Thief of Hearts

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Thief of Hearts Page 2

by J. C. Wilder

  “What have you found?” His breath caressed the nape of her neck.

  “Nothing that concerns you.” Turning away, Harper shoved the envelopes, save the one with her stepbrother’s name, back into the safe. Opening it, she removed a stack of glossy photos. After looking at a few, she knew that these would definitely incriminate her senate-bound stepbrother. If they were released to the press, his career would be over and his mother would never dare show her face in public again. She looked into the envelope and spied the negatives in the bottom. Now what kind of blackmailer was stupid enough to keep the negatives and the photos in the same place?

  Sloppy, sloppy.

  Satisfied she had what she’d come for, she folded the envelope and tucked it into her bodice.

  “How are we on the same mission?” She checked the safe to ensure that she’d disturbed nothing else. He would know soon enough that she’d stolen the envelope as Blackie wasn’t a stupid man. Funnily enough, he was one of the only people who knew of her criminal past.

  “It appears we’re here to accomplish the same end, impeding Blackie’s latest sideline,” Chase said.

  “Indeed?” Harper shut the safe door, giving the dial a quick twist to secure it.

  “Hey, now.” Annoyance was thick in his voice. His brogue was always thicker when he was aroused or aggravated. “You could’ve left that open for me.”

  “Naw.” With a sharp smile she propped her hip on the desk. “You said your granny could open that safe faster than I.” She nodded toward the safe. “I just wanted to see how a pro would do it.”

  His eyes glinted. “I’ll just bet you do, darling.”

  Her breath caught when he reached for her, his fingers brushing the hardened tip of her breast. Heat sparked across her skin and raced down her abdomen to center at the apex of her thighs. She fought the urge to press her legs together to relieve the pleasant ache.

  “If I may?”

  Harper wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed when she realized he only wanted the tiny microphone that was still in her ear. With a mocking smile, he tugged on the slim wire until it came free.

  “You can’t bring your own toys?” She handed him the light.

  His brow arched. “Why bother when yours are warmed up?”

  “I’m timing you.” She looked at her watch.

  “You do that.”

  She’d always enjoyed watching him on the job. Chase approached everything with a single-minded determination to get the job done right the first time, even in bed. On the job, he was a no-nonsense thief and it was his ability to concentrate in the worst of situations that aided him in achieving his financial success.

  He had a way of focusing his attention on a woman in such a manner that fooled her into thinking she was the end-all-be-all of his existence. Seeing that he was a philandering liar, this was a handy talent for him to possess.

  Her eyes narrowed. He’d claimed she was the one he loved yet he’d screwed around on her. As long as she lived she’d never forget the feeling of unreality when she’d walked into their apartment and caught him in a lip lock and his hands firmly planted on their neighbor’s DD’s.

  Her heart and trust had been shattered and the memory lingered, sharp edges and all.

  She swallowed hard and pushed away the ever-present ache that made itself known when she thought of that night. None of that mattered now as the past was long buried. Ancient history had never interested her, especially when it was her own.

  Harper’s gaze moved over his back. He looked good though.


  Was it too much to hope that he’d pined for her, gotten fat and lost his hair She was annoyed that his dark hair was loose and the thick waves made her fingers itch to touch them. He wore a black turtleneck, black jeans and a black leather belt around his still-slim waist.

  Her gaze caught on his firm backside. She’d always loved his ass. It was high, tight—he ran for miles every morning—and the perfect size to sink her nails into as he’d thrust into her. Chase had the stamina of three men and was able to maintain an erection for hours. In bed, he was every woman’s dream

  Too bad he was a complete, amoral dick outside of it.

  The safe door opened with a metallic sigh and she glanced at her watch. Two minutes.


  “You always were good at safe cracking,” she muttered.

  “And you are quite talented with lock picks, much more so than I.” He gave her a wide smile and she couldn’t help but return it. “That’s why we made such a good team—you were strong in my weakest areas and I was strong in yours.” He handed her the microphone.

  “And you had so many weaknesses,” she drawled.

  “You were my biggest weakness and you know it.”

  Her smile froze. “Your biggest weakness was screwing around with other women and that had nothing to do with me.”

  “No, my biggest weakness was a King Kong sized ego coupled with immaturity and you’re right, it had nothing to do with you.” He pulled out the same envelopes Harper had held just minutes before.

  She blinked. “Honesty? What a concept.”

  He shrugged. “It’s been a long time, Harper. I’m not the boy you once knew.”

  “And for that the world is grateful, I’m sure. I’m only glad I discovered your philandering before I made the mistake of marrying you.”

  His movements slowed and his head came up. His dark gaze met hers. “So you would’ve married me at some point?”

  “Possibly.” Uncomfortable, she shrugged. “Who knows what would’ve happened if you’d have kept your dick in your pants?”

  In reality she’d been dying to marry him though she’d had doubts about his fidelity long before it had been confirmed. It had seemed that every time she’d turned around a different woman was throwing herself at him. His handsome face and accent drew them in and with no effort on his part. While he didn’t encourage them, he also didn’t do anything to discourage them. She’d loved him with all the passion her twenty-four-year-old heart had possessed, and he’d crushed it with his carelessness.

  He chuckled and resumed flipping through the envelopes. “You always were blunt.” He selected two, folded them in half then slid them into his back pocket.

  “And you always were a shameless charmer.” She shoved away from the desk and headed toward the balcony door. “And I need to leave before we’re caught in here.”

  “Ah, not quite so fast.” He replaced the envelopes and shut the door before swinging the painting back into place. “How were you planning to get out of here?”

  “Are you talking about this room or the house in general?” She looked down at her party dress. “Through the front door. I, unlike others,” her gaze moved over his mouthwatering physique, “was invited to this event and I have every right to be here.”

  “But not in this room.”

  “Yeah, well, when one invites people to their house they can only expect that someone will be nosy.” She headed for the balcony door. “Have a good time making your getaway.”


  A noise sounded from the hallway and her heart almost stopped. There was a jingle of keys then a muffled curse.

  “I’m telling you, I heard someone in here,” a voice hissed from the other side of the door.

  Harper spun and scrambled for the door and Chase cut her off.

  “We’ll never make it,” he hissed. His iron hand caught her wrist and hauled her toward the couch. “Lay down.”

  “W-what?” She gaped at him.

  “Now, Harper.”


  One minute she was standing and the next she was on her back. His big body covered hers, crushing her into the supple leather of the couch. He grabbed her light and turned it off, shoving it into her bra. His scent, familiar and arousing, invaded her senses even as he forced her legs apart. He draped one over the back of the couch.

  “Just go with it, Harper. Our lives may depend
upon it.”

  Stunned, she heard the doorknob rattle even as Chase ripped her panties with a single yank. The fragile silk gave way beneath his brutal assault, leaving her bare, exposed. He tore off his gloves then reached between her thighs, parting her damp flesh with nimble fingers. He scooted down her body to perch between her thighs.

  His mouth covered her and she moaned, her back arched when his tongue zeroed in on her clit. One finger entered her vagina only to be followed by a second, stretching her, filling her with heat, friction. This man, only this man, had known how to turn her on with a single-mindedness that had never failed to steal her breath.

  His tongue stroked her aroused flesh and Harper closed her eyes. Hunger, a hunger she hadn’t realized even existed, clawed at her mind and ravaged her body. Against her will, her back arched higher to press against his talented mouth, her hips moving in response to his finger thrusts. Desperate to hold him in place until she received the release she craved, she clenched at his silky hair until her hands fisted. His tongue aggressively stroked her aroused flesh, each touch sent tension to spiral throughout her body.

  Harper knew she was lost when, even as the door opened and someone hit the light switch, she came apart with a powerful scream.

  “Get off of me,” Harper hissed.

  Even with her spicy taste hot on his tongue and the echoes of her cries still burning his ears, he was all too aware of the men standing in the doorway. He’d hoped they’d open the door, see them, then have the decency to back off. It would seem these baboons didn’t take a hint or understand discretion.

  His cock gnawed at his zipper and he wanted to tell them to fuck off. The urge to spread his woman out on the couch and take her for a hard ride was almost overpowering.

  Someone cleared his throat.

  “Gentlemen.” Chase’s voice was mild. “If you would give us a moment, please.”

  “Certainly, sir. We’ll be waiting in the hall.” The voice carried both a hint of amusement and warning. Chase had no doubt their voyeurs would be waiting for them when they exited the office. That gave an added wrinkle to an already complicated exit plan for both of them.

  The moment the door shut, Harper went wild beneath him. He was forced to lunge to the side or risk being impaled with a lethal-looking high heel. With all the grace a partially debauched woman could muster, she rolled off the couch. Yanking her dress down over her hips, she stalked away. Her face was flushed and her movements were agitated when she turned on him. If looks could kill he’d have a dagger stuck in his heart and would be bleeding to death in moments.

  “Don’t you ever touch me again.” Her whisper was furious. She gripped the back of one of the wing chairs for support and her aquamarine gaze met his. “You lost that right a long time ago.”

  “Be reasonable, Harper.” He walked toward her. “We were about to get caught by Blackie’s goons with our hands in the cookie jar. A little humiliation is a small price to pay to keep our heads attached to our shoulders.”

  “Whose humiliation? Your crotch wasn’t just displayed to perfect strangers.”

  “There’s no way they could see around me. My body blocked their view; all they could see was your spectacular legs.”

  She didn’t believe him; he saw it on her face. Her eyes narrowed. “Fine, but don’t ever try anything like that again,” she snarled.

  His heart twisted. The need to touch her again was strong. There were two things in life he couldn’t resist, the lure of a difficult job and the beautiful Harper, the only woman to steal his heart.

  “I’m pretty sure I couldn’t set up this scenario again if I tried,” he said.

  She ran her hands over her hips, smoothing the tight fabric into place. Her hair was slightly mussed but if anything those loose silky strands made her look even more alluring and much more approachable.

  “Very funny.” She tore off her gloves and stuffed them into her tiny purse. “Let’s get out of here.” She headed for the terrace doors.

  “We can’t leave that way, we have an audience outside.” He moved to intercept her. “And judging from what they just witnessed, they expect to see a very together couple exit this room.”

  Her lips tightened and he felt a pang in his gut that he hadn’t had the chance to taste them.

  “Damn.” She bit her lower lip and he fought the urge to throw her down on the carpet and kiss her. “I guess we’ll just have to brazen it out and leave via the door.”

  Adrenaline burst through his system. Exiting the Ryan household before the theft could be detected would be a challenge, one that Chase would relish. Blackie was a cowardly bastard and he deserved a little dose of his own medicine.

  He smiled. “Are you up for the game, Harper? One more for the road as it were?”

  She looked up at him and a smile tugged at her mouth. Amusement lingered in the crystal depths of her eyes and he was catapulted back in time when she’d looked up at him like this every day. Damn, he’d missed her.

  “Oh, yeah. Let’s see if you can keep up, old man. In case you’ve forgotten, I am a brilliant actress.”

  He chuckled. “Harper, there isn’t a thing I could forget about you.”

  Her eyes turned to ice and her smile faded. “Even as you were fucking another woman? How gallant.” She moved toward the door. “Let’s get this over with as I find your company distasteful and I long to be rid of you.”

  He felt a momentary rush of panic at the thought of losing her again after finding her only minutes before. They still had it, the undeniable rush of heat and awareness that had only occurred with her. Ever since she’d walked out the door he’d been struggling to find that same feeling and though he’d bedded dozens of women, not one of them made him feel as complete as she did. There was no way he could take the chance she’d give him the slip and disappear into the night.

  He headed her off, reaching the door just seconds before she did. Her fingers brushed his wrist when he took the doorknob. She frowned up at him. Before she could react, he pulled her close and kissed her on the temple. The scent of her perfume was spicy and arousing. Resisting the urge to kiss her properly, he reached into the bodice of her dress and removed the envelope she’d taken from the safe. Her eyes widened and he waggled it in her face.

  “Just a little insurance policy,” he said.

  Her brow furrowed as anger swept her face. “You bastard, that’s mine. Give that back.” She lunged for the envelope and he held it over her head, his arm full of enraged woman.

  He chuckled, enjoying the feel her body against his. “Technically it isn’t your property and we both know it.” He tucked it into his pocket with the other two envelopes he’d taken. “I can’t take a chance on your sneaking off and leaving me here to face the consequences alone.”

  The look of hurt on her face was unmistakable. The wounded look in those amazing eyes felt like a blow to his gut.

  “You think I’d do that?” Her voice was fragile.

  He wasn’t falling for it.

  “In a heartbeat.”

  She scowled and leapt for him, her heels connected hard with the top of his foot. With one arm, he grabbed her around the waist and swung her to the side then wrenched the door open with his free hand. Her long legs tangled with his and Chase allowed himself to stumble. Twisting, he landed on the floor with an armload of hot, angry woman.

  Damn, she was beautiful.

  The security men towered over them. With their surly expressions, identical dark suits, crew cuts and matching radio earpieces, they looked like twins.

  Harper’s fingers dug into his shoulders and her body was pressed as tightly to him as if she were glued in place. His hands slid to her hips and he flashed her a lazy smile.

  “I guess we just made a spectacle out of ourselves again, darling,” he drawled.

  Her smile was more of a grimace as her teeth were gritted. “We really shouldn’t allow this to become a habit, dearest.”

  His smile widened when she tried to loosen h
is grip by wiggling only to realize that it was his erection that was digging into her belly, not the contents of his pockets. Her eyes grew large and a soft flush raced over her cheeks.

  Yes, I’m very happy to see you.

  Harper scrambled to her feet and he followed suit. Easing his arm around her waist, he anchored her into his side. She froze for a moment then leaned into him, her body soft and supple against his. It felt…right.

  “Please forgive us, gentlemen. I’m sure you’ll understand that Ms. Wilde and I will be returning—”

  “Mr. Ryan would like to speak with you before you return to the party.” Drone One spoke, his gaze flicked over Harper in a dismissive fashion.

  “He’s waiting just down the hall.” The second one spoke and his gaze, which was fastened to Harper’s breasts, wasn’t nearly as impersonal as his partner’s. Chase wanted to smash his fist into his face.

  “Do you hear that, darling?” Harper’s voice was light and playful. “Blackie wishes to see us. How lovely. We can extend our best wishes to him and his wife on their anniversary.”

  “If you will follow us,” the first one said.

  “Lead the way, gentlemen.” She flashed them a dazzling smile though both men seemed to be immune to her cheer.

  They fell into step behind the guards, his arm still secure around her waist. He couldn’t help but smile when he noticed her inquisitive fingers prod him in the side when she felt his pocket for the envelope. Smoothly, he caught her hand and raised it to his lips even as her nails dug into his fingers.


  Chapter Three

  Years as a thief had perfected Harper’s acting skills. She could blend in with the cream of society or feel at home in the seediest bars in town. Even without the aid of a mirror, she knew her smile would appear genuine, her expression bright and welcoming and to any observer. She was a woman at ease in her skin. Little did anyone realize that while she might appear calm, her emotions were in an uproar.


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