The Doctor's Private Visit

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The Doctor's Private Visit Page 18

by Altonya Washington

  Tossing aside his photo, Tiberius grinned at her reaction. “Now you can understand how I felt when you told me you were a virgin.”

  Capri had never heard a man admit to being scared and didn’t think it was even possible. Moreover, she certainly hadn’t thought it was possible that she’d ever hear Tiberius Evans say it. She prayed he’d at least do her the honor of telling her why. Thankfully he didn’t make her wait long.

  “My parents divorced four years ago,” Tiberius said as he reached for a stack of photos and began to shuffle through them in an absent manner. “Know why they stayed together?” He spared her a weary glance. “My grandparents wanted me to have a real family. With two happy parents and a happy little home.”

  He chuckled, but Capri could hear more pain fueling the gesture than humor.

  “They threatened to cut my parents out of the will if they split up. They only had to stay together until I graduated high school but they toughed it out until my grandmother passed.” He tossed the photos to the table. “Guess they didn’t want to risk her changing her mind.”

  “Tibe,” Capri whispered.

  “I didn’t even know all this until my grandmother’s funeral.” He massaged the bridge of his nose. “They were fighting like cats and dogs, the usual. I cursed them out right there in my grandmother’s bedroom and asked why they even bothered. They sure as hell told me why.

  “I was a one-night stand and neither side wanted the black mark of a child born out of wedlock doing damage to their family names.” A smirk triggered his dimple. “At least that’s the way my mom’s parents saw it. My dad’s folks, my grandparents,” he clarified as if to make a point of recognizing Tiberius and Janice Evans as his only grandparents, “they loved me. You don’t know how many nights I sat in my room and wished they could’ve been my parents.”

  He shrugged. “You know the funny part? I’ve seen worse relationships. Way worse. I guess that’s part of the reason I became an obstetrician—something about seeing those couples about to become parents and feeling so damn happy about it. Parents crazy with excitement. I never even had the nerve to ask my folks if they were ever just a little happy when they were pregnant with me.”

  Capri squeezed his hand. “I’m sure they were. I’m sure they were,” she repeated when he squeezed back and tugged her close to him. They held on to each other for the longest time.

  “Oh, sorry,” Capri whispered the hushed apology and edged closer to the counter when Tiberius walked into the bathroom and patted her waist in a silent request that she make room.

  “You’re fine. I only wanted to brush my teeth.” He shook the slender black leather valise he’d brought in with him.

  They were preparing for the party, set to begin shortly. Capri continued to pin her curls while Tiberius brushed. They worked at their individual tasks for several minutes but Capri was first to let her gaze stray. The muscles that flexed and rippled in his arms and back caught and held her stare.


  She wasn’t even making a pretense at working on her hair then. She stared as if mesmerized by the honey tone of his skin, his back made out of muscle, his lean waist, and below…

  “Capri?” Tiberius spoke through a mouth full of toothpaste. “You okay?”

  She caught herself before he had to ask again. “Sorry.”

  He rinsed his mouth and looked at her again. “You all right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She finished with her hair and leaned her hip against the counter. “Are you all right?”

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand her question and nodded. “I’m good. Didn’t mean to lay all that on you yesterday. Guess I should apologize, too.”

  “No.” Capri allowed her eyes to stray once more as he reached for a hand towel off the top shelf of the linen rack. “No you sounded like you needed to get that off of your…chest.”

  Tiberius was so preoccupied by thoughts of the conversation that he didn’t notice the pure hunger in Capri’s eyes as she scanned his bare torso.

  “I never told anyone that.”

  She snapped to and graced him with a soft smile. “I’m glad I was there.”

  Tiberius leaned against the other end of the counter and returned her smile. “Please don’t tell Rod I got so heavy, okay?”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  His expression was serious when he stepped close. “Thank you.” He kissed her forehead and left the bathroom.

  Chapter 19

  Tropical Storm Bettina raged into the night but didn’t have a negative effect on the party. If anything, the dreariness of the day seemed to accentuate the allure of the festivities. Golden light beamed from almost every area of the lovely home.

  Capri was entranced, feeling as though she was in the middle of paradise. She and Tiberius were dancing again in their special spot with that glorious view of the Atlantic. She inhaled the fabulously sexy scent of his cologne and wondered if he realized he hadn’t let go of her since they headed down into the party.

  Not that she was complaining. There was something possessive yet protective in his touch. Capri thought back to the previous day. They’d been so on edge about the sleeping arrangements. When they returned to the suite, however, not only did they fall asleep but they were fully clothed. Smiling, Capri snuggled deeper into the dance as she remembered.

  “Sleepy?” Tiberius inquired, chuckling when she looked up and fixed him with a knowing glare. Clearly she was recalling the last time they were there in similar circumstances.

  “Not yet,” Capri intimated the same response she’d once given.


  “Not even.”

  Mutual laughter flooded between them. When they looked up at each other again though, all traces of humor were gone. In place of it was the need that seemed to always rest between them. Unmindful then of where they were or who may be watching, their lips met in a crushing kiss.

  Tiberius’s tongue thrust hungrily past her lips. “Capri…”

  “I know…”

  They left the party behind and returned to the room, again kissing madly before the doors even closed behind them. Capri didn’t pause to mourn the destruction of her dress as buttons popped and material snagged beneath Tiberius’s strong fingers. When she was nude in his arms, he kept her against the wall nearest the door.

  His mouth blazed a heated wet trail across her chest. He stopped to torture her firming nipples with several moments of ravenous suckling before traveling onward. His hands molded to her bottom to keep her in place when he tongued her bellybutton and nuzzled his nose across the satiny bare skin above her womanhood.

  Capri could have wilted from pleasure when he nibbled her extra-sensitive bud of flesh before soothing it with his tongue. His grip upon her buttocks firmed as he held her higher to accommodate the journey of his tongue. She sobbed his name as he made love to her with his mouth. She wanted to share the waves of satisfaction with him but he gave her no chance.

  Capri played the passive role for only a short while longer. Then she drew strength from her desire, determined to see him out of the gorgeous tux he was wearing. Once he was as nude as she, they kissed their way to the bed, laughing as they fell upon it.

  “Capri…” Tiberius raked his fingers through her hair as she began to lavish him with a similar oral treat to the one he’d just given her.

  The harsh thundering of the storm had resumed and seemed to add more intensity to the scene. Capri felt starved for Tiberius and adored the way he responded to her touch. When he suddenly pulled her up and over his body she was confused. For Tiberius, his restraint was reaching its end and he needed to be inside her.

  Capri tugged at her lip as he drew a condom packet from beneath one of the many pillows lining the headboard. She took the package and handled the task of putting the protection in place. Flashes of lightning filled the room as they made love to each other. Capri covered his hands with hers as they were cupped over her breasts while she rode his body.
She took everything he had to give and he of course reciprocated.

  “Everything was incredible, Felicity.” Capri shook her head in wonder as she stood near the breakfast buffet the next morning. “I still can’t get over you putting an event like that together and during a tropical storm, to boot.”

  Felicity smiled delicately while she sweetened her coffee. “It’s old hat, honey. You’ll see.”

  “Felicity,” Capri asked as she filled her plate with eggs and fruit and then moved to the table. “What you said the other day about me being a doctor’s wife…”

  “Oh, sweetheart, trust me. You’ll see when you and Tiberius get married. You’ll rush in from the high-profile photography job of yours and put together a dinner party for twenty in the blink of an eye.”

  Capri gave a prayer of thanks that she didn’t choke on her orange juice. “When Tiberius and I get married?”

  “Why, yes darlin’.” Felicity folded her hands over the cuffs of her pale-blue blouse.

  “Felicity, we aren’t, I mean…we aren’t planning to get married.”

  “Oh, honey please. Don’t tell me that’s not in your plans?”

  “Well…” Capri rubbed a suddenly clammy hand across the side of her jeans. “It’s not in Tibe’s plans.”

  Felicity smiled and added jam to an English muffin. “You just aren’t lookin’ close enough at that handsome young thing. If you can’t see that he is completely ’round the bend for you then you’re not looking close enough at all.”

  Capri could only raise her brows and shake her head as Felicity giggled wickedly.

  “Taking some friends out tonight, Doc?” Tiberius was asking Alan Thomas when he found the man on his yacht that morning.

  “That was the plan, ’til that monster of a storm rolled in last night.”

  “Need a hand?” Tiberius offered, pulling himself up on deck.

  Alan was already pointing to the bow. “You can tie down that line over there. And then reach in that chest there,” he added once Tiberius had completed the first task.

  Tiberius grinned when he saw the stash of Heineken filling the chest. “Man after my own heart,” he commended and passed the doctor one of the chilled brews.

  “Just don’t tell Feli,” Alan urged with a shudder.

  For a brief moment the two colleagues enjoyed the solace on the deck with the chest between them.

  “I want to thank you for coming out this weekend, Tiberius. You and that little Capri.”

  “You’re welcome, but we really didn’t have a choice. Felicity wouldn’t let us leave.” Tiberius joined Alan in a round of hearty laughter.

  “Congratulations on such a long happy marriage, Doc.”

  “Hasn’t been easy, son.” Alan took a swig of the beer. “More years, more work.”

  Tiberius leaned forward to brace his elbows on his knees. “Can I ask how you manage to keep it going?”

  “Communication,” Alan drawled and leaned back in the deck chair he occupied. “You gotta stay in each other’s faces even when all you want to do is walk away. Takes two people to start an argument and two people to settle one. You gotta be willing to accept your partner’s opinions no matter how crazy it makes you.”

  Tiberius only laughed and enjoyed more of the brew.

  Alan kept his gaze focused on the horizon. “When are you gonna do somethin’ about changing that cute little thing’s last name?”

  “Marriage scares me, Doc,” Tiberius confessed and massaged his eyes. “What people do to each other when they…”

  “Because of your parents?”

  “I love her, Doc. I don’t want to lose her, but I don’t want to hurt her like that. Unfortunately it’s all I know. All I’ve ever seen.”

  “All you’ve ever seen. Not all you’ve ever lived.”

  “What’s the difference, Doc?”

  “A big one, son.”

  “I’m a jerk when it comes to women.”

  “She feel that way?”

  Tiberius smirked. “If she’s smart she does, and she’s very smart.”

  Alan drained the rest of the Heineken. “Well I’ve seen how she looks at you and she doesn’t look at you like you’re a jerk. You really want to walk away from that?”

  Tiberius wouldn’t answer and Alan seemed satisfied by it. The man stood, clapped his younger colleague’s shoulder and left him with his thoughts.

  Chapter 20

  Pepper was shaking her head as she studied the checklist of alcoholic beverages and matched them to the items on hand. “I don’t know how you did all this,” she marveled and nodded satisfactorily at the brand of rum on the counter. “Finishing up that monstrous project for Tiberius and organizing this bachelorette party for Kiva. Prime liquor.” She flashed Capri a wink. “As your designated bartender, I commend you.”

  “Is it really good, Pep?” Capri’s expression matched the anxious quality of her voice.

  “Hell yes. You know when it comes to parties people often skimp on the brand of liquor. They—”

  “Not the booze, Pep, the project. Is it really all right?”

  “Jeez.” Pepper rolled her eyes. “For the eighth time, yes. I feel like I know Dr. Alan Thomas and I’ve never even met him. Very good work.”

  Capri let her forehead rest against the table as she sighed. She’d made Pepper view the memory project the second she stepped foot inside her home that day. “I hope Tibe’ll think it’s good. He doesn’t even know I’m done.”

  Pepper finished with her checklist and turned to look at Capri. She didn’t need to ask why Tiberius had no idea the project was complete. Clearly her friend was quite preoccupied about pleasing the beautiful doctor. Pepper couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be before there was another bachelorette party in the works.

  Next door, Tiberius made a pretense of coming out to look for something in his truck. In truth he was more than a little curious about the two Hummers that had pulled into the driveway behind Capri’s and Pepper’s cars. When he saw two men jump out of each ride, his curiosity got the better of him and began to heat his temper.

  A tiny voice warned him not to pry. An even louder voice demanded that he at least find out what was going on. Tiberius decided to listen to the tiny voice and was glad when he saw three more cars arrive. These were filled with women who parked their vehicles haphazardly across Capri’s front lawn. Part of him was a bit miffed that she was having a party and not inviting him, but he shook it off although the curiosity remained.

  Kiva’s bachelorette party was a screaming success. The twenty two women in attendance enjoyed themselves greatly. They were especially pleased that Capri used a few of her many contacts to score the “entertainment” for the evening.

  The male dancers were not only some of Miami’s finest, but Capri had created portfolios for several of them. She was in the midst of speaking with a potential subject when one of her guests rushed in to comment on the sexy party favors.

  “Take my card and give me a call towards the middle of next week.” Capri reached into a small wooden box on the counter where she kept keys and cards. “I’ll be on a crazy schedule ’til after my friend’s wedding but we’ll get you fixed up,” she told the model/dancer as she escorted him out of the kitchen.

  “Ooo-wee girl! I don’t know how you stand it!” Danica Barnes danced in place as she added more chipped ice to the bucket she carried.

  “Dani, are you having a good time or playing assistant to Pep?”

  “Girl, filling this bucket is the least I can do. You outdid yourself, Cap.” She flashed a wink across her shoulder. “Those bodies are prime. Hell, I don’t see beauty like that in half the clubs I visit and you know how I love my clubs.”

  Capri couldn’t help but laugh. Danica Barnes’s club-hopping was legendary.

  “And your late arrival was a sweet touch. Very sweet. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better his cute butt comes ringin’ the doorbell.”

  Capri was adjusting the tassels th
at secured the scoop bodice of her flaring gold dress and only listened absently. “Late arrival?”

  Danica poured herself a shot of whiskey. “I know. It was sooo cute how he came over actin’ like a concerned neighbor.”

  Capri tilted her head. “Concerned neighbor?”

  “Isn’t that the cutest?”

  Capri thought she’d be sick if she heard the word cute again. But before she could tell that to Danica, Pepper peeked into the kitchen.

  “Girl, you might want to get out here,” she advised while snapping her fingers toward Danica for the ice bucket.

  Capri’s eyes widened in surprise and humor, when she walked out into the living room and saw Tiberius surrounded by at least seven adoring women. When he saw her, the look on his face was a cross between terror and relief.

  “Cute,” Capri had to admit.

  Frantically, he began to wave her to his rescue.

  “Taking on a second job, Doctor?” she asked once she stood just outside the circle of women.

  Tiberius sidestepped the groping hands and moved in behind Capri for protection. Gently yet firmly, he nudged her forward.

  “Would you please tell them who I am?”

  “Don’t they know?”

  “Funny.” He closed his hands over the cap sleeves of her dress and squeezed. “Tell ’em.”

  “Sorry girls.” Capri struggled to contain her laughter. “This is my neighbor Tiberius Evans. He’s not a dancer. He’s my actual neighbor.”

  A round of disappointed groans followed the introduction.

  “Come on, Tiberius, we won’t tell.” Danica tried to press the issue.

  “He’s also my landlord, Dani.”

  The ladies were still disappointed but backed away and eventually trickled off in search of new delights. Capri turned to face her “concerned neighbor.”

  “So just what are you doing here?”

  Tiberius slanted a soft smile to another passing guest. “I came to see what was going on. What are you doing here?”

  “This is Kiva’s bachelorette party.” She nodded at the light clicking on in his head. “The only guys here are strippers, which is what they think you are.”


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