Down in Texas

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Down in Texas Page 3

by Delilah Devlin

  If he didn’t know how to hold a family together any better than his father had known, how could he satisfy one hardheaded woman?

  Brand took a deep breath. Maybe Danny needed to find his own way. “Do what you have to,” he said, feeling old and tired. “Your half of the ranch will still be here when you come back.”

  Danny’s head lifted. His eyes widened. “You mean it?”

  “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t. At least the place isn’t too far away.”

  “If you need anything…”

  Brand nodded, forcing a tight smile. “It’s not like you to fish in the same pond twice. Didn’t you work with the Dermotts’ horses when you were in high school?”

  “Can’t believe you remembered that,” Danny muttered, ducking his head.

  Something about his evasiveness made Brand suspicious. “Ms. Dermott made quite an impression,” he said carefully. “You talked about her for weeks after you came home.”

  Danny cleared his throat. “She’s mighty pretty.”

  “And a widow now….” The situation was becoming clearer.

  His brother’s cheeks reddened, and he ducked his head. “I’m too young for her.”

  Brand’s eyebrows rose. So that was it. “How soon were you planning to leave?”

  “I haven’t applied for the job yet.”

  “Think there’s a chance she won’t hire you?”

  Danny shrugged and looked away, color rising higher in his cheeks. “I guess not. I’m good with horses.”

  Brand knew no one in their right mind would turn down Danny—especially if they were already familiar with his talent with horses. Unless the widow had another reason….

  Danny swiveled on his stool and rested his elbows on the bar behind him. “So, big brother, when are you going to do something about her?” he asked, jerking his chin toward the dance floor.

  Brand didn’t remark on the abrupt change of topic. He gritted his teeth, keeping his back to the room but cutting his brother a sideways glance. “About who?”

  Danny snorted. His brown eyes danced with mischief. “I know you didn’t come here to see me. So don’t even try to pretend you aren’t here to put a halt to her foolishness. She’s dancin’ with Cody Westhofen, for fuck’s sake!”

  “She been here long?” Brand asked quietly.

  “Long enough to have most of the men in this room ready to break heads to get at her.”

  Brand stilled, his shoulders going rigid. “Why would you think I’m gonna do anything about it?”

  “Because Lyssa McDonough’s the only woman who gets under your skin. You and I both know damn well it’s just been a matter of time.” Danny gave him a rueful grin. “I hate to be the one to break it to you, bro, but Lyssa’s all grown up.”

  Brand gripped the edge of the counter, wanting to turn and find her on the dance floor but knowing he shouldn’t give Danny the satisfaction of being right. He’d never hear the end of it.

  “Danny, you and Lyssa are the same age. Did you ever…?”

  The thought of his younger brother anywhere near the spitfire knotted his belly.

  Danny raised one dark brow, a grin splitting his face. “We went out a time or two in high school, but I never had her. She’s particular.” He shook his head. “Although what the hell she’s doing with Cody…”

  Brand wished Danny would quit mentioning the bastard’s name. Goddamn, Cody Westhofen. Of all the men for her to choose…

  A mug slid down the counter, halting just in front of Brand. He glanced up to find Honkytonk’s owner, Tara Toomey, smiling from the opposite end of the bar.

  “Need a little Dutch courage?” she asked, raising her voice to be heard above the riff of guitar music as a new song came up.

  Brand aimed a blistering glare her way, but Tara only threw back her curly, blond hair and laughed. He raised the glass, sucked the foamy head off the top, and downed a good half of the beer in a single gulp. However, the brew did nothing to cool the heat of his quickly spiking temper.

  Slowly he turned to face the dance floor, his gaze panning the crowd.

  Although Honkytonk’s lone bar was as crowded as usual for a Friday night, with cowboys kicking off a week’s dust after riding herd and tourists in cowboy gear looking to snap pictures with the real thing, Brand had no trouble at all finding her.

  Wearing a figure-hugging, black tank top tucked into a tight pair of faded blue jeans, Lyssa was impossible to miss.

  Her red hair gleamed like a beacon under the stage’s muted light as she danced with Cody Westhofen.

  If that’s what you called what they were doing.

  Brand’s jaws clamped shut at the sexy spectacle she made of herself, her back snuggled up against Cody’s front, his fingers jammed into her front pockets as they danced so close there was no mistaking the message she delivered.

  If Brand didn’t do something quick, Lyssa would make good on her promise to scratch an itch with the baddest boy in Honkytonk.

  “You plannin’ to drink the rest of that beer or chew the glass?”

  Brand’s head swiveled to catch a wry grin from Tara. Because he was beyond polite conversation, he raised his glass and poured it down his throat.

  The corners of Tara’s blue eyes wrinkled as her smile widened. “Guess I would have lost that bet.”

  Brand snorted and slammed down the glass on the wooden counter.

  “Well, you gonna do something about it?” Danny repeated, a challenge in his glance.

  “Mind your own damn business.”

  “He’s minding mine,” Tara quipped. “I’m just hopin’ to direct the damages out of doors.”

  “I’m not gonna fight him.”

  “No? Looks like he’s gettin’ a little friendlier than your girl wants.”

  Even though Brand had sworn he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction, he couldn’t resist. He darted a glance back toward the dance floor. “She’s not my gi—” Brand’s fists curled. Every muscle in his body knotted.

  Cody had turned Lyssa and cupped her sweet little ass. Lyssa appeared to be laughing, but her hands tugged his upward as she squirmed inside his embrace.

  Brand pushed away from the bar and strode straight through the crowd, stopping directly behind Lyssa. He aimed a deadly glare at Cody, whose gaze lifted and then narrowed into irritated slits when he saw Brand.

  “Don’t even try to cut in, Tynan,” Cody grated.

  Brand shook his head and braced both feet apart. “I believe this is my dance.”

  Lyssa leaned as far away as Cody’s roaming hands would allow and looked over her shoulder. “Fancy finding you here, cowboy.”

  Brand didn’t miss the breathless quality of her voice. Her eyes were wild, and she was more worried than she let on.

  Good. When he was done with her…

  “It’s our party, Tynan. Why don’t you just move along?”

  Cody’s words sounded a little slurred. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes a little glazed.

  Brand had a clearheaded advantage over the other man, but he didn’t care. Not so long as Cody’s hands still slipped dangerously low. But he didn’t want Lyssa in range when things went sour.

  “Lyssa?” he said, barely keeping his tone low and even but giving her an unmistakable choice.

  She let go of Cody’s hands and pushed against Cody’s chest. “It’s all right. Just a dance. Why don’t you go get us a couple drinks?”

  Cody’s expression darkened when he looked down at Lyssa. “Promise not to disappear?”

  “Where am I gonna go, Cody?” She glanced up at him from beneath her dark eyelashes. “It’s just a dance.”

  Cody slowly unwound his arms from her body and stepped away, giving her a quick, hot once-over that had Brand’s body boiling before the other man carried himself off to the bar without even a nod toward Brand.

  Lyssa faced him and lifted her small, round chin. “You said you wanted to dance.”

  Brand stared for a moment, caught betwe
en wanting to shake her and needing to feel her body under his. He forced himself to take a deep breath, tamping down the desire tightening his muscles to steel.

  Something in his face must have betrayed his thoughts. Her expression changed, a subtle shift from angry defiance to a wary alarm that widened her eyes and had her backing up a step.

  His hands snaked out, gripping her waist. Then he pulled her hard against him. The warmth of her skin burned him through their clothing. “How long’s he been with you tonight?” he ground out.

  “I came with him,” she responded breathlessly. With her arms trapped against his chest, she shoved once, squirming for a moment before giving him a disgruntled frown. “He called me and asked me out.”

  Brand watched her, noting the flush burning her cheeks and the way her full lips pouted. Gathering her closer, he said softly, “Before or after I dropped you at your place?”

  Lyssa stiffened in his arms, her lips pressing into a mutinous line. “That’s none of your business.”

  The music changed to a slower tune, and the overhead lights dimmed.

  Resignation filled him, and he slid his hands around her back, gliding straight toward the lush curve of her ass. He thrust his knee between her thighs and pulled her belly flush against the ridge hardening beneath his fly, ignoring her gasp.

  He bent closer, lifting his thigh to rub against her pussy. “Before or after I dropped you at your place, Lyss?” he repeated, keeping his tone even.

  “After,” she breathed. Her body jerked as he rubbed higher, and her hips undulated, beginning to ride his thigh.

  Leaning down, he whispered against her ear. “Are you trying to teach me a lesson, sweetheart?”

  Lyssa’s shortened breaths feathered across his cheek. “Doesn’t have a thing to do with you.”


  “You said you weren’t interested. He is.”

  “He’s only interested in getting inside those tight jeans.”

  She tossed back her hair and glared straight into his eyes. “And that’s a bad thing?” she asked, her voice strengthening. “I told you I have an itch.”

  Brand narrowed his gaze. “I’m takin’ you home.”

  Her eyes flashed green fire. “You are not my brother.”

  “Someone needs to keep a closer eye on you.”

  Her chin lifted impossibly higher. “I’m old enough to do whatever I please with Cody,” she said, acid in her tone. “Man’s got himself quite a reputation.”

  “Do you want to be just another notch on his bedpost?”

  One dark brow arched. “Why not? He seems to know his way around a woman’s body.”

  His hands tightened on her bottom, biting into the soft flesh. “You’re not gonna back down, are you?”

  “No…I’m not.” Her eyelashes lowered and then swept up to reveal a steady, green gaze. “Are you?”

  Despite her bravado, Brand could feel the way she melted all over him, her thighs clutching his, her breasts and belly softening, her body blending with his movements.

  The thought that she might have been just as eager with Cody had his blood buzzing. “Just what do you want, Lyssa?”

  Her cheeks darkened, flushing a deep rose he could see even in the dim light. Her gaze slid away.

  Hell if he’d let her ignore him. Brand reached up and gripped her hair, tugging firmly to tilt back her head. “Tell me,” he said, his lips hovering above hers.

  “You, damnit,” she said softly. “I want you.”

  Brand relaxed as satisfaction filled him. He eased his grip. “What about you and Cody?”

  She wet her lips with a quick, nervous swipe of her tongue. “He’s just a substitute. You know that.”

  Taking his other hand from her rounded backside, he cupped her chin, lifting her gaze to lock with his. “Did you let him touch you? Before you got here?”

  Her lips parted, and her eyes instantly filled.

  Damn. Cold, thickening anger chilled his blood. “Did you let him touch you, Lyss?”

  She shrugged, trying to smile, but the corners of her lips drew down. “Not much.”

  “Define ‘not much,’” he bit out.

  She swallowed hard. “What’s it to you?”

  “I’m not asking. You tell me.”

  Her eyes slid away again. “We kissed in his truck.” She paused and cleared her throat. “He felt me up a bit.”

  Brand’s jaw ground tight. “Your breasts?”

  She nodded sharply.

  “More?” Another quick nod, and he leaned over her, digging his fingers deep into her hair.

  Her breath caught. “I was angry…with you.”

  “Lyssa…” he said, his voice rising in warning.

  “He…um, slid his hand inside my pants,” she said in a rush, “but I stopped him.”

  A quiver of rage seethed through him. “Did he touch your pussy?”

  Lyssa closed her eyes and leaned her head against his shoulder. “No. I swear I stopped him.”

  Brand sucked in a deep, cleansing breath, trying to clear away his anger, and then tilted back her head. “Don’t ever lie to me, Lyssa.”

  Her green eyes opened, glittering from unshed tears. “I wouldn’t.”

  “I’m takin’ you home now.”

  She nodded, her gaze clinging to his almost as tightly as her hands clamped his stiff shoulders.

  He liked that look. Wanted it there every time he commanded something of her. Not that he didn’t like a little defiance, too.

  Brand let go of the sinking sensation that filled him every time he thought about what it would be like to command her in bed.

  Mac wouldn’t like it. Might even want to kick his ass.

  Brand might let him. But he couldn’t let Lyssa walk into another man’s arms. “Get your purse.”

  He let her go, giving her a gentle shove toward the bar, noting how she avoided the far end where Cody stood staring after her.

  Cody’s glance swung back toward Brand and narrowed. He pushed away from the counter.

  “Damn! Guess there’s gonna be a fight after all,” Brand muttered.

  Lyssa walked like an automaton toward the bar and stepped behind it, bending low to reach under the ledge into the cubbyhole in which she’d stashed her purse. She didn’t dare think beyond the moment, or she’d start shaking so hard she’d never get out the door.

  “Better hurry up,” Tara murmured just above her. “You’re gonna miss the fireworks.”

  “What?” Lyssa came up sharply, banging her head on the counter. “Ow.” When she straightened, she turned her gaze toward the floor to find it quickly clearing. Brand and Cody circled each other, their glances already locked in quiet combat.

  “Brand sure didn’t like seeing you with Cody,” Tara drawled.

  “Brand’s not gonna fight him. Not over me.” She rubbed the sore spot.

  Tara snorted. “You didn’t see him before he decided to cut in.”

  “Oh?” She shot Tara a veiled glance. “Did he say something to you?”

  “Hardly spoke a word.” Tara waggled her eyebrows. “Mostly growled.”

  Lyssa pretended indifference, though she was secretly thrilled. “He just likes playing big brother. Probably thought Mac would have my ass for even talking to Cody.”

  “The man does have a wicked reputation.” Tara’s gaze swung back, and she lifted one brow. “That why you asked him out?”

  Lyssa scowled. “How’d you know I asked him?”

  “If I was trying to get Brand mad enough to declare himself, that’s exactly who I’d have chosen. He’s good-lookin’. Women come easy to him….”

  “He’s a damn good cowboy.”

  “Never saw a harder worker—whether it was working cattle or a horny woman.”


  “Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t consider it.”

  Heat seared Lyssa’s cheeks. “I’ve been waiting on that Tynan man forever. Would you blame me?”

  Wicked a
musement gleamed in Tara’s blue eyes. “Not a bit.”

  They shared a smile and glanced back at the dance floor where the two men were slowly rolling up their sleeves.

  “Aren’t you gonna try to stop them?” Lyssa asked softly.

  “Why? They can’t do any damage there. ’Sides, it’s good for business. The tourists love it.”

  Lyssa didn’t. She also didn’t miss the many curious and judging looks that came her way. “Think either of them will even notice if I sneak out of here?”

  Tara gripped her by the shoulders and turned her to face the floor. “Think I’m gonna let you slink out of here when one of those handsome men remembers who started this?”

  “Tell me you don’t still have a soft spot for Cody.”

  Tara wrinkled her nose. “The man needs to be taken down a peg or two before he looks a little lower down the ladder.”

  Lyssa drew back. Tara might be in her mid-forties, but she was still an attractive woman. “You think you’re not good enough?”

  The other woman’s smile seemed a little too tight to be real. “I’m a little older than him.”

  “Not by much.”

  “He can have anyone he wants.”

  Lyssa shook her head. “Not me.”

  “Could have fooled me, girlfriend.”

  “I just wanted to fool Brand.” Lyssa grabbed Tara’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Cody only comes around when he’s…in between.”

  Lyssa’s eyes widened. “Oh!”

  “Don’t look so surprised. I have almost everything I ever wanted.” She let out a deep sigh. “And I’m patient.”

  “I’m not,” Lyssa said, wincing as Cody’s fist connected with the side of Brand’s square jaw.

  “Is your lack of patience what tonight’s all about?”

  “Maybe.” Lyssa couldn’t keep her mind on the conversation. Her stomach tensed as Brand’s fist smashed into Cody’s rock-hard abdomen.

  Tara winced. “That had to hurt.”

  “Hurt who?”

  “See your point.”

  Cody swung again at Brand’s face, but Brand ducked beneath the blow and landed two quick punches against Cody’s ribs.

  Cody backed up, and his heel caught the edge of the parquet dance floor. His arms windmilled for a moment, and then he crashed to the floor.


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