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Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7)

Page 6

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Cosmir gave her a brief tour, pointing out a built-in desk in the corner of the kitchen with a shelf above it that would be perfect for storing books, and two drawers underneath perfect for storing office supplies and files.

  “I never use that space so if you want to set up your computer and printer over there, you’re more than welcome to. I know it isn’t exactly a quiet part of the house, but maybe you can get some work done while Katy is napping.”

  “If you’ll give me a minute to put my bag in my room, I’ll help give Katy a bath and get her ready for bed. What time do you usually put her down?”

  Cosmir looked at his watch. “She missed her nap today so she should probably lie down soon. I don’t know if she’ll sleep until morning or not, but you don’t have to get up with her.”

  Caitlyn smiled, knowing she’d probably get up with her anyway. Hopefully Katy was as pleasant first thing in the morning as she’d been all day. Despite the fact she hadn’t had a nap, the little girl hadn’t fussed once. Caitlyn set Katy down to roam her home while Caitlyn carried her clothes to the bedroom Cosmir had pointed out. It wasn’t a large room, but it was spacious enough. The double bed was plenty big for one person, the dresser was adequate, and the closet was fairly large. There was a TV mounted over the dresser so at least she’d be able to watch TV in bed when she couldn’t sleep.

  After putting her things away, she went back to the living room to find Cosmir and Katy. The little girl was playing with a shape-sorting toy and Cosmir had put cartoons on for her. Every time a shape fit through a hole, she clapped her hands and giggled before reaching for another.

  Caitlyn watched as Cosmir observed his small daughter. There was pride shining in his eyes and she could tell he loved her very much, despite the fact that Katy was so new to his life. Caitlyn had dated men before who were single fathers, or had their kids on weekends, and none them showed the same amount of tenderness that Cosmir did. Not that she’d met many of the kids, but the few she’d seen had seemed distant with them. It just proved that being a sperm donor didn’t make you a father. Cosmir might be a tough warrior, and a bit of a daredevil since he chose to fight fires, but when it came to his daughter, Caitlyn saw a gentler side to him.

  He’d worn a black F.F.D. tee and jeans today, and she had to admit he looked damn good. The shirt hugged his broad chest and biceps, the dark color making his skin a brighter hue of lavender. She’d seen pictures of Terrans on the news and in the paper and they always had long hair, but Cosmir had his cropped short on the sides and spiked on top. Had he worn it long before becoming a fireman? She knew the haircut was regulation for working at the station as long hair would be a fire hazard.

  She fingered her own long, black hair and wondered if he found her the least bit attractive. Caitlyn had taken care with her appearance earlier, but had he even noticed? He’d been attentive enough, but was it from sexual attraction? She was on the short side, but she’d always been told she had nice legs, yet she hadn’t seen him take a peek at them once. Living in close quarters with him she knew her attraction for him would only grow. Even if the man left wet towels on the bathroom floor, she’d still want him in her bed.

  He laughed at something Katy babbled to him and tugged on one of her ringlets. His smile lit up his face, and if possible, made him even more handsome. How was it possible some woman hadn’t nabbed him already? He was a great father, he’d been an excellent listener all afternoon and evening, and he was very easy going. Any woman would be lucky to call him hers, but Caitlyn wasn’t sure if she wanted to go down that path again. She wanted him, she wouldn’t deny that, but for how long? Could she handle another long-term relationship with a fireman? What if he went into a burning building one day and didn’t come out? And even worse, what would happen with Katy? It chilled her to think of the little girl growing up without her father and possibly going into the foster system. Did they even have something like that on his world?

  Cosmir stood and walked toward her. “What’s that pensive look for?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “Must have been some deep thoughts.”

  She shrugged. “Is Katy ready for her bath or should we give her more time to play?”

  He smiled softly. “We. I like that. It’s been just Katy and me the last few weeks. It’s nice to know there’s someone else here to make sure I don’t screw it all up.”

  Katy needs a mother. She didn’t dare voice that out loud. What if he thought she was offering to do the job? Then again… Caitlyn gave herself a mental slap. The last thing she needed to do was even think of becoming that little girl’s mother. She couldn’t even take care of herself right now, much less become a mother.

  But wasn’t that, in a sense, what she was doing? She was offering to take care of Katy twenty-four hours a day when Cosmir was working, taking complete responsibility for her. Would it really be so horrible to share that responsibility with him on the days he was home too? Have more days like today where they went out as a family?

  “I had fun today,” she said. “It was nice spending time with Katy and you.”

  Cosmir reached out and smoothed her hair back behind her ear. “We had a nice time too. Katy seems rather taken with you.”

  And her father? Is he taken with me too?

  “I’ll go get Katy’s pajamas if you don’t mind starting her bath. She likes it just a little warm, otherwise it’s too hot for her sensitive skin. The females of my race have very tender skin, especially when they are young.”

  Caitlyn nodded. “I can do that, but should we leave her alone in here?”

  “She’ll watch TV for a few minutes, but I’ll be quick gathering her things.”

  Caitlyn went into the hall bathroom and put the stopper in the tub before turning on the water. She made sure it wasn’t too hot and dug through the cabinet looking for some bubble bath or baby wash. She found a bottle of lavender scented baby soap that doubled as shampoo and added a capful to the water. There were a few rubber toys in a net attached to the side of the tub and she added them to the water. Cosmir stepped into the room with Katy in his arms.

  Caitlyn took her from the handsome alien and quickly undressed her, tossing the pull-up in the trash. As Katy went into the water, she giggled and splashed, sending bubbles over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. Cosmir chuckled behind her, but Caitlyn focused on the little girl in the tub. She thought she was rather successful at ignoring the hunk of male, until he went down on his knees behind her and leaned forward, his chest pressing against her back as he reached for his daughter.

  “She likes the bubbles. I never thought to do that for her,” he said. “You’d make a good mother.”

  “Because I added bubbles?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Because you’re patient with her and seem to hold genuine affection for her, even though the two of you only met today.”

  Well, I only got to know her daddy today too and I’m already falling for him pretty fast.

  “Katy’s a sweet girl,” she said. “It’s easy to fall in love with her. I’m not sure that qualifies me to be a mother though.”

  “The fact you care makes you better than her real mother,” Cosmir said, his voice turning hard. “When I think of what that woman did, of how she would have thrown Katy away if it hadn’t been for her heritage, it infuriates me.”

  “But she’s safe here with you now,” Caitlyn said, placing a hand over the one he’d braced on the side of the tub.

  Was it her imagination or did he lean into her a little more? The heat of his body pressed against her and had it not been for Katy playing in the tub, she might have turned and plastered her mouth to his. Caitlyn couldn’t remember the last time she wanted a kiss as badly as she wanted Cosmir to kiss her. Obviously, now was not the right time -- if there ever would be a right time. Just because she desired him didn’t mean she should act on it. All right, so she’d technically already acted on it the day they met, but that had been an impulsive decision. And one that
had haunted her every night since.

  When Katy was finished with her bath, Caitlyn dried her off while Cosmir made himself scarce. She wasn’t sure if he’d felt the same connection and needed some space or if he was just leaving her to tend to his daughter. Caitlyn towel dried Katy’s hair.

  “Do you need to potty?” she asked the little girl.

  Katy sucked on her bottom lip and hesitantly nodded.

  “It’s okay if you need to go. Do you want some help?” Caitlyn asked.

  Katy held her arms up.

  With a smile, Caitlyn picked her up and sat her on the toilet. She didn’t know much about children, but she thought by now Katy should be potty trained. Then again, if her mother hadn’t had much to do with her, it was doubtful she’d been potty trained at all. As smart as the little girl was, Caitlyn figured it wouldn’t take long before she could wear regular panties and go potty by herself.

  Katy held up her hands when she was finished and Caitlyn showed her how to wipe before helping her into a pull-up and her pajamas. Katy beamed at her, so proud of herself, and Caitlyn fought back tears. It had taken so little to make her happy. Had the girl’s mother not paid her any attention at all, never praised her?

  “That was such a big girl,” Caitlyn said. “If you’re too scared to go potty by yourself, you just let me know and I’ll take you. Okay?”

  Katy nodded.

  Caitlyn picked her up and carried her to bed. Cosmir was in there waiting for them. Were those tears in his eyes?

  “Ready for bed?” Cosmir asked.

  Katy reached for him and Caitlyn relinquished her. She watched as Cosmir tucked Katy in and kissed her goodnight, then she went to tell the little girl goodnight. Cosmir fixed the baby gate across her doorway before turning off the light and then motioned for Caitlyn to go back to the living room.

  “Is everything okay?” Caitlyn asked.

  “That’s the first time she’s gone to the bathroom since she came here. She’s never asked me once and it never occurred to me that I needed to ask. She’s behind, isn’t she?”

  “In some aspects, she’s behind. She should be talking a little more and she should be potty trained by now. But I’m not an expert on kids, that’s just from what I’ve observed from being around my friends’ kids, so she may be just fine. You should really make an appointment with a pediatrician. What if she hasn’t had her shots yet? Do you even know if her mother ever took her to a doctor?”

  He shook his head.

  “How could I have been so stupid to create a child with a woman like that?” he asked. “I don’t regret Katy because she’s wonderful, but why did her mother have to be so selfish? When I took her shopping that first night, she picked out one single toy at the store. It was like she was afraid to pick too many things. I had to wonder if she’d ever been in a toy store before. Had she had any toys at home? None came with her, not even a stuffed bear.”

  “Cosmir, you can’t blame yourself. I’m guessing Katy wasn’t planned since you didn’t know about her until now.”

  “No, she wasn’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want her. I’d have taken her the day she was born if someone had let me know about her.”

  “You can’t change Katy’s past, but you can give her a bright future. You’re wonderful with her and it’s clear that she adores you. If she’s never had a lot of attention before, then she probably thinks this is heaven. She went from a mother who didn’t care to a father who loves her. And that’s all she really needs. Love.”

  “What she needs is a mother. I always thought I would find a mate when the time was right, but what if it’s years before someone wants to be a part of our lives? Is that fair to Katy?”

  Caitlyn ran her hand down his arm and laced their fingers together. “What’s not fair is saddling Katy with a mom who doesn’t love you. She doesn’t seem to mind that she doesn’t have a mother at the moment. Don’t run out and shop for a mother for her when she’s perfectly content right now.”

  He sighed. “I’m just worried that I’m going to mess everything up. I know nothing about children. She deserves better.”

  “One day at a time, Cosmir. Let’s start by calling the doctor tomorrow and getting her an appointment.”

  “She’ll have to go the Terran station to see the doctor there. A human doctor won’t be able to help her. Our outward appearance may be similar to a human’s, but our insides are a bit different. And I’m not sure she needs all of the shots human children get, but the doctor at the Terran station will know what to do. He may even be able to reach out to the doctor where Katy was born and find out if she’s ever been seen before.”

  “Then we’ll call tomorrow and set up an appointment for her. I’m sure I can find the place if I need to take her while you’re working. This is your two days ‘on’ rotation?”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t mind taking her to the doctor. And if you need any grocery shopping done or need more things for Katy, I can take care of that too. I don’t want you to worry about her while you’re at work, or worry that things aren’t being taken care of here at home.”

  “I like that.” He smiled.

  “Like what?”

  “You called this home. It felt right.”

  She had to admit that she felt the same way. His home was cozy and she could easily see herself spending a lot time here. How much work she’d get done was a slight concern, but she’d figure it out along the way. If she had to stay up late to work on editing projects and tackle the graphics while Katy napped, then that’s what she would do. And it wasn’t like she couldn’t carry her laptop from room to room. Just because Cosmir had offered her the desk, didn’t mean she had to work there all the time.

  “You should probably get some rest,” he said. “It’s been a busy day and Katy is rather noisy in the morning.”

  “Goodnight, Cosmir.” On impulse, she went up on tiptoe and brushed her lips against his cheek.

  “Goodnight, Caitlyn,” he said softly.

  Before she could do something stupid, she hurried back to her bedroom and got ready for bed. If she kept touching him, even innocently, she would be taking a lot of cold showers. The feel of his muscles under her fingertips had been enough to make her want to rip his shirt off and explore his body some more. Thankfully, she’d come to her senses before she could act on that impulse. How embarrassing would that have been? Thanks for letting me live in your house. Mind if I molest you? She snorted.

  Of course, he was a man, so there was every chance he would have enjoyed it just as much as her.

  Chapter Seven

  Caitlyn’s skin felt like satin under his fingertips as his hands explored her body. Her delicate curves were on display as she sprawled across his massive bed. The pale blue satin sheets contrasted nicely with her ebony locks and pale skin. Rosy nipples just begged for his attention as her foot slid up and down against the sheets, teasing him with glimpses of the heaven between her legs.

  His lips closed around a dusky peak, sucking on the bud and flicking it with his tongue. The weight of her breast in his hand was perfect as the soft mound molded to his palm. Cosmir settled over her, the force of his body pressing her tighter against the mattress as her legs spread and welcomed him. The head of his cock brushed against the damp curls at the junction of her thighs and he thrust against her, his cock sliding against her dewy lips.

  He rubbed against her, teasing them both and driving their need higher. As his cock pressed into her, the wet heat of her pussy welcomed him. Cosmir groaned as he sank into her. Caitlyn’s nails clawed his back as she bared her throat to him and begged him for more.


  Cosmir bolted upright in bed and cursed.

  “Daddy! I’m wet.”

  As he tossed aside the covers, he realized that his body had thought his dream was very real. So real, he’d come all over his sheets. Cosmir stripped the bed, cleaned himself with the clean parts of the sheets, then pulled on a pair of sweat pants. Katy
stood at the gate across her door and held her hands up to him.

  Cosmir didn’t bother unlatching the gate and just stepped over. He helped Katy out of her pajamas, then cleaned her up with some wipes before putting on a fresh pull-up. Thankfully it hadn’t soaked through to her pajamas and the mess was minimal. Once she was dressed in shorts and a tee, he went to the kitchen to get her a cup of juice.

  “Daddy is going to get ready. Play with your toys until I’m done and then we’ll have breakfast.” He handed her the cup and kissed the top of her head.

  Cosmir went back to his room to gather some clothes for the day then went into the bathroom and shut the door. He put his clothes on the counter and started the shower. With a yawn, he waited for the water to warm before stepping under the spray and closing the glass door. The water beat down on him and he rubbed his hands up and down his face, trying to shake free of the images still in his mind from his very vivid dream.

  His cock stirred with interest as the images of a very naked Caitlyn danced through his mind. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been with a woman, but he did know he’d never wanted any of them as much as he wanted Caitlyn. It wasn’t enough that she tempted him during the day, but now she was haunting his dreams at night too.

  Cosmir poured a generous amount of shower gel in his palm and soaped his cock, using long, firm strokes. It felt good but not nearly as good as Caitlyn’s mouth would, or even her hands. He’d give anything to feel those small palms against his cock. He bent his knees a little and thrust against his hand, trying to imagine it was Caitlyn he was fucking.

  With a hand braced on the wall, he stroked harder, faster. The sounds of his palm stroking his cock filled the shower and he imagined it was his body slapping against Caitlyn’s as he claimed her body and soul. He muffled his cry against his arm and he came, jets of cum spraying the shower wall. Cosmir willed his heart to slow and cleaned up the mess before finishing his shower.


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