The Doctor's Private Visit

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The Doctor's Private Visit Page 4

by Altonya Washington

  Excitement brightened Capri’s small, lovely face. She jumped from the sofa and practically snatched the house key from his hand. “Tiberius, thanks so much, you won’t regret this.”

  “No, I don’t think I will.”

  Capri cleared her throat. Her nerves switched to overdrive in response to the intense look in Tiberius’s gorgeous light-brown eyes. “I have a lot to do, so I’d better go on and leave.”

  Tiberius pulled the door shut behind them and watched Capri who was already headed across the lawn. Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, he debated.



  “I was going to throw a steak on the grill for dinner. I wouldn’t mind fixing two.”

  A faint voice in the back of Capri’s mind told her she should refuse. This man was far too sexy and she was already far too attracted to keep a clear head. Girl when are you gonna stop pretending you aren’t human…admit to your urges. This time, it was Pepper’s firm voice that broke into Capri’s thoughts. Shrugging, she tapped her fingers against the neckline of her dress and headed back toward Tiberius. It wouldn’t hurt just to have dinner with the man, she decided.

  “As nice as it is out here, I can’t just sit around while you do all the cooking.”

  Tiberius leaned against the large, brick kitchen island and watched Capri. “Most women would take advantage of this.”

  Capri propped one hand on her hip. “I’m not most women.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Tiberius couldn’t resist sliding his gaze across her tiny, sensual form.

  “Good, then I insist on helping.”

  Tiberius scratched his head and strode across the kitchen to the colossal refrigerator in the far corner. “Let’s see…all right, you can fix the salad.”

  “No problem,” Capri said, slapping her hands together.

  The two of them spent the next twenty minutes in the large, well-equipped kitchen. The walls and the island in the center of the room were brick. The floor was burgundy tile and all the appliances were cream-colored. An easy mood had settled over the kitchen. The only sounds were the crunching of vegetables and herbs or the clattering of utensils.

  Capri found everything she needed to prepare a delicious salad. She chopped several types of vegetables and even gathered the necessary ingredients to prepare a creamy Italian dressing.

  Meanwhile, Tiberius tenderized and seasoned two beautifully cut steaks, prepared potatoes for the grill, and selected a wine.

  Of course, their attentions weren’t focused solely on the food. Many times, they were distracted by each other’s bodies. Capri was very taken by Tiberius’s size. Her dark eyes repeatedly trailed over his broad shoulders, chest and back beneath his gray sweatshirt. What held her fascination most were his hands. One hand could easily cover both of hers.

  Tiberius also found his eyes wandering several times. Though Capri had a very slim frame, her breasts were quite ample. The round globes looked as though they belonged on someone much larger. While her short tennis dress wasn’t skin-tight, Tiberius could tell that she had a very small waistline and hips, but her derriere was surprisingly full. A low groan came from his chest as he prayed for strength to keep things light and platonic.

  Capri glanced up at Tiberius and their gazes held. “So, um, what type of doctor are you?”

  “An obstetrician.”


  “You sound surprised.”

  “Well, you just don’t look like, I mean…”

  Tiberius chuckled and raised one hand. “Don’t worry about it. A lot of people are surprised when I tell them. I guess they think I look like a brain surgeon or something.”

  “That’s more like it,” Capri nodded, though she couldn’t help but look at his hands again. They were large and strong, perfect for guiding a baby into a new world. “So do you mind me asking why you settled on being an obstetrician?” she asked lightly while chopping a cucumber.

  Tiberius cleared his throat over the swell of emotion suddenly lodged there. Of course, the true tug toward obstetrics was rooted in a childhood spent trying to please two demanding yet absentee parents. Choosing not to mar the makings of a nice evening with such a story, he shrugged and gave her his standby reason.

  “Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable,” he announced with pride and a fair amount of humor in his voice.

  Capri dissolved into laughter.

  “What?” Tiberius pretended to be confused. “I never missed an episode of The Cosby Show.”

  Still laughing, Capri shook her head and glanced down at her appetizing salad before carrying it over to the refrigerator. “Well, I’m all done with this. Can I help you with anything else?”

  “Out,” Tiberius ordered, pointing in the direction of the deck.

  Capri was lounging on the deck when Tiberius came to put the steaks on the grill. Smiling to herself, she thought about how out of character all this was for her. Having dinner at the home of a man she barely knew, relaxing on his gorgeous comfortable patio. No, this wasn’t the Capri Timmons she knew.

  Tiberius looked over at Capri lying back on one of the cushiony chaise lounges. Damn, she was such a lovely thing. She was shorter and smaller than what he was used to but still lovely. He’d already decided not to become romantically involved with his next tenant if it were a woman. Unfortunately, he hadn’t counted on Capri striking him the way she had. Keeping his distance would be tougher than he thought.

  The cool, relaxing sounds of a vintage R&B single drifted out to the deck and Capri smiled. “Is that the radio?”

  “Close, it’s a CD,” Tiberius informed her, placing two potatoes wrapped in foil on the grill.

  “You have the Love Jones soundtrack?” Capri asked, raising her head.

  “Yeah, is that okay?”

  “No, it’s perfect. I haven’t heard it in the longest time.”

  “Did you ever see the movie?”

  Capri sighed and toyed with one of her curls. “It’s been a while. I actually can’t recall the last time I’ve taken time to enjoy any of the movies in my collection.”

  “Damn, you work that hard?”

  “I work that hard.”

  Tiberius set the platter in his hand at the side of the grill and walked over to Capri. Taking a seat on her lounge, he propped his cheek on his fist. “Rod told me what you do.”

  “I bet he did. What’d he say? That I photograph men in the nude?”

  Tiberius chuckled. “No, but I got the point.”

  Capri shrugged and threw her arms across the back of the lounge behind her head. “Well, I’m good at it and it pays the bills.”

  “I hear that.”

  “And?” Capri asked, seeing the questioning look in his light-brown eyes.

  “And what?”

  “And don’t you have something more to ask me. Most people are full of questions when they find out what I do.”

  Tiberius nodded and braced his fingers together. “Well, it’s hard to believe you work around so many men and one of them hasn’t snatched you up.”

  “You have to know how to separate work from play.”

  “So you don’t date the men you meet on the job?”

  “I prefer not to.”

  Tiberius was obviously finding everything hard to believe and he began to chuckle. Capri smiled as well, loving the dimples in his cheeks. “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just wondering what’s wrong with the guys you live around?”

  “You’d know if you could hear some of those tired lines they use. It’s so obvious what they want and it’d probably be easier to skip the lines and just be up front about it.”

  “And if they were up front about it, would you still be interested?”

  “Probably not.” Capri laughed at the irony of it all.

  Tiberius let his eyes drift over Capri’s bare arms and legs. “I don’t think leaving Miami will allow you to completely avoid men who don’t have that on their minds.”

  Capri cl
eared her throat and pulled her legs beneath her. “Well, when they’re so obvious about it all I want is to laugh in their faces.”

  Tiberius stood up from the lounge. “Give ’em a break. Most of us lose our minds in the presence of a woman who looks like you,” he replied softly, before walking away.

  Chapter 4

  Capri stretched her arms high above her head and snuggled deeper into the soft mattress. A satisfied smile pulled at her mouth as she moaned. It was late the next morning and she’d already overslept. Being caught up in the midst of a sensual dream starring Dr. Tiberius Evans was making it difficult to wake up.

  Finally the phone began to ring, succeeding in tugging Capri from her slumber. “Mmm…Hello?”

  The lazy, satisfied tone of Capri’s voice surprised Pepper, who was on the other end. Since she usually had one thing on her mind, Pepper immediately assumed her best friend was up to something naughty. “Girl, what are you doing?” she quickly asked in a hushed tone.

  Capri pushed one hand through her curly locks and sighed. “Pepper. Well…I was having a very good dream.”

  Pepper gave a short laugh and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Well, if it works for you. So what’s on your schedule for today?”

  “Rod gave me the day off to move so…”

  “Wait a minute. You’re leaving today?”

  “Mmm-hmm, the movers should be here in a couple of hours.”

  “Damn, you ain’t wasting time haulin’ ass out of there, are you?”

  “Hell no, and I can’t afford to. That house won’t be free for long.”

  “Didn’t you say he rents places all around his home?” Pepper asked, waiting until she heard Capri’s response before continuing. “Doesn’t he have any others?”

  “I asked about that.” Capri rolled to her back and drew a hand through her hair again. “He said the cottage had been hardest to occupy for any lengthy stretch of time. All the other tenants are couples with and without kids. People looking to put down roots, you know? For some reason, he hasn’t had a lot of success with the place closest to his own home.”

  Pepper’s arched brows raised another notch. “So do you think you’ll be happy there?”

  “After seeing it, I honestly couldn’t imagine myself being unhappy there.”

  Pepper could hear the excitement fringing Capri’s words and it was contagious. “So could you use some more help?”

  Capri laughed. “What time can you be here?”

  Tiberius had been awake for some time, but had yet to pull himself out of bed. He stared at the ceiling, watching the sun trying to invade the room from over the tops of the long, dark-blue drapes. As he lay there, stroking his muscled abdomen partially hidden beneath the sheet, he thought about his new tenant.

  By now, he’d gotten used to the fact that Capri was going to be no less than a hundred feet from him. Still, he debated whether to pursue her. Of course, he knew it would inevitably lead to trouble, but he also knew that fact had never stopped him before. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been alone with a beautiful woman in his home and not made love to her. It was refreshing, but Tiberius knew he had Capri to thank for that. She was so laid-back and easy to talk to. He’d never realized how nice a conversation with a woman could be without all the sexual innuendo that almost always came into play.

  A devious smirk added a sinister element to his honey-toned features. He still couldn’t get over how lovely she was, how provocative. He had to admit that Capri had something different. Whether he was simply infatuated or that something different was really genuine, he didn’t know. She was like a cross between innocent little girl and seductive temptress. The mixture was very intoxicating.

  Tiberius closed his eyes and produced a vivid picture of Capri Timmons in his mind. It was surprising that a woman like that didn’t have a man in her life. Thinking about her had surely awakened his desire. Tiberius groaned when his gaze settled to the crisp sheet lying low across his hips. It had risen into the tell-tale tent shape. Dragging himself out of bed, he decided it was time for a cold shower.

  “Oh, baby, don’t be that way!”

  “Cutie, come on over here and lemme talk to ya!”

  Pepper laughed and waved at the men calling to her. She’d just arrived at Capri’s building and assumed all the huge, burly men lifting furniture were movers. Of course, they couldn’t resist shouting compliments or stopping to watch her walk by.

  Pepper, however, never minded things like that. She just laughed, tossed her thick hair over her shoulder and sauntered away to Capri’s place.

  “Hey, girl, what’s up?” she called to Capri when she found her in the kitchen.

  “Morning. You ready to work?” Capri asked, sounding very chipper.

  “Where do I start?”

  “Well…let’s see.” Capri sighed, looking around the cluttered kitchen. “I’m almost through wrapping the glasses, so next are the dishes and I’ll be done.”

  “Damn, Cappy.” Pepper sighed, leaning against the counter. “I can’t believe all this happened so fast.”

  “I know, I never thought when I moved out of here I’d ever be moving into a house.”

  “So what’s your new landlord like?”

  A mischievous smirk appeared on Capri’s face. “Actually, you already met him.”

  “’Scuse me?”

  Capri cleared her throat and packed the last of the glasses away in a box. “Dr. Tiberius Evans is the same guy we saw in the restaurant, sitting at the bar. I told you I figured I had him pegged.”

  Pepper frowned, as she took a moment to remember the day of that particular lunch date. Soon though, realization dawned and her eyes widened. “Nooo? Cap, you’re just lyin’ to me, right?”


  “Damn, you are the luckiest person I know.”

  “Then you don’t know very many people.”

  Pepper shook her head as she began to wrap the plates. “I can’t believe that fine-ass man is your landlord. I guess you’ll be wanting to deliver your rent checks in person.”

  “Whatever, Pepper.” Capri sighed, amused by her friend’s one-track mind.

  “Ah, come on, don’t tell me you won’t take a special trip to his office once a month for one reason or another?”

  “I won’t have to, since he lives right next door.”

  Pepper set the plate down. “Next door? To you?”



  “We had dinner at his house, too,” Capri revealed, finding much enjoyment in shocking Pepper.

  “Wait a minute. The man lives right next door and you already had dinner together?”

  “That’s right.”

  Pepper glared across the room waiting for more information. “And?” she finally barked.

  “And what?” Capri absently replied, concentrating on wrapping a huge casserole dish. Glancing up at Pepper, she saw the knowing look on her face. “Nothing happened, Pep.”

  “The hell it didn’t. Girl, you’ve never gone to a man’s house for dinner unless there were at least two other people there, too.”

  “Well, there weren’t.”

  “And you did it anyway, hmph. Damn, he must be somethin’.”

  “It was only dinner.”

  Pepper pushed her hands into the side pockets of her black cotton bellbottoms and fixed Capri with a knowing stare. “This time it was only dinner, but next time…”

  Capri closed her eyes and regretted she’d even mentioned Tiberius. “Pepper you’re getting excited for nothing. There’s nothing to this.”

  “Cappy, I’ve seen this man.”

  “So have I. Twice. And I get the feeling that the good doctor is used to getting women in bed anytime he wants to. I’m trying to avoid men like that. One of the reasons I’m moving, remember?”

  “Ha! Good luck Capri. If you can stay away from a man like that, you must have an iron will.”

  Kiva Reynolds threw back her long, micro-thin braids a
nd pushed herself up in bed. Pulling the crisp linen sheets around either side of her hips, she gazed down at the handsome dark man beneath her and smiled.

  Rod returned his girlfriend’s knowing smile and trailed his hands across her flawless chocolate skin. His slanting black stare followed the path of his hands. They grazed across Kiva’s strong thighs, her flat stomach, round breasts and finally to her lovely face. The beauty sitting astride him awakened his desire immediately.

  Kiva gasped and her clear deep-brown eyes widened when she felt Rod harden again inside of her. “I can’t believe you’re ready again.”

  “You know how I do,” Rod seductively replied, closing his eyes in satisfaction.

  Kiva’s head fell back and she began to move her hips back and forth. Deep moans and loud cries soon filled the elegantly furnished room. Sex between them had always been hot and furious. Still, it was the love and commitment they had for one another that made it all sizzle. They enjoyed each other enthusiastically, until Kiva fell across Rod’s chest and begged for mercy.

  “Mmm…Stay home today, baby,” she whispered into his neck.

  Rod smiled and caressed Kiva’s back and buttocks. “I wish I could, believe me. But there’s a meeting at the agency I have to be in on.”

  “Nooo…” she groaned, inching over to her side of the bed. “Can’t Capri handle it?”

  “She could, but I gave her the day off so she could move.”

  “Move?” Kiva parroted, sitting up. “So she really did it, I haven’t talked to her about it in weeks.”

  Rod yawned as he spoke. “Damn right she did it. Got a house and everything.”

  “Oh, well, that’s great. Her own house. I’m proud of her.”

  “Yeah, Tiberius had a vacancy in one of the places he rents out, so I arranged for Cappy to get it.” Rod coolly revealed, pleased with himself.

  Kiva, however, wasn’t quite as pleased. “Tiberius…are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Well, you know, having her living so close to Tiberius. You think it’ll go smoothly?”


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