Stay (Healing Springs, Book 2)

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Stay (Healing Springs, Book 2) Page 1

by Amanda Torrey


  Amanda Torrey

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 Amanda Torrey

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  “If you turn down the dare, your picture goes up on the wall.”

  Ava O’Connor tensed at the thought of her supposed-to-be-innocent kindergarten-teacher face being plastered to the Wall of Shame for all to see.

  “Jake, you’d make an exception for me, wouldn’t you?” Ava did her best to smile sweetly, but she had a feeling she looked more like she had swallowed something sour. Like her pride.

  “Sorry, kitten.” The bartender didn’t look sorry. In fact, he looked downright pleased. “You know the rules. You enter the closet for three minutes and everyone gets a free round of drinks, or you decline the dare and you live on my wall for eternity.”

  “Not fair.” The urge to stomp her foot in protest welled within her, but she stopped herself before her inner child came tearing through the room. Not even inner children belonged in bars.

  “Karly, I swear I’ll kill you.” Ava glared at her so-called best friend. “It’s bad enough you know I can’t turn down a dare, but knowing that I couldn’t allow my face to be on that wall even if I could say no… Shame on you.”

  “Just get your ass in there and I won’t pick out the nastiest guy in the room.”

  “Make sure he’s a non-smoker. I do not want to kiss an ashtray.”

  “Suddenly you have high standards.”

  Ava tossed a Jake’s Lounge coaster at Karly.

  “You’re a terrible best friend.”

  “You won’t say that when your three minutes in Heaven are up. Now go. The lights are flashing. I have to find someone willing to kiss your prudish face.” Karly shoved Ava toward the neon-framed door. “Come on, this is better than getting married. Get going.”

  Karly slapped Ava’s butt as Ava dragged herself toward the door. Why had she deviated from her normal Friday night routine of ice cream on her couch with a chick flick and her dog for company? She had made it this far into her twenties without having to endure this humiliation.

  So much for best friends having your best interests at heart. Karly had sworn this would help Ava get over the sting of being dumped so terribly by her fiancé. Karly felt it was the perfect night to go out, since this was the day Ava was supposed to get married.

  Okay, after six months maybe she did need to rejoin society.

  But not like this.

  Ava closed the door behind her and began to panic. She hadn’t even grabbed a mint!

  Heat burned her cheeks.

  She puffed into her closed hands to see how badly her breath smelled. The faint scent of rum and Coke reassured her—at least she hadn’t had the blooming onion appetizer yet.

  Three minutes. How bad could it be? There had been plenty of decent-looking guys in the bustling Friday night crowd. Surely Karly would choose well.

  Not that it mattered to her what the guy looked like. She judged men on more than their surface appearance. Besides, she wasn’t breeding with the guy. Just a kiss. An anonymous, one-time, never-to-be-spoken-of-again moment of mortification.

  Ava’s throat began to close as a horrifying thought crippled her ability to breathe.

  What if a student’s dad was chosen?

  She’d have to resign!

  She’d have to move!

  She’d have to go into the witness protection program!

  The door opened and closed before she could escape. She wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans. The air thickened as the guy settled into the small space.

  He didn’t smell unpleasant, she supposed. In fact, there was something dangerously familiar about his particular fragrance. A woodshop—that’s what it was. He smelled like wood. And the clean smell of someone who had recently showered.

  A strict no talking rule applied, which felt incredibly awkward. Ava’s belly clenched. Was she supposed to just reach up and feel until she found his lips? Or was he supposed to make the first move?

  She didn’t want to mess up this dare. Any missteps and she’d be on the Wall of Shame. And this mystery guy—now that the challenge had been accepted—would be on the wall alongside her. Everyone in Healing Springs would know that they had been in this closet together. Generations of people would gawk at them.

  Unable to endure the apprehension any longer, Ava leaned forward for a kiss. She kissed his chest.


  His rough-textured hand found her chin and positioned her face. Her body stirred. This was way too familiar for her taste. She had to get this over with before any more memories surfaced. Her history with men was deplorable—she had no need to relive any of it.

  Mystery man’s lips touched hers, and something zinged inside her. The kiss took on a life of its own. She lost control and began clinging to his arms like her life depended on it.

  The loss of control was mutual. Their tongues met and danced and she knew without a doubt that the mystery man was no mystery. The only mystery, in fact, was why the hell he was in town.


  The second the buzzer went off, Ava pushed Cole out of the way and stumbled out of the dark. The normally dim lights of the bar mocked her with their brightness as her pupils adjusted. Her heart thundered, making her wish she could rip it out and fling it at Karly.

  “Whoa, slow down, sista.” Karly reached out to steady Ava. “Bad kisser?”

  “The worst,” Ava lied, her chest rising and falling with each angry breath she took. “Why him?”

  “I saw him checking you out earlier. And he’s fucking hot. Figured he’d be the perfect reintroduction to the world of lust.”

  “It was a terrible idea.”

  “Damn. Never would have guessed. Hell, if he hadn’t been ogling you from across the room, I would have been on him like an ant on a picnic lunch.”

  The thought of Karly moving in on Cole made her even more angry, though she had no right to be.

  “He didn’t try anything naughty, did he? That’s against the rules.”

  “No, just a kiss.”

  Calming down, Ava was able to hear the rowdy yahoos as the round of drinks were served. Random people kept patting her on the back. She didn’t dare to turn around. She couldn’t chance seeing Cole again.

  “I’m done.” Ava slumped into her stool, burying her head on her shaking arms. She turned to look through her wavy hair at Karly, who rubbed her shoulders in empathy that was coming too late.

  “I’m proud of you for giving it a try. Next time I’ll pick a better one.”

va shot up in her seat. “There will not be a next time.”

  Karly threw her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay! No more dares. But give me another chance, will you? I can do better. Maybe that guy over there.”

  Against her better judgment, Ava looked.

  “Way too young. And way too male. Come on, I did as you asked. Can’t I please go home now?”

  “One dance, and then we’ll leave. Even though I haven’t even scored a free drink yet.” Karly pouted. “This is how I shall sacrifice for you.”

  Karly’s lips lifted in the corner as she raised her eyebrows for effect.

  “I’ll buy you a drink,” Ava offered.

  “Yeah, but will you put out after?” Karly laughed as Ava rolled her eyes. “Didn’t think so.”

  “And hey, I went into the closet so you could have a stinking free drink. Where’s your gratitude?”

  “You know what I mean.” Karly looked past Ava, searching the crowd. “It’s not a night out if at least one hottie doesn’t buy me a drink.”

  Ava leaned toward Karly so she wouldn’t have to shout.

  “Do you still see him here? Or did he leave?”

  “I haven’t seen him—was caught up with you. Didn’t even see him leave the closet. Want me to go find him and see if the second time is better?”


  “I was kidding. Loosen the girdle, Mildred.”

  Karly’s gaze drifted over Ava’s shoulder. Ava knew Karly had spotted a potential target by the way she pulled the front of her shirt down a bit before readjusting her low-cut jeans.

  “If you’ll excuse me, my bartender has returned from his break.”

  “Your boobs are about to fall out of your shirt.”

  Karly winked and smiled saucily.

  “Let’s hope so.”

  “What about the dance?” Ava’s question ended in a whisper as Karly moved toward the end of the bar, intent upon catching the guy before any of the other desirables made their move.

  She rested her head in her hand as she surveyed the area. Cole wasn’t seated at the bar, and she didn’t dare look into the club section. A group of out-of-place businessmen who looked to be in their forties stopped talking to stare her way. She quickly broke eye contact, not wanting to send the wrong message. All the women she had seen so far were heavily made up as if vying for a role. Most sexy? Ava knew she’d lose. Most beautiful? Yup, not a chance. Most fun? Ha. She’d put old Mrs. Reynolds to sleep. Most lame? Now that was a title she had a chance of securing.

  Karly leaned over the bar, showing her attributes to the bartender as they flirted. How could seduction come so easily to some? Ava would never feel comfortable behaving that way. And her chest wasn’t ample enough to do the talking.

  She blew a curl out of her face. Not accustomed to drinking, the alcohol seemed to be hitting Ava faster than she anticipated. Especially her bladder.

  If Karly was still busy with her prey when Ava returned from the bathroom, she’d take it as a sign that she was free to go home.

  For a small town, Jake’s Lounge sure attracted a crowd on a Friday night. She shoved her way through, annoyed that no one would just move politely.

  She had to pass that blasted closet to get to the bathroom. The visual reminder was too much—her body started warring with her brain.

  Four years had passed since she had last been with Cole. Four years. So why did her body react to him as if he had never left at all? As if he had never stomped on her heart with his steel-toed work boots?

  She didn’t mean to seek him out, but there he was. Bent over the pool table, ready to take a shot. His perfect butt called out to her—would he notice if she squeezed it?

  Ava mentally slapped herself.

  Get to the bathroom and get out of here.

  But her body had different ideas. Just a few steps. Toss him on the pool table. No one will notice. Or blame you.

  She actually took a step in his direction before her head kindly interrupted. He’s a creep! A womanizer! Walk away! Listen to me. I won’t let you down again.

  But he’s so ungodly hot! Her body refused to give any control to her head.

  A slender arm—not hers—wrapped itself around her fantasy man’s arm. Ava glared at the sexy woman staring adoringly up at Cole. The man who had only moments ago given Ava the best kiss she had had in, well, four years.

  Ava narrowed her eyes and wished one of the fluttering-eyed woman’s fake eyelashes would fall off, then shook her head to clear it of mean thoughts.

  Mean thoughts were not very kindergarten-teacher-like!

  Cole smiled at the woman, and even from across the room, Ava was taunted by the crater-deep dimple that taunted her like a steak dangling before a dog.

  She hadn’t realized she had been staring until Cole made eye contact with her.

  Ava gasped, feeling like one of her kindergartner’s getting caught dumping soap all over the bathroom floor. Embarrassment and shame made her walk faster across the bar.

  Time to get out of here. While she still had a tiny bit of her pride.

  A hand grasping her arm stopped her from continuing her frenzied flight from the bar.

  She whipped around, ready to do battle. She wished she had pepper spray or something. Anything to keep him from hurting her.

  Not physically, of course.

  But wasn’t emotional pain just as bad?

  “Ava—it’s so good to see you in the light.” His voice washed over her like bubbles in a Jacuzzi tub. Soothing, gentle, warm. A welcoming smile graced his face. As if they should be happy to see each other. As if he had never broken her heart.

  “Sorry, I was just leaving.”

  “Come on. I haven’t seen you in years. Don’t rush off.”

  “You were a little preoccupied. I think she’s looking for you now, matter-of-fact.” Ava tried to pull away, but he grabbed her other arm and twisted her body toward his. Someone in the crowd bumped against her, pushing her dangerously close to his hard body.

  “I don’t even know her.”

  “That’s reassuring.” Ava rolled her eyes. Men.

  “I wasn’t with her, if that’s what you’re thinking. She just started coming on to me. There’s only one woman here who interests me.”

  Cole’s eyes drifted to her lips, and she caught herself licking them before pulling the lower portion in for a bite.

  This wasn’t her game. She had no idea how to play it.

  He leaned down. He was going to kiss her. He was so going to kiss her. Shouldn’t she pull away? Shouldn’t she stomp on his foot? Shouldn’t she—

  What was she trying to tell herself?

  All she could focus on was the dark scruff on his face and his ridiculously long lashes as his eyes drifted closed and he prepared to strike.

  He pulled her body closer. Her hips wiggled to find a good landing spot, even against her better judgment.

  Ah, to hell with judgment.

  His lips joined hers with as much passion as she had imagined. She lost herself in him.

  She heard an animal growling, or maybe it was her. She needed to break away. She needed to run away. Danger! Danger!

  She kissed deeper.

  Thankfully, he pulled away. She had no control over her teeth grabbing his lower lip and refusing to let go.

  What the heck?

  His hand cupped her cheek with too much tenderness and familiarity. He wasn’t some stranger she had picked up in the bar. He was the man she had hooked up with for an entire summer and then was left behind with barely a goodbye.

  And even knowing that, she still wanted to push him against the bar, climb up on a stool, and unleash the endowment he kept hidden behind that burgeoning zipper.

  “Come with me, Ava. My place is right down the street from here.”

  Of course he did. And of course he came here tonight with the intention of scoring. Isn’t that what everyone was after?

  Not her. Definitely not with him.

  “How conve
nient for you,” she spat, finally able to pull away and mean it.

  His puzzled expression was nearly her undoing. How dare he look confused?

  She turned on her heel, pushed her way through the crowd, and stormed out the door, not even caring that she didn’t tell Karly she was leaving.

  Chapter Two


  Karly’s shout penetrated through the fog of Ava’s misery. But she kept walking. She didn’t want to stop and let everyone see the tears that wouldn’t stop flowing.

  “Jesus, Ava. Wait up! I can only run so fast in these fucking shoes.”

  Ava slowed her pace, allowing Karly to hobble forward, huffing to catch her breath and holding her side.

  “You know I haven’t been to the gym in forever. Why must you punish me?” Karly bent forward in an apparent attempt to get her body to calm down from the unexpected exercise.

  “Sorry. I figured you were busy with Mr. Cute Guy.”

  “Yeah, not so much. His idea of a romantic gesture was to hook up in the broom closet for a quickie. Sorry, but that’s not the best use of my freshly waxed legs and bikini line, know what I mean?”

  Ava laughed through her tears. She sniffled, and Karly stopped walking beside her.

  “Why the tears? What happened back there? I saw you kiss the hot guy I picked for you, and then next thing I know, you’re gone. Spill.”

  Knowing there was no way Karly would let Ava off the hook without sharing her secrets, Ava relented.

  “I lied to you. He wasn’t a bad kisser.”

  Fresh tears spilled again.

  Karly laughed.

  “No kidding. I could tell by your flushed face and chest that you had a decent experience. No bad kisser could elicit that kind of response.”

  “Why’d you let me lie to you?” Ava held her hand over her rapidly beating heart.

  “Wasn’t my truth to tell. So anyway, go on.”

  “I knew the guy. From before. We dated. Well, kind of dated. Over a summer when I was home on break—I was going into my senior year.”


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