Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance Page 3

by Lara Swann

  But it’s still a long way off. We were hoping we might be able to by the end of college, but…

  “You…you’re still thinking of going through with it, right?” Carly’s whisper comes from beside me, and I can’t really blame her.

  I know how much she wants this. I know how much I do.

  And I’ve never broken my word before. If I made the bet, however stupid it was, then…

  I shake my head - unable to believe I’m seriously considering it.

  Unable to do anything else.

  I look down at the mark on my paper again.


  Derek must have worked nonstop for the whole week to beat that.

  He must really want this, too.

  And under the nerves and anxiety and every voice inside me telling me that I can’t really do this…there’s a buzz of what might even be excitement. That might even be the thought that maybe I’m kind of curious about this, too. I shouldn’t be. It’s a terrible idea.

  But it’s on him, not me. And if he wants to do it…

  A shiver sneaks down my spine, and I find goosebumps breaking out along my arms.

  It was a stupid bet, but once it was made…maybe it’s out of my hands now.

  Maybe it’s the ‘don’t have a choice’ I needed to push me over the edge.

  “I said I would.” I murmur back to Carly, and even though my voice is still dubious and unsure, I feel more than hear her breath of relief.

  “You know I’d be here for you either way, right, Hanna?”

  “But you’re really glad it’s this way, huh?” I give her a wry smile, no rancor in my tone.

  It’s understandable. In her place, I’d feel the same way.

  “Well, if you were going to back out, I’ll admit I was going to jump in and offer to fill—”

  “Ladies.” Professor Bank’s voice interrupts us, and we both glance up guiltily. “I don’t usually have to tell you to let everyone else pay attention. You can discuss the paper after class.”

  We mutter apologies, and I try not to look at Carly.

  The paper.

  Uhuh. That is pretty much what we’ll be discussing after class. Just not for the reasons he thinks.

  We mostly manage to keep quiet for the rest of class - which isn’t all that hard on my part because my mind is still swirling with how I could make this work. If I accept it. Which I will. Maybe.

  God damn it.

  I can sense it’s harder for Carly, though - she’s got Europe in her sights, and all she wants to talk about is the exciting possibility of that. Whether to encourage me to go through with it, or just because she can’t stop thinking about it, I’m not sure.

  The moment the bell goes, it feels like whatever is holding me up collapses, and I melt further into my desk.

  Despite all the time I’ve had to think, and everything I thought I’d decided over the last thirty minutes…I’m still not sure I can actually face Derek and say it.

  He doesn’t wait for me to build myself up.

  Everyone else is already filing out of the room - including the Professor, which surprises me as he tends to stick around for questions - when I see Derek saunter into view.

  Carly nudges me, as if I might not have noticed, and then I look up at him. I sit back in the chair and cross my arms, trying not to seem as uncertain as I feel about this whole thing.

  “Let’s see your grade, then.” I say, even though the Professor announced that he’d come top in front of the whole class.

  Until I see it, I’m never going to believe it. And maybe I’m just holding onto these last few moments before any of this becomes real.

  Unfortunately, Derek doesn’t seem to have the slightest objection to showing me - and his smile takes on a smugness as he lays it next to mine on the desk, raising an eyebrow. Carly gets up and comes around to stand behind me and peer over.

  I glance down, unable to help myself, and my eyes widen as I see the circled percentage at the top.


  Carly whistles, and for a moment I think that might have been me.

  “Woah, that’s a good mark.”

  Thanks. I think at her. Way to back a girl up here.

  “I don’t think any of mine have ever come that close.” She grins at him easily.

  Since hearing about this offer, her opinion of Prince Derek has improved dramatically. From ‘don’t really care’ to ‘oohh, the Priiiiince’.

  He reads my grade upside down, tilting his head to look at it.

  “Hanna came pretty close.” He gives me a slow smile. “But not quite.”

  I feel like that should irritate me, like he’s rubbing it in or something, but that’s not quite how he says it. His tone of voice is more…satisfied, than anything else. Like the cat that got the cream. Which is an image that sends another wave of shivers down my spine, for some reason.

  “So…I believe we had a bet.” His gaze fixes on mine, and I feel my heart start pounding in response.

  There’s something else in it now, something intent and deliberate that wasn’t there when I first agreed to this.

  I try to respond - still not entirely sure what I’m going to say - but my mouth has completely dried up, and I have to swallow for a moment first.

  I look down at the papers again, laid side-by-side, and there’s no denying it. He won.

  I nod slowly.

  “We did.”

  “And I take it you’re not having second thoughts about honoring that bet, are you?” He leans forwards, rests his hands on the desk, and something in me contracts at the way he’s looking at me. I swear his eyes pierce straight through me, and the tension between us is almost impossible. I’ve completely forgotten about Carly behind me.

  Second thoughts. And third. And fourth. And so many more.

  “I had second thoughts from the moment we made the bet, Derek.” I try to make my voice strong and resolute, but it comes out softer than I want - like I’m confiding in him, instead of making a point. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll break my word.”

  His grin gets wider, if possible, and he stands back up. The intensity fades back to that familiar sparkle in his eyes - quickly enough that I wonder whether I imagined the whole thing.

  “In that case, my lady…” He reaches forward and takes my hand, bowing over it with a flourish and kissing the back. “It will be an honor to show you my country.”

  I wrinkle my nose at the act, and his deliberately pretentious voice. Yeah, this is going to get old really fast.

  “And the rest of it?” Carly jumps in as Derek straightens. “A month with you, and then…we still get our trip, right?”

  Derek nods, dropping his antics as he glances in her direction. “That’s the deal.”

  “Perfect.” Carly says, and I wonder whether she’s heard the same deal that I have. “I’m warning you though, I’m not sure you know what you’ve let yourself in for here. Two girls and an unlimited budget? Yeah, we’ve got some fun planned with that.”

  Carly whistles and shakes her head for emphasis, while I just stare.

  She’s not sure what he’s let himself in for? I think I need to have serious words with her.

  “By all means, please do.” Derek says indulgently, spreading his arms in an over-the-top gesture of generosity. “I’m sure Hanna will make it worth my while.”

  Now I do glare at her - and then him.

  God damn it.

  “Woah, wait a minute.” I interrupt, holding my hands up. “I’m not sure what you’re expecting here, but I told you I don’t have a clue how to do this, right? If you want someone who’ll actually be good at this shit, you might want to look around some more.”

  Part of me is hoping he’ll do exactly that, as I start getting nervous about the whole thing all over again. This discussion definitely isn’t helping.

  But he just laughs - shakes his head and laughs at me. The bastard.

  “Don’t worry, my Princesca-attenciano.” His voice takes on a warm, mus
ical tone as he talks, and I can almost feel it rolling through me. I’m starting to see how he’s managed to charm the panties off—never mind. I cut that thought off before it can form, as he gives me an open smile. “You’ll be great.”

  I want to believe that, and the light in his eyes almost has me fooled…but I’ve heard that tone of voice before. It’s exactly the same oblivious-reassuring tone that my Dad uses for ‘it’ll be fine’ when we’re driving our RV through an unfamiliar state with no campground planned for the night.

  I’ve been caught out in the rain at midnight far too many times to fall be convinced by that, and I’m about to say so when Carly gives Derek a questioning look.

  “Prisc—what?” She asks.

  “Princesca-attenciano.” He repeats, and there is definitely something about the Aldoran language that affects me. “It means something like Princess-in-waiting - that’s the official Aldoran title for my proposed bride.”

  “It’s pretty.” She says immediately, and her eyes are sparkling with excitement as she turns to me, squeezing my shoulder. “You’ve got to admit, this is pretty cool, Hanna. Princess-in-waiting, huh. Royal titles, castles and history, learning all about their traditions and culture and country…you’re going to be right in the middle of something incredible.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to do it instead, then?”

  Sure, some of that would be nice…from afar. Being right in the middle is exactly the place I try to avoid at all costs.

  “Umm…” She looks between us and gives me an unrepentant grin. “I think I’d rather watch from the sidelines, babe.”

  “Like some sort of tragic play crashing in front of you?”

  “Or the sweet and light kind - you know, with a few laughs, a bit of family comedy and a nice happily ever after.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Great, well as long as I can entertain you…” Then something occurs to me, and I interrupt my self-pitying tone. “Actually, wait - d’you really want to come along and watch? I could sure use the moral support.”

  “No.” Derek answers before Carly can, with a reluctant shake of his head. “I’m sorry, girls - it needs to look like I’m presenting my Princesca-attenciano to my family, not inviting a couple of friends back for the summer. It won’t work if you both come.”

  My brief hope disappears before it even had a chance to form.

  Well, there goes that good idea.

  “Have you had friends back for the summer before?” I hadn’t heard that anyone had received an invitation to Aldora before.

  Derek snorts at the idea of that. “No.”

  “So I’ll be the first of your classmates they’ve met…”

  “And only.” Derek adds insistently.

  That doesn’t make me feel any better.

  “Is it too late to change my mind?” I glance between them both, still looking for a way out of this.

  “Definitely.” Derek says, his usual charming, open smile replacing the briefly somber set to his face as he notices my uncertainty. “But I’ll show you a good time, Princesca - just…pretend it’s like one of your fairytales. Like…like Cinderella! You’ll be the poor, American girl who gets to be a Princess and enjoy all the finest things - until midnight on the last day!”

  His voice has deepened and he’s making over-exaggerated hand gestures to go with the ridiculous story.

  It’s obvious that it’s an act he’s putting on to reassure me, and there’s part of me that’s freaking out a little that the only reassurances he’s managed to give me have been outlandish and melodramatic, as if the reality is only going to discourage me more. But it’s hard to dwell on that when I’m also thinking it’s kind of sweet for him to put on an act like that just to make me feel better.

  “That’s not exactly how Cinderella goes.” I point out. “And anyway, I’m not poor.”

  Derek pauses his dramatic gestures to shoot me a puzzled look.

  “Why do you have that job alongside classes then?” He says, suspicious.

  “I like that job. I’ve always enjoyed working with seniors.” I say with a shrug. “I mean, sure, it was helping to save for that big Europe trip and it’s nice to know I’ll graduate with a little less debt - but between the scholarship and my parents’ help, I was always in a pretty good place. And even if I didn’t need it at all, I think I’d still work there.”

  His expression has a hint of incredulity to it, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Sorry to disappoint you - solidly middle-class here.”

  Derek looks up at Carly, a quizzical look on his face.

  “Does Cinderella still work with a middle-class girl?” He asks, as if I’m not sitting right here.

  She’s laughing too as she shakes her head. “Sorry, Derek, I don’t think so. But you still make a great Prince Charming.”

  “I do, don’t I?” He grins again, then looks back down at me. “So you look after older people…just because you want to?”


  I don’t get a chance to give a full answer, because he’s suddenly lifting me to my feet and spinning me around. I gasp, going dizzy from more than just the sudden motion.

  It’s not like I’m particularly tall, or large, but I’m not the tiny skin-and-bones type either - and he’s lifting me as easily as if I’m a child.

  I have a brief moment to be far too aware of the muscled body almost pressed right against me, how strong his arms must be to lift me so easily, and the raw power and heat that is Prince Derek. Then he’s setting me back on the ground and stepping back to look at me while I try to catch my breath.

  “You’re perfect.” He says with such genuine pleasure that I forget what on earth we’re talking about.


  I can barely say anything, already feeling the blush rising up into my cheeks.

  “Top of the class, working on the side, devoting yourself to others - sensible and clever and good. Hell, my parents might actually be pleased with my choice for once. My princess.”

  He’s grinning, but that last comment sends me crashing straight back into reality.

  Of course. Get a grip.

  He wasn’t actually calling me perfect. Just…perfect for the situation.

  Even if, with the way he said it, it was damn hard not to take it personally.

  “Right.” I finally say, nodding. “Yes, well…good. I hope they are.”

  I shut myself up before I start really sounding stupid, and try not to look at Carly as I catch my breath - and force my hormones back under control. I can feel her eyes on me anyway, intense and curious.

  Maybe it’s a good thing she can’t come, after all.

  I glance around for a distraction and finally start packing away my books - shoving that not-quite-good-enough paper in with them. Derek notices and whisks his away too, then smiles at both of us, still in an obviously good mood.

  “Shall we get a drink together to celebrate our little arrangement?”

  I’m not entirely sure that’s a good idea, but Carly answers before I can.

  “Oh, yes - that’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. Are you buying?”

  “Of course. Maybe you’re not poor American girls, but I can still be Charming.” He winks at her, and she giggles.

  I give them both a reluctant smile. Maybe it’s all a little crazy, but I can’t help that his attitude does seem to make things better.

  “Okay, okay. If I’m stuck with this plan, I might as well enjoy what I can.”

  ‘You can have that, too, Princess…’

  His earlier promise comes straight back into my mind as I say that, and it’s all I can do not to give an obvious glance over at the powerful body that was just throwing me around like I was nothing.

  I tell myself firmly that’s not what I meant, knowing I’m going to need to get all that firmly under control if I’m going along with this.

  Derek grins at my acquiescence, and wraps an arm around my waist as the three of us walk
out of the classroom together. It startles me a little, but I don’t say anything. Partly because coming from him, it feels kind of natural - everything about Derek is larger than life, big gestures and expressive features - with the confidence and charm to back it up. And partly because…it feels good.

  I guess it’s the sort of thing I need to get used to anyway. Pretend fiancee and all that.

  Another buzz of nerves races through me as I think about how little we’ve really discussed or agreed on here - what this actually means. What he expects of me.

  But I also know that I’ve already heard more than I can take in right now, and I’m not ready for any more.

  We have time for that shit - right?

  “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist the call of freedom and liberty - those American ideals are buried too deep.”

  Derek’s light comment draws me out of that those pensive thoughts and I glance up as his words register.

  “What?” I raise an eyebrow. “I thought this was about impressing your parents - you’re trying to tell me your country’s at stake now or something?”

  He laughs, grinning at me. “No, nothing like that. I meant my freedom and liberty.”

  Carly snorts with laughter from beside me, and I fight very hard to conceal my own smile, trying to hold myself above his ridiculous comments.


  I roll my eyes instead, giving a deliberately long-suffering sigh.

  “And I have to spend the summer with you?”

  “Oh no, baby.” He squeezes my waist and winks at me again. “You get to spend the summer with me.”

  Chapter Four


  “Tell me again why we can’t fly directly into Aldora?” Hanna grumbles, drawing my gaze from where it had been fixed on the window.

  Not that there’s anything to see in the pitch black of the very early hours of the morning, except for the muted lights of the train and our reflections.

  She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, drawing the blanket back around herself and I can’t exactly blame her for the complaints.

  “The airport is being refurbished.”

  “The whole airport.” She says, unconvinced, even though we’ve already covered this. “I don’t understand. How are there not mass riots or something?”


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