Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance Page 13

by Lara Swann

  I glance over, feeling my heart clench in unexpected sympathy. I’d never thought about it like that.

  “Do you wish you’d been the older brother?” I ask. I hadn’t picked up that vibe from him at all, but—

  “Fuck no.” He shakes his head sharply. “Nicolas can have all that - and I feel sorry for him, too. I wouldn’t want to have my whole life tied to being King. Being maybe-King-if-things-go-wrong is bad enough.”

  I nod. That’s exactly how I’d feel about it.

  “What’s the role of the younger brother if things don’t go wrong?” I ask, curious. I wonder whether he will get to do his own thing, and I feel strange knowing that I’ve got my whole life ahead of me, with not the slightest clue what I want for it yet. But I wouldn’t change that freedom for anything, and the idea of not having that…I can’t imagine what it would be like.

  “Hell if I know.” He sends me a wry look. “I think, traditionally, it’s head of the military or something like that - but it never stuck. Too undisciplined, and I never wanted to shoot anything. I didn’t mind hanging out with the guards, they were cool, but the idea of being responsible for their lives? I mean, it’s mostly an honorary position - the chances of us going into war are pretty non-existent, but still…not for me. I think alternatives would be pretty much any other governmental position, but by the time I was done with the army, I had no interest in being trained in anything else. And they’d pretty much given up trying to force me into something.”

  I shake my head. “All this stuff…it’s so hard to imagine. I mean, I know I’ve run up against a few of your traditions and customs in the last few days, but even so…it sounds like I don’t know half of it.”

  He turns and leans against the wall, leaning back and craning his neck up at the sky, shoe scuffing the ground.

  “Yeah. There were times I would’ve given anything for a normal childhood - and a normal country. A videogame. A cozy house that doesn’t take an hour to walk around. A place where one strong storm doesn’t knock out all the electricity and heating for a week. Somewhere I could possibly get lost in the crowds. It’s why I love America so much - it’s modern and new and it’s actually doing something. Not stuck in the past, obsessed with it’s royal family and struggling just to get by.”

  I look over to him, but I don’t turn - I just listen. I think it’s the most I’ve ever heard him say about any of this. I knew he didn’t want to have to abandon his education in Boston, but I never knew it meant this much to him. Or why.

  “You seem different here, you know.” I volunteer after he’s silent for a long while, contemplative myself. “More…serious, I guess.”

  He snorts again. “Yeah, that too. I could never quite act how they wanted me to, here. I’m wild and emotional and unpredictable, apparently, and all the years spent trying to control myself never really worked. Eventually I gave up on that anyway.”

  He turns to me, and I look up at him, see the sparkle in his expression despite everything we’re talking about.

  “I could never do anything right, so I stopped trying. Played pranks instead. Had fun. Infuriated the hell out of all of them. I think they were relieved when I disappeared to America, actually - even though it took a hell of a long time to convince them.” He smiles, his face lighting up again as he continues. “And in America, suddenly none of that mattered. I could just be me. Whatever I wanted. So, yeah, I might have gone a little crazy with it, but it was…freeing.”

  I smile back at him, suddenly glad that I did come back to help him after all. I can see what he means - he’s not nearly as serious or stern as anyone here. And if he wants it that badly…

  “I’m glad I’m helping you.” It slips out before I can think otherwise, and then I quickly add, “Boston wouldn’t be the same without you - I can think of a few dozen girls who would spend the whole of next semester devastated.”

  He moves closer to me, enough that our arms are brushing and goosebumps run along my skin.

  “Yeah?” He asks, tilting his head with the kind of look in his eyes to set my pulse racing. I can’t believe how, with everything he just said, he was smiling throughout so much of it. I’m not sure I’ve seen a single other person smile since I’ve been here, but Derek… “How about you? Would you be devastated, Princesca?”

  His voice runs straight down my spine and before I know it, I’m leaning up towards him. I don’t want to think about the idea of that, or anything about Boston right now, but…

  “I think you’re just right, the way you are.” I say, unable to help myself. It sounds so cliche to say, but after everything he just shared with me, I feel like I have to tell him. “Maybe it doesn’t fit with everyone here, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so full of life and enthusiasm.”

  I put my hand on his arm where it’s resting on the castle ramparts, and I feel like my heart is beating at double the usual pace.

  “I’d be devastated if you changed.” I murmur, feeling like I’m being sucked right into his hot, sensual gaze.

  That look ignites, and before I know it his hand is snaking around my, head, cupping my hair and bringing me right up against him. He leans down to close the distance, and then his lips are on mine - hard and insistent and intense. I push back against him, pressing my body up against his as I return the kiss with everything he’s giving me.

  My pussy throbs with almost instant need, and I can’t believe we’re actually doing this, but there was no way I could have avoided it for any longer. He tastes of strength and lust and pure, male fire as his tongue presses against my lips and I open for him. My hands come around to his shoulders, clutching him as he pushes me back against the wall, and somehow this kiss has gone from that desperate brush of lips to something far more intense, and heady, and so achingly hot.

  We’re fully making out now, with one hand gripping my hair hard and the other stroking and teasing at my exposed collar bone. I shiver from the sensation, feeling wet already, and nibble at his bottom lip as my tongue meets his.

  When we finally come up for breath, pulling apart is the last thing I want, and the smirk on his face sets my blood on fire.

  “Derek…” I murmur.

  I haven’t had a chance to think about this, but I almost don’t care at this point. This has been in the air between us since…hell, since that day he offered me those benefits as part of this deal. And I don’t think I can refuse them any longer.

  His thumb traces where his lips just were across my mouth, and I shiver again, biting gently at the pad of his thumb. He growls in response, and it goes straight through me.

  “I want you, Hanna. I’ve wanted you since that day I asked you to marry me.”

  That’s not the order it usually goes. Some brief, semi-coherent part of me thinks, but then I ignore it.

  I press up against him again, and I can feel the very firm evidence of his words against my stomach. I moan, just a little, then lean up to kiss him again.

  Just as I hear the door open behind us.

  I jump back immediately, going scarlet and feeling like I’ve been caught in the middle of something forbidden.

  Which is stupid, really.

  I mean, Derek is meant to be my fiance, isn’t he?

  But this - whatever this part of it is - feels different. Like something just between us, maybe.

  Derek turns toward whoever has interrupted us, and I secretly curse the intruder. My pulse is still beating wildly, and it’s not just from almost being caught. I take my glasses off and wipe them on my top where they’ve steamed up, turning around as well, to see who is approaching from behind.

  A man in a uniform I don’t recognize - not a guard, but something with a distinct crest on it anyway. He says something in Aldoran, and Derek sighs, glancing over at me.

  “My father wants to see me.”

  The way his eyes linger on me tells me there are an awful lot of other things he’d rather be doing right now - or continuing - but there’s no denying that this is impor
tant. I nod.

  “Pity they found us all the way up here.” I murmur, low enough that the other man can’t catch it. I don’t know how well he understands English, but from what Derek’s said, everyone has a good grasp of it. It’s just me who can’t understand anything.

  Derek’s mouth curves up at the side, and he glances down at the area beneath the castle.

  “I’m not sure it was hard, Princesca. We make a great silhouette, against the sky like this.”

  My eyes widen, and I glance around, blushing again. Wondering if anyone was watching as we had our tongues down each others’ throats. Derek just chuckles, bringing a hand up to trace a wave of hair behind my ear. Then he leans forward.

  “Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to finish that…discussion…we were having sometime soon.”

  That doesn’t do anything for the heat in my face, and I try not to let myself give him a suggestive smile that my mouth clearly wants to. That would be far too obvious, and I thought Aldorans were supposed to be modest, anyway?

  Except Derek.

  I step back before either of us can be tempted to give in to anything else, and nod again.

  “I said I would go and see your grandmother, anyway, so it’s probably good timing.”

  I’m not sure I quite mean that, but he laughs again. “Oh yes, I meant to ask what that was about.”

  “She said she’d answer some of my questions about Aldoran customs.” I say, then add pointedly. “Since you wouldn’t.”

  He laughs again. “Probably best hear it from her. Okay, I’ll see you later, Princesca. And enjoy your vacation - that’s a royal decree.”

  I roll my eyes at him, and he turns to go.

  It isn’t until he gets to the door that I remember the other thing I needed to ask, and I call out.

  “Wait!” He turns around. “Umm…what’s your grandmother’s name again?”

  This time when he laughs, I know it’s at me, but he gives me the answer so I forgive him for it.


  And then he’s gone, the man who’d come to fetch him following, and I’m left alone on top of the battlements. The salt-tinted breeze in my face and the sound of the distant waves replacing the energy and strength of Derek’s presence.

  And the taste of his kiss still on my mouth.

  Chapter Ten


  I walk down to meet my parents, a little surprised that I got to roam the castle for the whole day before this happened.

  I should be more concerned about it, should be planning what I’m going to say or something - but all I can think about is that kiss.

  The way Hanna felt against me, her soft body melting into me as she met my hunger with her own. The warmth of her mouth against mine, her tongue stroking and teasing my own, and…fuck.

  I pull my mind back from that with effort. The last thing I want to do is walk into this meeting with a fucking boner. Which, based on the way I have to keep adjusting my gait, I’m at a large risk of doing. For once, I’m glad everything in this castle takes so long to walk between - and those ramparts were at pretty much the furthest end of it.

  What a fucking terrible time to interrupt, too.

  I shake my head, hoping that this will be quick, even if it won’t be easy, so that I can find Hanna again afterward. And hoping that she won’t have changed her mind with the passing of a few hours. She hot and eager back there, but it’s not like we’ve really talked about this. Not much more than little hints - even if I have been thinking of it ever since I asked her to come here with me.

  Which is longer than I’ve taken with a girl from the States. Not exactly by my choice, either - but it was always more of a ‘you’re interested, I’m interested…okay then’ kind of thing. No stupid meetings or crazy ceremonies to get in the way. Not much to talk about, either, now that I think about it. And I’m starting to think there might be something in what people say - anticipation really does add a nice edge.

  Though I’d trade all that anticipation to have her under me right—

  I blink as the page knocks on the door ahead of us, trying to push those images of Hanna’s hot body out of my mind. I nod to the page - feeling awkward that I don’t know his name. I haven’t seen him here before, and since I was a little distracted when he came to find me, I didn’t think to ask then.

  Though the moment I hear my father’s acknowledgment from inside, I forget that awkwardness. I walk inside, grateful that at least my cock isn’t trying to jump out of my pants anymore.

  The familiar scene greets me - my family, all stood around the reception room, none of them looking particularly pleased. This is a different room from the one just off the main receiving hall that I was summoned to after the welcome ceremony, but it’s the one usually used for family state business.

  I nod at all of them, but I don’t bother to sit down. I have a feeling if I tried, I’d be jumping out of the chair after only a few minutes, and that would only make me look worse. I’ve grown used to little tricks like that, over the years of all this. Only this time, I actually feel shitty about my part in what happened for once. More for Hanna’s sake than my own though.

  There’s a long silence before my father turns to look at me, and even Nicolas glances between us, the biggest display of uncertainty he ever shows.

  “I don’t know what to say to you anymore, son.” He starts, and I try not to roll my eyes at the dramatic statement.

  For all that he prides himself on never moving the slightest facial muscle, sometimes I start thinking my father has a flare for drama.

  But this is kind of my fault, so I start anyway.

  “I’m sorry about how yesterday went.” I try, but he shakes his head immediately.

  “We have never before introduced a Princesca-attenciano like that.” I feel that familiar prickle of anger at the way he’s talking about Hanna, but I bite it back. “She might have been dressed better than when she arrived, but she still didn’t hesitate to flout all our customs and culture - to ignore the Aldoran approach in favor of her own loud, obnoxious American display. You would not believe the conversations I’ve had this morning as the court were leaving.”

  I jump in when he pauses to take a breath. “I know, but she didn’t want to offend anyone, father—”

  “Didn’t want to offend anyone?” He repeats, incredulous. “She was totally inappropriate the whole evening - in everyone’s space, kissing and touching the members of the court as if they were her closest family, drinking far too much and talking loudly enough that we could hear every word from the other side of the room! And you were right next to her encouraging it, too. What do you think that says about what this family has come to?”

  I frown, puzzled for a moment and not entirely sure what he’s referring to. I thought he’d be most concerned that she walked out of dinner, but that was later in the evening. At the start…she was stunning. The most gorgeous girl in the room, with her eyes shining despite how tired she was and how hard she found the idea of the dinner. She still made more of an effort than I could have expected - I mean, maybe she was a little louder and more enthusiastic than the rest of the court, but I hadn’t thought—

  “I think your time in America has dulled your senses to that sort of behavior, boy.” My father continues, obviously watching the play of confusion across my expression, since it’s not like I can hide it.

  “I’m not sure that was really such a problem, father. She was just a little enthusiastic. I would’ve thought you’d appreciate it - that she made the effort to engage our court like that.”

  His eyes narrow. “Do you know she came up to me and started telling me all about how she wanted to learn the whole Aldoran history? How she was fascinated by us. I hope to god she didn’t say anything like it to anyone else, or they’ll be thinking we’ve got a damn spy on our hands.”

  I stare at him. This is just stupid. And I hate the way we’re standing around talking about Hanna. Not that I’d want her to be here for this, bu
t even so - she doesn’t deserve it.

  “Don’t be ridiculous—” I start, the frustration biting at me.

  And the moment I do, everyone starts speaking at once.

  “She told me she didn’t even know whether she wanted to have kids, Derek.” Nicolas says, sounding exasperated. He’s not as obviously irate as my father, just dismissive.

  “You asked her what—”

  “Be reasonable, Frederick, dear. She walked out on the Court Dinner that was held for her - and then you followed the girl! It’s just completely—”

  “That’s because—”

  “Not to mention, she spilled water all over—”

  “Silence!” My father’s voice interrupts us all, hard-edged and angry. He looks directly at me, and for once I don’t find it hard to meet his gaze - I’m that wound up by this. “We’ve already had two official letters rejecting her bid. And I don’t think the others are far behind. We’re supposed to have the opportunity to present her twice before the court comes to a decision, but I’m not sure we’re going to get that far.”

  I look at him, jaw clenching as I hear that news. Well, fuck.

  I thought my parents might be reluctant after all this, but two court rejections? Already? I don’t even know what that means. It’s never happened before.

  “It was a mistake to ever allow an American girl to approach as Princesca-attenciano. I knew it as soon as she walked in - and I had doubts from the moment you told us you were bringing her with you. Now our whole family has been shamed in front of the court that I have to be able to rule - all because of a loud, out-spoken American girl with no respect for Aldoran culture—”

  I think about Hanna, and all the times she asked about what she was supposed to be doing. All the times she asked about Aldora and I deflected her questions. Her concern and worry that I kept dismissing every time, just because I didn’t want to talk about it. And I can’t stand here and listen to these insults be thrown around any longer.


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