Stay (Healing Springs, Book 2)

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Stay (Healing Springs, Book 2) Page 11

by Amanda Torrey


  Cole set his wine glass down and closed his fist over the hair clip he had found in the dining room. The scent of her shampoo lingered on the plastic piece, and his hands still tingled as he relived the moment when he stripped the clip from her silky mane.

  He knew it had to be her at the door. Probably came back for the hair clip and her salad bowl.

  He did his best to mask his grief behind a neutral expression.

  He loved her. He knew it. He had always known it.

  He also loved his career.

  His two loves would mix like oil and water.

  Cole opened the door, anxious to see her one more time. His heart raced faster than his Mustang on an empty highway when he noticed the smile on her face.

  “Cole, I didn’t come back so we could talk.” She looked directly in his eyes. Confidence oozed from every inch of her. The only tell-tale sign that she was more nervous than she let on was the way she fiddled with the keys in her hand.

  “I came back because I think we should finish what we started. I mean, earlier, before…”

  Her voice trailed off. She moistened her lips with her tongue.

  What was she saying? He knew he was being rude on some level—staring at her, not responding—but he couldn’t pay attention to anything but her glistening lips.

  Did she say she wanted to—

  Before his muddled brain could sort through her words, Ava stepped into the doorway and threw herself into his arms. Cole wrapped his arms around her waist at the exact moment their lips joined together, picking up right where they had left off.

  Cole pulled her deeper into the room and kicked the door closed.

  He dropped the clip and let his hands explore her body—unadorned by that nuisance of a bra.

  She moaned in response.

  Eyes locked on hers, he removed her dress for the second time that night. This time he wouldn’t fuck up. This time they’d be too busy to talk.

  Candlelight danced off her naked curves, casting a golden glow. She was majestic; a goddess. He’d worship her every chance he was given.

  He lifted her into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Her lips fluttered against his neck. His body was ready to aim and fire, but he had to make it last. Had to give her what she deserved.

  He hesitated at the threshold of his bedroom, ignoring his animalistic impulses as she ran her teeth over his ear.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” He forced his voice deeper, not intending to sound like a nervous prepubescent boy. “It’s not too late to stop.”

  In response, her hand reached down to caress his erection.

  She pulled away long enough to growl, “Would you stop being a gentleman?”

  No problem there.

  Cole pushed his way into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed, enjoying the wiggle of her breasts as she bounced. He removed her panties quickly, deliberately, kissing a path along her torso and hips as he lined up on top of her.

  Ava held her arms out to him. Her eyes commanded him to pleasure her in every possible way. Who was he to argue?

  He kissed her deeply, than explored her body in more intimate ways than he ever had before. He didn’t leave one inch of her untouched, unkissed.

  He had never worshipped anyone or anything as much as he did this woman. Her touch, her taste, the way her body moved when he touched her. Oh god, the way she touched him.

  “I need you. Now.”

  He had never heard more beautiful words.

  He paused only long enough to slip a condom on.

  Her impassioned moans as he begged entry were his undoing. For once he was grateful for the sensation-dulling rubber, because he would have hated himself if he lasted less than three seconds.

  Did the earth shake? He braced himself, hovering over her, watching her face as she reveled in their unification. Nope, just the tremors of their ridiculously satisfying fucking.

  Ava screamed her pleasure at the precise moment that he died and was reborn.

  He collapsed beside her, relishing the musky scent of their lovemaking. Ava cuddled into his side. He stroked her sweat-slickened back, unwilling to let this moment end.

  Fatigue set in and he felt himself drifting to sleep as he held Ava. Heaven. That’s where they were. That’s where he always wanted to be.

  Sleeping together—actually sleeping, anyway—proved to be a challenge they couldn’t win. Cole jolted awake several times to find Ava curiously exploring his body, and who was he to turn down a woman who knew what she wanted?

  He couldn’t believe how many times they managed to make each other deliriously happy.

  At the crack of dawn, as sunlight streamed through his custom-made blinds, drawing lines across her chest, Cole watched Ava driving herself against his body, reaching fulfillment while screaming out his name and clawing his arms. Realization hit him like a malfunctioning crane as she fell in an exhausted heap to his chest.

  He couldn’t live a day without seeing her. Like this. With him.

  Duty and emotion warred with one another. What to do?


  “Come with me.”

  He couldn’t contain the words. Something about being in her presence, inhaling her sweet scent, made him reckless. Too open.

  Ava giggled. Maybe she hadn’t heard him.

  “So soon? You tiger!” She wiggled against him, then tickled his ribs.

  She had misunderstood his request.

  He tickled her in return, then took advantage of her momentary surrender to roll her onto her back, pinning her arms over her head. Her eyes darkened with desire, and he wondered—for the first time in his life—how he would possibly keep up with her.

  “You know, I watched a show on Animal Planet about some lizard that mates, like, fifteen times a day during mating season. Are you trying to compete with that?”

  “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” He buried his face in her hair, searching through the wreckage until he came to the sweet spot behind her ear.

  She giggled again. Music to his lonely-for-too-long ears.

  “I meant come with me. To Japan.”

  Her eyes widened, and for a moment he had a clear glimpse into her inner woman. A myriad of colorful emotions danced through her emerald eyes. They formed a kaleidoscope—he couldn’t tease apart one emotion from another.

  So he waited.

  Quicker than his most capable crew, she erected a brick wall around those emotions, blocking them from his view and leaving him feeling as if he had imagined the whole damn thing.

  He’d get a hatchet to knock down the walls if he had to.

  Ava freed her hand from his grasp and brought it to his face, stroking his cheek. She licked her lips, and the tender look she gave him made him want to bury himself in her again.

  “I know what you’re trying to do, Cole. You don’t have to do it. I have no expectations. I came here knowing how this night would end. You and I are destined to go our own ways.” She pressed a finger to his lips when he tried to protest. “I’m so grateful for what you’ve given me.”

  “We don’t have to end. Come with me. I promise I’ll take care of you.”

  He meant it. He’d give her whatever she wanted in this world. He was at her command.

  He had never made promises to any other women in his life. But to her, he’d give his blood in exchange for her love.

  “Thanks, Cole, but really. This was enough. You’ve proven to me that I can lo—” She clamped her jaw, color reddening her cheeks. “That I can get on with my life.”

  She struggled to get up, to get him to move, but he couldn’t release her. She was slipping away from him, and he needed the chance to prove to her that she belonged with him.

  He refused to lose her.

  He wanted a life with her—not a weekend, or a week, or a summer. He wanted her belly to swell with his children. His most primal instincts surfaced for the first time ever, and the caveman in him battled with the
gentleman he tried to be.

  She gave up the struggle and allowed him to enter her. They were beyond foreplay at that point—they had needs to fulfill that went beyond simple orgasms.

  This time, as they found their utopia, Cole felt her tears against his cheek.

  After catching her breath, she tried to get up.

  He refused to let her.

  “Nope. You’re staying with me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I already told you you’re crazy.”

  Ava wished her heart would resume beating. She needed oxygen in her brain. Having his hot, sweaty, well-used body so close messed with her head.

  She hated that he didn’t sound like he was saying, “hey baby, let’s you and me hook up for the whole weekend.” No, he had to go and sound all permanent on her.

  Her wayward mind kept dreaming up permanent thoughts and fantasies.

  The part of her that was supposed to be a protective force had begun to wilt under pressure.

  If only things could be as simple as he made them seem. She’d love to pack it all in and follow him wherever he went, but she had roots now that she couldn’t rip out of the ground. She had to protect herself, her career, her dog.

  “Oh no! Bear!”

  Startled by her outburst, he allowed her to escape. She bolted out of bed, panic gripping her as she realized she’d left her beloved pet alone for the whole night. She hadn’t planned on staying the night. Poor Bear was probably chewing up her furniture in worry.

  Cole bolted to the other side of the room, pulling on his pants. Such a shame to cover such precious gems.

  She chastised herself for the lascivious thoughts and continued searching for her clothes.

  “I’m sure he’s fine. He can survive without you for one night.”

  She knew he was trying to reassure her, but the ball of nerves in her gut grew at his words.

  “He’s probably a nervous wreck.”

  To his credit, Cole didn’t chuckle at her panic. Instead, he helped her into her clothes and offered to drive her home. He smiled big when he joked about not allowing her to escape him.

  He was so cute when he was plotting. She didn’t even care that he was plotting to kidnap her.

  “Hey, you have to at least let me buy you breakfast. It’s only fair after trying to kill me all night.”

  His deep voice, accompanied by the twinkle in his eye, sent shivers dancing along her nerve endings.

  “You’re blaming me?”

  “Doesn’t really matter who’s to blame—a man needs his nourishment, you know.” His smile widened. “But yeah, it was all you.”

  She smacked him. He smiled bigger. He’d crack his cheeks open if he wasn’t careful.

  Cole grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, nipping her neck and making her melt.

  “Gee, after that meal you made last night, I kind of figured you’d make me something gourmet for breakfast.”

  He dipped his head, looking very much like a little boy caught dipping his hand in the cookie jar before lunch. His long lashes swept across his cheeks as he cast his eyes downward.

  “I might as well tell you.”

  She didn’t think she could handle another confession from him, but something about the way he pouted—so unlike his usual cocky attitude—made her eager to hear what he had to say.

  “Spit it out, then.”

  “That meal was one of two that I can make on my own. I generally rely on the fine neighborhood restaurants for nourishment.”

  Her mouth dropped open in faux shock.

  “There go all my fantasies of you in an apron, making me any meal I desired.”

  Was the man ever sated? His erection grew against her as they bantered.

  “I’ll do anything you desire.” His voice, husky and low, branded her ears with his personal charm. “Anytime, anywhere. Hell, I’ll wear an apron if you want. But you have to be my dessert.”

  Good thing he had his arms around her, because her knees were about to give out again.

  After a hot and heavy make-out session and a good laugh when he tripped trying to drag her to the bedroom, she agreed to let him drive her back to her place with the promise of going out for breakfast after taking care of Bear.

  “Where’s the pickup?”

  Ava teased him when he opened the door for her to enter his shiny red Mustang.

  “Parked at the work site. Want me to swing by and grab it so we can make good use of the truck bed? I mean, we can try some of your moves in here, but it’s a bit tight.”

  “You’re shameless.”

  He shrugged.

  “Worth a try.”

  A short while later, Ava’s heart swelled as she watched Cole play with Bear. His kindness warmed her in ways that even his smoking hot body couldn’t. Heck, he had even cleaned up the puddle Bear had left on the kitchen floor.

  He touched her deep in her soul. He spoke her language. He made her happy.

  When he didn’t make her sad and angry and frustrated and regretful, that is.

  Ava left them playing with a ball and dressed quickly, choosing a soft sleeveless sweater and a pair of her most comfortable capris. Bending to get dressed was a bit of a chore after all the working out she had done last night. Definitely used muscles she hadn’t used in a very long time.

  She popped a few Advil after brushing her teeth, then rushed back to the living room. Bear was on the couch with his head on Cole’s lap. Cole flipped through one of her magazines.

  “Hey, did you read this one?” He bent the glossy cover backward so she could see the article. “‘Ten Ways to Tease Your Man So He’ll Be Begging For More.’”

  “Really? You think I should study up? I kind of feel like if you beg any more than you already do, I’ll have to buy you one of those butcher shop bones that Bear loves so much.”

  “Actually, I was going to say that you could have written that article.”

  “So no bone for you?”

  He winked. “My bone is all for you, my love.”

  She allowed her laughter to escape. Sitting so comfortably on her sofa, surrounded by her boxes of chocolate, petting Bear with one hand and reading her women’s magazine with the other, he seemed so domestic. So tame. Comfortable in her medium-rent apartment when she knew his bank account allowed him to have all the finer things in life.

  If she didn’t know him better, she would have sworn he was made for such domestic bliss.

  She was shocked he had been able to spend so much time with her lately. When she had dated him before, weekends didn’t exist for him. He worked around the clock. Day after day. He had fit her in here and there, but mostly she had to be available when he couldn’t possibly work anymore. She had been willing to put up with his hectic hours in exchange for the excitement and thrill of being with him.

  Things were different now. She didn’t need the complications. Asking him to settle down in a way he was unable to would be unfair to him, and trying to manage being a backup singer in the chorus when she really wanted to be the star would be unfair to herself.

  “You need to stop thinking so much and get over here and kiss me. Or else I’ll eat all of your chocolate.”

  He tossed the magazine to the side and stood, pulling her immediately into his embrace.

  Live in the moment. That’s what she had to do. She needed to create plenty of memories to get her through the days when he was gone.

  “Reading my magazines, eating my chocolate, stealing my dog. What’s next?”

  “Since you wouldn’t allow me to dress you, I had to occupy myself somehow.”

  Her bare toes curled into the carpet when he kissed her with all the passion of a starving man set loose in front of the banquet.

  And he did taste like chocolate.

  “Ready for breakfast?”

  “I don’t know, Cole. I shouldn’t leave Bear again.”

  “You’re right.”

  An unwelcome blast of disappointment hit her at his words. She co
nvinced herself it was for the best. If he wanted an abrupt ending, it was probably just as well.

  Easier to shut a door than to burn down the whole house.

  “We’ll bring Bear with us. He can hang in my apartment while we eat at the café downstairs.”

  Had he noticed her disappointment?

  She wanted to hide somewhere. She prayed she had kept her emotions in check.

  She was so screwed when it was time to really say goodbye.

  She should end things now—rip the bandage off. Finish on a good note.

  But she was too selfish to not want every little crumb of time she could spend with him.

  “Do you still love French toast?”

  Her stomach answered the question, growling loudly at the thought of food.

  Cole’s eyebrows shot up.

  “You heard that?”

  He nodded.

  “Better get you out of here before your stomach rages. Wouldn’t want you wilting away on me. Or thinking I’m a giant candy bar.”

  “Mmm, you do smell awfully good. Come here. Let me have a little bite.”

  He swung her around so he could beat her to the door. Bear wagged his tail, eager to play whatever game the humans were playing. Ava grabbed his leash, laughing as he darted out the open door. He jumped into the car and sat in the front seat as if he belonged.

  “Hope you don’t mind dog hair in your ridiculously clean, expensive car.”

  “Eh, it’ll keep the detailers in business.”

  Cole persuaded Bear to settle for the back seat.

  On the short drive to the café, Cole talked so highly about the pastries and chocolate chip muffins that Ava’s mouth watered.

  “Do you own stock in this place or something?”

  “Sort of.”

  She cast a sidelong glance at his profile.

  “My sister owns it. Remember Tiana?”

  “Yeah, we were friends, silly.” Tiana had been two years behind Ava in school, but she had always been an old soul and they had bonded after their first conversation. Tiana had been recovering from being bullied, and Ava had been more than happy to take her under her wing. Ava had never heard of Tiana’s amazingly hot older brother until she met him by chance.


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