Off of Dover.”

  I head in that direction, turning up the radio a bit to prohibit conversation. She’s quiet throughout the ride, only offering directions when I need to turn onto her street and into her apartment complex.

  “Hang on.” I get out of the car and come around to her side.

  She smiles at me as I open the door and escort her out. I take her arm and walk her to the door.

  “You’re such a gentlewoman.”

  I nod.

  “Andy, do you think you’re going to call me.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

  “I said I’ll call you.”

  She leans in and kisses me quickly on the mouth. “Thank you for a great run this morning.”

  I laugh. “It was one of the best runs of my life.”

  She grins up at me and puts her hand on my hip. I hold her face in both of my hands and kiss her thoroughly, but softly.

  “I’ll talk to you later.”

  She breathes against my mouth. “Hope you win your racquetball game.”


  I started to walk away, then turn back. “Heather.”


  “I don’t know your last name.”


  “See you later.”

  I leave her at the door and stride back to my vehicle. I’m feeling pretty good. I look good, I’m strong, and I just had some pretty phenomenal sex. Life could be worse.

  I slip behind the wheel and text Nate that I’m on my way. I drive off without glancing back

  Chapter Three

  “So then what happened?”

  “Forget it, Nate. Hit the ball.”

  My racquetball buddy, Nate Courtney, is trying to dig out details of my night with Heather. I’ve already shut him down on talking about Davey, but he is really pushing me on Heather.

  “Is she cute?”




  Nate serves into a side wall, losing his serve.

  “See? Pay attention to your game.” I slam the ball at the front wall and he misses the return.

  We’re in the third game. He beat me 15-14 in the first game, and I beat him 15-13 in the second. I’m already ahead enough in this game that we can call it, but he wants to play through. I serve again and he hits it back, but I hit a splat shot on the return and he can’t get forward fast enough to hit it. He’s on one knee, looking back at me.



  He stands up and shakes my hand. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Yeah, but I’m in the mood to go to a gay bar. You cool?”

  He nods. I head to the locker room, stripping off my clothes at my locker and walking naked to the showers. I got sick of women freaking out when I walked into the showers, so I got in the habit of taking my clothes off beforehand. Shaved head and muscles or not, if they’re looking at my breasts and my snatch as I walk across the room, they can’t help but get that I’m a woman. I notice a woman looking at me as I shower, but I decide to ignore it. She looks like one of those bored housewives who wants to experiment with a lesbian to find out if she’s really that much better at oral than the old man. I glance at her hand. Sure enough, she’s got a wedding ring. She smiles at me, but I turn away without acknowledging it. I am not opposed to bisexuals, but bi-curious housewives piss me off.

  Nate and I leave my vehicle in the parking lot of the club and head over to Janie’s in his car. Janie’s is usually a nice low-key mixed crowd gay bar, but on Sunday nights they have an alternative punk lesbian band. The musicians are aging, but they can still rock and they draw a pretty good crowd of feminist girls too young for me to consider dating. It will be fun to window shop, though. The band is covering some old Tribe 8 song from the 80s.

  We walk past the stage and fight through the crowd to the bar. The bartender, Susie, is not my regular Thursday night bartender, but she recognizes me anyway and heads right over. Nate and I order a couple of beers and go to a back table.

  “Nice place,” Nate says, checking out the girls.

  “It’s a bit weird on Sunday nights, but it’s still a good bar. We usually come on Thursday.”

  “You and Davey?”

  “And Lynne.”

  “Lynne’s the one that was living with Davey?”

  “Still is. She and her wife broke up for a while. They’re back together now, but kind of taking it slow.”

  “Gays of our lives.”

  “Lesbian drama. It’s a soap opera.”

  “So, Lynne broke up with her wife.”

  “Yep, Sarah is an alcoholic and was pretty much an asshole to Lynne the past few years. Lynne finally got fed up and left. Started fucking a twenty-something UPS driver.”

  Nate perks up. “Really?”

  “No, I’m not giving you any details.”

  “I don’t need them; they’re already in my head.”

  “Lynne moved in with Davey and a few days later, Leah showed up looking for a place to crash.”

  “Davey’s mother?”

  “The one and only.”


  “You have no idea. The apartment has been pretty crowded. Still, who knows...maybe Davey will move in with Danny now that they’re back together.”

  “What about you?”

  “I live by myself. In my own home. I don’t share it with anyone.”

  “No cats?”

  “I’m allergic.”


  “No time.”

  “Sounds lonely.”

  I shake my head. “Well, it isn’t. I have a full life. I just prefer to keep things the way I like to keep them. Let someone move in and next thing you know, she’s rearranging my collection of muscle shirts and making me get rid of my albums.”

  “What if Davey had decided to be with you?”

  “Ah, now that would be different.”

  Nate grins.

  “Shut up, Nate.” I throw a napkin at him and go to the bar for another couple of beers.

  “Andy, I have to know this, though,” he continues when I get back. “Is Davey straight?”


  “So if she was with you, she would be choosing to be gay?”

  Sighing, I shake my head. “I don’t know, Nate.”

  “Just curious.”

  “I think almost all straight women are naturally bisexual to one degree or another. It’s whether they chose to act on it.”

  Nate throws his head back and laughs. “So what about straight men? Or big butch dykes?”

  I grin at him. “I can’t answer for straight men, but I doubt it. And I definitely do not have any bisexual tendencies.”

  “But straight women are different.”

  “Well, they’re always hugging each other, and playing with their friend’s hair. They walk down the street arm in arm. They aren’t afraid to cuddle with each other. I think it is easier for straight women to slip from cuddly friends to lovers.”

  “Until the right man comes along.”

  “Until then.”

  “Though is Danny reall
y a man?”

  “That’s a loaded question. Biologically, not really. Emotionally and psychologically, yes.”

  Nate looks doubtful. “I’m not trying to be an ass. I just can’t quite wrap my mind around it.”

  “It’s hard for a lot of people to understand. Imagine if you were born in a dog’s body, but you were really human. And everyone threw the ball for you and expected you to chase it. And they gave you dog food on the floor and yelled at you when you sat on furniture. And you knew you were really a person, but you didn’t have the ability to tell everyone the truth about yourself. And even if you did finally find the words, only a small handful of people would listen because you look like a dog.”

  He nods. “I guess I can see where he is coming from. I just don’t know if I could date someone who is transgendered.”

  “I imagine he got that from a lot of people. “

  Nate leans back in his chair and drinks in silence for a while, watching the women dance. The band has hit full throttle, so it is useless to talk anyway.

  I really don’t know if Davey still considers herself straight now that she is dating a non-biological male. I don’t know that Davey could have chosen to be fully gay. But she certainly could have chosen to be with me for the rest of our lives. It was Danny that made that impossible, not Davey’s orientation.

  In all of the time Davey and I have known each other, I’ve never been that affected by the guys she has dated. Yes, I knocked Jimmy DeMarco down on the playground, but ever since, I have stood back while she dated whomever she wanted to date. First of all, I was always dating, too. Maybe I didn’t have any huge love relationships, but it was rare for me to be alone for long. Secondly, Davey always kind of gravitated toward jerks. No matter how long she dated someone, there was never any talk of marriage. Davey wasn’t swooning over these guys. Yes, she had the initial blush of meeting someone new, but that’s lust, not love. Even when she met Joe, her longest relationship to date, she wasn’t giddy. Of course, he turned out to be the douche-canoe to end all douche-canoes. No matter who she dated, they all had one thing in common: they were nowhere near as good for her as I am.

  Danny was different, though. I knew it the first time I met him. He treated her with respect. He looked at her as if she was some kind of heaven-sent blessing. It was corny and trite, but it was so obvious that it made me uncomfortable. I had a flash of the future, and for the first time, it didn’t involve Davey and me as old ladies sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch holding hands.


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